Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 431: Destroy Chiyou and pacify Jiuli

"It's just that, I'm sorry for you, junior brother..."

Jie Yin sighed quietly and couldn't bear to say.

He truly felt that he had always been indebted to this junior brother. Although Buddhism relied on his enlightenment and determination, his luck soared and his strength doubled.

But almost all of the hardships involved Zhunti's presence, and even he himself was not able to do as much as he did.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't try his best, it just means that compared to Zhunti, it will appear that he is not as dedicated.

But in fact, he has always tried his best.

"Senior Brother, what are you saying? Buddhism is the hard work of the two of us, and it is the foundation of our lives. For Buddhism and Senior Brother, we should be so dedicated." Zhunti was also quite moved when he heard the words.

These years of hard work show that Jieyin has seen it all and has not turned a blind eye.

If so, then it's worth it.

When Jie Yin preached for him before, he had never thought about so many things. Now, although he was doing all this for the sake of Jie Yin, it was also for himself, so it didn't matter if it was a bit difficult and tiring.

Human race, Luoyang.

The reason why Xuanyuan took action personally was not only to be warlike, but also to boost his own combat power and let everyone know that Xuanyuan's combat power was unparalleled. This could be regarded as a way to build momentum for his personal conquest of Jiuli!

"Everyone, come with me to the expedition!!!"

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

As Xuanyuan's shout resounded throughout the three armies, bursts of deafening drum beats came.

It was made by a minister under Xuanyuan. This minister was named Chang Xian. Chang Xian used the skin of the ancient Kui ox to make a drum. It could inspire people and make those who heard it feel more motivated to fight and double their fighting power. .

One after another, figures soared into the sky, extremely uniform.

Afterwards, Emperor Xuanyuan's chariot slowly moved forward, and the troops behind him began to follow him towards the front.

The human race went out to war, and the drums soared to the sky.

But it was a bitter experience for Shunfeng Er who had been monitoring this place. His ears were almost deafened when he first heard the drum sound. Fortunately, he closed his ears in time, otherwise he might really become deaf.

Feel the scene behind you.

Xuanyuan whispered: "Human race, the wind is rising..."

Then his eyes flashed, and the tens of thousands of Hunyuan behind him all followed him into a space barrier.

After passing the space barrier, there was a passage. When they walked out of it, this group of people actually appeared in the capital of the Kingdom of Jiuli.

Jiuli City.

"Your Majesty!! Oh no! His Majesty the Human Emperor actually appeared in the sky above Jiuli!!!"

Immediately, a human Hunyuan came in to report.

Chi You was surprised when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed. He quickly asked: "Human Emperor? Is he the only one in Xuanyuan?"

In his opinion, if Xuanyuan could sneak into his home, it would be a very simple matter, and he had no doubts at all. But if Xuanyuan came with a lot of people, then he would I don’t believe it anymore.

That's why he asked.

The human race Hunyuan was stunned when he heard this and secretly thought, is this king stupid?

How could Renren Huang break into the enemy camp alone? Isn't he looking for death?

But after all, the opponent was Chi You, so he still lowered his head and said: "That's not the case. There are tens of thousands of troops behind His Majesty, and each of them is a Hunyuan strongman..."


Chiyou exclaimed in surprise upon hearing this.

How can it be! ! !

Tens of thousands of dollars? !

Didn't this guy arrange for people to guard various places? !

And don’t you care about your hometown?

He just led his own troops and rushed over. Is there such a way to fight?

"To capture the thief, capture the king first, my lord!"

The Hunyuan said quickly.

Chi You's expression changed when he heard this, he glared at him, and snorted coldly: "You mean to say that I committed a taboo by not killing Xuanyuan first?"

"No, no, I'm saying that if the fight breaks out later, if we catch His Majesty, we will win, but we must not hurt him, otherwise the human race will be at war..." Hunyuan, the informant, shook his head quickly and said .

"You don't need to teach me how to do things here!"

Chi You said something coldly, and then scolded: "Why don't you quickly gather your brothers to fight."

After saying that, he went out without any care.

He was flying alone in the sky, looking at Xuanyuan in the distance, his eyes full of hatred, and shouted: "Xuanyuan! You actually attacked me secretly!"

He had no choice. If he had so much Hunyuan, he would have led his troops to capture the king long ago. Why would he have to conquer territory one by one like this?

The reason for fighting the territory is for nothing else, just to take the opportunity to recruit more people to help them complete the final decisive battle.

I originally thought that it would take a lot of time for Xuanyuan to put down the rebellion everywhere, but I didn't expect that the other party would put down the other rebellions so quickly. If he and others were not controlled by Luo Hu, they might have been put down by the other party.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan seemed to have heard some big joke, and looked at Chiyou as if he were looking at a fool.

Such a big man, who has done these rebellious things, actually comes here to talk about these things.

"It's useless to talk more, it's just a fight. I'll give you enough time to gather troops and horses. In three days, the decisive battle will take place here!"

Xuanyuan sneered and looked at Chiyou opposite.

Then, he shouted: "Everyone, follow me and retreat a million miles away!!!"

After that, he drew a crack in space and left here.

The reason why we give the other party time is just to catch them all in one fell swoop.

As for whether someone will take the opportunity to flee now? !

Although he has retreated a million miles away from the camp, if someone really escapes, he will still kill them without hesitation.

All in all, the country of Jiuli is accessible but not accessible.

Chiyou looked at Xuanyuan who didn't take him seriously with a gloomy expression. His teeth clenched slightly, but he had no choice but to endure all this happening.

Who makes his strength really inferior to the other party?

At this time, Luo Hu's voice also appeared from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't be afraid, don't hide, fight bravely, he can't kill you, don't be afraid, when the time comes, go straight to Xuanyuan and kill him, you will be the Human Emperor."

Although Luo Hu knew that this battle was almost certain to be lost, he still bewitched Chi You.

Chi You, who had been controlled by him, now, after hearing his bewitchment, his eyes turned red and he stared ahead at the place where Xuanyuan left.


Anyway, the other party can't really kill him!

Then why don't you try hard this time!

The worst possible outcome is death! ! Never mind him!

"Kill! Kill Xuanyuan!!! Kill Xuanyuan!!!"

Chiyou stared there with red eyes and said fiercely.

As for whether you have ever thought about what they will do after the other party calms down even if you suppress Xuanyuan...

Three days later.

Xuanyuan arrived as scheduled with his army and marched to the city.

All the gods in the heavens were observing this happening. Although they did not suffer any fate, they were watching all this happening from the sidelines with their spiritual consciousness.

Xuanyuan's eyes flashed, and he looked down at the land that was supposed to be his subjects.

"I am the human emperor. In the whole world, who is the emperor's land, and who is on the shore of the land, who is the emperor's ministers!!!"


The Human Emperor Sword in his hand was unsheathed.

"Recover the homeland!!! Expand the territory!!!"

"Create my human race and protect my human race!!!"


There was an indescribable look in the eyes of the tens of thousands of people behind him, Hunyuan, which was full of longing and longing.

"Chang Xian!!!"

Xuanyuan's eyes were cold and he shouted in an indifferent tone.

Then, a man in a robe walked out from behind, with a bit of arrogance on his body.

"Chen, here!"

Chang Xian's words are brief, without any redundancy or burden.

"Blow the drum to support the battle!" Xuanyuan said calmly.

"My lord, I obey the order!!"

He often bows down first, then stands up suddenly, turns around, looks behind him, and shouts: "Blow the drum!!!"


Buzz! !

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

Waves of exciting drum beats spread to Xuanyuan's army, boosting their morale, fighting spirit, and vaguely increasing combat power.

On Chiyou's side, the three thousand Hunyuan were vaguely timid.

Of course, Chiyou's busy work during this period was not in vain.

During these three days, he taught the eighty-one brothers some magic skills in order to form a large formation with him to fight against Xuanyuan's army.


Xuanyuan shouted again.

Behind him, a man in armor walked out, bowed slightly and said: "General, here you are!"

"Where is the human race?!"

Xuanyuan's eyes slowly fell, and finally stopped at Jiuli Kingdom.

Dahong replied: "The human race is here!!"

"Where is my palace?!"

Xuanyuan asked again.

Dahong replied again: "The capital of Jiuli is the palace of my emperor!"


In an instant, the people of Jiuli below all looked up with widened eyes. Is this Xuanyuan going to destroy Jiuli Kingdom?

Let Jiuli Kingdom become the palace of the Human Emperor? !


Seeing this, Chiyou couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

"You are so presumptuous! Chiyou! Your Majesty is here, how dare you interrupt!"

Dahong's eyes widened, he drew his sword and pointed it at Chiyou and yelled.

Chiyou paused and lost some sense.

Mainly because he didn't know how to refute the other party.

For a moment, he couldn't help but shut his mouth and quietly waited for the other party to finish.

At this time, in front of countless people, we cannot launch an attack first. We must wait until the Human Emperor attacks first.

"Your Majesty! Dahong please order, kill Jiuli for rebelling, take back the land of the human race! Destroy the capital of Jiuli! Build the human emperor's palace!" Dahong asked Xuanyuan with murderous intent.

"Yes!" Xuanyuan spat out softly.

The next moment.

boom! ! !

The murderous intention already contained in Dahong's body burst out, and a series of rhymes rushed towards Chiyou fiercely.

Chi You's face was gloomy, and he also shouted: "The emperor is stupid and unethical! As a result, rebellions are spreading all over the world. There must be treacherous ministers who are causing chaos. We should follow the rule of heaven to calm the troubles, clear the emperor's side, kill the treacherous ministers and rebel against the party, and restore peace to the world!!" !”

"Brothers, rush!!!"

After saying that, Chi You held a weapon and started to kill towards the Human Emperor Xuanyuan.

The weapon in this hand is a magic weapon based on the God-killing Spear in the hands of Demon Ancestor Luohu. It is just an acquired weapon, but it is also an acquired treasure.

Chiyou is the master of weapons, the master of weapons creation in the human race.

Before him, the human race could only create some magical weapons and the like.

However, Chiyou has reached the top of his skill in building magical weapons, completely advancing the history of human race to build weapons to another stage.

You must know that many acquired treasures are not much worse than innate spiritual treasures, and are even better than them!

Just like the heaven and earth Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda in the hands of the supreme treasure, it is the treasure of acquired merits and virtues. It has endless magical uses. It is much more powerful than ordinary innate spiritual treasures. It is even better than some innate treasures. .

"court death!!!"

When Xuanyuan saw Chiyou coming towards him, instead of being afraid, he became even more excited.

He saw the Human Emperor Sword rising in his hand, and suddenly slashed at Chiyou.

Buzz! ! !

The strong killing aura instantly shocked Chiyou, making him unable to move.

"This...how is this possible!!!"

Chiyou's eyes were filled with horror.

He had long known that there was a huge gap between himself and the Human Emperor, but when he faced it, he realized that it was like a chasm, insurmountable.

"Soldier leader Chiyou, we should dismember the body and suppress it to suppress the war between the human race!"

Xuanyuan's cold voice came, and a golden sword energy rose into the sky.

Boom! ! !

Boundless murderous intent rolled in and enveloped Chiyou in an instant, and then he stabbed him one after another, just like the ancestor who raised his eyebrows in the past.

Great horror! ! !

All the saints in the sky were shocked by this sword, and those divine consciousnesses felt extreme terror! ! !

This is a sword they cannot resist! !

But this sword divided Chiyou into six sections! !

"I can not be reconciled!!!"

Chiyou looked up to the sky and roared angrily, and the divided corpse was vaguely driven to close.


Xuanyuan groaned softly.

Buzz! ! !

Chiyou's body, which was still shaking, suddenly became quiet and stopped moving quietly. Even Chiyou's crazy roar disappeared.

At this moment, Chiyou's six senses were blocked and unable to detect anything outside.

After that, Xuanyuan buried Chiyou's head in the capital of Jiuli. His limbs flew to the four extremes of the world and were buried in the four extremes.

Then the torso was buried by Xuanyuan at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, under the ancestral land.

"Suppress all these thieves everywhere in the human race and prevent them from leaving the world!"

Xuanyuan looked at these people indifferently and waved his sleeves.

"I obey my orders!!!"

A group of Hunyuan tightly controlled the captured rebels and shouted to the sky.

Xuanyuan continued: "From now on, the Jiuli Kingdom will be eliminated and changed into the Lu Kingdom. The old land of Jiuli will be taken over by the Emperor of the People, and the Li people will be moved to the land near the sea in the southwest. No more troubles will occur. If there is any more trouble, they will be expelled." "Out of the human race."

After saying that, Xuanyuan turned around and left.

What was left was that countless people were stunned on the spot, and humiliation and grief suddenly surged into their hearts.

Having lived here for generations, but now they have to leave their hometown, how many people can bear it.

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