After Chiyou's defeat, the Jiuli Kingdom was also abolished. The people of Jiuli were those mixed humans and witches, and were also called Limin.

The people of Li are just like slaves in this era. Who allowed them to be defeated?

People from the Kingdom of Jiuli are called Limin, and correspondingly, people from other countries are called common people.

Because there are many countries, they are called hundreds, and surnames are gradually replacing surnames, so they are also called common people.

The people refer to these pure human races, which means that the people and the people are relative. The people are the aristocratic class, while the people are the slave class.

Not everyone can become a commoner. For example, the descendants of Jiuli are called commoners.

With Chiyou's defeat, those three thousand Hunyuan strongmen were also sealed under various places, and many of them were controlled by Demon Ancestor Rahu.

Luo Hu was angry when he saw this, but he didn't dare to move for the time being. He thought Xuanyuan would kill them all, but he didn't expect that he didn't touch them, but suppressed them.

This was something he had not expected, and in this way, if he did not destroy the seal, then these subordinates would really be gone.

And even if you want to destroy the seal, you must first get past the human Hunyuan who are guarding various places. In this case, even if Luo Hu goes to destroy one of the seals, it will only rescue a Hunyuan in the end.

The seals in other places will also be guarded more strictly. At that time, it will be more difficult for Luo Hu to lift the seal.

In the outer demonic realm.

"Teacher, when should we go to break the seal and rescue the Demon Sect disciples..."

Ancestor Styx looked at the Demon Ancestor Luohu above and asked.

There are only a dozen or so Hunyuans trained by the demon clan over the years, and those who have been bewitched by the human clan are completely at two levels.

Therefore, in the view of Ancestor Minghe, if you want to achieve great things, you must also bewitch the human race.

The lifelong wish of Ancestor Styx is to accomplish a great cause with great vigor.

For example, subverting the heaven, exterminating the human race, or unifying the whole world.

He has no clear goals. If any major undertaking is feasible, he will complete it.

When Luo Hu heard this, his heart became even more congested, and then he sighed and said, "I don't know."

How does he know when to rescue him? He has to wait until the other party is unprepared.

But when will the opportunity arise?

Who knows?

Therefore, for this kind of uncontrollable thing, Luo Hu naturally didn't know how to know the exact time.

"The human race will definitely fight against the gods of the heavens. This is already known to everyone in the ancient world. But at that time, all the suppressed human races will be liberated, and then they will be used to stab the human race in the back!!! Completely Send the human race to heaven!”

Ancestor Styx's eyes were flashing with a dangerous red light, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing an evil smile.

If this kind of thing is done successfully, it will really shock the ancient world and leave its own famous name in the history of ancient times.

Moreover, the Demon Sect will also be strengthened as never before. By that time, not only the Demon Sect will have the final say, but it will at least be able to curb the momentum of the Immortal Sect and the Buddhist Sect.

"Yes!! If this is the case, then we can completely contain the human race, the immortal sect, and the Buddhist sect!!!" Luo Hu's eyes flashed and he smiled.

Thinking of this, his face shone brightly and became rosy, and he felt very happy for a moment.

But then thinking about the Immortal Sect, Luo Hu felt even more uncomfortable.

Damn Hongjun, he helped the other person escape from the seal, but the guy just watched helplessly as he was killed by the gods and demons.

Moreover, it was him who went to help the Immortal Sect and was killed by the Immortal Gods and Demons.

It was simply a case of good intentions going unrewarded. I had good intentions but ended up like this.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the demonic flames in his body became a little higher.

"Thief!!! I will kill you!!!"

Luo Hu said in a low voice, his eyes full of hatred.

The cold and bloodthirsty gaze made the Styx Ancestor on the side feel a little frightened when he saw it.

He had never seen Luo Hu's eyes like this before. At most, he only saw Luo Hu angry. He had never seen Luo Hu's eyes full of hatred like this.

And Luo Hu didn't just hate Hongjun, he also killed immortals, gods and demons.

That beast-like thing actually killed him indiscriminately, causing him to almost die.

If a giant of the demonic world had fallen like this, he himself would not be able to accept it.

But there is no way, who makes his own strength inferior to others.

"Human Emperor! Hahahaha, the human race is in high demand!!!"

Shi Hao laughed.

His eyes fell in the direction of Rendu, his eyes full of admiration.

He had never seen this kind of heroic appearance and this kind of luck in Suiren's body.

Human race, this is how it should be!

In the ancient heaven, the Emperor of Heaven condensed the destiny of the supreme demon clan, and suppressed the destiny with the bright sun and moon, shining on the eternal time and space for infinite years, controlling the changes of stars, thereby exercising the power of heaven and gaining the way of heaven.

Headed by Emperor Jun and Taiyi, they stand in heaven and are powerful throughout history.

The underworld, the Nine Netherworld, will be formed by the transformation of the earth body in the future, with the Nine Netherworld as the path, for the souls and true spirits between heaven and earth to be reborn, and there are also reincarnation gods and demons suppressing the reincarnation land, so as to exercise the power of the earth and obtain the underground way.

These two places are the eternal and immortal realms in the prehistoric world, which will not change no matter how the world changes.

This is something that the human race cannot do.

However, now the emperor Xuanyuan has built the eternal capital of the human race, named Luoyang.

Luoyang is not only a place for people, but also a human court, the capital of the human world, and the foundation of the world!

With the human race's luck as the center, a real human court will be built!

When Xuanyuan unifies the human world, everyone will become a real human court!

By that time, perhaps there is hope to really create an eternal and immortal system for the human world similar to the heaven and the underworld! ! !

And this, perhaps Xuanyuan can't do, because his mind is full of conquest and unification.

Let the human race step on all the races in the heavens!

This is Xuanyuan's dream! !

Perhaps, he cannot do this in this dynasty, but he must also cripple all the races in the heavens!

They must all be knocked down!

If this generation cannot complete it, then the next generation!

If the next generation cannot complete it, then the next generation!

Generation after generation, it will eventually be done! ! !

If all people are really made into human courts, then the human race will become an indispensable existence like the heaven and the underworld!

But this is undoubtedly a very difficult thing. If you want to achieve this, it is almost impossible.

The creatures in the world are mediocre, and they don't know what to do in the end.

And the people in the human race have clearer goals. They know very clearly what they want to do and what they can do.

In the prehistoric times today, most of the creatures know that they have no hope of Hunyuan, so they don't choose to practice too hard. Whose elders don't have Hunyuan?

Dare to touch me and try!

Anyway, there will be no real death in the Hunyuan realm. If you dare to touch me, my elders will kill you!

So, many people began to sink into madness, into endless sinking.

Especially the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court is huge, and there are countless creatures in the Hunyuan realm, which makes the younger generations even more so. As time goes by, corruption gradually arises, and the Heavenly Court gradually decays. This is something that no one can stop.

This is also the reason why powerful enemies are needed one after another to fight them, just to prevent a large number of people from falling into such a situation.

And the reason for this is that there are people who carry the burden for them.

This kind of rotten people is something that all races cannot avoid, and it is also a kind of sadness.

"As long as the human race is safe..."

Then, a figure slowly appeared.

After a long time, a pair of old eyes slowly opened.

"You go ahead. We are not completely dead yet. When the human race is in danger, we should burn our last bit of strength and fight for the human race!!"

"The dark age of the human race is coming. It is also a great opportunity. If it succeeds, there will be a golden age..."

"I see it, I see it. The human race will have a brighter era!!!"

"We are old and dead, but we can still fight again!"

The words are extremely old, and the tone is extremely sad but full of passion! ! !

Although the flesh and blood are no longer there, the state of mind still stays on them for a long time and has never dissipated! !


The time of the prehistoric world flows, and the years pass very quickly.

Since the unification of the human race by Xuanyuan, after sweeping everything away, they began to frantically forge weapons.

In order to commemorate Chiyou's merits, Xuanyuan named him the master of weapons and passed on the secret method of casting acquired spiritual treasures and even acquired treasures to the public.

As the saying goes, if you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools.

In order to better conquer the prehistoric world, the human race began to create spiritual treasures and treasures on a large scale.

For a time, all the materials in the mountains were emptied by the human race.

These acquired spiritual treasures are continuously produced in large quantities like wholesale, and even acquired treasures appear from time to time.

Under such large-scale production, the creatures in the human race are expected to have an acquired spiritual treasure in their hands.

At that time, when fighting with other creatures, it is expected to gain some benefits, so as to defeat the opponent and greatly enhance the power of the human race.

This is one of the benefits of creating a large smelting era!

Of course, the ultimate goal is to conquer all races and determine the eternal foundation of the human race!

This is what Xuanyuan is happy to see and what Xuanyuan is fighting for.

In the past, the human race practiced crazy alchemy, but now, in order to enhance combat power, they are refining weapons.

The former opened the era of alchemy, allowing the profession of alchemist to come into being, and the latter opened the era of weapon refining, allowing the profession of weapon refiner to successfully reach the top.

This is why Chiyou was not scolded after his defeat, but was worshipped by many people.

Of course, the most important reason is that Emperor Xuanyuan did not throw dirty water on him. If he did, even if the other party was a saint in the true sense, he would be infamous for thousands of years.

What's more, Chiyou is not a saint, but a guy with ambitions who is controlled by Demon Ancestor Luohou.

So he was able to have a good reputation, thanks to Xuanyuan not throwing dirty water on him.

On the contrary, Xuanyuan also publicized his merits and even his achievements, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

There are two reasons why Xuanyuan did this. One is that he disdains to throw dirty water on him, and the other is to publicize how powerful Chiyou is, so how powerful he should be if he defeated him.

The more you praise your opponent, the more powerful you will appear!

The opponent is so powerful, and he was defeated by you, so how powerful should you be?

Of course, this is because Xuanyuan is orthodox, has great righteousness, and is fighting against traitors, so he does not need to throw dirty water on Chiyou, but many kings in later generations need a great righteousness. They lack great righteousness, so they will throw dirty water on their predecessors. They fight for the people of the world and revolt for the people, not for themselves.

This is why the last emperor of almost every unified dynasty was a tyrant.

But the common people did not think Xuanyuan was so great, but thought it was caused by Chiyou's failure. If Chiyou won, the other party would not promote it every day.

Because he had no chance to promote.

What's more, it was Xuanyuan who demoted them to slaves. Although he did not say that they were slaves, their social status was undoubtedly lower than before.

In other words, they are now called common people, which is different from the common people.

In the past, they were all human beings, but now they are divided into different groups, which has led to increasing racial discrimination.

However, Xuanyuan did not care about this. He was a racial radical in his bones. He just wanted the human race to become the strongest and bring these common people up with him. But the common people are ultimately a level lower than the common people.

Because the common people have the blood of the Wu clan, this is a point that Xuanyuan and even the entire human race look down on. There is no way around it. The entire human race has been receiving this kind of education for generations, rejecting the impure blood of the Jiuli and getting close to the people of other countries with similar blood.

However, while the human race is constantly reforming, other countries are not idle.

Like the Qingqiu Fox Kingdom, which is unified by the demon clan, it also began to expand madly and prepare for military affairs.

Because the Hunyuan realm will not easily take action, the early battles are destined to be the battlefields of those creatures below the Hunyuan.

Only when the heat is enough, that is the beginning of the outbreak of a full-scale war.

All forces are aware of this, and they all know that a full-scale war will break out sooner or later, but they all choose to proceed step by step.

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