When Buddhism's luck is floating, it's not just Zhun Ti and Qi Yin who feel uncomfortable.

Many Bodhisattvas and Arhats are also very anxious.

However, with the appearance of Zhunti and Jieyin, these people all told these two people about their anxiety.

Later, after Zhunti explained Buddhism to everyone, he successfully calmed everyone's anxious mood and restored their original wisdom. However, in the end, they still had some anxious things in their hearts.

After all, this is Buddhist luck.

If it were other matters, it would be fine to just say a few words, but with Buddhist luck so uncertain, how could they really feel at ease?

No, after a period of time, these Arhats, headed by Jianglong, and Bodhisattvas headed by Ksitigarbha, all came to the Great Leiyin Temple.

They looked at the two Buddhas, Zhunti and Guiding, who were sitting high above them.

"Buddhism is suffering, and we are very anxious. We don't know how to stabilize the fate of Buddhism. We also ask the Buddha to clarify our doubts."

Ksitigarbha put his hands together, performed a Buddha salute, and bowed slightly.

When Zhunti heard this, why did he come over again? He was speechless, but he had to answer: "Buddhism is suffering, but all living beings are suffering even more. They are suffering endlessly. They are born in a daze, no one enlightens them, and they don't know the way." , so what? Who should they turn to for advice?”

Zhunti had a look of compassion on his face, while Jieyin on the side closed his eyes and couldn't bear it, his face full of pain.

"Suffering sentient beings who do not know the Dao are fools. Ignorant people do not think about the Dao and do not understand the way of heaven. They spend their whole lives doing nothing. Their life is only a short period of thousands of years, like a flash in the pan, but they do not understand the truth.

How could such an ignorant creature have such questions? If so, how could there be such a thing as suffering? "

Jianglong, on the other hand, spoke directly without being humble or arrogant.

In his eyes, wouldn't it be a tragedy if a living being couldn't even ask these questions?

As for those so-called sentient beings, it’s just a talk. Who would really think about them?

What good does it do to think about them?

If it's for merit, then it's still okay to do it, but if it doesn't even have merit, then what a waste!

"We have to deal with the sufferings of all sentient beings now, rather than laugh at them here. Innateness and feet are predetermined by fate, and we cannot change them. However, the fate of tomorrow is something we can change, so we I will try my best to seize creation and become myself.”

Zhunti opened his mouth slightly, and then said:

"Therefore, you are now in this world to save those ignorant souls, so that they can join Buddhism, listen to the true meaning of Buddhism, know the great road, and understand the way of heaven, so as to realize yourself."

When these Bodhisattvas and Arhats heard this, they all looked at each other, then sighed and helplessly shouted: "Great goodness!"

In fact, they didn't mean to do this, but since Zhunti was shouting, they all understood that even the two Buddhas might not be able to solve this matter.

In other words, they can only wait.

Waiting for the day when the luck of Buddhism will stabilize. After all, the Buddha did not tell them what the cause was or how to deal with it.

Perhaps, this is something that the Buddha himself did not know at all.

However, something was always broken by someone. Jianglong was the thorn in the side and said again: "I dare to ask Buddha, what caused the instability of Buddhist luck! And how can we solve it?!"

One person asked directly, and the second person followed suit.

Immediately afterwards, the third person also appeared.

Slowly, dozens of people began to appear.

More and more people showed up, and those people were crazy about feeling what was happening.

Zhunti was stunned for a while after hearing this. This Jianglong really didn't give up until he asked.

Then he saw that the guide beside him also opened his eyes, nodded to him, and then shook his head.

Zhunti immediately understood its meaning, so he slowly said: "In that case, let me tell you and others about it..."


"Buddhism's destiny was harmed by his thief, and his destiny was taken away by him and he could not resist. This is something that the ancient Buddha and I have no choice about. That person has a transcendent status and is extremely powerful. Now he has the help of a noble person. It cannot be said that it is impossible. explain."

Zhunti slowly told the matter, and then concealed who it was while also revealing a lot of clues. There were not many people who met these conditions in the ancient times, so as long as they were investigated one by one , we can still find out who that person is and what his identity is.

He also knew that speaking this out might destabilize their hearts.

These people came here because of the power of Buddhism. Now there are some vague opportunities for Buddhism to decline, and even others are controlling the destiny and fate. How can this prevent them from running away.

Yes, even the luck of Buddhism can no longer be controlled, allowing those thieves to constantly steal their luck. They have worked hard for Buddhism, and the thieves are just sitting there waiting to pick peaches?

This matter is uncomfortable for everyone, but some things are helpless, just like Buddhism has encountered this matter now.


As expected, as soon as these words were spoken, people in Buddhism suddenly became panicked.

Many monks and nuns looked at each other and thought about leaving Buddhism.

Although Buddhism has strong luck, if it continues to be stolen like this, sooner or later it will have to be completely stolen?

If you continue to stay here, I'm afraid your cultivation will improve even more slowly.

The bonus of luck to personal cultivation is actually not that much. Of course, for the people at the head it will definitely be a big improvement, but for those at the end of the crane, it is not necessarily a big improvement. The magnitude has increased.

Even those Arhats are reluctant to leave Buddhism. This is because they have a certain status in Buddhism, so their luck will increase more.

"Buddha, we wish to escape Buddhism, please ask the Buddha to make it happen!"

Immediately, several monks came out and kowtowed to Zhunti above.


He said directly without even raising his eyes.

How else do these little monks and nuns want him to stay?

The highest level of each one is the Golden Immortal, and even the vast majority of guys who are not even the Golden Immortal can leave as they please, and he will never force them to stay.

These people were all recruited to support the Buddhist scene. They really thought they had such outstanding talents.

If he really had outstanding talent, he wouldn't be a Taiyi Golden Immortal by now.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal of this era is not that of the ancient times. At that time, the Taiyi Golden Immortal was really more powerful. Of course, Da Luo was the one who reached the top.

These people have not been able to break through in Buddhism. Is it possible that they can break through after leaving Buddhism?

Do you really think there are many places in this world with more prosperous luck than Buddhism?

There are some, but not many. There are heaven, underworld, witch clan, demon clan, human clan, and dragon clan.

There are only some places that can have greater luck than Buddhism, but with their cultivation level, I am afraid that none of them can get in, let alone the human race, dragon race, and witch race, it all depends on blood.

Not even cats or dogs can take over the Heaven and Earth. Going to Qingqiu Fox Country, there is still a slim hope.

If a little Golden Immortal wants to run from the Western Wilderness to the Eastern Wilderness, I'm afraid it will take an unknown amount of time. By the time he gets there, the entire era will have changed.

"Thank you Lord Buddha!!!"

The short-sighted monks and nuns quickly bowed to Zhunti once they heard this, and then headed outside the Great Leiyin Temple.

Seeing that it took them a long time to get out of the Great Leiyin Temple, Zhunti shook his head slightly. These ants are really pathetic.

"Is anyone still leaving Buddhism?"

Zhunti looked at everyone again and asked in a neither sad nor happy tone.

For him, it is best for these people to leave Buddhism as soon as possible. Those who have no sense of belonging will be nothing more than a disaster if they stay.

There is no use value at all.

"How dare I leave Buddhism because I am a compassionate Buddha."

Hearing this, Ksitigarbha hurriedly worshiped.

He is not a fool. What was Buddhism like when he first followed Jie Yin? Where is such a scene?

Jin Chan, who had not spoken for a long time, also quickly said: "I am Buddha Tathagata."

Zhunti is his master, why would he leave here because of such a small matter.

Although Buddhism's luck is unstable, it is very likely that something big will happen, and it may even suffer a backlash from luck.

But how long has it been since Buddhism's luck reached its peak? Even if the luck backlash comes, I'm afraid I will have already become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. By then, it won't matter if the luck backfires. Anyway, if you don't die, you will be able to do it sooner or later. Clean up those bad things.

"I, Buddha Tathagata, will never destroy the Buddha's door, and we will never leave."

Seeing Zhunti say this, Jianglong also bowed quickly.

He didn't dare to stir up trouble again.

He was originally a surrendered general, and the treatment he received in Buddhism was pretty good. He was ranked first among the arhats in the heavens and was under the Bodhisattva. This was quite good for a subordinated general.

What's more, there are not many Bodhisattva positions nowadays. Each of them is a direct disciple of Zhunti and Jieying, so he is even more powerful.

Jiang Long was originally an evil dragon. He was not tolerated by the Dragon Clan, and he did not dare to cause trouble in the world, let alone other places. So he stayed in the Western Wasteland all day long, causing harm to the human race here, that is, those The human race created by the ancestors of Yin and Yang.

Not to mention, it has miraculous effects, and he can play with those stupid things as much as he wants.

However, he later angered Patriarch Yin Yang and asked Zhunti to come over and take care of him, and he was saved by the way.

Although this kind of transformation relies on force, it is still good for subduing the dragon. At least now in Buddhism, there is luck and power, and status and status, which can be said to be very comfortable.

The reason why he likes to stir up trouble is because of his nature. It is his nature to like to cause trouble.


Zhunti nodded slightly and hummed.

While he was obeying these people, suddenly, a sneer sounded.



A sneer suddenly appeared from the Buddha's light. There was some kind of fanatical power in that sneer, as if anyone with desire could be aroused by it.

That is the horror reflected in all time and space in the universe!

The golden light of Buddhism was instantly shocked by it, and suddenly dimmed.


Zhunti was horrified and uttered a voice of surprise.

He actually found that he couldn't find that person's existence at all, and he couldn't even feel it!

You know, he is in the realm of Hunyuan!

But he couldn't sense the other party's existence. Regarding all this, Zhunti felt inexplicably frightened.

Jie Yin, who was standing by, was no longer as calm as before. His face changed drastically and he looked around.

The two Buddhas were like this, and the Bodhisattvas, Arhats, monks, and nuns below were even more shocked. Some of them fainted after hearing this laughter.

That figure suddenly appeared, and the entire Great Leiyin Temple was invaded by darkness. This figure hid in the darkness and disappeared.

"Dark God and Demon?!!"

Zunti was horrified and exclaimed.

"No! It's not him! Who are you?!"

But in a blink of an eye, Zhunti found something wrong. It was not the Dark God and Demon. Although it was black and dark, it was more of an extremely strange aura.

That aura was erratic and unpredictable.

It was indescribable and inexpressible.

It was an aura he had never seen before!


The god and demon laughed wildly upon hearing this, and then gathered into shape, wrapped in a black robe, with bloodshot eyes and sharp horns on his head, he appeared in front of the Buddhists.

"It seems that I have been sleeping for too long, so long that even you younger generations have forgotten my existence..."

"My name..."


As soon as the demon god and demon appeared, the demonic energy was overwhelming!

This important Buddhist place was instantly infected and turned into a demonic land!

The Leiyin Temple, which was originally shining with Buddha's light, has now become a place full of demonic energy.

"Demon?" Zhunti's pupils shrank, and then his brows frowned.

How can this demonic energy be like darkness, and completely different from Luohou's demonic energy?

Luohou's demonic energy not only looks like darkness, but also contains infinite evil aura, which makes people extremely disgusted when they see it and want to stay away from it.

But the demonic energy of the demon god and demon in front of him is pure black, without those evil auras.

Then, the darkness on the body of the Demon God suddenly changed and turned into a white light, just like the light coming to the world.

The so-called demon is to do whatever he wants.

Neither a good person nor a bad person, he just does whatever he wants. When he does good things, he is a good person, and when he does bad things, he is a bad person.

Not bound by everything in the world, the direction of the heart is the road!

This is the devil!

This is the Demon God!!

"Hahahaha... You Buddhas, you are really hypocritical..."

A trace of disdain and disgust flashed in the eyes of the Demon God. The more free a person is, the more he hates a hypocritical person.

"But you are juniors after all. When you wake up, remember to let him come to me! Otherwise, I will beat him back to the road to sleep!"

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