Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 434 Are you worthy of being called a demon?

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After the Demon God let out a loud laugh, he turned around and suddenly disappeared from here.

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

"Senior brother, just now I felt that I couldn't use any magical power or Taoism when facing Him, as if all my cultivation had disappeared without a trace at that moment..." Zhunti said with some palpitations.

Looking back now, I was really in a cold sweat.

Why is that demon god so powerful?

The one who was able to suppress them was unable to move! ! !

This is simply appalling!

Even Emperor Emperor Jun of that day had never given them such a sense of oppression, let alone blocked their road.

It is true that Di Jun can kill them in an instant, but he will never be able to give them such a sense of terror and suppression.

"Yes, junior brother, I don't know why this god and demon is so powerful. If you say that his true body has revived, then I will believe it..." There was also a hint of horror in the eyes of the receptionist.

Of course he knew that the real body of the demon was not resurrected, it was just a thought.

But just the thought is so powerful.

What's the point of waiting until the real body recovers...

"Brother, what kind of role did this demon god and demon play in the chaos in the past..." Zhunti couldn't calm down for a long time.

He has not only seen the devil, the devil, the devil.

If you have only seen this one god and demon, that would be a good thing.

After all, I can't detect the difference, so I don't know how to compare.

But they have seen the gods and demons of light. As far as the Avenue of Light is concerned, even if the gods and demons of light are not the most powerful gods and demons, they are at least the best ones, right?

But what about now?

But he could only show his strength by bullying some weaklings in the ancient world. He couldn't win against Hongjun, and even fought with him back and forth.

What about when facing the reincarnation gods and demons who are also gods and demons?

Not as good as that! Obviously not as good as!

What about facing Pangu? That was an instant kill! Naked instant kill! !

Therefore, existences like the gods and demons of light are obviously inferior to the gods and demons of reincarnation, and the gods and demons of reincarnation are also obviously inferior to the gods and demons of demons from a sensory point of view.

So, how terrifying are the demons and gods? !

But why is the Demon Ancestor in the prehistoric era such a crotchless existence? !

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion and shock.

After the demons and demons came out of the Buddhist Great Thunder Sound Temple, they looked at this great river and mountains.

Such magnificent scenes are countless times better than boring and monotonous scenes with endless chaos and turbulence!

"Pangu, is this the world you created?"

The corners of the Demon God's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

He, the devil, has done everything in his life, and has never been afraid of anything.

Only in the past I felt a touch of fear from Pangu.

The devil can do whatever he wants. He is uniquely endowed by nature and has infinite fighting power. Among the gods and demons of the great road, he is second only to Pangu and the five supreme gods and demons. The rest, even gods and demons such as Samsara and Guixu, cannot defeat him in a single fight. !


Suddenly, a low groan fell from the sky.

After hearing this voice, the Demon God instantly raised his brows and looked up into the sky.


"How come you're not dead yet..."

The face of the Demon God and Demon suddenly changed, and he looked at Pangu warily.

But then, his expression returned to normal.

I couldn't escape from him in the past, and I still can't escape from him today. In this case, it's better to treat him calmly.

"This is a prehistoric world. Although I created it, its development so far is not my fault. This world carries too much. You'd better not try to destroy it all. Otherwise, you will fall into infinity forever. An endless cycle of sleeping and waking.”

After Pangu finished his warning, his voice disappeared again.

There is no other way. This kid, the Demon God Demon, is too courageous. If he doesn't make a special trip to warn him, I'm afraid he will cause an uproar.

He didn't want to see that guy from the God of Demons destroying the prehistoric world into a state of disgrace.

The god and devil who dared to steal his own ax in the past, let alone this today.

After Pangu left, the expressions of the Demon God and Demon suddenly changed.

He had never thought of destroying the world at this time, but Pangu came over to warn him inexplicably, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He always felt that his freedom was restricted, but when he thought of Pangu's terrifying strength, he finally sighed, looked into the distance, and sighed with complexity in his eyes:

"That's all, if that's the case, then we won't destroy the prehistoric world..."

The God of Demons finally decided not to share Pangu's views.

"Huh? There are still people practicing demonic methods in the ancient times?!"

Suddenly, he discovered that there were still people cultivating his own way in the wild.

Suddenly, his uncomfortable mood just now eased a lot, and he quickly headed there.

In Qingqiu Fox Country, a nine-tailed fox is practicing his magic skills.

It didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at it from above.

"Is this the magic way?"

There was a look of disgust in the eyes of the Demon God.

How can this be my own devil's way?

My own devil's way is upright and authentic!

How can it be such a crooked way!

The devil's way focuses on cultivating the original heart, my heart is the heart of heaven! My heart is the heart of Tao!

In other words, everything you cultivate is also in accordance with your original heart.

How can a person be born so fake?

They are all born sacred, free and sacred hearts, half god and half devil, with no good or bad in their eyes, only preferences, but later desires grew, and they became all kinds of people.

But the original heart is the sacred heart!

Whether it is good or bad!

That is the upright way!

And it is definitely not the current despicable atmosphere!

The devil's god felt all this, and felt a surge of anger in his heart.

"I want to see who is misinterpreting my way!!!"

The devil's god is looking for the source.

Those who practice the devil's way in the world cannot escape His control.

Among those who practice the magic path, the one with the highest cultivation level is Luohou.

Therefore, he found Luohou immediately.

"Demon Ancestor? Hehe..."

The God of Demon laughed furiously.


In the Demon Realm.

"Teacher, I feel that the breath of the magic path has suddenly increased. Have you made a breakthrough?" The old ancestor of the Styx looked at Luohou who was sitting on the throne, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked in confusion.

You must know that the Great Dao of Demon will not be strengthened for no reason. It is naturally because the people who practice this great way are constantly getting stronger, and then the Great Dao of Demon can continue to become stronger.

Hearing this, Luohou shook his head slightly and said: "No, even if I have made a breakthrough, it is impossible for the Great Dao of Demon to undergo such earth-shaking changes..."

"This kind of scene can only be..."

"The God of Demon has revived!!!"

A trace of joy flashed in Luohou's eyes.

You damn Hongjun, you bully me by relying on the revived God of Immortal, right?

Now the God of Demon has also revived!

I must get back the old place!!!

But then, he couldn't laugh anymore, because he suddenly remembered that the reason why the immortal gods and demons were so powerful was because they had a body, and he didn't have a body of heaven to give to the demon gods and demons.

In that case, wouldn't he still have to continue to be oppressed by them?

"Demon gods and demons?!"

A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the Styx Patriarch, and then he looked at Luo Hou in disbelief.

Are the gods and demons standing behind the demons finally going to appear?

Then, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

In this case, wouldn't the demon sect in the prehistoric world also prosper!

In his opinion, the reason why the Buddhist sect was able to prosper was largely because there was a shadow of a bright god and demon behind the Buddhist sect.

And the immortal sect was not bad, and there was also a immortal god and demon.

Only their demon sect lacked a top combat force.

"Teacher, if this is the case, when the Demon God helps us, we can take revenge on the Immortal Sect!!!" said the Styx Patriarch excitedly.

Before, he had to help Hongjun and the Immortal Sect because of the big picture problem.

Later, because of the breakup between the two, the Styx Patriarch saw that there was a chance for revenge, so he naturally wanted to get his own place back.

Just as Luo Hou shook his head, he saw a powerful figure suddenly appeared in front of them.


The aura that was so strong that it surpassed everything suddenly spread.

This aura that was so strong that no one in the prehistoric world could match it instantly made Luo Hou's brain go into a state of downtime.

Luo Hou looked at the Demon God in front of him with a face full of shock. In just a moment, he was sure that the figure in front of him was the Demon God!!!

So strong?!!!

This aura was not only far superior to the aura of the Immortal God! It was even more powerful than Di Jun!!!

This is a huge surprise!!!

Luohou smiled, and quickly stood up and bowed to the Demon God and said: "Luohou greets the Lord!!!"

After the Demon God saw Luohou in front of him, his face darkened, like a thunder that was about to explode.

He asked in a cold voice: "Luohou? I ask you, why do you practice the Great Dao of Demon so filthy!!!"

Since he entered this demon realm, he felt a disgusting breath coming.

In such an environment, is he worthy of being called a demon? !

These are all fake demons!!!

Luohou was stunned when he heard this. He practiced the Great Dao of Demon so filthy?

Where is it filthy?

Isn't it just that the means and magical powers are a bit insidious! Is this also considered filthy?

"This... May I ask your Lord, these are all the Great Dao of Demon that I have comprehended... Why is it filthy..." Luohou asked cautiously.

He suddenly realized that the demon god in front of him didn't seem to be here to help him, but seemed to be looking for trouble with him? !

Damn it! ! !

Such a powerful demon god actually came to trouble him? ! !

Why did Hongjun get such a powerful thigh? ! !

At this moment, Luohou's mentality was about to explode.

However, the setbacks over the years had already made his mind extremely strong. Although his mentality was about to explode, he was still able to maintain the most basic mentality.

The old ancestor of the Styx beside him also understood at this moment that the good things were not for the Demon Sect, and the bad things were all for the Demon Sect! !

When he thought of this, he quickly lowered his head and said nothing. Anyway, the source was not him. He might be able to escape this disaster by simply not speaking and pretending to be dead.

As for Rahu?

That guy has a strong ability to save his life, so he should be fine.

Oh, this time I seem to be facing the Great Dao God and Demon...

Hmm...then it should be fine...


The God of Demons sneered when he heard this, and without saying much, he asked directly: "Do you think you are strong?"

He has never seen such a shameless person, and he actually said that this is what he understood!

The path of demons is ever-changing, and no matter what happens, it will never develop into such a deformity! ! !

Luo Hu thought for a moment after hearing the words, then nodded and replied seriously: "Your Majesty, I think I am very strong! Although I am not the top existence in the ancient world, but apart from the gods and demons of the great avenue, I It’s only second to the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Humans, the Emperor of the East, the Immortal Ancestor, and the Star Ancestor… it’s already the pinnacle of the Great Desolate World!”

Having said this, he couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself.

I can actually stand on the head of so many people.

The main reason why I always lose is because the opponents I pick again and again are stronger than myself!

In other words, he only plays high-end games! ! !

The demon god was stunned when he heard this, and then became furious!

This is so shameless! !

Are all the descendants of the devil so shameless? !

He forcibly endured his anger and said: "In the past chaos, there were three thousand great gods and demons! I am second only to the five supreme gods and demons, and the other gods and demons are all defeated by me!"

He wanted to tell his story so that Luo Hu could fully understand the gap between them.

When Luo Hu heard this, he nodded with joy.

Good guy, he is so strong!

Except for the five supreme beings, none of them can beat Him? !

What if this could become my thigh? That’s a lot of money! ! !

When he thought of this, Luo Hu also praised: "Your Majesty is worthy of being your Majesty!!! I admire you, Luo Hu!!!! In the past, your Majesty was second only to the five supreme gods and demons in the chaos, but now I am also second only to the five." It’s a good story if it spreads!”

Luo Hu finished speaking.

Suddenly, there was dead silence.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Even Luo Hu himself felt that something was wrong and couldn't help but look at the Demon God and Demon, only to see the Demon God and Demon looking at him with a livid face.

"Your Majesty, I'm not wrong..." he said softly.


The demon god roared angrily, and his body was filled with demonic flames, which were suddenly released towards the surroundings.

In an instant, Luo Hu was struck by the Tao Yun and was stunned in place, unable to move.

There was a look of horror on his face, and his heart was instantly numb and stagnant for a long time.

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