Chapter 436 Time and Space...

Boom! ! !

Although the Immortal Gods and Demons obtained the Jade Disc of Creation and built a jade curtain in front of themselves, this was not his treasure after all, but the accompanying spiritual treasure of the former Creation Gods and Demons.

Now that it has been fragmented, it has become Hongjun's greatest treasure.

In other words, there is a vague barrier between Him and the Jade Disk of Creation.

And this barrier caused him to be unable to exert the full effect of the jade plate of creation.

The power of the treasure can be used to the extreme when fighting against beings of the level of the Great Dao God and Demon, and this slight difference in the treasure is nothing to an opponent who is not strong enough.

But if you encounter an opponent like the Demon God and Demon who is at the same level or even vaguely stronger than him, the result will be completely different. This slight gap will be a flaw.

As expected, the Demon God and Demon seized this opportunity, and after circling for a breath, the twenty-fourth grade demonic black lotus moved towards the flaw extremely quickly.

Boom! ! !

A huge black lotus bloomed that infected the entire chaos, and endless majestic demonic aura spurted out crazily.

At this moment, even the gray color of chaos turned into darkness! ! !

All the light around the Black Lotus has dissipated, and everything has been eroded by the darkness full of demonic aura! !

In addition to the surging demonic aura gushing out crazily from the blooming black lotus, there was also a terrifying huge energy pouring out.

Boom! !

Boom! ! !

The black lotus surges and penetrates everything, as if it wants to pull this chaos into the world of demons!

Yin and Yang are annihilated, and time and space cease to exist.

"This..." There was a hint of fear in the eyes of the Immortal God and Demon.

The majestic underworld energy is about to touch Him...

The moment the jade curtain blocking his body came into contact with the majestic black energy, it was broken through like a torrent.


The gods and demons looked up to the sky and roared, their bodies glowing with fairy light.

Try everything you can to cover up all the black air in the sky.

When he faced the darkness, he could clearly feel the darkness above!

You can feel the terror coming from there! ! !

This scene reminded him of the past! !

"Impossible!!! You have no reason to be so powerful!!!"

The darkness had long since swallowed up the burst of fairy light, and all that was left was the immortal gods and demons.

And that three-foot space is about to collapse and be completely swallowed by darkness! ! !

Everything seems to be wiped out by the black lotus!


The Demon God and Demon watched all this happening with a sneer, and looked at the Immortal God and Demon who was struggling in the black lotus, with a look of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

"How dare a mere immortal come to slap me in the face!" He said with a chuckle.

Yes, in His view, the gods, gods and demons were not fighting against Rahu, but Him.

That's not to say that beating Luohu means beating Him, but that in that case, what the gods, gods and demons did was really hitting Him in the face.

Regarding all these things, if I don't come out to ask for an explanation, wouldn't I be telling the world that I am afraid?

How could I be afraid of a little fairy, god, and demon? !

In his own eyes, the immortals, gods and demons are nothing more than earthly chickens and tile-dogs!

Destroyable with a snap of your fingers! !

Even if the other party has mastered the body of heaven, so what?

Without the body of the Dao, after all, it is not a complete Dao god and demon.

Perhaps the Immortal Gods and Demons stand above many Dao Dao Gods and Demons by virtue of their heavenly bodies. Perhaps even the Reincarnation Gods and Demons may not be able to defeat each other.


He is a devil! ! !

The devil who can do as he pleases, is free, and can control everything! ! !

"The edge of the palm is birth and death, and the devil points to the sky."

Looking at the immortal gods and demons who were about to fall in front of them, the demon gods and demons decided to rescue them.

Let this finger send the other person directly to sleep in the avenue, and don't want to be stained with dust in this world again...

A touch of spiritual thought poured into his index finger.

In an instant.

The endless demonic aura is rolling and surging. This finger seems to be ordinary, without any magical power, and there is no slightest spell fluctuation. All it has is the endless demonic aura surging.

But unexpectedly, under this finger, the expressions of the immortal gods and demons in the chaos suddenly changed, and there was an unprecedented fear in their eyes.

"The great road will destroy me?!"

"I won't give in!!!"


But before the immortal gods and demons could finish speaking, the endless demonic aura caused by the blooming black lotus disappeared crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant.

The demonic aura disappeared without a trace along with the immortal gods and demons! ! !

It was as if all existence had been completely wiped out! ! !

The chaos instantly calmed down, no longer the grand scene just now.

However, what is even more strange is that the chaotic airflow that should have been surging has disappeared at this moment, leaving only a gray world with nothing in it.

The face of the Demon God also changed suddenly.

He knew very clearly that the finger he just used could only send the gods and demons back to the avenue at most.

It is absolutely impossible to create such a horrible situation in front of him.


The Demon God and Demon looked at the direction where the Immortal God and Demon disappeared with great fear. He was not afraid of the disappearance of the Immortal God and Demon, but was afraid of the unknown existence that caused all this.

The unknown is the source of fear.

He stared at that direction with his eyes like torches, but found that he could not find any existence at all.

"Demon Lord... Did the Immortal God and Demon fall like this?" Luo Hou asked with shining eyes.

His heart was full of the pleasure of revenge. These damn things should be killed like this!

He did not provoke this guy at all that day, but this guy dared to do this to him, almost making him disappear completely from the prehistoric world.

Now that the great revenge has been avenged, he is naturally very happy.

The Demon God and Demon did not speak, but just frowned and stared at this place.

The originally surging chaotic airflow was actually calm at this moment, nothing, which was exactly contrary to the norm and not the normal situation of chaos.

He had a hunch that something must have come over just now, which was able to dissipate the Immortal God and Demon along with his demonic aura.

Not to mention that the finger could not have such power, even if it had such power, there was no reason to wipe out the twenty-fourth-grade demonic black lotus that also had the aura of the demonic path!

Therefore, there must be an extremely powerful and terrifying existence behind this.

Su Ming looked at this place from a distance, and saw the horrifying finger of the Demon God and Demon. His face changed drastically in an instant, and he lost all his previous pride.

"This... How is this possible?!"

He was also a practitioner of the Great Dao of Demon, and he also knew how powerful the Great Dao of Demon was.

It can be said that it was not weaker than the fate he had comprehended.

It even won by a few points.

If it comes to fighting, then the Great Dao of Demon is naturally stronger, and if it comes to deduction, calculation, and some arrangements, then the Great Dao of Fate is definitely stronger.

So, to be precise, these two great ways are the kind that have their own merits.

But once the Fate Avenue is promoted to the Destiny Avenue, it will naturally crush the Demon Avenue.

The Avenue has clear levels, especially at the back, the harder it is to cross.

"This is definitely not something that the Demon Avenue can do. Although he can suppress the Immortal Gods and Demons and send them back to the Avenue, he can never do it to such a terrifying degree!!!"

Su Ming's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he muttered to himself in his heart.

He has already planned that after this battle is over, he will go to find the Demon Gods and Demons, worship him as a teacher, and practice the magic way.

He naturally knows how powerful the magic way is. Although it is impossible to cause such a terrifying situation, it is not much worse.


In the depths of time and space.

An old man in white appeared in it, and next to him was another old man.

The two are the Time Gods and Demons and the Space Gods and Demons.

These two gods and demons are the existences that dominate all time and space, and they are naturally extremely powerful in the prehistoric world.

Because the prehistoric world is full of time and space, this has greatly enhanced their combat power.

"Xian, you are really going backwards as you live. You suffered such humiliation in the chaos in the past, how dare you fight with him now?" The corners of the mouth of the God and Demon of Time slightly raised, and said disdainfully.

The bodies of these two are not all human, but now they both appear in human form.

The God and Demon of Space also sighed and looked at him, puzzled: "Have you been sleeping for too long, so long that you can't even distinguish some of the most basic things?"

The two of them were mocking the God and Demon of the Immortal one by one.

But the Immortal God and Demon at this time had no leisure to care about the two's sarcasm, but smiled bitterly and thanked: "Thank you two Taoist friends for saving me, otherwise, today would be the day when I would fall asleep in the avenue again..."

He didn't want to fall asleep again!

To be precise, no Dao God and Demon was willing to return to the avenue to sleep again.

The Time God and Demon and the Space God and Demon waved their hands slightly, and the Time God and Demon smiled and said: "Don't try to stop the car with your arms in the future, otherwise, we are not always around here..."

They just felt the fluctuations here, so they ran over and rescued this guy while the Demon God and Demon were relaxed.

After all, in the past in the chaos, everyone had lived in the same camp. Although there were no immortals when they were in the camp, this did not prevent them from reaching out to help when they met.

What's more, the other party was the Demon God and Demon. For the Time God and Demon and the Space God and Demon, as long as they were against the Demon God and Demon, it was something worth supporting.

They didn't want to encounter the incident in the chaos again.

That incident almost sent them to the Great Dao in advance...

After hearing this, the Immortal God and Demon thought of the horror of the Demon God and Demon just now, and nodded with lingering fear, saying: "You two Taoist friends are right. If it weren't for your help..."

"There's no need to say these words again. Since I plan to save you, I didn't think about asking you to thank us all the time."

The Space God and Demon shook his head slightly and stopped the other party from speaking.

Some words are enough to say once, and it will be awkward to say them again.

At least He doesn't like this. There is no point in saying so many thanks. If you really want to thank someone, one sentence can tell whether it is sincere or not.

If so, it doesn't matter if there are so many thanks. If not, it's useless to say more.

The Immortal God and Demon nodded when he heard this, and then asked curiously: "By the way, when did the two Taoist friends wake up? Why didn't you show any trace in the prehistoric world?"

He was very curious about this. How long have these two gods and demons been awake? He didn't feel any trace in the prehistoric world.

Whether it is Pangu, Samsara, or light, or even the passing darkness, there are traces left in this world.

So, He can feel it.

But only the two in front of him didn't leave even a trace, so naturally he didn't know where to know.

After hearing this, the God of Time and the God of Space smiled at each other, and then the God of Space replied: "I did not wake up from the chaos, but from the distant future time and space, but I can only cross horizontally, that is to say, I can travel freely in the future time and space, but I can't return to this time and space.

But the Taoist friend of time can cross vertically. He found me in the future time and space and brought me to this time node."

"Yes, I was not born in this space, but fortunately I exist with the God of Space, so I can return here hand in hand, prove it forever, and my cultivation realm rises rapidly, reaching the realm of Hunyuan.

From then on, we traveled together in the endless time and space, and did not choose to stay in this time and space. After all, this time and space is too dangerous, even we are in danger of falling..."

The face of the God of Time gradually became solemn. Some things, as he explored in the endless time and space, he had gradually understood some things.

That is, there are other worlds above this world.

There is a stronger world outside the chaos.

Although they don't know this, professional things can only be perceived more clearly by gods and demons like them who are connected to the world.

The immortal gods and demons frowned tightly when they heard this.

Other worlds?

Isn't there a primitive world in the chaos?

Aren't there many other worlds in the primitive world?

Could it be that the other party is referring to this?

But then he thought that since the other party was able to save himself from the hands of the devil gods and demons, his strength must have been greatly enhanced.

He nodded as if he understood, and then asked: "By the way, do you two Taoist friends know why Luo Hou's strength has increased so terrifyingly?"

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