The Immortal God and Demon didn't understand why the Demon God and Demon had just revived, but he was so powerful!

He was even stronger than himself who had the body of the Heavenly Dao!

He thought that the Demon God and Demon were not as good as himself, so he was confident and bold to fight with him, but who knew that he almost ruined his life in the end and became a jumping clown...

He didn't understand...

If it was the number of believers in the prehistoric world, then the disciples of the immortals in the prehistoric world were much more than the disciples of the demons!

But if it wasn't for this, then why was the Demon God and Demon stronger than him?

Hearing this, the Time God and Demon shook his head and said, "We are not very clear about this. We only know that the prehistoric world has the avenue of the two of us, which is filled with infinite time and space, so for us, the strength has been greatly improved.

Presumably, the demon is stronger than you because of this..."

These things are just guesses, not facts that can be confirmed, at least the two of them are not sure.

The Space God and Demon also smiled and nodded at the side.

This revival has greatly increased their strength.

Whether it is time or space, they are irreplaceable in the prehistoric world, and they are also filled with all aspects of existence.

This extremely vast increase means that they don’t need to fight for any Taoist traditions like immortals and demons. As long as the prehistoric world is not destroyed, their strength will grow faster and faster.

In other words, as time goes by, they will eventually become the most powerful group of existences in the prehistoric world.

Even if they are not as good as Pangu or the five supreme ones, they can sit firmly on the most powerful throne besides these six!

The immortal gods and demons were stunned when they heard this, and said in disbelief: "How is this possible? The strength of the Demon Sect in the prehistoric world is not as good as our Immortal Sect! How can it be so powerful?"

He still found it a little unbelievable. He originally thought that this should not be the reason, but he did not expect that this was the reason!

But if this is the case, why is he not as good as the other party?

Hearing this, the Space God and Demon chuckled and looked at the Immortal God and Demon with some pity. The guy in front of him was really stupid. He actually calculated some things that could be seen on the surface.

"Let me ask you, do you know how huge the secret forces of the Demon Sect are? Do you know how many Hunyuan were bewitched by Luohou to join the Demon Sect when the Jiuli rebelled and the human race was in civil strife?

This is just among the human race. The traces of the demons are all over the prehistoric world. The strength of the Demon Sect has far exceeded the Immortal Sect and the Buddhist Sect, and is second only to the four major forces in the prehistoric world. If Luohou had not sought to be so broad, he would have revealed all these hidden pieces and could even immediately become the fifth largest force in the prehistoric world!"

There was a hint of admiration in the eyes of the Space God and Demon, and it was obvious that he admired Luohou very much.

Although Luohou was used to being sneaky, he was indeed worthy of being the prehistoric demon ancestor in terms of his character, means, and strength.

Of course, now that the Demon God and Demon have appeared, Luohou dare not use the name of Demon Ancestor in front of him.

On the contrary, Luohou still respects the Demon God and Demon as the Supreme, that is, the Demon Lord.

The Immortal God and Demon were stunned when they heard this.

Five major forces? !

Is this the true strength of the Demon Sect?

The Demon Sect is so terrifying? !

Even the human race has bewitched a lot of Hunyuan?

If so, doesn’t it mean that there may be hidden players hidden by the Demon Sect in the Immortal Sect? !

When he thought of this, the Immortal God and Demon became full of interest in the so-called Luohou.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have killed that Luohou?

No, that guy resurrected and ran to him to take revenge, and even brought the Demon God and Demon...

Thinking of this, his face was extremely gloomy.

As expected of an existence that can develop the Demon Sect to such a level, it is not difficult to accept that he escaped from his fatal blow.

It can only be said that there are many talented people in the prehistoric world, and Luohou is one of them.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Why did the Xianmen only produce Hongjun? If Luohou was also a disciple of the Xianmen, how great it would be!

Although Hongjun was equally powerful, he obviously did not focus on developing the Xianmen. Otherwise, with his conspiracy and tricks, he would have surpassed the Demon Gate long ago.

How could he not know what Hongjun was thinking? He was determined to rule the prehistoric continent, ban everything, and only make himself the most peak existence.

With this kind of thinking, he was against the entire prehistoric world, which led to his current fate.

If he had thought about preaching the prehistoric world like Dijun at the beginning, then he would definitely not have ended up like this now.

He would even be much more powerful than Dijun!

Hongjun was too narrow-minded and was not suitable to be the Emperor of Heaven, but if he became the Emperor of Heaven, if he did the same as Dijun, he would definitely be stronger than Dijun now!

The Heavenly Court is not dominated by the demon race, but by the immortal gate!

If so, how powerful would He be now! ! !

Unfortunately, Hongjun is not Emperor Jun, and is destined not to become the Emperor of Heaven.

To become the Emperor of Heaven does not require the most powerful cultivation, but one must have an extremely broad mind and a mind that tolerates all races.

If one cannot do this, no matter how strong one is, he will not be able to sit firmly on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, and will eventually be overthrown by others.

Of course, if one only has the heart but no strength, then he cannot sit firmly.

After all, in the prehistoric world, there is no need for weaklings to be the masters of all things. The fate of the past three days is vivid.


The Immortal God and Demon looked up to the sky and sighed helplessly.

As they said, if the Demon Sect is really so powerful, then it is reasonable for him to lose this battle.

After all, the fifth largest force in the prehistoric world is visible to the naked eye. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows how powerful it is. The powerful increase brought by it is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

Looking at the expression of the Immortal God and Demon in front of him, the Time God and Demon waved his hand and sent him away.

In the space-time layer, there is no trace of the Immortal God and Demon.

The reason why he rescued the other party was that he happened to pass by and was against the Demon God and Demon, so he rescued him directly.

But if it wasn't the person who was against the Demon God, then they would never rescue him.

Even if they happened to pass by, they wouldn't care so much.


In the void.

Ye Xuan leaned over and looked at all this, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

Watching the Demon God and the Immortal God fighting, and watching the Time God and the Space God rescue the two.

For him, there were not so many rules to restrict him, he could do whatever he wanted.

No matter how the world changes, it will eventually not escape his eyes.

"Time, space, the gods and demons that have quietly revived in this prehistoric world, there are far more than these two..."

Ye Xuan stared at the prehistoric world with his eyes, muttering to himself.

Today's prehistoric world is more like a pot of hodgepodge, with too many forces on the surface and under the surface.

On the surface, the major forces want to attack the human race and start a great war with the human race.

In secret, there were all kinds of undercurrents, as if they were going to wipe out everything.

After defeating the Immortal God and Demon, the Demon God and Demon looked at the original place and could not see anything.

Finally, he decided to leave here. He said to Luo Hou beside him: "The Immortal God and Demon should not be dead. A powerful person just made a move. Even I can't see through it. This matter is definitely unusual. You must be careful."

After saying that, he flashed and left here.

Luo Hou was left with horror in his eyes. Even the Demon God and Demon couldn't see who made the move and what kind of relationship was hidden behind it.

Whenever he thought of this, he was extremely afraid.

He didn't know who made the move, but the Immortal God and Demon who could wipe him out at will was almost killed by the Demon God and Demon, and even the Demon God and Demon couldn't see who made the move.

This can already explain the problem.

This also proves how powerful the Time God and Space God are now!

When they both attacked at the same time, even the Demon God could not see it!

It can be said that since the two of them exposed themselves, they would be discovered sooner or later. Although they have not been discovered by the Demon God now, it is impossible to hide it for long.

However, that does not prevent many people from admiring and fearing them now.

On the other side.

After leaving Luohou, the Demon God rushed directly to Su Mingshi's side.

As early as when he was fighting with the Immortal God, he felt that there was a guy who had obtained his own avenue watching around him, and after the battle, the first thing he did was to come and see this guy who inherited his mantle.

The Demon God looked at Su Mingshi in front of him with his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I didn't take the wrong path. I took the authentic Great Devil Road."

His eyes revealed a sense of joy. He originally thought that Luohou, who was transformed by his thoughts, would be his successor, but in fact, it was that guy who personally led his Great Devil Road astray, which made the current Honghuang Demon Sect become such a demon sect.

It seems that it has really become an existence that everyone wants to kill, more like those stink bugs in the prehistoric world, hated by the world.

But then again, it seems that he is hated by those Great Devil Gods in the chaos...

Thinking of this, the Demon God and Demon didn't want to say anything more about Luohou.

On the other hand, Su Mingshi was also looking at the God and Demon in front of him at will.

He found that the shape of the Demon God and Demon was very similar to that of the human race, except that it had an extra horn, but other than that, it was exactly the same.

And the Demon God and Demon looked very handsome, and exuded the Great Devil Road all over his body. For Su Mingshi, that was a delicious road, and that was what he pursued all his life.

To him, the aura of these great ways of the devil was like a believer seeing God, extremely pious.

Su Mingshi also looked at the other party with a pious and shocked face. In his eyes, it was all the true knowledge of the great way.

But what made him different from other believers was that those believers believed in a certain person, a certain existence.

But what Su Mingshi believed in was the way, and what he believed in was the great way.

It was the great way of the devil, not the gods and demons of the devil.

Although the gods and demons of the devil are the manifestation of the great way of the devil, they are not the real great way of the devil after all!

No matter how many incarnations they have, they are not the original body after all.

Just like a famous physicist said, he has always believed that there is a God in the world, but if God is a creature in the shape of a human, then he thinks there is no such thing.

The essence of this sentence is that he believes in Tao, which is the source or truth of the operation of all things in the world, rather than believing in the Tao, gods and demons.

Su Mingshi belongs to this kind of situation.

After seeing Su Mingshi's obsessed look, the Demon God was stunned for a moment.

He never thought that he could see such a clear pair of pupils.

Those were a pair of clear eyes full of curiosity, and they were extremely simple and original curiosity.

"Well, meeting you today is also a fate. In this case, let me preach to you!"

The Demon God was finally moved by his heart, so he raised his mouth slightly and began to preach.

The years passed, and a thousand years had passed in the blink of an eye.

A thousand years of time is just a blink of an eye in the prehistoric world, like a white horse passing by, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But for Su Mingshi, it was an unprecedented slowness, and this slowness allowed him to master countless truths and countless great ways.

He saw that his realm, which had just broken through the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, had become much more stable and was still improving.

And this was the benefit brought to him by the breakthrough of the Great Dao of Demon.

If he continued to preach, I am afraid that his cultivation would increase more obviously.

However, at this time, the Demon God suddenly stopped, and he smiled and said, "Let's stop preaching here. I can't preach for you anymore in the future."

"Thank you for your kindness, teacher. I dare to ask you, why?" Su Mingshi asked after hearing this.

The title already regarded the Demon God as a teacher. For him, no matter what the other party's identity is, as long as he really taught him something, he should call him a teacher.

Regardless of whether the other party recognizes it or not, he will always call him that.

The Demon God was slightly stunned when he heard this, then he laughed loudly, nodded, and said: "Although your Great Dao has not yet reached the overflowing state, the final part still needs you to walk it yourself.

I am the incarnation of the Great Dao of Demon. If I preach to you again, you will be very close to the Great Dao of Demon in the future, but after all, you are not the body of the Great Dao, and one day you will be assimilated with the Great Dao of Demon.

This preaching has already made your foundation solid. In the future, you will realize that you need to walk your own path of demons, and you can't just learn from me."

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