Su Ming nodded upon hearing this and said, "I understand. Thank you for your teaching and answering my questions."

His eyes were full of demonic light, but he still adhered to his original intention and was in a peaceful state of mind.

As time passed, the Great Dao of Demon he mastered became more and more magnificent, and he was getting closer and closer to the real Great Dao of Demon.

But as the Demon God said, if he really became the real Great Dao of Demon, then he, who had no Great Dao body, would only be assimilated by the Great Dao of Demon!

This is the sorrow of acquired creatures!

This is the real gap between acquired creatures and Great Dao Gods and Demons! ! !

It's not just acquired creatures, even the innate gods are the same!

They can only walk out of their own Great Dao, but cannot get the real Great Dao!

There are three thousand Great Daos, and even the Heavenly Dao still has a glimmer of hope, let alone three thousand Great Daos? !

So, as long as they can walk out of their own Great Dao, in fact, it will not be much inferior to the real Great Dao!

As the saying goes, the Great Dao embraces everything. If they walk out of their own Great Dao, this new Great Dao of Demon will instantly be embraced and accepted by the original Great Dao of Demon.

In other words, as long as they can walk out of their own Great Dao, they will actually prove this Great Dao.

For other creatures, there may be no difference.

However, for the Great Dao gods and demons, they have gained more understanding and more combat power, because they are the manifestation of the Great Dao, and those extra Great Daos will make them stronger!

This is also the reason why the Great Dao gods and demons will not become weaker but stronger as time goes by!

The root of the reason is because of this.

Just like Luo Hou, Su Mingshi, Styx and other demons in the sky, they are constantly practicing the Great Dao of Demon. No matter what kind of understanding, their essence will eventually be fed back to the Great Dao of Demon and become part of the rich sea of ​​the Great Dao of Demon.

And in the end, it will make the gods and demons of Demon become more powerful.

This is also why the more the Dao is manifested in the prehistoric world, the stronger the combat power of the Great Dao gods and demons!

Just like the immortal gods and demons, even if they have the body of the Heavenly Dao, they cannot beat the demon gods and demons who are just a consciousness. The reason is the difference in the Dao between the two, plus the manifestation of the Dao in the prehistoric world, so there is such a big gap between them!

This is also the reason why the gods and demons of time and space are so terrifying that the gods and demons of demons tremble. That is because time and space are the most fundamental existences in the construction of the prehistoric world! ! !

Although this kind of invisible increase is not as great as that which needs to be actively promoted, the most basic in the prehistoric world is the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space! ! !

Even light cannot increase so terribly, because light is just an incidental item brought by the sun, the bright moon and the stars. In fact, the existence or absence of light does not have a great impact on the prehistoric world.

Therefore, even though the prehistoric world is full of light, the gods and demons of light are still so different in strength.

That is because light is not a necessity, but an incidental item.

Time and space are the cornerstones of the prehistoric world. They are indispensable and necessary. In addition, time and space are contained in a grain of sand. This boundless and magnificent power makes the space gods and demons and the time gods and demons so powerful.

Unfortunately, neither the Emperor Jiang Zuwu nor the Yangmei Patriarch in the prehistoric world has brought out the power of space.

The avenue of space has increased so horribly that it only benefited the space gods and demons.

Similarly, Zhu Jiuyin and the Shichen Patriarch did not bring out the power of time.

Otherwise, these people must be standing on the prehistoric world and dancing with the wind and clouds.

The reason for this situation is also very intriguing. That is because the avenue of space and the avenue of time have become extremely profound with the unlimited strengthening of the prehistoric world. While approaching the five supreme avenues to an infinite degree, these two avenues have also become obscure and difficult to understand.

Finally, it made all the people who practiced these two avenues in the prehistoric world to improve their cultivation slowly. If it had developed according to the previous timeline, then the two ancestors Yangmei and Shichen, who had been practicing the avenue of time and space since ancient times, would definitely be far superior to Hongjun and Luohou today! ! !

That is simply not comparable to Hongjun and Luohou who practiced the avenue of immortality and the avenue of demons!

But unfortunately, now that the avenue of time and the avenue of space have become so powerful, the cultivation of the creatures in the prehistoric world has become extremely slow, which ultimately led to their vertical comparison becoming much weaker.

If the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen knew the reason, they would probably be in tears.

"Misfortunes are often accompanied by blessings, and blessings are often accompanied by misfortunes..."

"The hardships of this period may be a chance for a meteoric rise in the future."

Ye Xuan looked at the Demon God and Su Mingshi below, and then looked at the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen who were exiled to the end of time and space by Xuanyuan in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh.

"The fate between people is really terrifying."

Su Mingshi met the Demon God and was able to receive a lot of preaching from him, which enabled him to advance his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

But the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen could only be sealed in the turbulence of time and space for who knows how many years...

As long as the Time God and the Space God are willing to take action, these two guys don't have to stay in the turbulence of time and space.

Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi were so embarrassed. It was outrageous that they were the result of their regrets and ended up like this.

They stand on the top of the gods and demons, and Cannian should naturally stand on the top of the sacred.

But now, to be reduced to being suppressed in the turbulence of time and space by a junior at the same time is simply a shame.

the other side.

There was a look of perseverance in Shi Hao's eyes. He looked at Su Ming who had returned, and was shocked to find that the cultivation level in his body had actually reached the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which was already a level higher than himself and others. .

"Su Mingshi, congratulations on your breakthrough in cultivation." He said with some envy.

He knew that from today on, apart from the Human Emperor, the most powerful person in this human race was no longer him, but the Su Ming clan in front of him.

Su Ming was born to understand the path of demons, his heart beats as he pleases, and his actions throughout his life are never affected by anything.

Because of this, he was criticized by many humans, saying that he was not a real good person because he did some things too much, and there were indeed some things that were wrong.

Su Ming has failed many people in his life, but the one he has never failed is the human race.

All his life he acted for one thing, and that was to live up to the human race.

Gradually, everyone also discovered that although Su Mingshi acted unconventionally and was less reliable than other sages of the human race, it was Su Mingshi who often appeared to save everyone in desperate situations.

There is a saying that goes like this: Look to the Shi Hao clan when the wind is favorable, look to the Human Emperor in adversity, and look to the Su Ming clan in desperate times.

From this, we can also see the status of Su Ming in everyone's hearts.

But now, Su Ming's cultivation has completely improved, and he is even more worthy of this title.

Of course, now that there are beings like Xuanyuan, it is difficult for the human race to be in a desperate situation. Even if it is, the things that even Xuanyuan cannot solve, let alone the Su Ming family, cannot solve.

Although the previous two human emperors, whether they were Suiren or Shennong, had become very strong, they were still not as good as these wise kings in some aspects.

Just like combat power, Shi Hao's clan often ranks first.

In some special situations, Su Ming often plays the role of rescuer.

But now, Xuanyuan can be said to have completely crushed these two guys.

Even though Su Ming's cultivation level has now reached a breakthrough, Xuanyuan can still easily cross the steps and kill the enemy, crushing and killing them easily.

This is Xuanyuan's terrifying combat power, which is completely beyond the limits of the realm.

If Xuanyuan reaches the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that even Di Jun may not be his opponent.

"Thank you. Now that the human race is gradually suffering from hardships, we also need to speed up our pace to improve ourselves. Otherwise, if we don't have enough ability to face the enemy by then, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret..."

Su Mingshi said with a sad expression.

Although he had achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, instead of smiling, there was even a hint of sadness on his face.

The stronger his cultivation level, the more he can feel how powerful the disaster facing the human race is.

Shi Hao nodded noncommittally upon hearing this. He didn't know the horror that the human race was facing now, so he wanted to improve himself.

"Alas, your opportunity has come. You can meet the devil, gods and demons. I don't know where the opportunity is now..." Shi Hao said with some regret.

Sometimes, opportunity is also very important.

Just like Su Ming today, it was precisely because the opportunity came that he threw them away.

If Su Ming had not encountered the demon gods and demons, or if the demon gods and demons had not preached to him, his current cultivation level would still be at the same stage as them.

"Shi Hao, opportunities are important, but sometimes there are no opportunities. Do we have to give up? If opportunities don't find me, I will look for them..."

Su Ming said with a smile on his lips. He made a simple calculation and found that Shi Hao's opportunity was about to come.

Although I don’t know what type of opportunity it is, it is still an opportunity.

As long as it can help you improve your cultivation, it can be called an opportunity, or if you go out to hunt for treasure, it can be regarded as a kind of opportunity. Anyway, it will improve yourself.

Shi Hao was stunned when he heard this, then understood what the other party meant, nodded with a smile, and said: "I understand, I'll go out right away..."

After saying that, he flew outside.

Su Mingshi's words just now fell into his ears, that is, even if there is no chance, we must practice hard and take the initiative to sharpen ourselves. After all, we can improve our cultivation. And when the cultivation reaches a breakthrough, Then naturally the opportunity has arrived.

That is to say, if opportunities don’t come to me, I will go to them.

Looking at Shi Hao's family leaving, the corners of Su Ming's mouth also raised slightly. If he leaves, he is afraid that Shi Hao's family will also break through.

Afterwards, Ye Fanshi, Han Lishi and others also gathered around and talked with him.

Shi Hao's way lies in fighting, so naturally he should break through in battle.

But the Tao of others is not like this, so they don't need to keep fighting, just talking about Tao can have the hope of improving the Tao, but Shi Hao has to keep fighting to make his own cultivation improve rapidly.

This is why when the human race was in turmoil, Shi Hao's cultivation improved rapidly, always firmly occupying the first position, and even suppressing Suiren.

But after the human race settled down, Shi Hao's cultivation suddenly became much slower, but because he was always looking for people to fight, his improvement was not much weaker than other people, but he was eventually caught up by them.

The sky was dark, a gloomy place.

One after another, terrifying figures soared into the sky, and the power they exuded was the realm of Hunyuan.

These dozens of Hunyuan realm masters were besieging a Hunyuan of the human race at this time.

And this Hunyuan of the human race was Shi Hao.

The Dao seals around Shi Hao continued to manifest, and one figure after another came out.

Those figures are his own body.

They are his clones, called the Great Law of Self-Transformation.

Now he has improved the Great Law of Self-Transformation to be even more powerful, and now he can split out ten clones with the same combat power as himself!

You know, before he could only split out one, but now he can split out ten, which has increased his combat power by five times, and he can face five times the enemies he could deal with before.

Although this improvement is not very big, it is also a very terrifying thing in the realm of Hunyuan.

"Not enough, not enough, this few people are not enough!!!"

Shi Hao roared like a madman, and the demon shadows in front of him were the demons in the outer demon domain.

Shi Hao, this madman, went straight to the ancestral land of the Demon Sect, wanting to use the hands of the Demon Sect to help himself break through the realm!

The Heavenly Demon King, the Earthly Demon King, the Ancestral Demon King, the Evil Demon King, and the thirteen Demon Generals of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, a total of seventeen Hunyuans attacked together to suppress Shi Hao in front of them.

But he was actually blocked by one person, and he was still shouting that it was not enough.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou could not help but show a touch of admiration.

Although the four demon kings and thirteen demon generals under his command were not the top combat power in the prehistoric world, they were definitely not something that ordinary Hunyuans could match when added together.

"Not bad, you are worthy of being the God of War of the Human Race, then let more Hunyuans of the Demon Race go!!!"

Luo Hou waved his hand, and suddenly, more than a dozen Hunyuan strongmen jumped out of the Demon Realm.

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