Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 439 Breakthrough! The battle is about to begin!

"Hey, this is interesting!!!"

Shi Hao's eyes were filled with light as he murmured to himself.

Looking at the powerful Hunyuan warriors from the Demon Sect in front of him, the feeling of endless vicissitudes of time suddenly appeared in Shi Hao's eyes.

"For the human race, I should destroy the demon sect!!!"

Shi Hao roared angrily, and immediately, his whole body was filled with light!

Buzz! ! !

In the chaos, the entire outer demonic realm began to tremble crazily, as if the entire demonic realm was about to surrender under the command of Shi Hao.

Demon Ancestor Luo Hu in the distance looked at this scene, his face was extremely cold, and the smile he had just lost was gone.

Obviously, he has felt the terrifying power in Shi Hao's body. The terrifying road of war is constantly brewing, as if it has the power to destroy everything in front of him! ! !

This was the reason why he could no longer maintain the relaxed expression on his face. If he hadn't been worried about offending the human race, he would have personally killed the beast together, but now it seems that the other party is determined to fight with him. I am no longer at odds with myself.

In this case, he was unwilling to keep anything for himself.

"Kill this beast with all your strength!!!"

Suddenly, there was a huge black hand in the sky, exuding infinite demonic energy, and violently swatted at Shi Hao's family!


This is not enough! ! !

"Just these words can't suppress me here!!!!"

There was a crazy look in Shi Hao's eyes, and he roared to the sky and let out a long hiss.

Boom! ! !

The attacks of more than thirty Hunyuan strongmen arrived as promised, bombarding Shi Hao's body one after another, emitting bright rays of light one after another! ! !

Blood spurted out and scattered everywhere.

Ancestor Styx was frantically collecting the spilled blood of Shi Hao from below, his eyes shining brightly.

This is the blood of the first generation of humans, this is the blood of Shi Hao, the human race’s god of war! ! !

This falls into his hands, and he hopes to cultivate extremely outstanding Asura tribesmen! ! !

"If the human race is immortal, Shi Hao will be immortal!!!"

"Now I sacrifice my blood to the heaven! I exchange my soul for invincibility!! Use my true spirit to see the way of war!!!"

Shi Hao's sad voice kept ringing out, shocking the entire Demon Realm.

The ten clones all had expressions of pain and sorrow on their faces at this moment. They no longer resisted the attacks of the demons, but let go of their defenses, allowing them to attack wantonly.

And Shi Hao roared up to the sky, glaring at the darkly sleeping Avenue of War.


He let out an unwilling roar.

Today, although Shi Hao is dead, he remains unyielding! ! !

As early as when he came, he had already made plans to perish if he failed.

Now, he is completely burning his own clone.

At the moment when those clones were defeated, masses of energy blessed his body, and suddenly, golden light emitted.

The soul suddenly burned and became extremely terrifying and powerful.

Shi Hao's fighting power suddenly doubled several times. He hit the target with a punch, and the avenue of war manifested infinite fighting spirit.

Boom! ! !

A demon Hunyuan has died...

Luo Hu's eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked at the man in front of him with some fear.

"How is this possible...he actually possesses such a secret skill?!!"

I have to say that Shi Hao's move was really too shameless.

Not only can it divide into ten clones of the same realm and with the same combat power, but it can also self-destruct the clones when it is really unbeatable and absorb the infinite combat power to its own body, thus greatly increasing its combat power.

This kind of extremely exaggerated combat power is no longer something ordinary people can possess.

Even the powerful ones in the later stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian might not be able to defeat Shi Hao's move.

"No, this move has limitations. It seems that it can only last for ten breaths!!!"

Luo Hu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he discovered that Shi Hao's aura had become seriously unstable.

I'm afraid it can only carry this kind of combat power for a moment, or at most ten breaths.

And these ten breaths of time are enough to defeat an ordinary Hunyuan.

But now, the Demon Clan has more than thirty Hunyuan warriors, how can they completely destroy them!

Even if one can be killed in one breath, it is impossible to kill all thirty of them in ten breaths.

And a secret method like this will definitely have some side effects.

In other words, there is a high probability that he will become extremely weak after ten breaths.

And at that time, it’s time for them to counterattack!

"He only has a few breaths left! Avoid him first!!!"

Luo Hu hurriedly shouted to his subordinates, fearing that his younger brothers would be killed by Shi Hao.

These are the powerful Hunyuan warriors that he has worked so hard to cultivate. If they are damaged here, then who knows how many years it will take for them to recover.

Although everyone has super recovery ability and can be resurrected even after death, who knows how many years it will take to return.


When Luo Hu informed them, these demon kings and demon generals fled frantically one by one, for fear of being caught by Shi Hao.

And Shi Hao went crazy, killing everyone with red eyes.

But the ten breaths of time were over very quickly. Not long after, Shi Hao felt that he was beginning to collapse.

His body was constantly disintegrating.

Blood was splattered down, and the Styx Patriarch was laughing below, constantly collecting Shi Hao's blood.

"It's going to dissipate?!!"

Luo Hou looked at the scene in shock.

This doesn't seem to be an ordinary fall? !

This is a complete death! ! !

It's a death that even the true spirit can't save! ! !

He looked at the scene with some horror, and he didn't want this to happen.

If Shi Hao just died an ordinary death, then he could still talk to the human race, but if Shi Hao died completely here, then there would be nothing to talk about.

If Shi Hao died here, then the human race would definitely take the opportunity to go to war with the Demon Sect and make the Demon Sect completely disappear from this world.


Luo Hou shouted.

The true spirit of Shi Hao, which was constantly flying away and disappearing, actually slowly began to stop.

The blood had already been spilled, and the body and soul had long disappeared. Only a little true spirit of Shi Hao had not dissipated, and the dissipation of Shi Hao actually stopped slowly.

Buzz! ! !

A powerful momentum slowly appeared, from the infinite, as if it had crossed countless time and space.

It seemed that the supreme power came out from the end of time and space! ! !

In an instant, the demonic energy in the Demon Realm paused instantly! ! !

Even the sky changed!

Endless years seemed to have stopped, leaving only some uncontrollable things?

Luo Hou's face changed instantly.

Who is it? ! !

Who made the move? ! !

It was actually able to make time and space stagnate? ! ! !

This was the supreme power that made this universe become what it is now!

This kind of majestic power is a great power that all living beings cannot imagine! ! !

Crossing infinite time and space, turning the entire Demon Realm into a canvas for wanton play! ! !

And Luo Hou, who was immersed in this horror, did not expect that at this moment he had almost died thousands of times! ! !

All this, only Ye Xuan, who was always paying attention to this place, looked at the end of infinite time and space in the void, and saw that familiar figure...


Buzz! ! !

A terrifying breath slowly appeared! !

The world trembled, and the breath in the Demon Realm instantly became chaotic.

Shi Hao's true spirit suddenly recovered as before, just like when he was intact at the beginning!

Then, the soul reunited! The flesh and blood returned!

In just that moment, Shi Hao actually recovered as before, and his strength also broke through from the previous Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian middle stage to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian late stage in one fell swoop! ! !

The next moment, Shi Hao looked up at the trembling world and gently wiped it.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boundless fighting spirit rose to the sky, lifting up the constantly collapsing demonic sky again.

The terrifying power spread out, shaking the infinite space and time.

"Demon Ancestor, I borrowed your land to break through today, please don't blame me."

After Shi Hao repaired the constantly collapsing sky, he whispered to Luo Hou who was trembling beside him.

After a pause, he said: "If you want to blame me, then I can only wipe you out of this universe."

"I dare not, I dare not..."

Luo Hou was shocked when he heard this, thinking of the great power that came across infinite space and time, and he shook his head in fear.

Shi Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then left here.

Looking at Shi Hao's departing back, Luo Hou's face was as gloomy as water.



"Why can anyone come and step on my demon sect!!! Why can anyone come and step on my Luohou!!!"

"The way is unfair!! The way of heaven is unfair!!!"

Luohou roared to the sky, his heart full of indignation.

His eyes were filled with endless resentment and unwillingness!

But he was helpless!

He didn't want to see this kind of ending, but this is the ending now!!!

The old man of the Styx on the side looked at Luohou like this and sighed.

He followed Luohou all the way and saw too much unwillingness of Luohou.

Really, Luohou is miserable!

It's really miserable!!!

This kind of repeated blows is really not something that ordinary people can bear!

But he also firmly believes that Luohou will stand up again sooner or later!

Because Luohou used to be like this, constantly falling and constantly getting up.

"I will definitely be able to return to the top of the world! Now I know what the true magic is!!! I will definitely be able to avenge my previous shame!!!"

Luo Hou shouted angrily in his heart, and the look in his eyes gradually regained clarity and determination.

His expression regained his previous confidence and strength!

After seeing Luo Hou's expression, the old man of the Styx felt relieved.

As expected, he is worthy of being the man he values!!!

He regained his previous confidence and composure so quickly!!!

This is the existence that can truly reach the top!!!

If Luohou is an indestructible cockroach, then the Styx Patriarch is his most enthusiastic younger brother!

Although he may not be able to help much in the war, he will always support his existence!

The other demon kings have different thoughts. They are all thinking about how to find an opportunity to rebel and how to take the opportunity to get rid of Luohou's control!

And these monsters were created by Luohou, and the Styx Patriarch was recruited halfway.

This is not to blame those monsters. The main reason is that they have been contaminated with the magic energy of the Demon Realm since their creation. The magic energy of the Demon Realm is extremely chaotic and full of various negative emotions.

This also leads to various situations for them. Anyway, they will not be truly loyal.

For this point, if you want to blame, you can only blame Luohou himself. Who made these demons become what they are now? But fortunately, he has always known this, so he has made an insurance since the birth of those monsters.

The purpose is to prevent these monsters created by him from betraying him.

Moreover, Luohou also controls countless powerful Hunyuan masters among the myriad tribes in the prehistoric world, and he has not let go of some creatures that have not reached the Hunyuan realm at all.


Human race.


The strength of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan is increasing day by day, and he will make progress every day.

Thousands of years have passed, and no one knows how terrifying the strength of the Human Emperor is. They only know that the Human Emperor Sword is engraved with patterns, and the hilt that belongs to Xuanyuan is engraved with the strategy of unifying the four seas.

This is also Xuanyuan's achievement, unifying the entire human race and completely ending the situation of pretending to obey but not obeying orders.

Even the undercover of the Demon Sect and the Jiuli tribe with mixed human and witch blood were completely pacified.

In other words, the human race now truly belongs to Xuanyuan.

No one dares to oppose any of Xuanyuan's remarks.

Xuanyuan was also very satisfied with this, after all, he didn't need any opposition.

All he wanted was to win, win, and win again!

Win one war after another, and lead the human race to complete victory! ! !

"Your Majesty, news came from the ancestral land that the two wise kings of Su Ming and Shi Hao have both broken through to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian..." Dahong on the side reported to Xuanyuan with a happy face.

Xuanyuan's realm at this time had already broken through to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he had not yet created a new world in his own world like Di Jun.

"Oh? That's good..."

Xuanyuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

The time for a complete war is not far away...

"May I ask your Majesty, when will the war be declared to all races?" Feng Hou on the other side couldn't help asking.

"Soon... That day is coming soon..."

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