Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 440: Killing a real dragon in the Dragon King's Palace!

Xuanyuan looked into the distance and sensed two powerful auras emanating from the temple not far away.

Although the human race is now powerful, it is still far from enough if they want to fight against the gods and other forces.

So, he is waiting.

Not only waiting for his own strength to become stronger, but also waiting for the top experts in the human race to become stronger and stronger!

Fenghou formed a seal with her hands, and a look of longing appeared in her eyes.

Even if he is as powerful as her, when he looks at Xuanyuan, he can still feel the powerful power contained in his body.

"Your Majesty, do you need to go to Sihai now?" Dahong asked aloud.

Xuanyuan nodded and said with admiration: "That's it. Just wait here and take good care of the human race. I will go to the four seas."

After saying that, the figure disappeared from the spot.

"His Majesty went to see the Dragon Clan. I don't know if he will be able to negotiate with the Dragon Clan this time..." Dahong's eyes revealed a hint of melancholy.

You know, the difficulty in convincing the Dragon Clan can be seen.

The Dragon Clan has been standing on top of the world since ancient times.

Even the Heavenly Clan behind them could not make the Dragon Clan willing to serve as its subjects. It only belonged to the Heavenly Clan in name, but in fact it was still governed by the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan, like the Witch Clan and the Human Clan, were all subordinates of the Heavenly Clan. But in fact everyone knows it is not.

And Zulong only agreed to worship Emperor Jun, and never said that he really wanted the dragon clan to belong to the heaven.

Zulong recognized Di Jun, so he would not do anything in front of Di Jun, but it did not mean that he would never betray Heavenly Court.

"I can only hope that His Majesty can handle all this, and that there will be nothing else in the end..."

The four seas, the East China Sea.

The closest thing to the human race should be the South China Sea, but this matter is obviously not something that can be solved by the Dragon King of the South China Sea. He must go to the East China Sea.

And this trip to the East China Sea is not to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but to the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace is also located in the East China Sea. It is truly in the center of the East China Sea, even more central than the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan came uninvited, and as soon as he approached the East China Sea, he was known to Zulong.

This time he came in an upright manner and did not hide his aura at all, so he was discovered by Zulong as soon as he stepped into the territory of the East China Sea.

As for those dragon and sea tribes with low cultivation level, they all shrank back and did not dare to step forward to stop them for a moment.

In this way, Xuanyuan arrived at the gate of the Dragon Palace unimpeded, and was then personally invited into the Dragon Palace by the Dragon Emperor Ancestral Dragon.

"Your Majesty the Human Emperor, how come you have time to come to me now..."

Zu Long sat up high, looked at Xuanyuan sitting below, and said with a smile.

The Human Emperor is one of the six emperors. If he really unified the world, he would be the head of the six emperors.

This kind of honor is higher than his position as Dragon King.

But the position of honor is the position of honor, and ultimately it depends on the strength. Although the strength of the Dragon Clan is not as good as that of the Human Clan.

But this is the Dragon Clan's headquarters, how could he give up?

When Xuanyuan saw this situation, he was not upset. He just smiled and said: "The first two are here to give the dragon clan a way to survive."


Before Zulong could speak, Zhulong, the Dragon King of South China Sea, spoke angrily.

Ever since they knew that Xuanyuan was coming, all the dragon kings from all over the world had come to the Dragon Palace.

This is also the meaning of Zulong and Xuanyuan.

The reason why Xuanyuan walked so slowly was to give them enough time to discuss their coming and let the other party come up with an idea.

Instead of waiting until he comes over, talk slowly.

For Zhulong, the growth of the human race makes him feel uneasy. The greater the power of those damn human races, the more uncomfortable they will be for Zhulong in the South China Sea.

Because people from the human race often come to the South China Sea to engage in various fishing and hunting activities, which infringes on the interests of the dragon tribe and offends the majesty of the dragon tribe.

But after all, these are just small frictions, and they are not likely to escalate into major conflicts. Moreover, the human race is also very powerful, so no such war broke out.

Xuanyuan looked sideways, glanced at the other party, and said coldly: "No one has ever dared to speak to me like this. Do you want to die?"

Buzz! ! !

A burst of extremely cold murderous aura rushed towards my face!

Directly into the heart of Zhulong, the Dragon King of the South China Sea! !

Zhulong was furious when he heard this, and his expression suddenly changed and he stood up!

Good guy, this is in the Dragon Clan, how dare you be so presumptuous to him!

If this was the human race, then he really wouldn't dare to be so rude to the Human Emperor.

But this is the Dragon Clan! This is the most noble Dragon Palace in the world!

Moreover, there is also the Dragon Emperor Ancestral Dragon here!

If this is the case, how can Zhulong be afraid of the Human Emperor in front of him?

Even if Xuanyuan's strength is much higher than him, there are so many dragon clansmen here, how can they be afraid of one Xuanyuan?

Zhulong stood up angrily and wanted to take hold of Xuanyuan.

"Zhulong, you are so unrestrained in your cultivation." Zulong scolded him coldly.

At this tense moment, Zulong instantly scolded Zhulong, fearing that Zhulong would really take action.

If this was really done, it would be giving someone a handle.

If the Human Emperor is touched by them here, whether he dies or not, it will be a disaster for the Dragon Clan.

If they die, not to mention that Xuanyuan will return sooner or later, the crime of killing the Killer Emperor alone is enough for the human race to fight them until death!

Therefore, Xuanyuan cannot be killed.

But if Xuanyuan is not dead, according to Xuanyuan's temper, then the other party will definitely go to the human race to lead an army to conquer the dragon race.

Although the Dragon Clan has a geographical advantage in the four seas, there is a huge disparity in strength between the Human Clan and the Dragon Clan. It is impossible for the Dragon Clan to beat the Human Clan.

Not to mention the extremely powerful Prehistoric Human Emperor. With Xuanyuan's strength, Zulong knew very well that he could not defeat him.

In addition to the sea tribes in the four seas, I don’t know how many sea tribes intend to rebel. The dragon tribe went to suppress the rebellion all day long. Although they did not use their real strength, they wanted to train their troops, but those sea tribes If they knew that the humans were attacking, they would definitely rebel collectively and then help the humans defeat the dragons.

These are all things that have to be guarded against, so the Dragon Clan is actually unable to fight to the death with the Human Clan.

Therefore, no matter what, Xuanyuan cannot move. Once he moves, the consequences will be unbearable by the Dragon Clan.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Zhulong agreed gloomily, he sat down.

He was very unhappy and did not expect that His Majesty would not let him do it.

Originally, he thought this was a good opportunity to get rid of the Human Emperor. After all, the Human Emperor's heart was clearly revealed.

This time when he came to the Dragon Clan, he probably had bad intentions.

"Dragon Emperor, I respect you as my ancestor, so I don't care much about your etiquette. But if you let others threaten me again, I don't mind killing people in the Dragon Palace."

Xuanyuan's tone was calm, without any fluctuation.

However, it is this extremely calm business that makes them feel the most fearful.

As expected, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was shocked and angry when he heard this, but he did not dare to treat Xuanyuan like Zhulong did before.

Because they all felt this kind of aura from Xuanyuan's body, and they all knew that the other party really dared to do this. If they really dared to threaten again, the other party would definitely draw his sword and slash at them and others.

"I was not strict with my subordinates before. Please don't blame me, Human Emperor. Why do you come here? You might as well speak frankly." Zulong said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Xuanyuan.

He had called the Dragon King of the Four Seas before because he wanted them to see the gap between him and Xuanyuan and stop being obsessed with their current status all day long.

But he didn't expect that these guys would dare to yell at the Human Emperor, and even dare to threaten the Human Emperor.

If Xuanyuan went berserk and killed them, then Zulong wouldn't be surprised.

"Nothing, just some clowns, no harm to anything." Xuanyuan's expression remained unchanged and he said slowly, as if he did not take those dragon kings seriously in his words.

Ignoring the angry look in the Four Seas Dragon King's eyes, he continued: "I said before, I came here to give the human race a way to survive."

"Oh? The Dragon Clan is now extremely prosperous and enjoys land all over the world. Although it is not as prosperous as the Four Wastelands, it doesn't look like it is about to die!"

Zu Long said nonchalantly, with a hint of contempt in his tone.

Does this Human Emperor really think he is stupid?

Come here to say that the Dragon Clan is in danger and want to save the Dragon Clan?

After all, the dragon race is now the fourth most powerful race in the wild, okay! That is the fourth largest force in the world!

It can be said that apart from heaven, the human world, and the underworld, the dragon clan is the most prosperous and invincible!

But now, tell him that the Dragon Clan is going to be gone?

Who believes it?

Zu Long didn’t believe it anyway.

If Xuanyuan hadn't been so powerful, Zulong would have already suppressed the dishonest villain in front of him!

"Ha ha……"


Suddenly, Xuanyuan let out bursts of laughter. This laughter made Zulong feel a little confused, and also made the Dragon King of the Four Seas feel extremely angry.

"what are you laughing at?"

Zulong's eyes narrowed and he asked.

"My laughing dragon clan is about to be destroyed without knowing it!"

The corners of Xuanyuan's lips raised slightly, looking at the ancestral dragon in front of him, he couldn't help but shook his head and said sadly.

His extremely disdainful and scornful look made Zulong suddenly feel angry.

"Tell me, how come my dragon clan is about to be destroyed?!" Zulong suppressed the anger in his body, stared at Xuanyuan with his eyes, and said in a low voice with suppressed anger.

"Although the Dragon Clan has no worries now, there will be a disaster in the near future." Xuanyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at the Ancestral Dragon sitting high in front of him with a smile, and said slowly.

Zu Long was stunned when he heard this, and immediately his whole body began to twitch and burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After a long time, he stopped laughing, looked at Xuanyuan with his eyes filled with amusement, and joked: "Do you want to tell me that if I am not willing to join forces with your human race, your human race will come to attack the dragon clan? ?”

"Not bad! The Dragon King is so understanding!"

Xuanyuan glanced at Zulong with admiration and said with a smile.

This is what he is thinking about. If the Dragon Clan refuses to surrender to the Human Clan and help the Human Clan, then the Human Clan will attack the Dragon Clan first and try to destroy the Dragon Clan first.

As for whether this will anger the Dragon Clan and force the Dragon Clan to join the team of Heaven?

Needless to say, even if he doesn't provoke them, the dragons will follow them to crusade against the humans!

This is the general trend!

Since it doesn't matter whether you offend or offend, it's better to come here to suppress a wave of dragons before the war begins!

If they can succeed in coercion, then they will also be able to get a huge boost.

Even if the coercion fails, the human race will not lose anything.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"This is really the biggest joke I've ever heard!"

After Zulong's laughter ended, he stared at Xuanyuan with gloomy eyes and said word by word: "What do you think of me? What do you think of the Dragon Clan? Since you can stand here and talk to me properly, you are already My grace, how dare you speak so loudly? Who gave you the courage to speak so loudly? Are you really afraid that I will destroy you?"

As soon as these words came out, all the dragon kings from all over the world stood up, and some real dragons from the Hunyuan realm outside were all surrounding here at this time, and the place was surrounded by water.

Waves of powerful dragon power frightened Xuanyuan all the time, as if he might kill Xuanyuan at any time.

Xuanyuan is ridiculously strong, but he is definitely not strong enough to defeat the entire dragon clan by himself!

Even Cha, he could kill Xuanyuan Cha here today! ! !

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"The Dragon King is also good at telling jokes!"

Xuanyuan looked at Zulong with a sarcastic expression, and then said again: "You are asking me who gave me the courage? Then I will tell you, it was the human race! Is the courage that the human race gave me enough?

If you dare to touch me today, tomorrow the human army will collapse on the four seas, and the dragon clan of the four seas will be completely razed to the ground! ! ! "



As soon as these words came out, two of the real dragons behind him pointed at Xuanyuan and roared.

"court death!!!"

Xuanyuan shouted angrily, using his palm as a sword, he slashed behind him with one palm.

Buzz! ! !

A golden light flashed across the entire Dragon Palace! ! !

The next moment, extremely powerful energy exploded.

Boom! ! !

After the energy dissipated, everyone realized that the two people who had spoken previously had disappeared.

"I said that if anyone dares to threaten me again, I will personally send them off!"

Xuanyuan's extremely cold voice appeared.

In an instant, the entire Dragon Palace became silent, and no one dared to say anything more.

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