a long time.

Zu Long looked at the human emperor who was alone in front of him but dared to speak nonsense in the Dragon Palace, and even personally killed the Dragon Clan Hunyuan, his eyes flickered.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, there was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face.

Countless years have passed, and his emotions have become intangible.

Although what was happening in front of him was enough to slap him in the face, Zulong could still endure it.

Being able to endure this is not because of anything else, but because he understands that the dragon clan today simply does not have the strength to fight against the human race.

Of course, unless he desperately wants to trade the lives of the entire Dragon Clan for an opportunity for all the Clan in the Heavens to help the Dragon Clan exterminate the human race!

This is equivalent to the dragon clan being destroyed, and then the heavenly court will judge the human clan for the crimes committed by the human clan, and then send troops to attack the human clan.

Or maybe, the supreme Emperor of Heaven would not take action for the Dragon Clan at all.

After all, if he was willing to take action, Xuanyuan would have been dead long ago. How could he run so rampantly into the Dragon Palace to kill the Dragon Clan Hunyuan?

For a time, Zulong was extremely eager for power. He longed for himself to have supreme power so that he could control everything in his own hands.

Instead of being like now, when someone knocks on the door, in the end you can only smile and be unable to do anything!

This is something that Zulong cannot bear!

After all, he has always been the pinnacle figure in the world! Even in the era when Emperor Jun was dominant, he had never been so rude to him!

Of course, no matter how unbearable it is now, you still have to endure it!

There are no two reasons, only strength!

In the ancient times, the weak and the strong preyed on each other!

Nowadays, Xuanyuan clearly doesn't take him seriously and doesn't give him face, but there is nothing he can do.

Who makes the dragon race inferior to the human race!


In the end, Zu Long turned all this dissatisfaction into a sigh and looked at Xuanyuan with a faint look.

At this moment, he felt strongly how weak the Dragon Clan was, and what the patriarchs of the ethnic groups that had been ruled by the Dragon Clan in the past were like.

Of course, he had no intention of adopting a gentle policy towards those sea tribes.

After all, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Nowadays, the Dragon Clan is not as good as the Human Clan and is bullied by the Human Emperor, which is what he should bear.

In this regard, he doesn't blame anyone, he just blames himself for not being able to lead the Dragon Clan to the top.

"Human Emperor, you win, I am not as good as you, and the Dragon Clan is not as good as the Human Clan..."

Zulong sighed quietly and finally admitted defeat.

"His Majesty!!!"

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas on the side heard this, his expression changed drastically, with a look of humiliation on his face, and he couldn't help but said with grief and anger.

Each one of them turned their heads and stared at Human Emperor Xuanyuan, gnashing their teeth, and couldn't help but want to kill Xuanyuan here like this.

But they know that if they really take action, the Dragon Clan may really suffer a disaster!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing this, Xuanyuan looked up to the sky and laughed, naturally feeling very happy in his heart.

Since the Dragon Clan is willing to admit defeat, it proves that the next thing can be discussed, but it does not mean that the next thing can definitely be negotiated.

Just bowing your head and admitting that the Dragon Clan is inferior to the Human Clan for the time being does not mean that they are willing to surrender to the Human Clan.

After all, even if the Dragon Clan is inferior to the Human Clan, it is still the fourth largest force that dominates the world!

"Dragon King doesn't have to be like this. If it weren't for those young people, I would still be easy to talk to." Xuanyuan said with a kind smile.

This is his best possible way to exude a kind smile.

After all, in his life, he was either ruthless in showing others or ruthless in killing his enemies.

He is ruthless and merciless towards his enemies, and only shows his tenderness when facing his own people.

Such a person is a born emperor, a born emperor.

But for the entire race, he is not a qualified Heavenly Emperor. After all, Xuanyuan's temperament is too exclusive, and he almost only treats the human race well.

For people outside the human race, they are treated harshly.

Zulong waved his hand towards the other dragons, indicating that they should go down first.

After there were only the two of them in the entire hall, Zu Long said: "Human Emperor, there are no others now. If you have anything to say, you can tell us. However, those who did not surrender to the human race will face the pressure of the human race army." Don’t mention it again.”

Zulong can accept a certain degree of compromise, but this definitely does not mean that he can accept surrender to the human race!

The dragon is a divine creature that travels around the world and enjoys the heaven and earth!

How could it be tamed by the human race and become its sea-suppressing beast?

This is something that the entire dragon clan cannot allow, and it is absolutely something that Zulong cannot allow.

Even in the face of Emperor Jun, Zulong only expressed his sincerity and sincerity, and did not say that he wanted the entire dragon clan to truly belong to the heaven!

This shows Zulong’s determination.

Of course, this is something that every leader of a major power must stick to.

After all, the dragon race cannot surrender to any race, just like the human race cannot surrender to any race!

There is no doubt about this!

Xuanyuan's face suddenly darkened when he heard this. He had made it very clear before that the Dragon Clan would either surrender to the Human Clan, or they would have to face the Human Clan's army.

But Zulong still said this, which shows that the two are really irreconcilable.

"Fellow Daoist Zulong, have you really thought about it?"

Xuanyuan's cold voice sounded again, as if it was like the call of death.

Zulong's face darkened when he heard this. He looked into Xuanyuan's eyes, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his face: "Human Emperor, I will not kill you. As the saying goes, if the two armies are fighting, if you don't kill the envoy, you Now that you have the guts to come here, I won’t treat you like this.

The Dragon Clan will never surrender to any race. Even if they fight to the last soldier, even if the blood of the Dragon Clan stains the entire world, the Dragon Clan will never surrender to any race! ! ! "

There was a fearless expression on his face, and he was obviously ready to fight the human race to the death.

Even if the blood of the Dragon Clan is really shed, they will not surrender to the Human Clan!

Although the dragon clan is still too weak for the human clan, which caused the previous ancestor dragons to tolerate Xuanyuan, but this does not mean that the human clan can ask the dragon clan to surrender!

If there are some small requests, Zulong will not refuse, and the dragon clan will not resist.

But Zulong will naturally not tolerate this kind of matter regarding the future development and dignity of the entire dragon clan, nor will he tolerate it anymore.

"Good! What a dragon!"

Xuanyuan also heard the other party's determination from Zu Long's mouth, and he was already determined to attack the dragon clan first.

Although most of the Dragon Clan may be as brave as the Ancestral Dragon and not afraid of death, he really doesn't believe that all members of the Dragon Clan are truly unafraid of death!

Then kill all the dragons who are not afraid of death, and finally leave those dragons who are afraid of death to rule the world! ! !

This trick has been proven time and time again and is also the simplest trick.

Of course, the consequences are also huge.

After all, it is impossible for Man Tian Sheng to just watch the human race knock down the dragon race, and they will definitely take action in the end.

Therefore, if Xuanyuan doesn't move, he will quickly knock down the entire dragon clan and make the dragon clan surrender!

You must not delay. If you delay, the situation will be different.

Dealing with the Dragon Clan this time is not like dealing with Chiyou and others before. They can just use their hands casually.

Xuanyuan left here after leaving a cruel word, his expression was cold and cruel.

Originally they wanted to defeat the enemy without a fight, but the Dragon Clan actually wanted to risk their lives to resist to the end! ! !

All this made Xuanyuan extremely angry.

Although this was expected, when all this happened, Xuanyuan still felt angry in his heart.

Of course, it is understandable that Zulong refuses, as he would have refused in the same way.

However, the positions are different, so the views are naturally different.

In the Dragon Palace.

Zulong and the previous Dragon Kings of the Four Seas all gathered together.

Zhulong, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, what did the Human Emperor say in the end?"

The other three dragon kings also looked at Zulong, looking forward to Zulong's answer.

Zulong sighed when he heard the words and said: "What else could it be? It's just what I said before."

"Did His Majesty ever promise him?!"

Several other dragons asked immediately.

"Of course not! Although the human race is powerful, the dragon race is not easy to deal with! The emperor wants to make the dragon race surrender, but only relies on his small words? How is this possible!"

Zulong scolded naturally.

He was shocked that several of his subordinates actually asked about this matter, at least he would never do that kind of surrender.

It seems that too long of peace has made these dragon kings weak.

"Your Majesty is mighty!!!"

Zhulong, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, couldn't help shouting, and a surge of emotion arose in his heart.

"Your Majesty is mighty!!!"

The Dragon King of the West Sea Qinglong, the Dragon King of the North Sea Bingyi, and the Dragon King of the East Sea Canglong couldn't help but shout.

Listening to the shouts of several right-hand men below, Zulong vaguely felt as if he had returned to the past.

In that era, I seemed to be as sharp as Xuanyuan is today, and I had the illusion that the whole world was in my hands!

Yes, an illusion!

He knew very clearly that it was an illusion. Later, he became a pawn in the battle between demons, and the dragon clan was almost destroyed.

If not, the Dragon Clan would become like the Phoenix and Qilin Clan today.

But fortunately, I realized the true self of Hunyuan at that time, and thus saved the entire Dragon Clan in one fell swoop.

Karmic sin is never the straw that breaks the camel's back.

What really breaks the camel's back is cultivation, the peak powerhouse!

At that time, the reason why the Phoenix and Qilin clans fell was because they lost the strong ones who understood the true self of Hunyuan.

The past years are passing quickly in my eyes.

Finally, Zulong's eyes became inexplicably firm and extremely sharp.

At this moment, Zulong's momentum reached its peak, and he naturally broke through to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

For a time, the whole world was celebrating.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock at the Ancestral Dragon's breakthrough in cultivation.

This scene was too shocking.

In a single thought, one can break through the limitations of one's own cultivation and reach the realm of the peak of the prehistoric world!

Yes, the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the peak realm of the prehistoric world at this stage!

There are only a handful of creatures in the prehistoric world who have reached this realm.

"I! This time, I want to take back everything that the dragon clan has lost! But this also cannot be separated from your help!"

There were bursts of starlight flashing in Zulong's eyes, as if the whole world was hidden in his eyes.

"The dragon clan is now in a hot moment! Xuanyuan is still thief, trying to make the dragon clan surrender! I rejected him, and the human race will definitely raise a large army to suppress us!!!"

"Dear children of the dragon clan, are you willing to let the human race stand on the head of the dragon clan?!"

"Are you willing to let the dragon clan surrender to the feet of the human race?!"

The voice of Zulong spread to the entire four seas. The four seas are vast and boundless, but at this moment it seems to be all under Zulong's feet.

"No! No!!!"

"We don't want to!!!"

"We will fight to the death!!!"

"We won't turn back until our blood runs dry!!!"

"You want the dragons to surrender? Then step over our bodies first!!"

"Although I am old, I am still a dragon!!!"

"Fight till death! Fight till death!!!"

Voices came from all directions. After hearing the news, the vast number of dragons in the four seas were all furious.

Faced with all this, they resolutely refused to agree!

They have been curled up in the four seas for countless years, and have long regarded the four seas as their home.

However, now that the human race wants to break into the four seas, they are even more outrageous to let them surrender to the human race. This is more difficult for them to accept than killing them.

So, in the face of all this, they should naturally rise up to resist and fight to the death!!!

These voices were originally only heard in a sea area.

But for some reason, it could flow into Zulong's ears clearly.

Zulong was in the Dragon Palace. After hearing the shouts of the dragons in the four seas, he was immediately moved.

"Dragon! There is still hope!!!"

Zulong's eyes flashed with light, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Looking at everything in front of him, he was full of relief.

For so many years, the children of the dragon clan have long been immersed in the glory of the past.

They all thought that after achieving Hunyuan, they could rest on their laurels, which led to the rapid overtaking of the dragon clan, and a big gap between them and the two clans of witches and liches.

But now, with the great change in Zulong's state of mind, while his cultivation broke through, the entire dragon clan began to take on a new look.

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