Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 442: Standing in darkness, in the light!

Various phantoms rose from the body of Zulong, there were twelve figures in total, each of which contained a terrifying aura.

This scene was extremely shocking! Even the four sea dragon kings were shocked by this scene! Even they were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

As powerful Hunyuan masters, the gap was so big!

"Your Majesty, the divine power is unparalleled!!!"

"Your Majesty, the divine power is unparalleled!!!"

One after another, the shouts came, and the might of Zulong became stronger and stronger.

One after another, one after another.


This time, the human race wants to make the dragon race surrender, seize the dragon race's luck, dominate the four seas of the dragon race, and recruit dragon race members to fight for them.

From the perspective of the dragon race, the human race is undoubtedly one of the villains!

But if you look at it from the perspective of the human race, Xuanyuan is a great leader! A great man who opened up the territory!

In the prehistoric world, there is no right or wrong, only strength.

If you have strength, you will have enough benefits. If you don't have strength, you will have no benefits.

Everything is just a matter of strength.

Among the human race.

One by one, kind-looking Buddhists walked among the human countries, preaching Buddhist teachings and recruiting disciples from all over the world.

One by one, the immortal children with immortal style exuded the ethereal immortal aura and preached the power of immortality.

Among the human race, many tribesmen began to join both and comprehend the Buddhist and immortal ways.

However, the purpose of most people in it was very clear, that is, they went to the two avenues, not to join the Buddhist or immortal sects.

At most, they just put a name in it.

For all this to happen, the kings of the human race did not refuse.

The reason is that whether it is Buddhism or the immortal sect, it is always a force. Although it is far inferior to the human race, it is also much larger than the general forces.

In Luoyang.

Layers of magic arrays overlapped each other, forming such a huge magic array.

In the imperial city.

"Your Majesty, now the immortals and Buddhists are preaching among our human race. Do we need to intercept them? And stop them from deceiving the children of the human race."

A minister said slowly with a worried look on his face.

"No need, some small Taoists, this attack on the dragon race, they must also be asked to contribute, otherwise, then the immortals and Buddhists will be banned."

Xuanyuan's eyes were indifferent, with a charm flashing in them, and nothing could escape his eyes.

As a human emperor, he should follow the laws of heaven and earth, and not invade or avoid all laws.

His meaning was very clear, that is, if the other party can be used by me, then keep them and let them grow stronger.

But if the other party is still unwilling to help him, then he can only drive them all out of the human race.

When everything in the world falls into the mortal world, it will eventually only show a figure.

That is death...

"But your majesty, we must be on guard against the Demon Sect!!!"

The minister stepped out again, bowed and said.

What he was talking about was the rebellion of the Jiuli tribe in the past, behind which was the figure of the Demon Ancestor and the shadow of the Demon Sect.

It can be said that Luohou used some extremely dirty means to control these human beings.

So, they were suppressed together, otherwise there was no need to suppress them, and it was enough to suppress Chiyou alone.

That is to set an example.

"Don't be afraid, I don't think they can learn the methods of the Demon Ancestor!"

Xuanyuan waved his hand, indicating that there was nothing to say.

In the prehistoric world, there was only one person who could do what Luohou did, using special means to suppress the powerful Hunyuan.

At least, apart from hearing that Luohou could do it, he had never heard of anyone else.

Even the Buddhist sect, which is famous for its bewitching ways, could not bewitch a powerful Hunyuan...

"Let's not talk about the Demon Sect now, let's talk about the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan would rather die than surrender. Although they are men, the outcome can only be seen on the battlefield!

All of this is just a lie! Gentlemen, mobilize your soldiers and follow me to attack the Dragon Clan!!!"

Xuanyuan stood with his hands behind his back, and his huge power shook the four directions.

The number of people in the entire human court was getting smaller and smaller, and gradually only Xuanyuan was left.

"The sins of this generation will be borne entirely by me..."

After saying this, he shook his head, left here, and went to the chaos.

That damn Demon Sect had dared to provoke the human race before, and even directly interfered with the internal affairs of the human race!

This was what made Xuanyuan most disdainful and angry.

If you lose, you can start over, but some things will never come back once you lose them...

So, this time, he went to find Luohou.

Before, he was busy with affairs, so he didn't call to find Luohou.

What's more, Luohou's figure was erratic and there was no stable place to stay.

Even if there was a demon domain, Luohou was not necessarily in the demon domain.

What's more, Luohou was an extremely powerful Hunyuan strongman!

Chaos, the demon domain outside the domain.

The big red sun hung high in the sky, rendering the whole sky bloody.

This was not the real sun, but the demon sun.

It was the sun of the demon clan and also the energy core of the demon clan.

Waves of demon energy continued to come out from it, one after another, one round after another.

This is the devil sun created when Luohou transformed into the devil realm.

But after all, his cultivation is shallow, and his origin is not as deep as Pangu's.

So this devil realm is said to be in the chaos, but in fact it is born from the primeval world. The origin exists from the primeval world, and this world is not a very perfect world.


North Pole.

A deadly atmosphere filled the entire death realm. The strange and deadly atmosphere suddenly formed a figure, which was the figure of the death god and demon.

"Now is the time of many troubles, and it is the time for us to be born..."

The death god and demon looked at the center of the primeval world, and vaguely realized that a great struggle was coming.

Since Pangu killed three thousand gods and demons, even if the gods and demons of the great way were revived, most of them were just hiding, and few went to the primeval world to fight.

And even if the death god and demon did not cause any trouble during this period of time, the number of undead in his death realm has increased.

Most of these undead spirits are in the form of true spirits. At the beginning, they were devoured by death and strengthened the Dao rhyme of death.

However, now, these true spirits have not been devoured by the death gods and demons, but gradually turned into powerful figures one after another. Everything, in the end, is just a puppet of the death gods and demons from death.

These creatures emerged from the initial state of death one by one, and returned to become the powerful undead army of the death gods and demons.

It’s just that the strength of these undead armies is really unbearable, and the strongest is only at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

But this does not prevent the death gods and demons from planning to develop an undead army.

When this army can really stand up, then at that time, it can let this army go to deal with anything.

And it is impossible for him to deal with everything personally.

Although the current strength is a bit low, it may not be so low in the future.

If it really doesn't work, the Death God and Demon can personally kill a Hunyuan strongman, then plunder his true spirit into his own hands, and then transform him into his own undead commander. This is all possible.

Then, the figure of the Death God and Demon disappeared, and a dead breath flew up from here.


A dark place.

It was filled with infinite light.

In the light was the Light God and Demon.

In the light, stepping on darkness!

This is the Light God and Demon now!

A touch of joy appeared on the face of the Light God and Demon. He finally realized a little mystery from it!

That is the beauty of controlling the opposite avenue!

If He can really master the dark avenue, then I don't know what realm His cultivation realm will reach at that time!

Although darkness and light are opposite to each other, they are also born from each other.

When darkness reaches its extreme, it is light, and when light reaches its extreme, it is also darkness.

The two transform into each other, endlessly.

Ever since he saw Emperor Jun kill the Dark God and Demon in seconds, the Light God and Demon turned around and was filled with horror.

Because his fighting power has always been on par with the Dark God and Demon, and it is hard to tell who is better.

Emperor Jun can kill the Dark God and Demon in seconds, so he can also kill him in seconds!

He, who should have been treated as a guest of honor by the Heavenly Court, has now fallen into such a situation, and can only be entangled with those useless Buddhists in the West.

Facing all this, the Light God and Demon are extremely unwilling.


The Light God and Demon laughed wildly, obviously very excited.

"I step on the darkness and am in the light! When I control the authority of the Dark Avenue! I can become the strongest god and demon!!!"

The Light God and Demon vaguely felt that if he could really control the darkness, he would become an extremely powerful existence, not to mention being able to become an existence like Pangu.

But reaching the top of the Great Dao God and Demon should be no problem!

Of course, his previous words were also a bit pretentious.

After all, even if he really controlled the power of darkness, the fusion of darkness and light might not necessarily defeat other great Dao gods and demons.

As for the five supreme ones?

They are definitely not able to defeat them!

The five supreme Daos are really far superior to ordinary great Dao gods and demons from the root, and they are not comparable to ordinary gods and demons at all.

Even the upper gods and demons like the gods and demons of light are like this...

However, when the gods and demons of light were laughing wildly, a breath of death suddenly came, sweeping across this space in an instant, making the entire space full of strong breath of death!

The face of the gods and demons of light suddenly changed, and they looked at the breath of death with horror, and said in an incredible trembling voice: "You...you...how did you find me here?!"

The place where he is here is not an easy place to find. This is the darkest existence in the chaos!

This is the interval between the prehistoric chaotic universe and another chaotic world!

There is no light here!

There is only darkness!

What is the light? It is in this environment that he intends to fully comprehend the dark avenue!

Only the extreme darkness can help him cover up his own great light and comprehend the true meaning of darkness.

No one should be able to find this place. If Pangu had found it, the God of Light would not be surprised at all. But it was not Pangu who came now, but the God of Death.

The former enemy in the chaos!

"Why, are you surprised?"

The God of Death had a playful smile on his face, and looked at the God of Light in front of him jokingly.

He did not expect that this guy in front of him would actually come to learn the Dark Dao!

This is simply a miracle!

If other gods and demons knew about this, they would probably laugh to death at the God of Light.

The God of Light has betrayed his own Bright Dao!

The face of the God of Light was ashen, and he looked at the God of Death who was smiling on the opposite side with a gloomy look, and said coldly: "Why are you here, what's the matter?"

"Hahahaha... Look at what you said, can't you come here if there is nothing? This is Chaos, not your territory!" The God of Death laughed wildly.

Yes, this is Chaos.

Although it is the place where two chaos meet, there is no problem in calling it chaos.

"If you have nothing to do, then I will leave."

The God of Light was too lazy to pay too much attention to him and said coldly.

He knew that the other party must have something to ask for when he came to him, otherwise why would he come here.

However, since the other party came and saw this scene of his, he naturally had to talk about something.

"Don't worry, I came here to form an alliance with you, how about it?"

The God of Death said with a smile.

This kind of god and demon representing death actually gave such a kind smile, which was extremely strange and shocking.

"Alliance? You and I were like fire and water in the past..."

The God of Light was a little surprised, but still said coldly.

Just as he said, we were like fire and water in the past, how can we form an alliance now?

"The reason why you comprehend the Dark Path here is probably because you know that the present Great Desolation is not controlled by us gods and demons, so you are unwilling to come here hoping to comprehend the Dark Path, thereby breaking free from the shackles of the Path and ascending to a higher realm. Am I right..."

Death God and Demon stared at the eyes of Light God and Demon, and smiled faintly.

"Yes, but so what?" Light God and Demon said without concealment.

"In this case, why can't we join forces and fight the enemy together?"

Death God and Demon asked again.

If it weren't for the fact that the present Great Desolation is too dangerous and is no longer the chaos that they, the gods and demons, could control, how could He come to the Light God and Demon Alliance.

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