Chapter 444 Chi You: Death bastards...



"Why are you here..."

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation stood on the underworld, looking at the two gods and demons leisurely, and said slowly.

The breath of death instantly enveloped the entire underworld, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a sense of using force to intimidate.

"What do you mean?! Want to start a war?!"

The face of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation instantly turned cold, and his momentum suddenly burst out wildly.

He actually dared to burst out in this land of reincarnation, which was a naked provocation to him!

And this damn guy actually brought a God and Demon of Light.

If there were only the God and Demon of Death, then the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation would still have some confidence.

But now the other party has two gods and demons, if he wants to defeat the other party, it will be more difficult!

This time, he instantly lost confidence.

But if the other party really intends to attack, then he will swear to surround the wheel of reincarnation!

With so many powerful people in the underworld helping them, these two gods and demons will definitely die!!!

If the other party is reasonable, He will also talk, at most a one-on-one fight!

But if the other party intends to use the majority to bully the minority, then...

"What do I mean?!"


The Death God and Demon laughed loudly, then withdrew his momentum and said, "What can I mean? I just want to talk to you!"

After hearing this, the Light God and Demon rolled his eyes at him with disdain, and was immediately speechless.

This guy is really good at talking nonsense, it's simply outrageous.

I really can't beat the other party, otherwise I would have mocked him.

As a great god and demon, I really lost my face to the other party.

At this time.

The auras of the powerful Hunyuan appeared one after another, and in the netherworld, the powerful Hunyuan appeared one by one.

Tu Bo, the Lord of the Nine Netherworld, suddenly appeared with a huge body. His violent and rough body was revealed in front of everyone, and the pair of horns on his head set off the Nine Netherworld River.

Chi You, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, who was in charge of the operation of Fengdu City and even the underworld, had infinite evil spirits in his body.

The endless ghosts were frightened by the evil spirit that surged into the sky and dared not look directly at it, as if they could be killed alive by the evil spirit on his body.

There were also great witches of the witch clan, such as the Ten Kings of Hell, from King Qin Guang to King Zhuanlun.

There were also the Five Ghost Emperors of the Ghost Cave outside Fengdu City...

At this time, all the powerful underworld foundations appeared above the underworld.

Finally, Hou Tu Niangniang, who was in charge of the reincarnation of the underworld, appeared.

"Greetings to the Queen Mother Hou Tu Zhi Shan! The Queen Mother's achievements are beyond heaven and earth, and her achievements are comparable to those of nature!!!"

The gods on duty in the underworld bowed slightly to Hou Tu, shouting with joy.

They haven't seen the Queen Mother Hou Tu for a long time. With the stability of the prehistoric world, the underworld is even more stable. They practice every day except for cultivation.

Sitting in the underworld.

As for handling the affairs of the underworld, there are Dharma bodies or clones to handle it, so they don't need to put all their energy on handling official affairs, they just need to practice continuously!

As a local god, you naturally need to do your job first.

Just like them, if you don't handle the affairs of the underworld well, there will be a large number of ghosts in the underworld, and even various false and wrongful cases will appear. At that time, let alone enjoying the luck, it would be good if you don't cause the backlash of karma from heaven and earth!

So, the first priority is to handle the affairs first.

"Stand up!"

Hou Tu nodded slightly and smiled at everyone.

Suddenly, thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian all stood up.

This is not all the foundation of the underworld. The foundation of the underworld is as many as tens of thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It's just that many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are not in the underworld for various reasons, or they are in seclusion and meditation, so they are not actually here.

After seeing this scene, the pupils of the Death God and Demon shrank suddenly.

How could he not know what these people in front of him were going to do? Most of them came to give him a direct blow!

For this situation, although the face of the Death God and Demon turned ugly, he didn't care too much.

Because he believed that even if something happened, he could leave here quickly, and he didn't need to care too much about the existence of these people.

Of course, it is also possible that he was solved by the other party in the first place!

In a simple sentence, it depends on the first move!

If he takes the initiative, he has enough confidence to leave here before the other party makes a move!

The battle of the Hunyuan strong is often just a moment.

But if it is not a battle of a moment, it is often a stalemate of tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Because a tiny gap is not enough to widen the combat power between the two people, but if it is a little more, it will cause a qualitative change!

Then there will be a situation where the battle is resolved in an instant!

In the eyes of those who do not know the power, they may think that the opponent's strength is too weak, so he will be killed directly!

"Reincarnation, there is no need to make it so stiff, right? It's rare for us to meet each other, why do we have to make it so ugly?" The Death God and Demon said slowly with a kind smile.

"Just now, you used that disgusting breath to cover the underworld? ! ! "

Chi You, the Emperor of Fengdu, looked at the Death God and Demon with a sullen face. He could recognize at a glance that this guy was the God and Demon that he had just released.

What kind of bullshit God and Demon?

How many divisions of the underworld can he defeat? !

Everything is about strength!

And strength is not just individual strength, but also group strength! That is commonly known as power! ! !

Those with huge power can crush those with weak power in the present prehistoric world! Even those without power!

This is why the Death God and Demon want to re-establish an alliance force now! ! !

The fundamental reason is to gather the power of the great gods and demons in the chaos of the past to fight against the major forces in the present prehistoric world, so as to protect their own rights and interests, and even want to restore their former status in the chaos! ! !

Of course, this is not the first time in the prehistoric world. After all, those great gods and demons in the chaos did this before.

The three major camps have formed a stable pattern. Although there are occasional battles, they are still harmonious most of the time.

Until the appearance of Pangu Egg, all these patterns were broken...

"How dare you!!! What kind of lowly creature are you? How dare you interrupt me when I am talking to the God of Reincarnation!!!"

The God of Death was furious when he heard this, and he shouted directly at the Emperor of Fengdu Chiyou.

Chiyou was furious when he heard this, and instantly pointed at the God of Death and shouted: "It's just some scum who died in the chaos of the past! How dare you act so wild in front of me now!?"

The Emperor of Fengdu is the emperor in charge of everything in the underworld.

That is, the highest god under Hou Tu Niangniang.

He can naturally call himself "I" in front of others, of course, if he is in front of Hou Tu, he still has to call himself a subordinate.

After all, Hou Tu is the real god who controls everything in the underworld, and the Emperor of Fengdu is the god appointed by Hou Tu.

In other words, in the underworld, if Hou Tu does not come out, Chi You is the most respected.

"Looking for death!!!"

When the Death God and Demon heard someone calling him a bastard, he exploded instantly, and the breath of death was all over his body.

Just when the surrounding Hunyuan strongmen thought that the other party was ready to attack, they quickly took action to build a circle of protection in front of Chi You.

Densely packed, layer after layer!

And a scene that shocked everyone appeared!

The Death God and Demon did not appear as angry as they imagined, and then fought to the death. He only saw his figure flash and disappeared instantly!

Seeing this, the Light God and Demon wanted to escape.

But the next moment!

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

All kinds of barriers appeared in the sky above the underworld, and any escape magic, Taoism, law and avenue were all invalid at this time! ! !

This is a barrier constructed by thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is a seal!

Facing this, the Light God and Demon's eyes almost fell out.

Damn it!

Why was there nothing wrong with the Death God and Demon when he escaped, but he encountered this almost absolutely sealed barrier after just being stunned for a moment? !

It was because everyone thought that the Death God and Demon would fight to the death, just like him, that they did not predict the escape of the Death God and Demon.

But it was different for the Light God and Demon. When the Light God and Demon reacted, everyone else also reacted!

So, He was unable to escape.

Fuck the Death God and Demon!!!

When I get out, I will definitely tear you into pieces!!!

At this time, the Light God and Demon wanted to burst out in his heart!

Of course, He was actually just very angry, and he didn't really want to say this.

"Don't hurt him!"

The Reincarnation God and Demon shouted loudly.

Chi You and others stopped instantly, just maintaining this barrier to prevent the Light God and Demon from escaping.

Hou Tu was his disciple, so these people naturally followed his orders.

It's just that the gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation don't usually give them any orders.

"Teacher, what do you want?"

Hou Tu asked in confusion.

She didn't know why she didn't send the god and demon of light into the avenue. In this way, wouldn't the contradictions faced by the underworld be much smaller?


Just when the gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation wanted to say something, a sudden laugh came from the sky.

When people arrived, they could see a creature that was almost the same as humans. If they didn't look carefully, they might really think that the other party was a human.

"Demon God?!!"

The gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation said in great surprise.

Looking at the man in front of him, it was the demon god and demon who was sitting cross-legged on a twenty-fourth-grade black lotus of the devil.

"Demon God?!"

Chi You and the ten Yamas and others all looked at the demon god and demon in great shock.

Looking at the black lotus under the other party, it is obvious that it is not an ordinary thing. It must be much better than the 12th-grade black lotus of extinction that Luohou is sitting on!

However, what Luohou is using now is real, while the one used by the Demon God is just the manifestation of the demonic energy, not the real 24th-grade black lotus of the devil!

However, even if it is just like this, the other party is obviously full of style.

Unlike the escape of the Death God, in this scene, the Demon God who dared to come down is indeed very courageous!


The Light God and Demon were stunned when they saw each other. What was this guy doing here?

Is he trying to get himself killed? !

"Reincarnation God and Demon, long time no see!"

The Demon God and Demon smiled slightly, and when he looked at Reincarnation, he greeted him consciously.

"You are still as elegant as ever after your return!"

The Reincarnation God and Demon looked at the Demon God and Demon, and said with a smile, but then he felt something was wrong, and changed his words: "Not only that! You are even more elegant than before!"

"Hahahaha... You are too polite..." The Demon God and Demon laughed and said politely after hearing the compliment.

"I just don't know if you are still as free and unrestrained as before..." The Reincarnation God and Demon said with a bit of gloom.

When he first saw each other, he was naturally very happy. After all, he and the Demon God and Demon got along very well in the past, but there were some conflicts later.

But it was when he thought of the conflicts that followed, and how the other party had even stolen his own treasure of enlightenment, the Six Path Wheel, and played with it for a few times...

Although he took advantage of his unpreparedness, he finally returned it to Him.

But this matter was not a trivial matter after all, so it left a big gap in the hearts of the gods and demons of reincarnation.

In the chaos of the past, many companion treasures existed. Except for the supreme gods and demons at that time, the others were refined and carried with them.

But the gods and demons of reincarnation are a little different. This guy directly inserted his treasure into the land of reincarnation to evolve reincarnation, hoping to evolve a reincarnation.

In this way, he can get great benefits from the gods and demons of life, death, creation, and destruction.

It was just that the heaven and earth were not separated at that time, and the Great Dao did not allow reincarnation to be displayed, so it was impossible to evolve reincarnation!

It is precisely because of this that the Six Path Wheel was inserted into the land of reincarnation most of the time unless it was against the enemy.

And the guy Demon God took this opportunity to steal all his companion treasures...


The Demon God laughed loudly upon hearing this, shook his head and said: "I didn't expect that fellow Daoist still remembered the old grudges! How about we smile at each other and forget the grudges in the underworld?"


The God of Reincarnation looked him up and down upon hearing this, snorted coldly, and then said proudly: "No! At least we have to drink!"


After that, he said to Hou Tu: "Let him go, the leader this time is death, not him..."

"This is a great saying, it is right!!!"

The Demon God also laughed loudly upon hearing this, and the surrounding Hunyuan strongmen also knew that these two people were really close friends.

"Thank you fellow Daoist for speaking for me!!!"

The God of Light felt grateful in his heart and immediately bowed to the God of Reincarnation.

"Okay!" Hou Tu nodded and agreed.

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