Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 445: Hou Tu's shock, the ambition of the death god and demon


In the underworld.

The God of Light and the God of Death came very quickly and left very quickly.

When he came, the God of Light looked like a dead dog, and when he left, he still looked like a dead dog.

It can be said that the God of Light is the only man in their alliance who has remained consistent.

When the God of Death came, he was extremely arrogant and full of pretense, but when the fight really started, he ran faster than anyone else, leaving the God of Light like a dog and almost died here.

Fortunately, it was the God of Reincarnation who spoke, so that he could leave here safely, which was equivalent to saving his life.

The previous dissatisfaction with the God of Reincarnation disappeared in an instant, and he felt extremely envious and grateful to the other party.

What he envied was that the other party really took the right path, entangled with the acquired creatures, and now has a transcendent status, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary gods and demons.

And gratitude is needless to say, it is purely because the other party saved his life.

Let alone the Demon God, there is nothing that He is afraid of.

Even when Pangu created the world, He was not afraid of Pangu, but He did not want to see that scene coming. He was indeed afraid when he was killed, but that was afraid of falling into an endless sleep.

In the reincarnation of the underworld.

The Demon God, the Reincarnation God and the Houtu sat on the ground, sitting in three parties.

Although the Reincarnation God is Houtu's teacher, in fact, the two are also teachers and friends, but the Reincarnation God is kind and Houtu also respects him.

In addition to the Reincarnation God being able to preach to Houtu and increase her understanding of the reincarnation road, Houtu also protected the dignity of the Reincarnation God, allowing him to still stand at the top of the prehistoric world.

Even if the Reincarnation God is not strong enough to push the four seas and eight wastelands, He is still standing at the top of the four seas and eight wastelands.

It can be said that the underworld obeys Hou Tu. As long as Hou Tu gives an order, basically everyone will obey the orders of the gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation.

In this regard, no one can do better than the underworld and the witch clan.

Nowadays, I am afraid that the human race can barely be regarded as a force, but it is limited to the current era.

Every era brings different things, and the current era is completely comparable to the witch clan and the underworld.

Unity is not only a synonym for the witch clan, but also a synonym for the human race.

"Why did Daoyou improve his strength after returning this time?" The gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation heard curiously.

This kind of strength improvement is worthy of the overall conclusion drawn after the increase in combat power has been converted, and it is not that the current cultivation is higher than the past, so the combat power will become higher.

It is not like this. It is calculated that everyone's combat power has increased, and the combat power of the gods and demons of the devil has increased by a few points.

This point, how can ordinary creatures know the clues at a glance.

It's just the innate ability of these great gods and demons. Everything is almost invisible in their eyes.

Nothing can escape.

"I don't know, maybe it's because there are more demons in the prehistoric world..."

The demon god shook his head slightly, chuckled, and said.

All the gods and demons who returned to the prehistoric world have almost all become stronger.

Perhaps only the main body of the chaotic gods and demons will become a little weaker!

However, the chaotic gods and demons can carry three thousand great ways, so it is not too important. As long as they carry three thousand great ways, they will definitely be able to greatly enhance their strength in the future!

Of course, this is just a guess.

Although the chaotic world is relatively small, it has expanded countless times after all. In addition, there is another chaotic universe. Whether the ability of the chaotic gods and demons will be enhanced, this is also something that can only be known after the other party wakes up.

The universe may not be unique, but the great gods and demons are absolutely unique!

There can be many universes, and the same is true for the chaotic world.

But there are only three thousand of the Three Thousand Great Dao Gods and Demons!!!

"Maybe, what are your plans for this return? How about staying with me in the underworld?" The God of Reincarnation said with a slight smile on his face.

Hou Tu, who was standing by, was overjoyed when she heard this. Although she had not seen the fighting power of the God of Demons with her own eyes, she could see it from the attitudes of these Great Dao Gods and Demons towards them.

"If the senior is willing to come, Hou Tu will follow the senior's request and personally supervise the construction of the palace that the senior likes, which will be used for the senior's daily practice!"

Hou Tu said hurriedly.

But these things have no attraction to the God of Demons. If He wants to have these things, wouldn't they be easy to get? !

So, the God of Demons didn't look down on them at all. He slowly shook his head and refused: "I have always been a one-to-one person. No matter what, I can't stay in one place at ease, so I appreciate your kindness."

As He said, the devil does whatever he wants.

He who thinks whatever he wants, how could he think of settling down in one place? !

With the sky as a blanket and the earth as a bed, this kind of life may be extremely miserable for mortals, but for these great gods and demons, it is just a commonplace.

In the chaos of the past, there was no distinction between heaven and earth, and there were no beds for sleeping like in later generations. Instead, people could sleep wherever they wanted.

The premise is to have enough strength, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked by other creatures.

What's more, these great gods and demons don't need to sleep at all. Their so-called sleep is just because the chaos is too monotonous and boring, so they want to spend this boring and uninteresting time in a deep sleep.


The god and demon of the wheel of reincarnation said with a look of pity.

But he also knew the other party's temperament, so he didn't persuade him anymore.

Instead, Hou Tu looked regretful.

It seems that he can't catch such a powerful god and demon.

Although he doesn't necessarily need to do it, it's also good to be able to enhance the strength of the underworld.

"Did you bully the immortal god and demon again after you came back this time?" The god and demon of the wheel of reincarnation looked at the demon god and demon with a smile on his face, and asked with strange eyes.

Hou Tu on the side opened his eyes when he heard the words, and he was a little numb.

Bully the immortal god and demon? !

Didn't the Immortal God and Demon obtain the body and be said to be the strongest God and Demon now?

This God and Demon in front of him, who looks free and easy and is almost the same as humans, can actually bully the Immortal God and Demon? !

The Demon God and Demon smiled indifferently, then his expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "When I returned from Buddhism, I went to the outer demon realm; although the Demon Ancestor did not please me, the Immortal God and Demon treated him like this before, which was also a slap in my face.

Afterwards, I went to the Chaos Zixiao Palace in person and beat up the Immortal God and Demon. When I was about to kill him, suddenly a very strange but powerful aura appeared, which annihilated him, the entire area, and my magical powers. I don't know who it was, but I couldn't see any trace of it.

In the Chaos Primordial Wilderness, besides that person, is there anyone else so powerful?!"

The Demon God and Demon's face suddenly became much uglier, and he didn't know whether the Immortal God and Demon was dead or not.

But this is not very important. After all, the Immortal God and Demon killed Luohou once before, which was a slap in his face. This time, he also killed him once.

Theoretically, it is even.

What is more important is who the strong man behind him is and how strong he is.

Hou Tu, who was standing aside, was horrified when she heard this. She looked at the Demon God and Demon with shock.

This unprepossessing God and Demon in front of her could actually beat up the Immortal God and Demon? !

And he almost killed him? !

After hearing this, Hou Tu felt a little bit sorry that such a strong man could not be recruited into the underworld by her.

If there was, then the underworld would have another top fighting force in the future!

Or the top one!

"This... There is no stronger existence than that in the prehistoric world..." The God and Demon of Reincarnation frowned. He knew that the other party was talking about Pangu, but where in the prehistoric world is there anyone stronger than Pangu?

Suddenly, he thought of someone and said quickly: "Daoyou, you don't know that in the chaos, besides Pangu, there is a more powerful existence. He is not even a person in the chaos, but an existence outside the chaos!"


The Demon God was extremely shocked.

Is there really a world outside the chaos? !

Then they, the Great Dao Gods and Demons, are not the strongest? !

"But the one who may exist in the chaos in the past?!" The Demon God immediately thought of the person they guessed during the chaos.

The Reincarnation God nodded slightly and confirmed it.


Hearing that it was the one in the chaos in the past who moved the fate of the chaos and prevented them from finding Pangu, he knew that the existence must be extremely powerful.

However, the Demon God did not ask any more questions, but calmed down instantly.

Hou Tu, who was standing aside, was even more confused after hearing it. It existed in the chaos? It seems that he has left some shadow on them. How many plots did the Taoist master set in the prehistoric world...

"Daoist friend, how about discussing the Dao like in the chaos of the past?"

The Demon God and Demon looked at the Reincarnation God and Demon, wanting to discuss the Dao with him, so that he could have some insights and perhaps improve his cultivation!

"That's great! Great!" The Reincarnation God and Demon also said with great joy. He hadn't discussed the Dao with gods and demons of the same level for a long time.

"My friend, let's go together!"

The Demon God and Demon smiled and looked at Hou Tu and said.

He could feel the special power in the other party's body, and suddenly a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


Hou Tu did not agree directly, but looked at the Reincarnation God and Demon first.

"This time, there is the Great Dao of Demon, you just need to comprehend it." The Reincarnation God and Demon instantly understood that she was worried about the gods and demons, so she said with a smile.

Now Hou Tu has reached a bottleneck and can no longer absorb the Great Dao of Demon in his body at will.

Above the prehistoric world.

“Demon, do you know of my existence…”

Ye Xuan looked down upon the whole prehistoric world like a god.

Nothing in the prehistoric world escaped his eyes.

“Unfortunately, I was not the one who attacked…”

North Pole, the realm of death.

After the appearance of the four sacred beasts’ black tortoise, the shocked death gods and demons had to shrink the realm of death and dared not expand it as recklessly as before.

This also caused the current Death Realm to be much smaller than before.

The Death God and Demon fled frantically until they arrived at the Death Realm, and then their fear was reduced.

On the way, he kept using various death magics to get here quickly.

In the Death Realm, his strength will also be strengthened.

Except for the Great Dao of Life, which restrained him, almost no other Great Dao could restrain him.

And the Great Dao of Life was just restraining him, not completely restraining him to death.

"Damn it, Samsara is now hanging out with that group of acquired creatures, which is simply a disgrace to us Great Dao Gods and Demons!"

The Death God and Demon cursed in fear.

I thought that even if I didn't succeed in inviting the Reincarnation God and Demon to the underworld, it wouldn't be so thrilling!

But I almost couldn't come back.

He thought that the Reincarnation God and Demon were just in the Reincarnation Land, and those acquired creatures seemed to cooperate with the Reincarnation God and Demon or simply didn't interact with each other.

But now, that guy is actually entangled with the other party and won't let go at all! If something happens, help will come from all directions! !

The thousands of Hunyuan strongmen stood up in unison and surrounded the two of them.

This made the Death God and Demon extremely frightened. Even though he knew that the other party could not kill him completely, he did not want to fall asleep in the Great Dao again!

This damn prehistoric world is so beautiful. Even if he is a Great Dao God and Demon, he feels that this place is extremely comfortable and helpful to his own Great Dao. The most important thing is that there is a so-called opportunity for transcendence here!

How can the Death God and Demon be willing to miss this prosperous world? !

"It's just that the alliance that was finally formed is gone again..." The Death God and Demon muttered.

Thinking of the Light God and Demon that he threw down, the other party may hate him in his heart at this time? !

Or the other party may have fallen at this time...

Anyway, no matter what, the alliance formed with the other party is definitely gone, and if the Light God and Demon has not fallen, then he must hate himself very much.

I formed the alliance myself, and it was my own idea to pull Samsara.

But he was the first to escape! And he didn't even say hello to the God of Light and Demon!

This God of Light and Demon is not a resentful species, how could he not have resentment towards him? !

"Oh, right! There is also the God of Immortality! Go find him! There must be another chance to restore our status!!!"

The eyes of the God of Death and Demon lit up, and then he, who had just arrived in the realm of death, flew hurriedly into the chaos.

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