Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 447 Emperor Jun: Do you want to force me to abdicate? !

All over the world, the Dragon Clan.

"Gentlemen, the future fate of the dragon clan will be decided here!" Zulong shouted with a solemn and solemn face.

His voice spread throughout the world, allowing countless dragons to hear it.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Suddenly, real dragons hovered over the four seas, making loud noises!

Their eyes were full of extremely angry looks!

And every time all dragons show this look, it proves that the dragons have reached a critical moment of life and death.

Perhaps, after this battle, they will not die completely.

But they will lose their dignity from now on!

The Dragon Clan will surrender to the Human Clan!

This is a shame!

It’s a disgrace to their generation!

It is also a shame to all the dragon clan in the future!

The Dragon Clan will not agree to this kind of humiliation, and Zulong will not agree either!

the other side.

"Your Majesty, are we dividing our troops across the four seas, or are we taking over the East China Sea in one fell swoop?" Dahong asked Xuanyuan in mid-air.

"Of course the troops will be divided into four groups to wipe out the Dragon Clan in one fell swoop! Make the Dragon Clan submit to the Human Clan!"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with domineering power.

His idea is very simple, that is, to use the absolute strength of the human race to crush the strength of the dragon race.

"But if this is the case, our advantage will not be so obvious, so according to my opinion, we should mobilize the entire army to attack the East China Sea, destroy the Dragon King, and then gather the remaining defeated generals and the Dragon Clan of the other three seas. ”

Dahong quickly expressed what he was thinking.

He felt that if he followed Xuanyuan's plan, it would definitely delay the human race's attack on the dragon race.

But according to this method of defeating them one by one, not only is it extremely fast, but it is also possible to conquer the dragon clan.

Therefore, in his opinion this is the best way.

"This move of yours is very useful to the human race, just like it was when I personally conquered Jiuli. I went straight to Huanglong and ignored the rest."

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth raised slightly and he smiled.

But then, he said: "But it is not suitable for the Dragon Clan."

"Why?" Dahong asked, puzzled.

In his opinion, both the Dragon Clan and Jiuli are just forces that do not surrender to the human race.

"The area Jiuli occupies is the old land of the human race, so as long as the leader is defeated, he can easily win the hearts and minds of the people on that land."

"And the land occupied by the Dragon Clan in the four seas has been the place where the Dragon Clan has dominated for generations, from the beginning of the wilderness to the present. In such a place, even after we defeat it and make it surrender."

"If their vitality is not eliminated, these dragons will definitely wait for an opportunity to rebel! By then, the human race will really suffer annihilation!"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan's words were cold and explained.

Dahong suddenly realized that this was the case!

Immediately, he bowed to Xuanyuan and said: "Your Majesty's thoughts are far beyond my reach!"

Then, he still didn't understand something, so he asked again: "But in this case, if time prolongs and Heaven intervenes, what should we do?"

"You just didn't think about it for a moment."

Xuanyuan smiled slightly.

Then, he explained: "Heaven will not interfere."


Dahong was speechless.

This Heavenly Court is not a human race, so how can it be said that it will not intervene if it does not interfere? !

Looking at this guy's expression, Xuanyuan knew that he must not have understood, so he explained again: "If Heaven wanted to intervene, it would have already intervened when we started to arrange it."

“In other words, if they want to intervene, whether we concentrate our forces to attack the East China Sea, or disperse our forces to attack the four seas, they will take action.

What's more, the reason why I can be sure that they will not take action is because the Emperor of Heaven is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to fight to the death with me.

And if this opportunity does not come, he will not take action.

I won’t let others interfere with the duel between me and him! "

The corners of Human Emperor Xuanyuan's mouth raised slightly, and his heart was obviously full of confidence.


"I see!"

This time, Dahong finally understood and understood the pros and cons of this.

It didn't take long.

The human army has already arrived at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan immediately got off the chariot and came to the place where ancestors and the Virgin were worshiped. He paid homage and said:

"Xuanyuan, a descendant of the human race, is now honored to be the human emperor. He will definitely remember the old deeds of the human race and dare not be arrogant!"

"The human race will win this battle!"

"Also, all the human race martyrs, please watch!!!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves fiercely and floated upward.

Look at the human army staying in the sky.

His words were extremely heavy and had a special magnetism.

"You human warriors!!!"

"Today, you will face a big battle!"

"This is an unprecedented war in human history!!! It is also the opening battle of the biggest battle in human history!!!"

"This battle has never happened before!"

"In the future! There may not be one!!!"

"And today, you will join me in charging into battle!"

"Today, many people will fall!"

"Many people will die too..."

"But remember!"

"This is a fight for humanity!"

"For the sake of future generations, we will never be bullied or oppressed by any foreign race again!"

"This is the battle that will help humanity reach the top of the world!"

Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with tears as he looked at the soldiers in front of him.

He knew that after this war, many of the tribesmen who had not entered the realm of Hunyuan would really die.

And even those tribesmen who have entered the realm of Hunyuan may not be able to come back again.

"This battle! If you see me fall down!!!"

"Please don't be sad!!"

"do not Cry!!!"

"Hold the weapons in your hands tightly!!!"

"Follow the direction of the battle flag!!!"




"The Yellow Dynasty will win!! The human race will win!!!"

Xuanyuan shouted loudly.

"The Yellow Dynasty will win!! The human race will win!!!"

Suddenly, thousands of troops and horses were shouting crazily!

They are announcing to the world, announcing the strength of the human race! ! !

Declaring the conquest of the human race! ! !

Immediately, the human troops divided into four groups and marched toward the land of the four seas!

Thirty-third heaven.

"Okay! Very good! As expected of a human race!!!"

Emperor Jun of Heaven looked at those human races, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with admiration.

He looked down at the human race and was filled with excitement.

If this momentum continues.

After the human race conquers the dragon race, Xuanyuan's momentum will surely reach its peak!

And at that time, it’s time for Heaven to take action!

It's also time for him to take action!

Xuanyuan is the most powerful sword in the world!

And Di Jun thought that he was the best swordsmith! ! !

No matter how good the sword is, it exists only for the swordsmith!

As for whether it was the swordsmith who controlled the sword that made him famous all over the world, or whether the sword swallowed up the swordsmith to achieve his own fame...

Then it depends on the respective methods of both parties! ! !

And below, when the immortals saw how excited Di Jun was, their faces suddenly became a little strange.

Even in the thirty-third heaven, they can hear the shouts of the humans below! !

What does it mean?

This damn thing is almost coming to your door!

In this way, Di Jun was still able to sit still.

I have to say, they really admire...

At least, they think they can't do it.

"Your Majesty, the human race has become a serious problem today!!!"

Immediately, someone who was still timid ran out and spoke to Di Jun.

Di Jun nodded slightly and acknowledged: "The human race is indeed in serious trouble now."

The old man before was stunned when he heard this, and His Majesty actually approved it?

But what about the following things?

Why didn't you say anything?

After seeing that His Majesty had stopped talking, the old man said again: "Therefore, Your Majesty should issue an order to annihilate the human race! To prevent the human race from annexing the dragon race and further growing!!!"

"No, no, what I want is for the human race to grow stronger!"

Suddenly, Di Jun's words shocked the entire heaven.

Although everyone knew that Di Jun's intention was to let Heavenly Court train his troops.

This has been said before, but now the human race is strong enough and can fully meet the requirements of heavenly military training!

But why not go?

If you don’t go, it really won’t be training, it will be suffering...

"Your Majesty, please think twice..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the human race is very powerful. It has already surpassed the Heavenly Court in terms of core strength, but it is not as good as the Heavenly Court in terms of top strength. If we don't annihilate it, I am afraid that the Heavenly Court will be in danger of overthrowing!"

"Your Majesty! The last general requested an order to quell the rebellion!!!"

"Your Majesty! The general is willing to go!!"

Immediately, the immortals and gods came out one after another and asked for orders.

There were only a few people standing in the entire Lingxiao Palace.

Except for Bai Ze, Fuxi, and Nuwa, all the others fell to their knees on the ground.

In order to request an order to pacify the human race, these guys were all cruel.

From this we can also see how determined these guys are, and how much fear and fear the human race has for them.

The reason why Bai Ze didn't ask for the order was because he had already understood that Di Jun did it on purpose.

This time I even said it directly in front of these people.

They actually thought they could change Di Jun's mind at this time?

Taiyi, who was sitting high in the sky, changed his expression and immediately wanted to threaten these people.

But Di Jun was instantly restrained.

"My dear friends, please stand up."

Di Jun smiled slightly.

"Please ask your Majesty to issue an order to quell the rebellion!!!"

Suddenly, these people shouted again.

At this time, even the good-tempered Di Jun suddenly became angry.

What is this?

Rebellion to force the palace? !

Take a step back today and cut five cities tomorrow?

"Wait, are you trying to force me to have a baby?!"

Suddenly, Di Jun's cold voice sounded.

The cold and biting voice instantly entered the hearts of every immortal god, making them all shocked.

"I am waiting for the death penalty, but I dare not!!!"

The gods and gods kneeling below immediately raised their heads and looked at the man on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

His Majesty, who is always very gentle to them, actually said such scary words today.

Fear struck them, and they quickly confessed.

"If you are the one forcing the palace, then continue to kneel down!"

Di Jun said coldly.



In an instant, the immortals who were kneeling on the ground quickly got up.

They don't want to be accused of forcing a woman to have a baby...

"Your Majesty, everything I said is true!"

Suddenly, the guy from before came out again and said.

At this time, everyone looked at him with special eyes. They were really impressed that he was so thoughtful at this moment.

"I have already said that I have my own mind on this matter. Remember, after the human race conquers the dragon race, they will be ready to fight with me at any time!"

Among the witch clan.

"The human race is gathering like this again. Should we stop them? If they really surrender to the dragon race, I'm afraid we will be in trouble then!"

Wu Qiangliang, the ancestor of thunder, said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, the human race is really terrifying. Now that such a human emperor has appeared, how can we feel at ease?!"

Immediately, Wu Xizi, the ancestor of electricity, also echoed.

These two guys have always been entangled and have the best relationship with each other.

"Brother! Take action!!! If you don't take action, I'm afraid the Wu clan will be wiped out!!!"

Suddenly, the Fire Ancestor Wu Zhurong also shouted like this.

After hearing what these two brothers said, he instantly understood something and shouted quickly.

Di Jiang shook his head slightly and refused: "Heaven has not yet taken action. With the strength of our witch clan, if we go to fight with the human clan, I am afraid..."

He didn't say any more.

But the meaning is very obvious.

That means it can't be beaten.

Yes, if the current Witch Clan were to fight one-on-one with the Human Clan, they would definitely not be able to defeat them.

Therefore, if they want to touch the human race, they must ask for help from heaven.

"Why can't we help the Dragon Clan escape this disaster now?!"

Suddenly, Time Ancestor Wu Zhu Jiuyin asked.

"Yes! What the second brother said is true! This is exactly what it should be! The Witch Clan is not the opponent of the Human Clan, but the Human Clan cannot fight against the two great clans of the Witch Clan and the Dragon Clan at the same time!!"

Wu Shebishi, the ancestor of poison, also followed suit.

He was also a little confused, why didn't Dijiang follow this idea? !

The next moment, all the ancestral witches looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Di Jiang smiled helplessly and explained: "Where can we fight? If we really send troops at this time, the human race will no longer fight the dragon race and directly send troops back.

Then, after a while, they will attack us again. At that time, what should the Witch Clan do? "

"We have helped the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan will definitely come to help us again!" Zhu Jiuyin said in confusion.

He felt that the Dragon Clan was not a fool.

Don’t you know that your lips are dead and your teeth are cold?

What's more, the Dragon Clan itself was not able to be exterminated because it was helped by the Wu Clan.

"How come the Dragon Clan has been able to develop and prosper to this day without declining?"

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