
Many ancestral witches were puzzled and looked at him one after another.

"Because the Dragon Clan is not aggressive and focuses on developing in the four seas. At least this has been the case since our growth." Di Jiang explained.

"So what? If I were a dragon, it would be fine if the human race didn't attack me. But now that they have attacked me, if they don't take action to destroy them, how can they be worthy of themselves?! How can the human race be guaranteed next time? No more attacks?" Zhu Jiuyin seemed to be the incarnation of a wise man today, his mind spinning instantly.

"Second brother is right, eldest brother, you should also listen to what second brother says!"

"That's right! Brother, this is a God-given opportunity! Unite with the Dragon Clan and wipe out the Human Race in one fell swoop! In this way, our biggest worry will no longer exist!!!"

Looking at the ancestral wizards who were constantly arguing and wanting to follow Zhu Jiuyin's advice, Di Jiang suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

"Let me ask you again, if we and the dragon tribe really destroy the human race, our strength will be greatly reduced by then. If the heavenly court takes action to destroy us again, how should we deal with it?" Di Jiang asked in return.

These words instantly silenced all the ancestral witches present.

Yes, if we really want to destroy the human race, how many powerful Hunyuan warriors from the Wu clan will have to die?

How many people from other realms will have to die...

All of this is unknown.

But what we can know is that since the human race is so difficult and terrifying, the Wu clan’s casualties will be very heavy by then!

And if the Heavenly Court takes the opportunity to destroy the Dragon Clan and the Witch Clan, then the Heavenly Court family will really be the only one in power, and thus they will control the world forever!

At that time, the Wu Clan may not even be able to save the underworld.

No, at least the underworld should be able to keep it, but how much position will it have to lose?

How much compromise do you have to make?

Although it will not completely fall under the control of Heaven, most places will probably be left to the control of the other party.

Because if the underworld does not agree, the heaven will drive out the remaining witch clan at any time and kill them all.

Although it is said that Emperor Tianjun has a broad mind, it is not like this.

But at this time, none of them wanted to gamble their future on the forgiveness and kindness of others.

What's more, this is the future of the entire Wu clan and the underworld!

Therefore, it is even more impossible to do such a thing.

Looking at the ancestral witches who all fell into silence, Di Jiang nodded slightly, and then said with emotion: "Brothers and sisters, please ask yourselves, are you getting further and further away from what we swore to protect to the death? "

"Why did the eldest brother say this? The younger sister is confused." Ice Ancestor Wu Xuanming asked with some confusion.

The same is true for other ancestral witches.

Whether these ancestral witches can understand or not depends entirely on their fate. It is difficult to say.

If one of them is not right, then it is right.

"In the past, our witch clan fought to uphold the will of Father God and protect the ancient world!"

"Then, we finally saw Father God and began to fight for ourselves, but we forgot the happiness of the past."

There was a trace of reminiscence in Di Jiang's eyes, but he said again: "Today, I have to care about things that I didn't care about in the past."

"No matter what happens to the human race, at least they haven't hurt us today. Even if tomorrow comes, we will only have one battle!"

"The Witch Clan stands upright and protects the ancient world."

"Now, we no longer need to protect the ancient world. If the human race really destroys us, then maybe it is fate..." Di Jiang said with some sadness.

These words immediately caused all the ancestral witches to fall into deep thought.


Once upon a time, they fought for nothing else but to protect the ancient world left by God the Father.

As for other things, that's not the point.

After a long time.

"Then according to what the eldest brother said, what should we do?" Zhu Jiuyin asked.

He asked the most crucial thing.

Yes, according to what you mean, does that mean everyone is messing up?

Don't care?

Let the human race destroy the Wu clan?

"That's not the case. What I mean is that we can't move until Heaven is moved. At this moment, the most anxious thing is not us, but Heaven."

"Heaven can hold its breath, why can't we?"

With a slight smile on his lips, Di Jiang said to these younger brothers and sisters.

In his opinion, when the human race rises and wants to unify the ancient world, the biggest loser will never be the Wu Clan, but the Heavenly Court!

He really didn't believe that Heaven could just sit back and watch the humans take away everything that belonged to them! !

Therefore, Heaven must be waiting for an opportunity!

And this opportunity may be to see the Witch Clan and Dragon Clan wipe out the human race, and then they can reap the benefits! !

Of course, it is also possible that he is waiting for the Witch Clan to take action! Then take action!

Anyway, Dijiang has already prepared for the worst.

This is why he must prevent the Witch Clan from going out to conquer the Human Clan in the first place!

What I said before are just excuses.

Actually this is the real reason.

As long as Tianting takes action, he will lead the people of the Wu clan to join the battle without hesitation.

When Heaven is at its most miserable, when they are both losing and losing, join them again!

If the Dragon Clan really surrendered to the Human Race and helped the Human Race at that time, then they would have acted with the Dragon Clan earlier.

Or, simply beat up the dragon clan directly.

Anyway, in Di Jiang's eyes, it is impossible for the human race to succeed.

It's just a matter of how much benefit the Witch Clan can get from it in the end.

Thinking of this, the corners of Di Jiang's mouth turned upward involuntarily.


"What the elder brother said is absolutely true!!!"

“Brother’s words are really powerful!!”

"That's right, the human race will definitely die this time!!!"

"And we can even get involved while following Heaven!!!"

In the underworld.

"The human race is out to make the dragon race surrender. This is their only way to break the situation..."

The Demon Ancestral Witch smiled slightly and looked at the chessboard, where a piece fell.

The discussion between them went as quickly as it came.

After just a few simple collisions, they already knew each other's feelings.

Then Hou Tu closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Just a few simple collisions actually contain infinite insights into the great truth!

It’s enough for an ordinary Hunyuan strongman to comprehend dozens of Yuanhui!

"So what? The human race has many geniuses, but this game is not so easy to break. After all, there is an ancient genius in the heaven..."

The reincarnation god and demon grinned, stretched out his hand and dropped a piece, eating a few of the demon god and demon's chess pieces.

What He is talking about is the Emperor of Heaven.

To these creatures in the ancient wilderness, Di Jun was certainly a genius.

And he is still the number one wizard in history.

Even Xuanyuan is still not as good as now.

Although Xuanyuan's cultivation realm is rapid, after all, Xuanyuan is just following the path that some predecessors have already taken.

If Xuanyuan can reach that new realm before Di Jun, he will indeed become the most talented guy.

But he didn't, and he still doesn't.

And Di Junna was the first person to break through from the Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm.

That is the person who has achieved a serious breakthrough and is at the forefront of the world.

It can be said that if Pangu hadn't recovered, no one would have gone ahead and faster than Di Jun.

Even these great gods and demons are like this.

"But the current Human Emperor is different. This happened at the right moment." The Demon God smiled again.

Another piece fell, and more pieces were killed by the reincarnation gods and demons.

"Even if it comes into being, it must have the ability to withstand it. After all, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan will be difficult to compare with the Emperor Jun of Heaven." The Samsara God and Demon smiled, not caring at all that his chess pieces were eaten more.

Instead, he made a new move and landed the piece in an irrelevant place.

"Oh? Throughout the ages, who has achieved great things, who was not born at the right time?" The Demon God smiled slightly, and then stopped him.

"But among those who fought with them and lost, who didn't come into being at the right time?" The Samsara God and Demon laughed when he heard this.

For an instant, this made the Demon God and Demon's words stagnant.

However, this did not make the Demon God give up. He then said: "In that case, how about a bet between you and me?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, obviously showing strong confidence in the human race.

is not that right?

In the entire prehistoric world, among so many creatures, only the human race has truly understood the path of demons!

It may not be difficult to understand the Dao of Demons, but it is even more difficult to be impartial and to always follow the true Dao of Demons!

That's not something ordinary people can do!

At least, the demon gods and demons didn't feel it from other creatures.

He only felt it in Su Mingshi.

The Su Ming clan is a living creature among the human race.


The demon gods and demons have strong confidence in the human race, and are even willing to bet with the reincarnation gods and demons.

"Oh? What are you betting on..."

Samsara God and Demon was a little surprised, but then he still asked.




For a moment, the devil and the devil didn't know what to bet on.

Then, he suddenly remembered and said immediately: "How about we bet on the road between you and me?"

"Oh? How do you say this?!" The Samsara God and Demon said in astonishment.

Bet on the road between them! ?

How to bet?

Is it possible to peel it off and let the other party understand it? !

This is obviously impossible...

Even if it can be done, it is impossible for the reincarnation gods and demons to bet on this thing with others.

This is no fun.

That is your own path!

Of course, it is obviously impossible for the Demon God and Demon to mean this.

"If I lose, I will teach the devil the way to the underworld, and anyone in the underworld can come and listen."

"If you lose, then you will teach the human race about the road to reincarnation, and everyone in the human race can come and listen."


The Demon God and Demon finished speaking in one breath and looked at the Samsara God and Demon with a smile on his face.

Although there is no relationship between the human race and Him.

But even if I just bet, I don’t know what to bet on.

It's better to just take a gamble.


"Then it's a deal!"

Samsara God and Demon laughed and said.

He knows very well the strength of the demon, god, and demon!

What's more, he didn't think Xuanyuan could deal with Di Jun.

"So, is the bet between you and me between Xuanyuan and Dijun, or between the human race and Heaven?" The Demon God asked with more certainty.

"It's all fine. It's up to you to make the bet, so it's up to you to decide."

Samsara God and Demon said with a smile.

In his opinion, both the human race and Xuanyuan are actually the same losers.

After all, if the human race loses, Xuanyuan also loses.

If the human race didn't lose, then Xuanyuan didn't lose.

"No, no, no, I propose and you decide. This is only fair." The Demon God shook his head and said with a smile.

"Then let's bet between Xuanyuan and Dijun!"

Samsara God and Demon was too lazy to bother and said directly.

"I choose Emperor Jun to win!"

They’re all the same anyway, just pick whatever you want!

"Then I choose Xuanyuan to win!"

The Demon God smiled.

Immediately, the two people looked at each other, with smiles obviously on their faces.

It's all about the certainty of one's own speculation.

When the demon gods and demons made a bet with the reincarnation gods and demons.

At this time, above the East China Sea.

The human army has already arrived here.

As the Human Emperor and the leader of the human race, Xuanyuan naturally attacked the East China Sea Dragon Palace, which was the most difficult to defeat.

Here, there is the existence of the ancestral dragon.

"Xuanyuan child! Why are you invading my land in the East China Sea!!!"

Suddenly, a loud shout appeared in the sky.

This was the magical power of Zulong who wanted to occupy the great righteousness, so he shouted angrily at Xuanyuan.

And this scene will also spread throughout the world.

Let all the sea people know that the human race is the invader. You should stop making trouble at this time. We should go and deal with the human race together!

However, this did not gain them recognition.

"Ancestral Dragon! You don't respect heaven! You don't respect hell! You didn't respect me before! You are really a heinous person!!"

"Today, I am leading an army here to defeat you, a madman who does not respect heaven, earth, or human beings!!"

How could Xuanyuan be so easily fooled? He shouted directly towards the front.

Suddenly, his voice echoed throughout the world!


"When the humans attack, we will stab the dragons in the back!!!"

"Yes! We must not let them feel comfortable! We must bring down the Dragon Clan! Let them experience what it feels like to be a slave!"

Suddenly, some of the Sea Clan couldn't wait to kill the Dragon Clan directly, and even more started to negotiate one by one.

The clan leaders and elders who planned to let Xuanyuan lead the army to attack had been waiting under the sea.

And as long as they succeed and Xuanyuan leads the army to take action, they will take action without hesitation!

Want them to take the lead? !

Isn’t that looking for death? ! !


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