Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 449: Kill hundreds of millions of soldiers with one sword!

Xuanyuan shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the military flags in the entire army were flying continuously.

They had already been prepared for this battle.

Under the control of these people, the military flags continued to advance forward, and the long dragons behind them also continued to advance.

Soon, these people rushed forward quickly under the influence of the military flag.

Each battle formation was quickly arranged.

The previously divided personnel continued to advance in the direction of the military flag.

What was originally a huge array was instantly divided into tiny square arrays.

Next to each square formation, there is a military flag.

Around these square arrays, patches of light shone.

These rays of light kept flashing, followed by bursts of strong aura.

This is the formation!

An existence that can enhance overall combat power.

It was created by Chiyou back then, but at that time, the gap between them was too huge, so the formation actually had no effect.

After all, this only has some strengthening effects, not that it makes it invincible.

With different formations, there will be different effects.

Some are used to strengthen defense, and some are used to strengthen attack.

Others are used to enhance one's own resilience.

These formations are used in different square formations.

Each formation is used as an army with different effects.

Some people are responsible for resisting the opponent's impact, while others are responsible for attacking the opponent.

Others are responsible for restoring and treating friendly troops.

It can be said that it kills, prevents and treats in one.

The current battles between these armies are no longer the same as before, where they were fighting each other one by one.

Unless the formations of both sides are broken up, that kind of situation will happen.

As the saying goes, king against king, against general.

The top beings on both sides also flew high into the sky and rushed toward each other.

"Ancestor Dragon!!!"

Xuanyuan looked coldly at the majestic Zulong in front of him and shouted coldly.

His voice was filled with a chilling air.

The momentum behind him is also constantly rising.


Zu Long's words contained endless anger.

He was extremely angry that the human Xuanyuan insisted on attacking the Dragon Clan. He could not wait to use the treasure to twist off the opponent's head right now!

Having been immersed in the Dragon Clan for who knows how many years, maybe Honghuang feels that they have always been a very docile existence, right? !

Now, Zulong is going to tell the world how cruel the dragon clan was back then! ! !

However, the two of them did not directly fight together.

Instead, they are waiting for the battle below.

boom! ! !

The dragon and human armies collided fiercely with each other, bursting out with endless bright light.

All kinds of supernatural lights rushed towards each other crazily.

The leader is always Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and behind the square formation are some monks of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

In each of these formations, they can also exert their own strength, and they will definitely not be directly destroyed like a torrent!

Magical powers are flying all over the sky, and Taoist rhymes are confused.

This is the current situation of the war between dragons and humans.

However, both sides rushed straight through.

At most, there was a wave of detours, and as for other strategies, none of them were born.

They are all the simplest and crudest combat power competitions, all about hard core strength.

However, the number of dragons far exceeds that of humans!

Because this battle is the battle for the fate of the dragon clan in the future!

All dragons who have reached the level of Daluo Jinxian are on the battlefield!

Perhaps they don't play a big role.

But as long as it can play a small role, that's enough.

Suddenly, a heavy fog shrouded, and various magical powers interacted with each other.

Over heavy fog.

Xuanyuan also fought with Zulong.

Xuanyuan holds the Human Emperor Sword, and the light of the sword shoots straight into the sky!

Zulong opened his mouth and spat out, and a huge dragon ball appeared outside, shining brightly.

The auras of the Emperor's Avenue and the Dragon's Avenue spurted out crazily.

The dragon itself is a great avenue!

As long as they continue to practice this avenue, their combat power will continue to increase!

The Dragon Ball is their most important treasure!

It is also a treasure that continues to improve as your cultivation level rises!

This is a treasure and a cultivation storage device.

If the dragon ball is lost, it will be difficult for the dragon's cultivation level to rise again, and its combat power will be greatly reduced compared to before.

This shows the importance of Dragon Balls to the Dragon Clan.

But this time, facing Xuanyuan holding the Human Emperor Sword, Zulong had to sacrifice his dragon ball.

Buzz! ! !

"I have a sword that can carry mountains, flatten seas, and slay dragons..."

Xuanyuan said lightly.

The light on his body shines brightly, and his momentum continues to rise.

There was a flash of light in his extremely sharp eyes.

The infinite Tao Yun instantly turned into substance and poured into the Human Emperor Sword!

In an instant, the more than two thousand avenues he had mastered were condensed together and poured into the Human Emperor Sword!


There was a slight vibration coming from the Human Emperor Sword!

Apparently, he has already reached a resonance with Xuanyuan! !


The next moment.

Xuanyuan waved his sword.

boom! ! !

A huge sword energy shot out from Xuanyuan Sword! ! !

A huge energy that seems to be sealed between heaven and earth unleashes its power wantonly! ! !

At this moment, the world changes color!

The sky became extremely dark, and endless dark clouds blocked the view above!

The waves in the East China Sea have become more turbulent!

Countless people in the heavens were watching this battle, and they all looked at Xuanyuan in disbelief.

puff! !

next moment.

Zulong's dragon ball was actually forced back thirty thousand miles! ! !


Zulong's body was also severely cut open by that sword!

That extremely tough dragon armor has now become extremely fragile in front of the Human Emperor Sword!

The extremely hard dragon ball flew backwards thirty thousand miles behind it!

This is because this dragon ball has already been imbued with merit by heaven!

It can't be broken at all!

Therefore, this is the reason why it was not chopped into pieces directly!

If it were an ordinary dragon ball, it would have been chopped open by this sword! !


Zulong's magical power seemed so fragile under Xuanyuan's sword.

He spurted forward and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He instantly understood in his heart how far the combat power was between him and Xuanyuan!

"You are obviously in the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!!! I don't believe I can't defeat you!!!"

Zulong roared, full of unwillingness!

Then, the body quickly manifested and turned into another nine-clawed golden dragon with a length of more than 100,000 feet!

The dragon body covers the sky and the sun! ! !

Soaring above the nine heavens! ! !

Such a long dragon body presses across the sky and shuttles through endless dark clouds!

All the saints felt a violent aura at this moment!

The golden dragon body reflected in their eyes like daylight.

What was even more terrifying was that the nine-clawed golden dragon, which exuded the aura of annihilating everything, actually glared at them!

An endless and majestic imperial aura was heading towards them crazily, destroying everything!

There was a look of horror on their faces, and they backed away in fear.

There is no trace of the innate sanctity at all!

However, with the appearance of Zulong's true form.

It is destined that some people will become sacrifices for his manifested true body!



A dragon roar resounded through the sky!

next moment.

The world seemed to be suspended.

Everything begins to reverse infinitely!


The human soldiers who were constantly killing the dragon soldiers on the East China Sea suddenly discovered that all the magical powers they had released actually appeared on their bodies! ! !

All Taoist rhymes.

Everything became chaotic.

For a time, everything in the world lost its original color.

boom! ! !

Countless human soldiers died tragically in their own hands!

And this scene is obviously the work of the ancestral dragon in the sky!


"What a scary avenue..."

"What kind of avenue is this? It can actually have such power?!"

"This is the avenue of reversal!!!"

"Reverse Avenue!? What is this?!!"

Countless saints began to communicate with each other.

They all felt palpitated by the great power displayed by Zulong.

There are even many saints who don't even know the so-called Reversal Avenue!

Accompanied by various exchanges of spiritual thoughts in the sky.

The battle situation below has also become completely cholera!

Xuanyuan saw the birth of this scene, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

But what followed immediately was calmness.

"You have such a great way, but I never thought of it..."

Xuanyuan whispered softly.


The Human Emperor Sword held tightly in his right hand was gently swung downwards.

"If you kill millions of soldiers of my human race, I will kill hundreds of millions of soldiers of the Dragon clan!!!"

boom! ! !

A sword energy that covered the sky and the sun covered almost the entire battlefield.

That huge sword energy instantly split into endless sword energy!

Endless sword energy rushed crazily into the bodies of those dragon soldiers!

What is the Great Emperor?

This is the Great Emperor!

boom! !

A burst of extremely bright light erupted.

The next moment.

The light fades.

Countless corpses of the dragon clan fell from the sky and landed in the East China Sea.

Pieces of flesh and blood decomposed rapidly along with the cold and biting sea water.

Only the dragon ball inside the body is still shining brightly.


An infinite rage appeared in Zulong's eyes.

How many years!

How many years! !

I don’t know how many years have passed since no one has done such an outrageous thing to the Dragon Clan! ! !

And since then, the Dragon Clan has never suffered such horrific casualties! ! !

At this moment, Zulong felt endless anger in his heart.

He hates it!

Hate Xuanyuan!

Hate humans! !

I hate these guys, why do I have to touch their dragon clan! ! !

The Dragon Clan has nothing to do with the world. Even if the Human Clan had grown stronger before, they did not think it might be a threat and thus exterminated the other party.

However, now that the human race has grown stronger, they actually want to destroy them! !

The sword of Xuanyuan just now, not to mention exterminating the dragon race.

But it also killed hundreds of millions of dragon soldiers!

The souls of these hundreds of millions of dragons are still floating in the air.

They looked at Xuanyuan in the sky with fear and terror.

Although these hundreds of millions of dragon soldiers did not cause the dragon race to return in defeat, they were also seriously injured!

Originally, before the high-level combat forces of both sides had not decided the winner, they would not attack the low-level combat forces of the other side by default!

However, these two guys actually attacked each other at the same time!

This time, those people's souls immediately returned to heaven!

After that.

An indescribable aura appeared on the nine-clawed golden dragon.

In an instant, this indescribable aura gradually gathered together, forming a series of real dragons that gradually lost control!

These real dragons were transformed from the aura of the ancestor dragon!

Rumble! ! !

The bodies of those real dragons continued to grow larger!

As his figure grew larger, his facial expression became more ferocious!

Waves of majestic momentum came towards him.

The next moment.

These out-of-control real dragons quickly rushed towards the human soldiers!


Xuanyuan swung his sword.

A majestic sword energy instantly destroyed all the real dragons.


Xuanyuan slashed at Zulong fiercely with another sword.

The next moment.


Endless breath rushed towards Zulong frantically.


The strong breath kept washing everything and everything!

Zulong's eyes showed a look of fear, and a look of extreme horror appeared on his face.

"No!!! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

The majestic sword energy, carrying the breath of supreme destruction, instantly enveloped him!

The next moment.


A ray of light so bright that all the saints, human and dragon warriors could not open their eyes appeared.

Boom! ! !

A huge sound resounded throughout the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky were instantly annihilated! ! !

Cracks appeared in the sky one after another!

At this moment, even the space was shattered! ! !

In those cracks in space, a terrifying aura was revealed! ! !


A light exclamation came from inside.

The next moment.

All the cracks in space were completely smoothed out and restored to their original state! ! !


"What on earth made that light exclamation?!"

"Why did I just feel a terrifying aura?!!"

"Is that the supreme god who controls space?!"

"Could it be..."

"Is that the legendary space god and devil?!"

Suddenly, those innate saints were stunned.

However, the vision was not just that!

The entire East China Sea was split apart by that sword energy.

The bottomless bottom of the East China Sea was now exposed!!!

The vast deep sea was actually divided into two seas at this moment!

The middle part where the flow was interrupted was like an abyss!!!

The abyss was extremely dark and difficult to see with the naked eye!!!

The seawater on both sides was shocked by the remaining sword energy!

It could not heal!

It could not converge!

It could not overlap!!!

It could only continuously stir up endless waves!!!

This scene completely made the gods in the heavens look at Xuanyuan in astonishment!

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