Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 450 The Dragon Clan is willing to surrender!

What kind of power is this? !

Only then can this East China Sea be diverted! ! !

When everything is settled.

A huge nine-clawed golden dragon across the sky is falling rapidly downwards, and there is no trace of the former Zulong!

Zulong's eyes are pale, and it is obvious that his consciousness has been wiped out by this sword!

His body keeps falling.

Boom! ! !

That huge body just landed in the area that diverted the East China Sea, and instantly collapsed the sword intent left in it.

The next moment.

The majestic sea current keeps falling downwards!

Boom! ! !

The waves on both sides of Zulong instantly turned into huge waves, washing towards Zulong's body!

This is an unprecedented huge wave! !

This wave is so shocking that it seems to be able to fill the entire sky and earth!

"Your Majesty!!!"

"Your Majesty!!!"

The dragons looked at the fallen Zulong with anger.

Even the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Canglong, stared at Zulong with disbelief.

That was Zulong!!!

Why would such a being as Zulong fall here!!!

"Damn human race!!! I'll fight you!!!"

"Go to hell!!!"

"You beasts who invaded our territory!!! Go to hell!!!"

Suddenly, the dragons could not accept what happened. They stared at the human race in front of them with hatred in their eyes.



Boom boom!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

The dragons frantically pulled the human race in front of them and exploded directly!!!

And those human races in front of them were instantly covered and swallowed by the violent explosions!

The next moment.

Millions of human races died in the battle!

And the number of dragons who self-destructed is several times higher than this! ! !

"He killed Zulong?!!"

"Xuanyuan actually has such strength?! Zulong, who has never been defeated in the ages, was defeated today?!"

"The Human Emperor can actually kill Zulong easily?!!"

"Too terrifying!!!"

"Is this the strength of the Human Emperor?!"

"Who is stronger between the Human Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor?!"

"Nonsense! Of course it's the Heavenly Emperor!"

"The Heavenly Emperor once killed the dark gods and demons in one move, and today the Human Emperor killed Zulong in one sword! In my opinion, these two are evenly matched!"

Suddenly, the saints in the entire sky began to discuss frantically.

Xuanyuan was able to defeat Zulong so easily? !

Then how strong is he! ! !

Is this the strength of the Human Emperor, the confidence of the human race? !

The next moment.

"I know you are not dead. If you don't want the dragon race to be extinct, stop it..." Xuanyuan's eyes fell, through the endless abyss of the sea, directly to the Zulong in the seabed.


Zulong's eyes were blank and jumped instantly.

The eyes were no longer as fiery as before, but almost dying, as if he could die at any time.

He tried hard to tilt his head, wanting to see the scars on his body.

But he found that even the movement of his muscles would cause pain in the scars.

It was not that he pretended to be dead, but that his consciousness was indeed destroyed during that period of time.

It's just that he has recovered a little...


"What a strong guy..."

Zulong was extremely shocked in his heart, and at the same time, a trace of sadness appeared in his eyes.

Today, he was defeated.

That is, the dragon race was defeated.

And none of the gods in the heavens came down to rescue him.

No force in the heavens and the underworld came to stop all this from happening.

He actually watched all this happen...

Suddenly, Zulong's heart was filled with sadness and resentment.

He felt that the fate of the dragon clan today was undoubtedly a tragedy.

The dragon clan should not be like this!

The dragon clan should be free and unrestrained, and roar in the sky! ! !

But now, even he, Zulong, was beaten to the bottom of the sea, and could only survive, unable to soar into the sky!

Isn't this a kind of sadness! ! !


Zulong's unwillingness instantly burst out with a powerful force, allowing him to recover his full strength directly from the dying state.

He kept swimming upwards!

The sword intent on his body also weakened a little!

As he kept swimming upwards, he could soon see the people in the sky!


A huge nine-clawed golden dragon flew up from the bottom of the sea into the sky! ! !


Zulong looked up to the sky and roared!

The sound spread for millions of miles without fading!


"Zulong is not dead?!"

"He is not dead even after all?!!!"

"I said Zulong would not die so easily..."

"After the fact!"


"Although Zulong is not dead, the scars on his body are real. I think the dragon race will inevitably lose in the end!"

"Of course they will lose! No one from the heaven or the underworld will take action! If they don't take action, who in the world can stop the human race?!"


"Zulong, stop it and let's talk peacefully. I promise that I won't treat the Qinlong clan badly!" Xuanyuan's eyes showed a trace of pity. It was rare for him to say such words of truce.

In fact, he is giving Zulong and the Dragon Clan a step down.

After all, Xuanyuan's original intention was to take over the Dragon Clan and use it for his subordinates.

It's not just to kill the Dragon Clan and completely eliminate the Dragon Clan...

What's more, in fact, the Dragon Clan cannot be eliminated at all.

Because the dragon clan has strong men in the Hunyuan realm!

Facing such a strong man, it is naturally impossible to truly kill him completely.

It can only be said that it was killed in this time period, but it cannot be killed in all time periods.

Zulong was not as determined as before. He looked at the dragons below. When he looked at those dragons, they were much smaller than the original dragons.

In the end, a trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes.

He then looked at the sky and said with full of grief and anger: "Is Heaven really going to abandon our Dragon Clan and ignore it?!!!"

Xuanyuan just looked at Zulong indifferently and didn't say much.

He knows that if he wants the Dragon Clan to return to his heart, he must let the Dragon Clan give up all thoughts and let the Dragon Clan know that if he does not surrender to the human race, he will really be destroyed!

And except for the human race, other races will not pay attention to the dragon race! ! !

All the heavens are holy, all their eyes are looking towards the sky.

They knew that Emperor Jun of Heaven was watching over the Dragon Clan.

Such a war broke out between the human race and the dragon race. What if the gods and gods in heaven didn't know about it? Who would believe it?


"His Majesty……"

Xihe couldn't bear it and shouted.

"I have made up my mind, don't say more, today's battle is destined."

"If you don't enter Wuji, even if you win this battle against the human race, it will be nothing more than a failure..."

Emperor Jun's eyes are dim, looking through endless years.

Defeat the humans?

What's the difficulty?

It can be overturned with a single blow!

The mere human race has always been nothing more than ants in front of Emperor Jun!

But even if Di Jun defeated these ants, what would he have to show off?

What success is there?

What can he gain? !

Some false reputation? !

He doesn't need to.

What does he need?

It is a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation!

Therefore, cultivate a peerless sword to help you hone yourself into a stronger self! ! !

a long time.

There was no response from Heaven.

A trace of sadness flashed in Zulong's eyes, and he knew that he and the Dragon Clan had become victims.

So he turned towards the east, where the underworld was.

"The underworld really wants to abandon our dragon clan?!!!"

With this sound, Zulong descended into the Nine Netherworld.

His lamentations and sorrows make people cry when he hears them.

In the underworld.

Hou Tu's chest rose and fell, and she couldn't help but get up, wanting to lead the underworld army to defeat the human race!

However, just as she stood up.


Buzz! ! !

A wave of terror struck her, and she looked up, meeting the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven.

"I intend to use the Dragon Clan to temper the Human Emperor, and I also ask the Earth Emperor not to interfere in this matter."

Di Jun's eyes were full of indifference, and there was no longer the kindness and care in the past.

At this moment, heaven and earth looked at each other.

It is also the look between the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Earth.

This glance cuts through infinite time and space and reaches the true meaning of the great road.

Hou Tu couldn't help but feel a touch of fear in her heart. She found that those eyes were too unfamiliar...

"How could Di Jun have such indifferent eyes..."

Hou Tu was shocked.

The Emperor of Heaven she knew was the true Emperor of Heaven for all eternity!

However, under the gaze of those eyes.

She didn't dare to help the Dragon Clan.

Because she is afraid.

She was afraid that Heaven would take this opportunity and really want to annihilate the Witch Clan.

In the previous battle outside the territory, Di Jun did not take any action.

Now that Di Jun's cultivation was even more unfathomable, how could she dare to touch him so easily.

And this time.

Two gods and demons in the underworld.

"What do you think of this person?" The Samsara God and Demon looked at the Demon God and Demon with a smile on his face.

The face of the demon god was extremely solemn, and finally he couldn't help but sigh, shook his head, and said: "I am ashamed of myself."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The reincarnation gods and demons laughed crazily as if they had heard something funny.

"Why are you laughing? Is it possible that you are not as talented as him?" The Demon God looked at Him coldly and couldn't help but choke.


The smile of the reincarnation god and demon suddenly stopped.

Indeed, he is not as talented as Emperor Jun.

Although his talent is indeed high, talent is not just about talent.

"So what? Your bet is lost anyway! Prepare to preach for the underworld!" The corners of the reincarnation god's and demon's mouth raised slightly and he smiled.


"The outcome is undecided, and we still don't know who will win!"

The Demon God snorted coldly.

When he looked at Human Emperor Xuanyuan again, his confidence couldn't help but lose a lot.

Just now, Emperor Jun's terrifying aura appeared in the underworld, which shocked him instantly.

If you don’t know better, you might really think that the other party is Pangu!

Time keeps passing.

Zulong's eyes looking towards the east gradually changed from hope to disappointment, from disappointment to extreme anger!

"My Ancestor Dragon, from now on, I must wait for Lar!!!"

Zulong kept roaring in his heart.

The tightly held limbs, the nine extremely sharp claws had already penetrated his skin, and pieces of blood spilled down, dripping onto the East China Sea.

"Dragon clan!"

"I wish to surrender!!!"

Zulong suddenly lowered his head towards Xuanyuan and shouted angrily.

After hearing this, all the beings showed a look of shock.

I thought that the Ancestral Dragon would die on the battlefield, but the dragon clan fell to the human clan.

I didn't expect it to be like this...

"His Majesty……"

The other dragon clans all looked at Zulong.

There are those who are unwilling and there are those who are not angry!

But more are also understanders.

The stronger one's cultivation is, the less it matters.

In fact, the weaker the person is, the more eager he is to continue fighting.

Because the hot blood in their bodies has not yet cooled down.

They are the future of the Dragon Clan and the present of the Dragon Clan.

"I, by decree, crown the Dragon Emperor Ancestor Dragon as the emperor who rules the four seas! He is also called the Sea Emperor! From now on, I rule the land of the four seas!!!"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan returned the Human Emperor Sword to its sheath and shouted loudly.

Buzz! ! !

Between heaven and earth, golden light shines! ! !

The dark clouds have dispersed!

The luck of the infinite family increases again!

Among them, another gift was given to support the Dragon Clan!

Suddenly, the dragon clan's luck suddenly increased!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

Zulong roared furiously.

But at this time, he also understood in his heart that from now on, he was nominally a subject of the human race.

When you see Xuanyuan, you have to bow your head and salute.

And this is undoubtedly a shame for the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan wants to take revenge on all this.

But not today, but after the heaven and the underworld collapse, then it will be the time for the decisive battle between the dragon clan and the human clan! ! !

Compared to the human race, the dragon race hates the heaven and the underworld that regard themselves as victims even more! ! !


The next moment, the human race and the dragon race stopped fighting.

Then, Xuanyuan entered the Dragon Palace.

It's just that the seats are different this time.

Last time, he was a guest and took the guest seat.

Today, he is the Lord, sitting on the throne above.

"Ancestral Dragon." Xuanyuan said calmly.

"I'm here." Zu Long slightly cupped his hands and agreed reluctantly.

Xuanyuan didn't care too much, as long as the dragon clan was willing to surrender, he had no intention of humiliating the ancestor dragon.

In fact, humiliating the ancestor dragon is humiliating the dragon clan, which is equivalent to forcing the opponent to rebel again after they have just surrendered.

If he was really forced to rebel, he would definitely break up.

"No need to be polite, just talk about the Dragon Clan." Xuanyuan waved his hand and said calmly.

In an instant, Zulong and Canglong's eyes fell on him.

"The Dragon Clan will become the totem of the Human Clan and form an alliance with the Human Clan forever! As long as the Human Clan is here, the Dragon Clan's destiny will last forever!" Xuanyuan's eyes flashed with light.

He knew that suppressing the Dragon Clan at this time was only the first step.

What really matters is what's behind. If people can't be conquered later, then the Dragon Clan's rebellion again is just around the corner.

"Human Totem??!!"

Zulong shouted in confusion.

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