Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 451 Xuanyuan thinks about the way out!

"Yes! The totem of the human race!"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan nodded, looked at Zu Long with a solemn expression and said.

According to his idea, it would be obviously unreliable to force the dragon clan to surrender by using force alone!

Therefore, you cannot only use force to make the Dragon Clan compromise!

On the one hand, they must use force to scare the dragons and let them know the huge gap between the human race and the dragon race.

We must also appease the Dragon Clan from another aspect!

After all, the Dragon Clan is a super-rich clan that has been powerful since ancient times. If they just surrender with force, it can be said that there is no need to wait until other big clans come to attack the human race.

The Dragon Clan must rebel!

Therefore, we must have a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other!

Only in this way will the Dragon Clan be able to truly form an alliance with the Human Race and surrender to the Human Race!

"Totem is the flag of the human race, just like a battle flag. It can be engraved with words or an image, and the image of the dragon can become a part of this flag!"

Xuanyuan talked eloquently, and his words were full of confidence.

"As long as the image of the Dragon Clan is integrated into the Human Clan and becomes a symbol of power, then the Dragon Clan and the Human Clan will naturally be inseparable. At that time, the Dragon Clan will also enjoy the fate of the Human Clan, and the Human Clan will have full power over everything in the world. Entrust it to the Dragon Clan to take charge of it!"

"The only thing the Dragon Clan has to do is to contribute when the Human Clan summons them. The rest remains the same as before, and they can also get the Human Clan's luck. How about that?"

Xuanyuan's words were full of confidence. He believed that Zulong had no reason to refuse.

It was indeed the case. After saying these words, Zu Long instantly looked happy.

"Okay! Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

Zu Long nodded and said happily.

Originally, I was worried that the Dragon Clan might encounter some kind of unequal contract, but now that nothing has happened after the defeat, that's great.

And there are so many benefits.

The only thing is that he needs to surrender to the human race.

Although it was very insulting to the majesty of the Dragon Clan, since the battle was defeated, there was nothing more to say.


"From now on, the nine-clawed golden dragon will represent the image of the Human Emperor! The nine-clawed golden dragon will be embroidered on the human emperor's robe, and various dragon-related objects will also appear in the human capital Luoyang! So that in all aspects, dragons will Become a symbol of the human race!”

Xuanyuan said with a serious face.

This time, he spent a lot of money to win over the Dragon Clan.

Of course, the human race has also directly obtained the jurisdiction of the dragon clan. Although the dragon clan will be extremely autonomous in governance, it is still a subordinate of the human race after all.

Moreover, luck has never been something that the Dragon Clan can absorb from the Human Clan. The Human Clan can also absorb the Dragon Clan in turn!

Moreover, the luck of the dragon tribe occupied by the human race is much greater than the luck of the dragon tribe occupying the human race!

This is because of the status issue!

Why is the destiny of heaven so majestic?

It is because the destiny of heaven is provided by all living beings!

No matter what force it is, it cannot escape its inextricable relationship with Heaven!

It seems that the underworld is the underworld and the witch clan is the witch clan. In fact, the witch clan relies largely on the luck of the underworld!

The luck of the Wu clan itself is far worse than that of the underworld!

The fortunes of the witch clan and the underworld are intertwined, and the fortunes of the underworld and heaven are intertwined!

The Dragon Clan was independent enough before, but now it has been pulled under the command of the Human Clan, so its future destiny will also be implicated in the Human Clan, and the Human Clan has an inseparable relationship with the Human Clan's destiny!

There is an inseparable relationship between the human court and the heavenly court!

Therefore, the real big forces are ultimately related to Heaven, which is why Heaven's destiny is so strong.

This does not include those small forces. There are countless leaders of countless forces occupying a place in the heaven!

Therefore, the destiny of heaven is held up alive.

However, now, the power of the human family has become great.

Many forces in the human world have also belonged to the human race.

"In that case, let's announce this to the world. From now on, the human race and the dragon race will be as close as one family."

Xuanyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Zu Long and said.


Zulong laughed and said, looking at Xuanyuan no longer as disgusted as before.

The guy in front of me has always been more than just sharp, he also has the ability to appease the world.

It's just that the other party has always been aggressive and reserved.

"From now on, the dragon clan will really become the totem symbol of the human race. This can be regarded as a strong alliance..."

Ye Xuan was in the sky, overlooking the conversation between Human Emperor Xuanyuan and Dragon Emperor Zulong.

Xuanyuan is indeed not that reckless person, but a real person with city plans.

It's not that he said that if the Human Emperor only had brute strength, he would really be unworthy of this position.

Sure enough, even Xuanyuan, who conquered the world with force and wanted to conquer all directions and bring all the world under the rule of the human race, knew what it meant to be a true combination of kindness and power.

"Xuanyuan is able to do this. The emperors of the human race should not be underestimated."

Ye Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

In his previous life, Xuanyuan was the ancestor of humanity and the beginning of everything. Together with Emperor Yan, he was known as the two emperors Yan and Huang, the ancestors.

The two emperors of Yan and Huang and the ancestor of the army Chi Yuna are the common ancestors of the entire Chinese nation and are the beginning of human legends.

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are widely spread.

The two emperors of Yan and Huang created humanities and were the ancestors, and the three emperors and five emperors ruled the world in the first generation.

The Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties ushered in a generation of slavery dynasty and gave the Chinese nation an opportunity to develop and grow.

Although it gradually evolved into various disintegrated alien races, yes, in the eyes of the Chinese people in the Central Plains, they were alien races.

Even the Huns and barbarians in the north are actually descendants of the Huaxia people back then.

There are also the Southern Barbarians in the southwest and so on. Anyway, many of the surrounding ethnic groups are separated from the Chinese ethnic group.

Later, the great unification of Qin completely unified China!

This is true unification!

It's not like the nominal unification of Xia, Shang and Zhou!

The great unification of Qin was not just the unification of the country! Cars on the same track, books on the same text, weights and measures! County system, centralized system!

These are the magnificence of Qin! The best treasure of Qin!

This is cultural unification! This is the great unification that unites the entire disintegrated Chinese nation into one race and one country!

Created the first dynasty of feudal system!

Every dynasty that made major undertakings and reforms was always so short-lived and always caused so many rebellions!

Although Qin did not last forever, Qin's achievements and system have truly lasted forever! ! !

The county system and centralized power established the dynastic structure that lasted for thousands of years in one fell swoop!

Measures such as the use of chariots on the same track, books and texts, and weights and measures have also eliminated the so-called distinctions between countries and turned it into a true country of all peoples!

Then, Emperor Qin collapsed and the world was divided!

Qin lost its deer, but Han gained it.

A generation of Han Wu continued the style of Qin Shihuang!

While Qin Shihuang unified the entire Chinese culture, he also deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, resulting in ideological unification.

This move made Confucianism transcendent and became an existence unmatched by other schools of thought.

Likewise, this move lasted for thousands of years, further establishing the direction of future history.

But this time, the real achievement of Han Wu was no longer this kind of cultural unification similar to that of Emperor Qin.

But it gives a nation and a country unprecedented dignity!

When dealing with foreigners, we no longer rely on the Yanzhao Great Wall for defense, but take the initiative!

Although this move made the Han people miserable and impoverished the country, it also created an unprecedented dignity!

Let future generations call themselves Han people.

Later, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty continued to make major changes in the system, such as the three provinces and six ministries system, which broke down the problem of excessive power, such as the imperial examination system, which allowed candidates to enter the court and become officials based on their own abilities, which was no longer the case in the past. The aristocratic family has complete control over promotion matters.

Although, the class they faced was still the aristocracy.

However, it also truly created a new system, allowing future kings to slowly improve on its basis, and finally made the imperial examination system the only way for civilians to rise.

Likewise, it has lasted for thousands of years...

Although there will be many kings in later generations who have outstanding political views and military prowess, and who are at the peak of their national power.

But in the end, they were not able to change the general trend of the entire China like the three previous monarchs.

Emperor Qin laid the foundation for a unified dynasty, preventing the Chinese nation from falling apart.

Hanwu gave the Chinese nation as a whole an unprecedented dignity, and at the same time allowed Confucianism to dominate the mainstream for thousands of years.

Sui Wen gave later generations of civilians a way out. Although he did not complete it alone, and his original intention was not here, after all, this system was still created by him.

Even if the kings of later generations were as talented and powerful as Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, it would be difficult for them to leave behind such a policy that had an impact for thousands of years.

But now, in Ye Xuan's world, Xuanyuan has become such an image!

A truly domineering, wise and mighty monarch!

A monarch who can lead the human race to victory and to the top! ! !

"I'm really looking forward to the war that will follow and what the future direction of the human race will be..."

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly.

When the human race and the dragon race collectively announced the news of the latest regulations, the entire prehistoric era was instantly boiling.

If this happens, the Dragon Clan will definitely help the Human Clan in the future.

After all, nowadays, the interests between the two are completely linked together, almost to an inseparable degree.

After doing this.

Xuanyuan's eyes were also thinking about what would happen if the human race lost the final battle...

Thinking about defeat before thinking about victory is what a human emperor who leads the entire human race should think.

Never act on impulse and act on your idea regardless of the consequences!

In that case, it is very likely that the human race will be dragged to a place of eternal destruction!

Therefore, we must first consider where the human race will go after defeat.

Of course, the worst is just surrendering to heaven, and it won't really be any worse.

But that's not what Xuanyuan wants.

In fact, when fighting against the dragons, Xuanyuan did not think that Dijun would intervene, because he believed in his own vision, and he knew that the other party was using the human race and him as a stepping stone for the Heavenly Court.

Therefore, Xuanyuan was extremely confident that Dijun would not take action.

If he took action at this time, all the previous forbearance would be in vain.

Therefore, Dijun would not take action.

If he really took action, then if he was defeated, he would have to surrender directly, otherwise there would be no other tricks.

But now it is different. Next time he fights, he will really take action!

But it is also true that the next target of the war will be the Heavenly Court.


Xuanyuan shouted to the outside.

A man in armor came out, looked at Xuanyuan in front of him and bowed, saying: "Your Majesty, why did you call me here?"

"You lead the troops to the South Pole and kill all the Phoenix clan guys above the Hunyuan realm there. Don't miss a single one, otherwise we will have to guard against these guys when we fight!"

Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Dahong nodded after hearing this, and immediately turned around and walked outside.

After doing this, Xuanyuan fell silent again.

If it weren't for the control of various things, they would have killed the damn Phoenix clan long ago.

But until now, they have successfully gone over and destroyed them.

There is no need to kill those who are not in the Hunyuan realm.

What they want is that the Phoenix clan cannot threaten the human race, not that they really want the Phoenix clan to be extinct.

"No, we have to cultivate a peerless emperor in the human world. Even if the human race in the prehistoric world is defeated, the human race still has a way out! There is still a chance to repeat the same mistakes!!!"

Soon, Xuanyuan thought of the mortal world that has always been in the hands of the human race!

The mortal world is the world where Jehovah is!

They have always been used as exiled prisoners. Unless they can achieve Hunyuan or have the qualifications to achieve Hunyuan, they will never want to return to the four seas and eight wildernesses again in their lifetime!

So, there have always been a lot of human races there.

And now, it just comes in handy!

After Xuanyuan thought of this, he immediately flashed and went to the mortal world in person.

Mortal world.

Jehovah has always been very depressed. How can he leave this world and go to a higher world!

However, the human race never let him leave here.

So, even if his cultivation has already reached the realm of Hunyuan, he can't escape from here after all.

What's more, he is still cultivating the realm of Hunyuan in the prehistoric world!

This world has long been thriving!

Everyone believes in God!!!

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