Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 452: General amnesty! Jehovah leaves!


Suddenly, a burst of light came, instantly covering the entire mortal world!

Countless people of the prehistoric world who were exiled here all looked up at the sky and found that there was infinite light above.


A figure descended from the sky.

They recognized it at a glance. This was the new emperor of the human race, Xuanyuan! ! !

Among them, there are people who were exiled here and gave birth to children for generations.

There are also people who were exiled here alone because they made big mistakes in the Shennong era.

There are also people who were exiled here because they did not obey Xuanyuan's discipline.

There are more of the former two, and fewer of the latter.

Because Xuanyuan was very murderous, he killed many guys who rebelled against him on the spot.

As for those who were exiled, there were really few.

Many people were more guilty than this, and those who were guilty of this were directly killed by Xuanyuan.

So there are few left.

Just like those kings who swore to resist to the death, and those rebel forces who fought to death with Jiuli, he directly dismembered and suppressed them!

Of course, only Chiyou enjoyed this dismemberment.

But the ones who were suppressed were almost all the powerful Hunyuan masters of Jiuli at that time!

Those people, if nothing unexpected happened, would never think of coming back alive in this life.

Not all of them are descendants of sinners.

There are also some people with extremely poor talents who can hardly reach the Daluo Jinxian in their lifetime, and they directly took the initiative to settle here.

Because in the mortal world, Daluo Jinxian is already a very high-level existence, and they, as Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian cultivators, can live very well here!

In the prehistoric world, Daluo Jinxian can't even fart, and Hunyuan Jinxian has to stay at home.

Only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can shake off his prestige, but he must not provoke the big forces.

The existence that can truly roar in the sky is the top existence among the major forces.

As for the rest, they have to behave themselves!

And their level of Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal?

That is ants! Real ants!!!

How can it be as fun as becoming an immortal here!

The mortal world, as the name suggests, is a place where ordinary people gather.

The primitive human race here, that is, the human race created by Jehovah, are not the model of cultivating immortals. Don't think that a mortal can cultivate to the level of becoming an immortal after a few hundred years!

If the qualifications are not enough, it may even take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to cultivate!

Therefore, the human race in the prehistoric times entered here, which was simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Even those who were exiled here quickly took control of the most fertile land, and then drove away all the natives on it!

Those people had no choice but to migrate to various places. Some went east across the ocean, some went west across the continent, some went north to the grassland, and some migrated south.

In short, the most fertile Central Plains and coastal areas became the territory of the prehistoric human race.

Gradually, as more and more criminals came, and those human races moved down on their own initiative.

The population here once developed to tens of millions.

Although it is insignificant compared to the hundreds of billions of people in a kingdom in the prehistoric world, and it is not even on the same level, but the number of tens of millions is not small.

In addition, the talents of these people have a lower limit, and even the lowest guys can become golden immortals.

In other words, the lower limit of these people is much higher than the upper limit of others!

"Your Majesty!!!"

"Your Majesty!!!"

"The guilty minister pays homage to Your Majesty!!! Your Majesty is so powerful that he has conquered the dragon race, which makes us admire him!!!"

Suddenly, countless human races knelt down towards Xuanyuan.

When the people here saw Xuanyuan coming to investigate in person, they all knelt down and kowtowed.

Even those guys who committed crimes under Xuanyuan's hands knelt down and kowtowed to Xuanyuan.

Although this is the mortal world, it does not mean that the news here is blocked, nor does it mean that no one here knows about the outside world.

Those human races who came here on their own initiative have the power to go back to the prehistoric world at any time.

Not only that, the secret display will not block this place.

In addition, Xuanyuan and Zulong announced to the world earlier, which also let the people here know how powerful the human race is now!

"Your Majesty!!!"

At this time, even the human race strongmen who were far away in the guarding place, most of them ran here in person and bowed to Xuanyuan.

And some of them bowed in the direction of Xuanyuan from a distance at the gate.

"Everyone, stand up."

Xuanyuan said to everyone indifferently.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

All of a sudden, those people thanked Xuanyuan one after another.

For them, being able to personally see the Emperor Xuanyuan was something that many people would never see in their entire lives.

In addition, Xuanyuan expanded the territory, incorporated the four seas into the human race, and brought the dragon race under his command.

It was simply extremely powerful!

Even though they were criminals, they still hoped that the human race would become stronger and stronger, and that they would be able to get better and better!

This is the human race today, and this is also the most simple human race!

Even if I am guilty, I am still willing to see the human race stand above all spirits!

If it were in Ye Xuan's previous life, those people would not only be guilty, but even if their lives were not satisfactory, they would be eager to betray their country!

Some people are even too much, even though the problems are obviously caused by their own reasons, they still have to blame their motherland, licking other countries every day and wishing to go to other countries immediately.

Little do they know that other countries have never been garbage dumps. They only want elite talents, not all garbage.

For garbage, all countries are eager to clear it, so how can they recruit garbage from other countries?

"Recently, the human race is very happy and has accepted people from all over the world. I have decided to pardon all the criminals in the world!!!"

"All those who are not convicted of treason and rebellion will be pardoned by the world!!!"

Xuanyuan looked at these criminals below with burning eyes.

He knew that these were the backhands of the human race.

Naturally, their identities must be completely cleared.

Although they are criminals, some of them have been punished for many years, and the crimes they committed are not so heinous.

These days, the heinous ones have long been killed.

But no one will shout about human rights.

Strength and rules are the foundation.

"The criminals thank His Majesty!!!"

"Your Majesty has a long life!!! Live forever!!!"

In an instant, millions of criminals kowtowed to Xuanyuan in the sky.

Even those who were not criminals bowed to Xuanyuan in the sky to express their admiration.

They never regarded each other as criminals, but lived and chatted with each other in a friendly manner, and developed and built together.

Among these people, there was only one kind of person who was unhappy.

That was the people who were exiled by Xuanyuan himself.

Those who were exiled here because they committed treason and rebellion.

At this time,

Jehovah came to Xuanyuan anxiously. He bowed to Xuanyuan with a familiar gesture and congratulated him: "Congratulations to your majesty for conquering the four seas. Your servant Jehovah admires your majesty!!!"

"Are you Jehovah?"

Xuanyuan looked at the man in front of him and said lightly.

After he became the emperor of man, he naturally knew that the leader of the heaven in the mortal world was named Jehovah, the most powerful guy among the local forces.

And the one who opposed him was Lucifer in hell, also known as Satan.

Of course, Satan only dared to harm the Western human race created by Jehovah, and did not dare to do anything to the human race in the prehistoric world.

Not to mention that this mortal world is ruled by the human race, there are still hundreds of Hunyuan strongmen guarding the gate.

Even among these sinners, there are dozens of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian strongmen.

It can be said that it is completely possible to bloodbath the heaven and the underworld.

Therefore, Satan dare not even fart at those who do not believe in Satan, or even insult Satan.

And those who do not respect God, that is, those who do not respect Jehovah...

can still go to heaven...


Although they will not die, they can still go to heaven at any time!

This is the benefit of a race having truly powerful strength.

They will not be slaughtered by others.

The essence of this world is a world of the weak and the strong. If you do not become stronger, you will be robbed by other strong people.

As for whether you want to rob others?

That is something you can consider after you become stronger!

"Your Majesty has good eyesight!! I am the Lord of Heaven, Jehovah." Jehovah bowed and said humbly.

When Xuanyuan just pardoned the sinners of the world, he was extremely excited.

This human emperor is different from other human emperors.

The previous human emperors only imprisoned, but not pardoned!

Although the current human emperor is warlike, he will also pardon the world!

If he can pardon the sinners today, why can't he leave the mortal world tomorrow?

Therefore, Jehovah was very happy and humble.

He knew that the prehistoric human race liked humble people, but did not like those who were arrogant and complacent.

So, he pretended to be humble.

Xuanyuan nodded slightly and said: "After today, you can leave this place at will and go to the prehistoric world. Remember, you must not do anything that harms the human race, otherwise, even if it is the four seas and eight wastelands, I will make you die!"

His words were without a trace of emotion.

People shuddered after hearing it.

However, Jehovah at this time did not have any fear or terror. Instead, he looked at Xuanyuan with joy, and knelt on the ground excitedly, kneeling three times and nine times to Xuanyuan.

Shouted: "Your Majesty, I will always be subservient to Your Majesty!!! I will always be subservient to the human race!!! I will never betray Your Majesty!!! I will never betray the human race!!!"

"Well, that's very good."

Xuanyuan nodded, and then looked at the human sinners below.

"Please have mercy, Your Majesty!!!"

"We know we are wrong!!!"

"Please have mercy, Your Majesty!!!"

All of a sudden, the rebellious criminals exiled by Xuanyuan below were instantly upset.

Everyone can leave, but I can't?

So they all knelt down fiercely in front of Xuanyuan without caring about the face of the Hunyuan strongman!!!

Xuanyuan's eyes turned cold slightly, and he looked at those people and shouted: "You criminals have committed unforgivable crimes."

"Originally, they should not be forgiven!"

"But now I am here in person!"

"See, your regret!"

"Listen, what you said!"

"Then I will forgive you! I hope you will be good people in the future, make meritorious contributions, and don't do this again!!!"

Xuanyuan's words were full of deterrence, and his voice was full of kingly and domineering majesty.

Instantly, those criminals trembled all over.

They knew that this was their last chance. If they didn't want to stay in such a place, they had to express their position.

"I am here to swear to the way of heaven! From now on, I will never betray your majesty! I will never betray the human race! If I violate this oath, I will not die well and will never be reborn!!!"

Immediately, a man stood up and shouted loudly.


A thunderclap sounded in the sky, and a flash of lightning flashed across.

This is the proof of the hearing of the Heavenly Oath.

In other words, the oath made by this person has been confirmed. If he really commits this in the future, he will definitely be punished by heaven, just as he said today.

The rest of the criminals looked at each other and swore a poisonous oath.

They knew that if they did not make the Heavenly Oath, even if Xuanyuan let them go today, they would still keep an eye on them in the future.

This would be too uncomfortable, and it would be the same as not coming out.

So, all these people made the Heavenly Oath.

After seeing that all the rebellious criminals had made the Heavenly Oath, Xuanyuan nodded and said, "You can leave here too."

The criminals were overjoyed when they heard this, and they bowed to Xuanyuan again and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty! I will leave first!"

After speaking, they looked at Xuanyuan's eyes above.

After seeing Xuanyuan nod slightly, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Their cultivation was not imprisoned, and they dared not break through the barrier before. If they really broke through, they would definitely die.

Even if they successfully broke through, they could not guarantee their survival.

The rest of the former criminals, after seeing Xuanyuan let the dozens of Hunyuan strongmen go.

Instantly bowed to Xuanyuan again and said: "Your Majesty, we also want to say goodbye and go to see the scenery in the prehistoric world!!!"

Xuanyuan nodded slightly and said: "Of course, since you are no longer guilty, you are free to come and go."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!! We will take our leave!!!"

Those former criminals were overjoyed when they heard this and flew out one after another.

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