Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 453: Following His Majesty's order, the Phoenix clan's Hunyuan strongmen are order

And in hell.

Lucifer looked at this scene, his eyes almost bloodshot with jealousy.

"Why can Jehovah leave here?!!"

"I want to leave here too!!!"

Suddenly, he flapped his wings, and the extremely dark fallen angel wings instantly made him soar into the sky.

And the demons in hell seemed to have some sense, and instantly kowtowed to Lucifer who was constantly separating in the sky.


"My faith!!!"

"Lord Satan!!"

"It's Lord Satan!!"

Suddenly, the demons all knelt on the ground and shouted.

They were still a little dissatisfied with the fallen angels before. Although Satan was the strongest and the lord of hell, they were still a little dissatisfied.

It was not until Lucifer became a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that he changed his previous state and became an extremely humble existence.

All creatures and evil spirits in hell became followers of Satan.

Therefore, the fallen angels once again ushered in a glorious moment.

Successfully became the royal family among the many demon races in hell! ! !

This is the benefit of being powerful! ! !

This is the horror of a race with the foundation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

And there is only one person.

Although there are many at the same level, the one who truly proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world is a God named Jehovah in heaven and a Satan named Lucifer in hell.

There are only two guys.

The native creatures of the entire mortal world.

If this kind of strength is placed in the prehistoric world, at most it can only ensure that you will not be beaten...


In the prehistoric world, in the Antarctic, there is an immortal volcano.

Hundreds of thousands of Phoenix tribe members took off here!

And these Phoenix tribe members were only a few thousand before!

And now, the number has reached hundreds of thousands!

Although compared to the past, it is nothing!

But compared to the previous period, it is still much better! ! !

After all, this is developed from the karma of thousands of heads staring at the Heavenly Dao!

This scene is inseparable from Kong Xuan. It is under his leadership that the Phoenix Clan has become so prosperous today!

It can also be regarded as a wave of centers!

Of course, compared with the big forces, it is incomparable.

And the strongest people in the clan are Kong Xuan and Jin Peng, the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the rest of the guys are all Hunyuan Jinxian.

The highest one is only the peak of Hunyuan Jinxian!

Still did not comprehend the legendary Hunyuan true meaning, so as to condense the Hunyuan true self and become the Hunyuan true self realm.

All of this is also not because of lack of talent, but the limitation of Heavenly Dao karma.

And Kong Xuan actually did not do anything very powerful, that is, he paid off all the debts owed by the Phoenix Clan!

Yes, all paid off!

During this period, Kong Xuan was begging for help everywhere, giving up his former nobility and arrogance, and being a younger brother, honestly praising this, praising this, helping this, and helping that.

Finally, all the karma owed by the Phoenix Clan outside was paid off!

However, they could not pay off the karma owed to the Heavenly Dao, and they didn’t know what else they could do to pay off the debt except suppressing the immortal volcano in Antarctica!

Of course, these may not be paid off in the end, and the time required is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

It is precisely because these karmas owed to the Heavenly Dao have never been paid off that the members of the Phoenix Clan cannot break through this last threshold.

This day.

Kong Xuan is thinking about what to do to completely make the Phoenix Clan, like other races, a race without such a huge karma.

Only in that case, they will have a new Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian strongman appear!

However, although their ideas were beautiful, the reality was extremely cruel!

And this day.

Dahong also personally led hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to rush over.

They didn't know how strong the Phoenix Clan was, but they knew that the Phoenix Clan was developing rapidly. If they were not controlled, they would become a great disaster that would endanger the human race in the future!

"Phoenix Clan, who is the leader?!"

Dahong said in a heavy tone, snorting coldly above the Phoenix Palace.

After Kong Xuan heard it inside, his face immediately showed an extremely painful expression.

Damn, it's the damn human race again!!!

Last time, he was harmed by the human race!


And now, the other party has come again, and is running over to threaten him again!


Kong Xuan flew out with a serious face, but after seeing the hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian on the other side, his face suddenly changed.

His heart was extremely gloomy.

Damn it, this damn guy actually mobilized so many troops, what is he going to do?

Exterminate their Phoenix clan?

Kong Xuan's eyes revealed a trace of unwillingness.

He had worked so hard to develop the Phoenix clan to this point, and the other party actually wanted to exterminate them?

"Your Majesty has an order to order all the Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Immortals of the Phoenix clan to commit suicide in order to thank the world and calm the people's hearts!"

Dahong looked at Kong Xuan with cold eyes and shouted.

"If you insist on not committing suicide in a dignified manner, then we can also help you face it!!!"

"Moreover, the entire Phoenix clan will be razed to the ground by then!"

"The worst we can do is send people to guard this immortal volcano!!!"

"The human race is most indispensable for the powerful Hunyuan warriors!"

Kong Xuan's expression changed every time Dahong said something.

What a guy, you actually want them to commit suicide!

What else can you say to reassure the people?

To reassure the people?

What public sentiment?

The hearts of the people! ! !

"We, the Phoenix clan, have not done anything yet, so why are we forced to commit suicide now?!"

Kong Xuan shouted unwillingly.

At this time, Jin Peng, who had been following him, also had a gloomy expression.

This damn guy!

You actually want the two brothers to commit suicide? !

Although Jin Peng dislikes Kong Xuan as his brother, he wants to die with him?

That's impossible! ! !

"The weak prey on the strong. People of the Phoenix tribe should understand this truth. The decisive battle of the human race is imminent, and they will not sit back and watch others steal their homes. No matter what you say, dead people are the most suitable."

"What's more, Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Immortal can live forever. It's just a matter of waiting for a while, and this period of time is exactly what the human race needs today!"

Dahong looked at Kong Xuan with an indifferent expression, not paying any attention to what the other person was thinking.

He just knew that he was from the human race.

Then you must be loyal to the king and share your worries with him!

Kong Xuan gritted his teeth. After hearing the other party's words, he understood that he could not drag on like this any longer.

The probability of survival today is 0, and it is true that they will not really die.

If they don't cooperate, then all these Phoenix people will die!

If these Phoenix people die like this, then even if Kong Xuan comes back again in the future, it will have no effect! ! !

This is such a reality.

Because the strength is not enough!

The weak will be beaten. This is the true meaning of all the worlds in the wild! ! !

"Kong Xuan!!!"

"Wish to die!!!!!"

Kong Xuan looked up to the sky and roared angrily, and the infinite flames on his body instantly appeared crazily from his body! !

In addition, he was frantically absorbing the surrounding lava.

Soon, the fire element attribute in his body was about to explode! ! !

boom! ! !

A huge sound came, and Kong Xuan's body was completely blown away, leaving nothing behind.

The reason why he chose such a cruel method was to tell those people how much injustice he had endured! ! !

At least……


That's how he died! ! !


In the end, he chose to self-destruct for the sake of the Phoenix clan.

But when he reached Jin Peng on the other side, he became frightened.

Relying on his own innate magical power, he ran wildly outside.

He didn't want to die here like this.

This world is still too big, and there are many places he has never been to...


Immediately, Dahong hit the Jinpeng who was running away in the sky with a palm.

boom! ! !

A huge sound exploded, and countless collisions came from inside.

It turned out that Jin Peng was captured alive.

Then just let the other person die!

Let you fucking run away! ! !

"go to hell!!!"

Dahong struck out with another palm and rushed behind Jin Peng.

boom! ! !

Jin Peng's body was also completely exploded, and there was no bones left, not a single corpse was left.

In the end Jinpeng finally fell.

Furthermore, Dahong looked at the Phoenix clan surrounded by countless mountains.

He saw the anger and hatred in the other person's eyes!

"In that case, let's kill some..."

Dahong waved his weapon slightly.

The next moment.

Boom! ! !

A large amount of lava spewed out from the entire immortal volcano, wildly dragging the flying phoenixes above into the magma.


“If you don’t run away, we will all be buried with you!!!”

"Didn't you agree to let us go?!!"

Suddenly, the guys from the Phoenix clan shouted.

the other side.

Xuanyuan looked at the few human races left in front of him. There were only about two million people left here.

These people came in from the outside world on their own initiative, which means that the vast majority of the people left here do not want to leave here of their own volition.

The mortal world is actually quite beautiful if you look at it from another aspect.

However, at this time, Xuanyuan didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but was extremely happy.

"Yes, more than two million people can be left behind..."

All this gave Xuanyuan a good feeling.

"From now on..."

Xuanyuan just wanted to issue a new decree.

But the next moment.

A person appeared in front of him.


"Your Majesty!!! Your Majesty, Lucifer, please allow me to leave!!!"

Lucifer no longer cared about his dignity, he knelt on the ground and shouted to Taiyi.

He saw with his own eyes how Jehovah knelt and licked Xuanyuan and escaped from death!!

In other words, as long as he licked along, there was still a great probability that he would succeed!!!

As expected.

After Xuanyuan saw him, although his face was very ugly, there was not much disgust in his eyes.

This means one thing.

"Okay! Go!"

Xuanyuan thought for a moment, and finally nodded and said.

After all, if the Lord of Heaven was allowed to leave, if the Lord of Hell was not allowed to leave, then this balance would not be done very well.

As a monarch, the first thing to look at is balance.

If even balance cannot be mastered, there should be many things that cannot be handled.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!! I bow to Your Majesty!!!"

Lucifer was overjoyed and knelt down to Xuanyuan again.

Then, he slowly stood up, bowed to Xuanyuan again, and then headed towards the door to the new world! ! !

He had been trapped here for who knows how many years! ! !

Today, he finally had a chance to escape from here! ! !

This made Lucifer madly happy! !

After Lucifer left.

Xuanyuan then continued: "From today on, this place will be isolated again. In order to cultivate a new strong man to help me, I hope you can understand. If you want to go out, you can still go out now. I will never stop you."

"But after today, the exits of the passages on both sides will be separated. When the time comes, you can return to the prehistoric world again."

"Your Majesty, we are willing to dedicate ourselves!!!"

"Your Majesty!!! We are willing to stay here!!!"

"We will follow your Majesty's wishes!!!"

Suddenly, all the human races present bowed and said when they heard the words.

They were originally planning to settle here. Now that they heard Xuanyuan's request, thinking about the future of the human race, they were naturally willing to stay here forever and no longer go to the prehistoric world.

"I, thank you all so much!!!"

Xuanyuan bowed and saluted to the people below, his eyes red, obviously very moved in his heart.

"With you all, why worry about the human race not prospering?! Why worry about the human race not flourishing?!!"

"Your Majesty!!! Please stand up quickly!!!"

"Your Majesty!!! You are the Supreme Human Emperor!!!"

After seeing Xuanyuan bowing to them, the human race below immediately kowtowed to Xuanyuan in disbelief.

This is the Human Emperor!

They can't afford this gift.

In fact, it's not that they can't afford it, but that they don't want to!

"The human race will surely prosper!!!"

Seeing this, Xuanyuan roared.

"The human race is rejuvenated!!!"

"The human race is rejuvenated!!!"

"The human race is rejuvenated!!!"

All of a sudden, all the human races present roared in anger!

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