Xuanyuan looked at the people below and felt that the people's support was available, and he suddenly felt happy.

Immediately, he turned around and disappeared here.

In the reincarnation of the underworld.

Hou Tu stared at the true spirit of Qingtian, thinking constantly in his heart.

The human race is so powerful, should I suppress this guy?

A blue sky and a yellow sky have made today's human race so powerful and full of desire for invasion.

If another Qingtian comes, what will happen to the human race?

"Don't you know how to face this young spirit?"

At this time, the voice of the reincarnation gods and demons crossed many obstacles and reached Hou Tu's ears.

Hou Tu nodded slightly and said hesitantly, "That's exactly it."

"Today you are the Lord of Reincarnation and are in charge of everything in Reincarnation. You should deal with it impartially. However, you can also show favoritism. None of this may affect you. As for whether you need to show favoritism, you have to ask your true intentions."

"What I want to tell you as a teacher is to follow your heart."

"The Avenue of Reincarnation has never been about so-called fairness and justice. Everything is just about following one's own path."

"Therefore, you should ask about your true intentions, and do not violate your true intentions."

After saying that, the voices of the reincarnation gods and demons disappeared.

"Follow your heart..." Hou Tu muttered to himself.

Then, she smiled and suddenly understood something in her heart.

"Well, in that case, I'd better let you go..."

Hou Tu shook his head and put the green spirit in his hand back to its original place to rest.

Then he sighed and looked in the direction of the human race again, not knowing what to say.

"Why do you want to help the human race?"

The Demon God and Demon looked at the Samsara God and Demon with some confusion and asked.

The two people obviously made a bet, and the other party probably wouldn't help the human race.

After all, although they were betting on the showdown between Xuanyuan and Di Jun, the strength of the human race and heaven was also very important.

If the power in the human race increases greatly and can rival the Heavenly Court, then if Di Jun is in a stalemate with Xuanyuan, once he rushes to help, Di Jun will be considered a loser.

If you lose, you lose.

That can be regarded as losing the duel between them.

"The duel between you and me is just a trivial matter. If you lose, you lose. But my disciple Houtu is different. I can't let her go astray. If I want to change it in the future, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to do it." Make it right.”

The Samsara God and Demon shook his head slightly, looked at the Demon God and Demon in front of him and smiled bitterly.

He was also unwilling to inform Hou Tu of these things and help the demon gods and demons participate in the gambling game.

Just as He said, nature is nothing compared to the future of Hou Tu.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Demon God laughed loudly when he heard this and didn't say much.

After Human Emperor Xuanyuan walked out of the mortal world, he was thinking about Qingtian.

He knew that since he was Huang Tian in his previous life, a very powerful being would definitely emerge as his successor in Qingtian in his next life.

He was a little confused as to whether he wanted to go find Qingtian or not.

Also, will Hou Tu hide Qingtian’s true spirit to prevent Qingtian from reincarnating?

At this point, as long as you are not a fool, you should know that in the past three days, you will become the Three Emperors of the Human Race!

They were killed by three tribes in the last life, but this time Ye Xuan rewarded them and made him the human emperor of the human race.

The prehistoric world can be considered worthy of them!

If this happens, these three emperors will definitely become legends among the human race.

After all, that is the position of the Human Emperor!


Xuanyuan hummed, somewhat unsure whether he should go to the underworld.

Go ahead?

Hou Tu is a member of the Wu clan, and the current situation is very delicate. If he goes, the other party may not help him!

If you don't go, you're afraid of missing out on this remaining opportunity!

After all, according to Xuanyuan's idea, he wants to cultivate an emperor similar to himself from the mortal world!

In this case, if the two are combined, even if he fails to defeat Emperor Jun, which one can defeat Emperor Jun again, so that the human race will not be completely destroyed!

This is what Xuanyuan thinks!

"That's all, let everything take its course..."

Xuanyuan sighed, and finally no longer pinned all the hopes of the human race on the mortal world.

Instead, place all your hopes on yourself!

It’s up to you to solve everything by yourself! ! !

Just leave a very powerful human race to the blue sky of future generations!

Maybe, we can leave a human race to Qingtian that has already unified the whole world!


Ye Xuan's figure appeared in the wilderness, and he walked step by step towards the Western Buddhism.

After leaving, I don’t know how many years have passed.

Obviously he was able to reach Buddhism with just one thought, but he still walked away for an unknown amount of time.

Just when Ye Xuan left.

The Lord came into the wilderness.

As soon as we entered the wilderness, we felt the infinite power of the majestic avenue.


"Is this the prehistoric era?!"

“What a high-end world!!!”

"The world that I competed with back then turned out to be such a majestic existence!!!"

Jehovah felt the majesty of the avenue of heaven and earth with a shocked look on his face!

The more complicated and illusory avenues that he usually comprehends in the mortal world are now almost visible in the prehistoric world, and he can get them anytime and anywhere if he wants.

Of course, it is easy to see, but it does not mean that it is easy to encounter.

Then, he flashed and left here.

In the prehistoric world, everywhere is home.

There is no home for him here, so naturally he does not need to stay in one place.

And now, places like the cave paradise have almost become owner's land.

Unless he robs them directly, there will be no place for him.

And if he robs these things, he may accidentally attract the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian behind.

Therefore, robbing is not suitable for a guy like him.

Because he came out of the mortal world, he came out in the southern wilderness, which is the territory of the human race.

Looking at these human races, they are fundamentally different from the human race he created.

The human race here looks countless times more spiritual than the human race he created!

And in all aspects!

To be more spiritual!

Each one is not inferior to the Golden Immortal!

Among the human race, there are Hunyuan Golden Immortals everywhere, and Daluo Golden Immortals are worse than dogs!

Except for infants and young children, Jehovah looked around and saw that they all reached the level of Golden Immortal!

This is still a Golden Immortal!

However, the human race he created is very difficult to become an immortal!

Not to mention becoming a Golden Immortal!

This is the gap between the two!

"The human race is so perfect, which great existence created it..."

Jehovah looked at the human race in disbelief and exclaimed.

He has never seen such a perfect acquired race!

Not to mention the acquired race, even the innate race, he has never seen it!

Even if it is himself, he does not feel that he is a perfect existence!

In fact, Jehovah is the most powerful and perfect existence in that world!

It can be said that after coming to the prehistoric world, although he is not as good as the greatest existence, but with the huge luck in the mortal world, he will not necessarily be much weaker than those great existences!

Before, he was just trapped in the mortal world.

Now, that's a dragon swimming in the sea!


On the other side.

As Lucifer was happy, a demonic aura flashed through his eyes.

It instantly baptized his soul.

Originally, he wanted to come here to seek powerful skills to help him defeat Jehovah and then liberate all living beings in the mortal world!

In his eyes, he has always been the savior.

But now, his mind is controlled by the demon ancestor Luohou.

So, he became a demon.

When he appeared here, he was no longer fighting for the simple defeat of Jehovah, but for the strengthening of the Demon Sect! ! !

Help the Demon Sect become the most powerful force!

This is what Lucifer is going to do now!

That is what Satan is going to do now.


Lucifer laughed secretly, his eyes full of demonic aura.

Since the last time the people in the Demon Sect were caught by Xuanyuan, there is no free person directly controlled by Luohou among the human race!

All the human race controlled by Luohou were forcibly controlled by Xuanyuan!

None of them escaped!

All were suppressed.

Only the human race that was not controlled by Luohou was exiled to the mortal world!

And now, those sinners who were exiled to the mortal world have come out one after another and returned to the human race.

After the previous war, they had already regretted it, so how could they stir up blood and rain again now?

In addition, they now have no power, so they can't do all this at all.

Soon, Lucifer came to a small city among the human race and began to preach his own way!

He wanted to create a new sect, which belonged to the Demon Sect, but did not declare anything, just called it the Gate of Hell.


In the mortal world.

Jehovah left this place.

Satan also left this place.

After these two powerful people left, heaven and hell were in chaos.

Although there have been many wars between the two, there are also many internal conflicts.

The other demon races that were originally oppressed by the fallen angels began to attack the fallen angels one by one.

The previous emperor Xuanyuan clearly publicized this matter.

He said that the entire mortal world would be sealed, so that outsiders could not enter and people inside could not leave.

This time, it completely became the fuse of the incident!

And the situation in heaven was not much better, although it was not as direct as the attack in hell.

But it was also tense, with various things emerging one after another, and often various problems caused various dissatisfaction.

Everyone led some angels, and each of them had some dissatisfaction!

Obviously, none of them could convince the public, so this happened!

And if someone could convince the public, this would not happen!

But no matter how these people conquered each other, they did not dare to attack the human race!

The human race mentioned here is not the human race in the west, but the human race in the middle of the world!

That is, the human race in the prehistoric world!

Not to mention that there are hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians watching from the sidelines, even the power of the human race itself cannot be underestimated!

It is difficult to even become an immortal in other places!

But the human race here even has Taiyi Jinxians!

Can this be called a mortal?

Although there are no Daluo Jinxians and above, it is enough to have Taiyi Jinxians.

Those guys can't practice the practice methods in the prehistoric world, so their actual combat power is much worse!

Just like those guys are obviously the strength of Daluo Jinxian, but in the end they may not even be able to beat Taiyi Jinxian in the prehistoric world!

This is the absolute gap between the two!

It is also the initial gap of everything!

This is difficult to make up for, at most it is to bring the relationship between the two closer. If you want to truly surpass the human race in the prehistoric world, it is almost impossible!

And these primitive people are also called Zhong because they are located in the middle of the world.

In addition, they think they came from the primitive world, so they are more noble and gorgeous than the people here.

So they are also called Hua.

So, they are also called Zhonghua.

Gradually, the word Zhonghua became the representative noun of the primitive people in the mortal world.

That is to say, they successfully gathered them together.

However, they did not directly establish a country among themselves, but felt that the number was too small, so they did not directly establish a country.

In addition, it was indeed because no one could convince the public, so they simply established tribes one by one based on their own preferences, and no one cared about anyone else, and each developed their own business!

Gradually, the human race became various tribes.

And time passed quickly.

The tribes at the beginning also quickly became strong.

When the tribe became strong, it was inevitable that some people wanted to unify the entire human race and establish a new country!

At the beginning, the number of human race was only millions, but now there are tens of millions!

This is the terrifying reproduction ability of the human race!

So, the human race also began to fight.

At this moment, in the mortal world, in addition to the heaven in the sky and the hell under the ground fighting each other, the human race also began to fall into civil strife...


Outside world.

Southern wilderness.

Luoyang, the capital of the human race.

In Luoyang, various dragon-patterned decorative items appeared, and even the human emperor robe worn by Xuanyuan himself had a nine-clawed golden dragon as an embellishment.

That is equivalent to the symbol of the human emperor, so the nine-clawed golden dragon is used, which is the appearance of the ancestor dragon.

For this, the ancestor dragon has nothing to say.

On the contrary, he is very happy, because this represents the attitude of the human race and the human emperor!

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