Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 455 The key to the decisive battle!

"Gentlemen, I have summoned you all today to discuss and reach a conclusion on the final battle."

Xuanyuan wore the dragon robe that symbolized the Human Emperor and walked step by step towards his own dragon chair.

Since the surrender of the dragon clan, the symbol of the dragon has completely become the symbol of the nobility, and the nine-clawed golden dragon has also become the symbol of the Human Emperor.

The seven-clawed golden dragon is a symbol of the seventeen wise kings in ancient times, which also means that they are noble and special and are the mainstay of the human race.

The five-clawed golden dragon is the symbol of the kings of various countries and also the symbol of the prince of this dynasty.

As for the four-clawed dragon, it is actually no longer a dragon robe, but is called a python robe, which is one level lower than the kings of various countries. For example, the other descendants of the Human Emperor are wearing four-clawed robes. Dragon robe.

In addition, there are monarchs of lower-level subordinate countries who are attached to various countries, who also wear this robe, and there are also princes of kings of various countries who also wear four-clawed python robes.

The three-clawed dragon is the one who has made great achievements in the robe, and is also called the dragon robe. If it is worn regularly, only one kind of people, that is, the heirs of the kings of various countries, can wear it.

Those with two claws and one claw are no longer considered dragons. They have nothing to do with dragons at all, and there is no such robe at all.

Therefore, the most inferior dragon robe is the three-clawed dragon robe.

A slightly higher level is the four-clawed python robe, which is also the first level person who wears the most clothes.

As for the five-clawed dragon robe, it is relatively rare. After all, it is strictly stipulated that only kings of various countries and princes can wear it, so only a few people can wear it.

The seven-clawed dragon robe is even more rare. It can only be worn by the seventeen ancient wise kings. It is a higher level than the princes of this dynasty and the kings of various countries. It is also a symbol of their status.

After all, he is working hard for the human race, so it is not too exaggerated.

As for the nine-claw dragon robe, only three people can wear it.

The Emperor Suirenshi...

The Emperor Shennong of the Earth...

Human Emperor Xuanyuan! ! !

Only these three people can wear this nine-claw dragon robe, and the rest of the human race cannot wear it.

Of course, if Zulong wants to wear it, no one can care about it. After all, this guy is a nine-clawed golden dragon.

And he always wears a nine-claw golden dragon robe, which symbolizes his authority and greatness.

"I'm waiting to see your Majesty!!!"

"Your Majesty is mighty and mighty! His strategies span thousands of miles!!"

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty! One word can determine the world's affairs!!!"

Suddenly, many of these civil and military ministers kowtowed to Xuanyuan and shouted loudly.

And these have only one ultimate purpose, to flatter Xuanyuan and make Xuanyuan happy.

After all, Xuanyuan's decisions from the beginning to the present, none of them are impossible, and none of them are wrong.

This has led to many ministers being too lazy to use their brains, but only thinking about flattering Xuanyuan and obtaining their own benefits!

In this way, they don't have to do anything else, and they don't have to get scolded or anything like that.

As the saying goes, the more you talk, the more likely you are to make mistakes; the more you do, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

If they are all for boasting, they are absolutely right!

Who would dislike being praised by others?

However, there are many people in this hall who are extremely contemptuous of this trend, and even hate it! ! !

Among them, Dahong and Fenghou are the most important!

The two of them despised this kind of scene the most.

These people didn't even kneel down, but just bent down and bowed.

And this is also the first etiquette. They are not slaves of the Human Emperor, and the human race does not currently have any slave culture.

At least, the human race has no so-called slaves for the human race!

"Flat body."

Xuanyuan, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked at the other party with indifferent eyes and said coldly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

All the ministers stood upright one after another, and then looked down.

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach you!!!"

Suddenly, one of the courtiers came out, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Xuanyuan above, and said.

Xuanyuan originally looked at the people below with a happy expression, but after hearing that this guy was talking about impeachment, his face suddenly condensed and he said: "Chen Aiqing, just say it."

Chen Hao immediately beamed with joy, and did not notice the change in Xuanyuan's face above him. He shouted: "I want to impeach General Dahong and Prime Minister Fenghou..."

Immediately, he named all the people he wanted to impeach.

As he said each name, the faces of those whose names were read in front turned dark, and they turned around and stared at Chen Hao fiercely, wishing to cut this guy into pieces.

And he didn't notice at all that Xuanyuan's face was extremely gloomy at this time.

What the other party reported was all his subordinates. What does this guy want to do?

Rebellion? !

"What do you want to impeach them for? Tell them all at once!" Xuanyuan said coldly, suppressing the anger in his heart.

After Chen Hao heard Xuanyuan's words, although he was a little surprised that his tone was somewhat sullen, he only thought that his impeachment had worked and made Xuanyuan angry with those people.

Dangjie shouted loudly: "I want to impeach these people for disrespecting Your Majesty and not bowing down when His Majesty comes to court! They are not pious enough for Your Majesty! They must have already planned it in their hearts..."



"How dare you, the little imperial censor, impeach this general like this!!!"

"Chen Hao! Do you want to die!!!"

Suddenly, those named all glared at Chen Hao.

What's more, some even directly threatened him.

However, Chen Hao regarded these people as incompetent and furious. He was not afraid of their threats at all, but became even more excited.

This made Xuanyuan above him even more furious, and he wanted to kill the guy in front of him alive.

"Chen Hao, you still don't know the crime!!"

Suddenly, a voice came.

Chen Hao looked ahead and saw that it was his teacher.

Even though he was confused, didn't his teacher instigate him to talk about this?

Why did he suddenly change his appearance now, as if he didn't care about any of this...

This made Chen Hao extremely puzzled.


The next moment...

"Chen Hao! You are sowing discord, sowing discord between monarchs and ministers, and intending to slander all ministers, what crime should you be guilty of!!!"

Xuanyuan suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty!! I am guilty!!!"

Even though Chen Haodang was kowtowing crazily on the ground, he finally understood why his teacher Chen Xiang had to confess his crime.

Emotionally, this was because the other party had seen Xuanyuan's face a long time ago, so he said this.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"Come here, drag Chen Hao down, remove him from his post on the spot, demote him out of Luoyang, and never hire him again!"

Xuanyuan shouted, and then looked at Chen Xiang aside.

Chen Hao immediately collapsed to the ground, his face turned ashen, and he did not cry out at all.

He knew that from this moment on, he would no longer be able to enter the center of politics, and from now on he would only be able to become the most ordinary powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

And after losing such a position, no matter how powerful he is in the future, he will not regain his status, and he will really lose his luck bonus forever.

"Chen Xiang's teaching was not strict, causing his disciples to talk nonsense and slander important ministers. He was dismissed from his post on the spot, idle in Beijing, and no longer employed in the Yiyuanhui."

Then, Xuanyuan operated on Chen Xiang again.

In the past, officials who spoke out were not punished by their words. This made these people become more and more outrageous, daring to criticize anyone.

If you dare to criticize these important officials in the DPRK now, will you have to criticize him in the future?

What's more, these important officials in the DPRK are not the ones they can criticize!

What a bunch of damn guys!

If this is not rectified, what will happen to the DPRK?

The local troubles were gone, but the struggle between the DPRK and China began to intensify.

"Thank you, Your Majesty for your mercy!!!"

Chen Xiang's eyes were red, he knelt on the ground and shouted.

Then he took off his clothes, turned around and left in stride.

It's just that the One Yuan Club cannot be used. After the One Yuan Club passes, it will naturally be able to be used again.

This is why Chen Xiang said he was merciful.

In addition, he can stay in the capital, which is much better than Chen Hao.

Suddenly, this scene shocked all the courtiers.

This is no longer an ordinary dismissal, this is a serious blow to a faction and everyone.

As expected, Xuanyuan continued to speak.

"Now look at what you have become!"

"The pillars of the human race that I need! Not some flatterers!"

"I only know how to flatter you all day long! But I don't know the national policy!"

"I don't need you to kneel down and bow down! All you need to do is bow!"

"From now on, if anyone kneels down and goes to court again, he will be a flatterer! Resign!"

"Although the temple is high, it cannot accommodate these flatterers!"

Xuanyuan spoke loudly one after another, his words filled with anger.

He had wanted to say this for a long time, but he never had the chance.

And now, I just take this opportunity to explain all these things clearly!

And in this case, it is better for these guys to understand what they want!

And what is it that I don’t want!

“This kind of trend must be banned!!!”

After Xuanyuan said the last word, he stared at these people with eyes full of anger.

"I know this! Your Majesty, please rest assured! I will never do it again in the future!"

After this operation, the fawning people were instantly horrified, and they quickly shouted at Xuanyuan one by one.

Express one's thoughts.

"Your Majesty is Holy Mighty!!!"

Immediately, Dahong and Fenghou led a stream of clear water, bowed and shouted towards Xuanyuan.

Obviously, after this wave, they have taken their minds back again.

"I, there is only one thing we are discussing today, and that is about the final battle!"

"Time for the decisive battle!"

"The location of the decisive battle!"

"how to respond!

"How to win!"

"All of these must be discussed and no mistakes can be made!"

"You must know that no matter which mistake occurs, it will ultimately bring a devastating blow!!"

Xuanyuan said with a firm tone and a solemn look on his face.

Now that the atmosphere has been straightened out, the real big things are left.

This kind of big event is definitely something you can’t miss.

Immediately, Dahong stood up and bowed, saying: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, we should first decide on the location, and then talk about the time."

"After all, the time is right to start, which requires considering many factors, and the date of the war is in our hands, and the Emperor of Heaven will definitely not take action first!"

"But the location of the decisive battle is particularly important! This is related to the deployment of our troops and how to respond after something happens."

Dahong quickly expressed his views.

He led his troops to the Phoenix Clan and forced the only two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the Phoenix Clan to commit suicide.

After these two committed suicide, the Phoenix Clan was retained, but two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were still sent to guard there.

It was because they were afraid that these guys would dare to run to the human race to play a sneak attack, but with the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in charge, it would be completely different. If they dared to run, then they would be ready to die!

"General, what you said is right!"

"General, what you said makes sense!!"

Immediately, Dahong's words won a round of applause and approval in the court.

Obviously, everyone felt that compared to the time, this place was more suitable for attention.

Xuanyuan nodded and said with joy: "Then let's talk about where this place is more suitable!!!"

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, the battle should be held in the east. The east is where the main force of the demon race is located. There is Qingqiu Kingdom, which is where all the demons gather. Once the war between humans and heaven begins, the demons there will definitely attack from the east!!!"

Immediately, a warlike general came out and pointed to the map of the four seas and eight wastelands floating in the air.

The vastness of the prehistoric world today is no longer suitable for those who have not entered the Hunyuan to fight.

If those people did not have the help of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, let alone fighting, they would not know how many years it would take to run from one place to another!!!

Therefore, in fact, the southern wilderness alone is enough for the human race to develop for many Yuanhui in the future!

Yes, it is calculated in Yuanhui!!!

"No! That is just a gathering place for cannon fodder! The real main force is in the sky! The main forces in the sky are the real threat! Therefore, I think that we should kill in the heaven and use the heaven as the battlefield. The only one who will cause trouble is the heaven!!"

Suddenly, another general who advocated war jumped out to refute.

"Your Majesty, I dare not agree with the suggestions of the two generals!"

Suddenly, another general came out, looked at the surprised eyes of the crowd, paused slightly, and then said.

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