Dachang pointed to the East Pole with a proud look on his face and said: "This is the place we should conquer first!"

"Underworld?! Why?"

Xuanyuan asked, puzzled.

Everyone was also a little confused and looked at Da Chang.

Dachang smiled slightly and explained to everyone: "The underworld is located in the East Pole and is surrounded by the East China Sea. It is where the Dragon Clan's strongest strength lies. With the Dragon Clan's military power, even though it is unable to defeat the East Pole, it will not be able to defeat it.

But if you get our help, you will be able to destroy it in the underworld, and then take over the underworld. Using this as a foundation, you can completely solve the Dragon Clan’s future worries. Then use the Dragon Clan and us to attack the Eastern Wasteland, and we will be able to capture it. The Eastern Wasteland occupies most of the wilderness!

Destroy the West Wasteland Witch Clan again, and finally fight in the heaven! "

“Dachang’s words make sense! Extremely wonderful!!!”

"Dachang is indeed our ancestor, he is so smart!"

"Dachang's plan is necessary for the success of the human race!!"

Suddenly, many ministers agreed with Dachang's words.

Xuanyuan's brows furrowed, for the same reason. This plan was too natural.

What if things don't develop like this?

In other words, how could Heaven just sit back and watch? Let the human race and dragon clan attack the wizard clan?

"No! I am determined not to do this!"

As soon as Da Chang said this, Da Hong jumped out and shouted.

"Oh? General, what do you think? Please give me some advice!" After hearing someone's objection to him, Da Chang immediately bowed to Da Hong and asked for advice.

He knew that Dahong's views had always been somewhat unique, otherwise Xuanyuan would not have given the position of general to Dahong.

That's why Da Chang was so humble.

If others question him, he will definitely be very disdainful and criticize them.

This is what prestige does.

Dahong's prestige in the army was extremely high, and most matters such as troop formations and formations were ultimately made by him, and were finally reported to Xuanyuan for final decision.

Therefore, the actual executor of the strategy is Dahong.

"What you said sounds good, and it looks like it can be successful. It's a very good path!"

Dahong seemed to agree with Da Chang's words at first, and then said again: "But you completely ignored the heaven, and ignored this most important point! It is also the most fatal point!"

"First of all, this battle is definitely not like the previous crusade against the Dragon Clan, so Heaven will never stand idly by and watch the Underworld being attacked and ignore it!"

"Because this battle is the last battle for the human race, and it is also the last chance for heaven! If we sit back and ignore it, when the three races of human race, dragon race, and witch race are added together, heaven will really lose. No doubt!"

"So, Heaven will definitely join the battle in this battle."

"Therefore, Dachang's move will not be used! Otherwise, the entire human race will be in danger!"

Dahong first raised some doubts, and this doubt directly rejected all of Da Chang's ideas.

After all, if Heaven participates in the war, then if the human race really follows the instructions of Da Chang to engage in the underworld, and Heaven comes to attack the human race from behind, then the underworld and heaven will really encircle the human race and the dragon race on both sides.

Moreover, the battle is still on the territory of the human race and the dragon race.

Being surrounded and beaten by the opponent on your own territory is a dead end no matter how you look at it.

"The general is worthy of being a general. This statement is extremely reasonable!!"

"The general has more experience. Yes, Chang's move is unthinkable!!!"

In the entire court, the courtiers who had previously supported Da Chang turned to support Da Hong.

And not only did they support Da Hong, many people even stepped on Da Chang.

Da Chang suddenly became enlightened after hearing this, and bowed down to Da Hong and said: "Da Chang has been taught a lesson, I wonder what the general has to do to help the human race solve this dilemma?"

Dahong nodded when he heard this and said: "I do have a strategy, and it is also the simplest strategy. You should all know this strategy."

"What did the general mean?"

"General, why don't you just say it?"

When the courtiers chased Dahong and asked.

Xuanyuan's eyes lit up, and he had already thought of what Dahong was going to say.

As expected, Dahong said with a loud voice: "It's very simple, use the strong to defeat the strong, and use the weak to defeat the weak!"

"Conquer the strong with the strong? Conquer the weak with the weak?"

"What kind of strategy is this?"

Dahong ignored some of the doubts among the ministers and continued his own thoughts: "In the Human-Dragon Alliance, the human race is the strongest!"

"Among the alliance of heaven and earth, heaven is the strongest!"

"Therefore, using the human race to fight against the heaven, and using the dragon race to fight against the underworld, this should be the way to break this situation!"

After Dahong finished speaking, he didn't go into too many details.

Details are there to finalize, not what he says.

It requires step-by-step consideration rather than a one-word decision.

"What does this mean? Can this be considered a strategy?!"

"Can such a simple method really work?"

"General, this is too hasty..."

"In this case, isn't this a lack of discussion..."

"Furthermore, if we go to fight in heaven, what will happen if the dragon clan loses to the underworld? Or what if the witch clan directly invades our human clan and kills the people of the human clan?"

"Yes, after all, the Wu clan is in the Western Wasteland, the underworld is in the Eastern Pole, and the demon clan is in the Eastern Wasteland...

In terms of the pattern, the human race is far behind..."

Instantly, many people came out to question the decision of the Human Emperor, thinking that the Human Emperor's move was not right, it was simply messing around.

But then, Xuanyuan said lightly: "My dear ministers, calm down for the time being, it's not too late to listen to Dahong's words first."

"Yes, I obey your order..."

Instantly, the entire court became quiet again, and these people were no longer as noisy as before.

So, Dahong smiled and explained: "Someone said before that the Wu Clan was going to attack our human race."

"Let me ask you, the Dragon Clan is rich in the four seas. With the East Sea Dragon Clan and the North Sea Dragon Clan fighting against the underworld, and with the help of the other two sea dragon clans and the Buddhist sect, it must not be too difficult to hold back the Western Wilderness Wu Clan.

Although the Dragon Clan is no match for the Wu Clan, it is still no problem to hold the other side for a while."

"At this time, our human race should separate some warriors, with other creatures in the mortal world as the main body, and then control them with human warriors, and get help from the three gates of Ren, Chan, and Jie. The Xianmen will surely help us and fight the demon clan in the East Wilderness!"

"In this way, the main body of the human race can break through the South Heaven Gate from Buzhou Mountain, enter the Heavenly Palace, and fight a bloody battle in the Heavenly Palace!!!"

Obviously, the promises of several forces to help the human race in the decisive battle have now become a great help.

Xuanyuan was somewhat surprised that Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian could help the human race. After all, these three had a very good relationship with Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Court since ancient times.

Now, they are actually helping the human race to fight against the Heavenly Court.

Taishang is still justified. After all, the Human Clan has been established now, focusing on humans and enjoying the luck of the human race for so long, so it is natural that they should lend a hand when the human race is in danger.

Yuanshi can barely be justified. He has always been very dissatisfied with why these people only look up to his eldest brother and third brother, and repeatedly ignore him.

But Tongtian's words are neither like Taishang's situation of having to fight with the Heavenly Court and having to protect the human race, nor like Yuanshi's personal likes and dislikes.

Tongtian is more because his eldest brother and second brother are standing on the face of the human race, so he follows to protect the human race.

He can't go against his two eldest brothers!

The Three Pure Ones have always been one.

"Well, that's right, so great things can be expected."

Xuanyuan finally recognized it, nodded slightly, and said.

This strategic policy is really a bit of a battle.

Although it is a bit simple, everyone has already thought of this strategy, but no one really intends to fight a war with this strategic formation.

So, in fact, this matter is also very difficult to determine.

But now, those people dare not say it, and Dahong said it, and it happened to be recognized by Xuanyuan.

It is simple, but sometimes it is such a simple strategy that works just right.

This game arrangement is somewhat useful. The Buddhist power is not weak, and with the addition of the two sea dragons, it should be able to barely deal with the witch clan.

As for the underworld, with the dragons of the East China Sea and the North Sea, not to mention conquering the underworld, at least it is no problem to fight against the underworld.

The underworld is just a little stronger in high-end combat power. If the middle combat power is not filled by the witch clan, the combat power of the underworld alone will be much less.

Even if Hou Tu is strong, Zulong has enough confidence to deal with it!

So, the problem is only the strongest heaven, which is also the most difficult thing to solve.

The power of the Heavenly Court is divided into two parts, one is the Thirty-Six Heavens, and the other is the demons in the East Wilderness. The demons in the East Wilderness are headed by Donghuang Taiyi and are mainly the Fox Kingdom of Qingqiu.

And the forces in the Thirty-Six Heavens are not just the demons, but also countless other races.

In other words, the human race seems to be fighting with the demons and witches this time, but in fact it is also fighting with all races.

There are many more forces that have submitted to the Heavenly Court than those that have submitted to the human race.

"Next, let's discuss how to deploy troops and the specific time." Xuanyuan continued when he decided how to fight.

Putting the battlefield outside the human race is a way to minimize the losses of the human race.

It is also the best way for the human race.

"I think it should be..."


Buzhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain is actually not too far from the human race's capital Luoyang. Looking at the entire four seas and eight wildernesses, it is almost next to Luoyang.

Although there is still a certain distance after zooming in, it is not too far.

Nowadays, the power of the human race has spread widely. Although most of them are outer disciples, not direct disciples, they are still the power of the human race.

Many sects, such as the Shushan Sect and the Emei Sect, are subordinate forces of the human race.

Most of them are the Taoist sects passed down by the Pure Yang Sword Immortal, but they have not accepted them as disciples, but only as nominal disciples.

As for the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect, they are even more powerful.

Only Xuandu and Lu Chunyang, as well as the two boys Jinyin, have entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the human race, but...

There are a large number of disciples in the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect who have entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Among them, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian disciples of the Jie Sect are the most.

Chanmen has twelve golden immortals, plus the disciples such as Ran Deng and Nan Ji Xian Weng that were accepted in the past.

As for Jiemen, there are too many. There are inner disciples and outer disciples. The number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian among them is as high as hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

These are the results of Tongtian's efforts.

If it were someone else to cultivate, it might not be possible to cultivate such a number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

These people are from different races, not all of the same race.

The proportion of human race is also relatively rare.

Most of them can also be classified as demons, but they are unwilling to admit that they are demons and unwilling to join the Heavenly Court, so this kind of thing happened.

If they recognized themselves as demons, they would not join Jiemen, but go directly to the Heavenly Court.

After all, compared with the power, Jiemen is a joke in front of the Heavenly Court.

"Brother, when will we help the human race? And if we do this, will the Heavenly Emperor..." Tongtian said with some concerns.

In the past, the relationship between them was still very good.

But now, he actually stood opposite Di Jun and others.

Taishang shook his head slightly and said: "When the human race is in a decisive battle, he will definitely notify us, and then we can help the human race."

"As for the Heavenly Emperor, he has already received a lot of divine help, so why would he need the three of us."

"The Heavenly Emperor has a broad mind and should know that we are fighting for the Taoism. It is important to be careful. I believe he will not blame us too much."

There is no way around it. If peace can be achieved, they are unwilling to get involved in this dispute.

It's just that compared to the defeat of the human race, they can accept the defeat of the Heavenly Court more.

The defeat of the Heavenly Court does not actually lose their interests, but it's different for the human race.

There are many human disciples in the Human Sect and the Chan Sect.

Although there are few human disciples in Jiemen, they are not too few. In addition, those disciples who joined Jiemen never considered themselves as demons, so the current situation has occurred.

"Brother, what you said is very true. What's more, there are only eternal interests, not eternal allies." Yuanshi's indifferent words came.

Although Tongtian knew what he meant, it was still difficult to accept such indifferent words. It was really too much.

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