"In this case, we should prepare diligently for the war to come."

Tongtian's eyes were full of sharp aura.

Xuanyuan is a sword, and he is also a sword.

Although Tongtian is not as good as Xuanyuan in the way of swordsmanship at this moment, he has also gone very far.

Xihuang, Buddhism, Daleiyin Temple.

Ye Xuan walked step by step from the middle of the ancient world to Western Buddhism.

Zhunti looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but think of a person in the legend.

He looked at the young man in front of him blankly, and was surprised to find that he was completely unable to detect the existence of this person.

It can be said that if he could not see the other party with his own eyes, he would not believe that the other party existed in this world anyway.

Because if you close your eyes, you can no longer feel this person.

How majestic is this?

This is simply an indescribable existence.

And with such a being, even Di Jun cannot do this.

Therefore, Zhunti naturally thought of someone.

"Zhunti pays homage to Taoist Master..."

Zhunti turned slightly sideways, bowed towards Ye Xuan and said.

He did not use the so-called Buddhist etiquette, but the Taoist etiquette.

This is the meaning of respecting Ye Xuan.

"Meet the Taoist Master..."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also began to salute Ye Xuan.

Among Buddhists, many disciples who joined Buddhism from the beginning have successfully entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, so they naturally became Buddhas.

Everything is based on strength. As long as the strength is achieved, it can become the corresponding fruit position.

Of course, all this is subject to one's own wishes.

Because some people feel that they are not worthy of becoming a Buddha, even if they reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they still cannot become a Buddha.

It’s not that they are not allowed to do so, it’s that they themselves don’t want to.

For this kind of people, Zhunti only thought that they had been completely brainwashed by Buddhist teachings and didn't say much.

Buddhist teachings are just deceiving some unenlightened people.

In fact, many people do not really follow this teaching. They just believe it because they are ignorant at first. The more they practice, the less they actually believe it.

After all, there are still very few stupid people who have been deceived all their lives. It's just that they have joined Buddhism for so long, and their cultivation has indeed increased, so not so many people care.


"Where is the guide?"

Ye Xuan was a little curious. These two guys had always been inseparable, but now they could not be found to greet them.

I have to say, this is a strange thing.

"Reporting to Taoist Master Qi, senior brother has gone to the human race." Zhunti did not dare to neglect and replied quickly.

At this time, those people below all looked at Ye Xuan in shock.

They couldn't understand why their Buddha needed to obey the guy in front of them so much.

It seems that he doesn't dare to neglect.

Moreover, he also calls the other person Dao Zun in words...

"I came here this time for one thing."

Ye Xuan spoke calmly and said.

"I would also like to ask Tao Zun to make it clear that whatever Zhunti can do, he will do whatever he can to help Tao Zun solve his problems..." Zhunti became even more excited after hearing this and said quickly to show his loyalty.

He had only one purpose, hoping that Dao Zun would take action to solve the problem of Hongjun lying on the Buddhist door and sucking blood.

"I came here to revive the Buddha's gods and demons."

Ye Xuan's words were extremely cold, but they instantly made Zhunti's pupils shrink.

Will the Buddhist sect that I have worked so hard to build now be surrendered to the gods and demons of Buddha? !

If this is the case, then why do you do this...

As soon as these words fell.

Suddenly, the figure of the God of Light appeared, bowed to Ye Xuan, and said: "Master Taoist, you can't do this!!!"

The Gods and Demons of Light finally encountered such a Buddhist sect. If the Gods and Demons of the Buddha were to awaken, wouldn't their work for so long have been in vain?

And what about the future?

So what?

Therefore, the gods and demons of light are extremely unwilling to see the appearance of the gods and demons of Buddha.

Once the Buddha's gods and demons awaken, this Buddhist door will definitely belong to the other party.

Such a huge force should actually be handed over to others, which is most difficult for the gods and demons of light who have always occupied the magpie's nest to accept.

Of course, even if he is extremely unwilling to do these things, if the Buddha's gods and demons really appear, then he still has to give in. After all, the Buddha's gods and demons are the real masters of Buddhism. Take control of Buddhism.


Ye Xuan let out a light sigh, then looked at the other person with a smile on his face.

"Why not?"

"Is there anything in this world that I can't do?"

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, these words made the gods and demons of light feel terrified.

Yes, there is nothing in this world that Ye Xuan cannot do!

"Of course there is no such thing. What Dao Zun does and sees cannot be subject to any restrictions. But once the Buddha, gods and demons are born, will it disrupt what you expect, Dao Zun?"

The God of Light said tentatively, hoping to make Ye Xuan give up this idea.

Otherwise, he would have to re-establish a force.

Therefore, this matter must not happen!

"Since I'm here, I naturally have my own plans. Just watch and don't say anything."

Ye Xuan was too lazy to talk to him and said calmly.

And since he said so, the God of Light and Demon could only sigh and said: "From now on, I will no longer hold the position of the Great Tathagata of Buddhism."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Ye Xuan and said, "Taoist Master, I take my leave."

"Go ahead..."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, indicating that the other party could leave.

He didn't want to talk to this guy anymore.

The gods and demons of light are said to be light, but the light itself has become somewhat unlike real light.

Not only were the gods and demons of light not as majestic and upright as he had imagined, but they had become bullying and bullying the weak. What was the use of such gods and demons of light?

Therefore, it was this god of light that Ye Xuan despised.

Except for this guy, everything else is fine.

"Buddha rises!"

Immediately, Ye Xuan pointed lightly, and the Buddhist energy condensed from the path he was traveling was instantly gathered here.


The Buddha's energy surges!

The next moment.

boom! ! !

The powerful aura of the Buddha appeared, the Buddhist Taoist rhyme manifested, and the indescribable places were all condensed together.

Gradually, the consciousness of the Buddha's gods and demons gradually awakened.

The most ridiculous thing is that the gods and demons of the past awakened here...

But the gods and demons of Buddha were even later...

Even waking up can't keep up with the warmth...

In chaos.

Pangu sat cross-legged, and gradually understood in his heart what the Great Dao was and what Hunyuan Wuji was.

next moment.

Infinite surging breath burst out from His body!

boom! !

Boom! ! !

Rumble, rumble, rumble! ! !

The cracking sounds became louder than the last, and soon a large number of cloud-like things appeared.

It was like a state surrounded by clouds and smoke.

However, if you can find it, you can understand that it is not clouds and mist, but nebulae making up for it.

Pieces of nebulae emerged from his body, bursting out with infinite and majestic power!

The next moment...

Waves of extremely powerful power suddenly appeared on Pangu's body!

That is the pressure of strength! ! !

"Today, I will break Hunyuan Wuji!!"

Pangu's eyes flashed with light, and the strength of the world's creatures in the Dao Fruit seemed to have reached the extreme.

There is a divine being enlightening inside, and the same is true outside the body.

It’s just that one has proved the way of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and the other has proved the way of the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal!

boom! ! !

A burst of violent breath came out of Pangu's body and dispersed to the surroundings in an instant.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Pangu felt the powerful strength coming from his body and suddenly burst out laughing.

Obviously, He has succeeded in breaking through and became the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal!

At this moment, He was already standing on the top of the primitive chaos, once again surpassing these guys by a level!

Of course, He has always been the pinnacle of chaos...

In heaven.

"Pangu Taoist Master has already broken through that realm!!!"

Di Jun opened his eyes instantly and said inexplicably surprise.

Since Pangu broke through that realm, it means that this method is feasible!

As long as he keeps going like this again, sooner or later one day he will be able to break through to that realm like Pangu! ! !

"Your Majesty, are you saying that Taoist Master Pangu has reached the legendary Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal Realm?"

Immediately, the ministers below reacted immediately and asked Emperor Jun.

Among Buddhism.

At the moment Pangu broke through, Ye Xuan's strength also skyrocketed instantly, and the godhead in his body skyrocketed again! ! !

At this time, his cultivation level has also reached the level of the fifth-level Creation God!

Once you enter the fifth level, you are invincible at the fifth level!

This is Ye Xuan's powerful strength!

That is the powerful potential and powerful foundation of the prehistoric world! ! !

However, his breakthrough this time only caused a small range of fluctuations.

The powerful momentum was regained and controlled by him the moment it was leaked.

However, there were still many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats that could not block the Buddhist door. Even Buddha Zhunti was instantly crushed to the ground.

Even the Buddha, God and Demon who had just woken up was forcefully suppressed in an instant.


"Such a powerful momentum..."

"In just a moment, we were all crushed to the ground..."

Suddenly, the Buddhas who stood up looked at Ye Xuan in shock.

How powerful was the man in front of him to be able to crush them to the ground like this!

At least, it shouldn't be at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

That is to say, the existence in front of me is actually the terrifying existence of Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal! ! !

Has the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal appeared in the ancient times? !

The Buddha, the God and Demon, had just woken up, and was suddenly confused by the sudden arrival.

"You...what kind of existence are you..."

The Buddha God Demon looked at Ye Xuan with a horrified look on his face. He felt the aura of Three Thousand Avenues from the other person's body!

That is the real Three Thousand Avenues! ! !

Each one is on the other's side!

Moreover, that majestic momentum can actually overwhelm itself? !

What kind of terrifying existence is this!

When did such a person appear in the chaos?

The next moment, he reacted and stammered: "You...you...you are the supreme being in the chaos in the past?!!"

"Yes, you are right."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly and nodded.

"Buddha pays homage to the Taoist Master!!!" The Buddha God and Demon immediately bowed to Ye Xuan, performed a Taoist salute and shouted.

At this time, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

It is unclear why such an existence would pull him out of his endless slumber!

If it were not for Ye Xuan's help, he would not know how many years he would have to wait before he could come out of his slumber.


Ye Xuan hummed softly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared here.

The remaining Buddha Gods and Demons and those Buddhist people immediately began to stare at each other.

Zhunti watched Ye Xuan leave the scene just like that, and the Buddha God and Demon in front of him did not know why, but actually stayed there without saying anything more.

In fact, the Buddha's God and Demon were still a little confused.

But then, the Buddha's light appeared on his body.

Suddenly, waves of strong Buddha's light enveloped the entire Buddhist sect.

Although the current Buddhist sect mainly cultivates the cause and effect, it is still a shell of Buddhism, so these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have to submit to the Buddha's God and Demon.

Although Zhunti was extremely unwilling, he still saluted and congratulated the Buddha's God and Demon.

Seeing that he had accepted a group of forces in this way, the Buddha's God and Demon laughed immediately.

He could feel that the other party's strength was at the same level as his.

The reason why Ye Xuan personally helped the Buddha's God and Demon to appear this time was because time was running out.

Pangu was about to break through, and if the Buddhist sect did not have the Buddha's God and Demon, it would be difficult to deal with the ancestors of witches.

So, this scene appeared.

Ye Xuan calculated everything just right.

If the Buddha's God and Demon are not allowed to participate in the war, Buddhism is almost useless. If they are allowed to participate in the war, but if they wake up after Pangu, then they will be born as the Golden Immortal of the Primordial Universe, which seriously disrupts the deployment, which is even more outrageous.

Therefore, they can only appear in this time period.

This is why Ye Xuan wants to wake up the Buddha's God and Demon before Pangu breaks through.


The Underworld.

"Pangu has already broken through, ahead of the people in the prehistoric world, and I don't know when we can break through..."

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation smiled and said.

It must be not far away. According to their talents, it is naturally not far away.


Suddenly, the God and Demon of the Demon laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing so loudly, fellow Daoist?" The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation asked with some confusion.

Even if you can break through to a higher realm, there is no need to be so excited, right?

This is a bit too much...

"I am laughing at the Buddha's demon. If he had woken up for a moment at night, his current cultivation level would have been at the level of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, but he woke up before Pangu's breakthrough!"

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