Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 458: The Light Cult Appears! The Five Emperors of the Human Race!

The devil's lips were filled with a smile, and a trace of smile lingered in his eyes for a long time.

Just as he said, if the Buddha's gods and demons wake up after a while, then the other party's strength will be the first person except Pangu.

"Fellow Taoist, do you think if Pangu had a chance to wake up before his breakthrough?" the Samsara God and Demon asked with a smile in his eyes.

Just now, he understood that the other party probably did not wake up on his own.

Instead, he was awakened by a certain supreme being.

And that supreme being is undoubtedly Ye Xuan.

Apart from Ye Xuan, there was no one else.

Maybe Pangu can...

But this is also something uncertain...

However, existence like Pangu obviously had no purpose to resurrect the Buddha, gods and demons in advance.

He has always paid no attention to matters of prehistoric times.

Except for things that endanger the safety of the ancient world, Pangu didn't care about anything else.

No matter how serious the civil strife was, Pangu would only regard it as the development and evolution of the ancient times.


There was a look of horror in the eyes of the Demon God.

Having said that, it is indeed possible.

The gods and demons of the Buddha are his old enemies. It stands to reason that the Buddhist sect today is not that powerful, and is far worse than the demonic sect. But why was this guy able to wake up soon after he woke up?

When he thought of this, the Demon God and Demon also somewhat recognized it.

Since it is controlled by other beings, who is the person controlling it...

This time, the demon god and demon were a little afraid.

Could it be the guy he used during the battle with the gods and demons that day?

In chaos.

Pangu stood in the center of chaos.

At this moment, with his gaze, he could see the entire chaos.

The entire chaos was displayed in Pangu's eyes.

When he saw the Buddha's gods and demons awakening, he was stunned.

This is the god and demon of Buddha...

"Why did Taoist Master personally take action to revive the gods and demons?"

Pangu frowned, thinking this in his heart.

Although He said that those Dao gods and demons would not wake up again, he was not happy to see these Dao gods and demons revive again.

At least, He will not take the initiative to help the Dao gods and demons revive.

"That's all, now that I have broken through the realm, this Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal is actually so wonderful..."

At this time, Pangu looked at the Great Heavenly Dao again, as if he was looking at a being whose strength was almost the same as his own.

The realm of heaven actually belongs to this realm.

However, the way of heaven has the power of all living beings and the blessing of the prehistoric world, so it also belongs to the ceiling in this realm.

However, he was still unable to defeat Pangu.

If Pangu really wanted to destroy the way of heaven, it was just what he wanted in his heart.

After all, Heaven only mastered forty-nine avenues, but Pangu held the avenue of power that combined three thousand avenues into one.

The gap between this is naturally a situation that cannot be made up by the law of heaven.

Southern Wasteland, the capital of the human race, Luoyang.

"Now that the matter has been decided, just wait for the time to come!"

Xuanyuan looked at the strategy discussed by everyone with great satisfaction.

The human race has successfully discussed matters related to the final battle.

From where, to the deployment of troops, and the final launching point.

The only thing missing is an opportunity, an opportunity.

If the time comes, this battle can be launched in an instant.

I don’t know how many more years this battle will take.

But at least, we have to wait until most of the Hunyuan strongmen lost in the previous battle with the Dragon Clan return.

Of course, we can't delay it for too long.

After all, Pangu had already broken through to the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal, which proved that this path was feasible.

He had no idea when a being like Di Jun would break through to a higher realm.

Therefore, it is best not to delay it for too long.

After all, things will change later.

"Your Majesty, this matter has been decided. However, Taoist Master Pangu previously broke through the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal Realm. In the wilderness, a higher realm has appeared. I don't know the Emperor of Heaven..."

Suddenly, Dahong, as the general, was the most anxious.

He wished he could declare war on Heaven today.

Determine the top of the human race in one fell swoop!

After all, the talent of the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Jun had conquered the entire prehistoric period.

"Worry-free, Pangu Dao Zun has made a breakthrough not long ago. No matter how talented the Emperor is, he will not be able to achieve enlightenment soon, so Dahong does not need to worry."

Xuanyuan shook his head slightly.

How can this breakthrough to a great realm be such a simple thing? It is not something that can be said to be successful if it is successful.

So, don't worry too much about this kind of thing.

Since the gods and demons of light left Buddhism, they have been heading east.

"It's all my fault that the damn Emperor of Heaven won't let me stay in Heaven!"

At this moment, he once again thought of the past, when he should have been in heaven.

As the Lord of Light, He should be the Lord of Heaven, settle in Heaven, and enjoy the boundless heavenly destiny.

But the reality is that he was kicked out by the Emperor of Heaven, and then ran to another place, and then was beaten up by the Emperor of Heaven.

Then he ran to the West and finally managed to get into the position of a great Tathagata of Buddhism, enjoying the luck of Buddhism.

Now, he was driven away directly.

Not long after.

The God and Demon of Light came to the human race, and he walked boredly among the human race in the Southern Wilderness.

There seemed to be some pull somewhere, leading him in a certain direction.

It didn't take long before I saw a special existence.

There is an aura in that aura that does not belong to the prehistoric times!


"There are actually characters who don't belong to the ancient world?"

"I'll go take a look..."

The God of Light's face lit up, and he ran over with a big smile.

The next moment.

Wait until the gods and demons of light arrive in this city.

He saw a guy.

That guy exudes endless light aura all over his body.

Although it is somewhat different from the light in Him, it is still the breath of light.

This kind of breath is indescribable.


"Is there some divine will somewhere in the world?"

The eyes of the God of Light suddenly lit up, and he looked at the guy below with great joy.

That guy is Jehovah who ran out of the mortal world.

Jehovah preached among the human race with a smile on his face, and preaching among the human race made him realize that his destiny was vaguely revealed.

It seems that I should establish a sect here to educate all living beings.

This is your ultimate destiny!

When I thought of this, I suddenly became enlightened.


The next moment.

A person suddenly appeared in the sky...

The aura on that person's body was actually so similar to mine! ! !

This shows what?

This shows that the other party is likely to be an existence in the prehistoric era that is the same as the one he cultivated! !

"It turns out to be Jehovah in the mortal world..."

After seeing the other party, the God of Light and the Demon immediately understood who the other party was.

It turns out to be this guy Jehovah.

I didn't know who this person was at first, but now I finally know who this guy who majored in Guangming Avenue is.

It turns out to be Jehovah in the mortal world who belongs to the human race.

Anyone who practices the Great Way of Light will act as if he is not wearing underpants in front of the Gods and Demons of Light, and they will know everything.

This is the ability that belongs to the great gods and demons.

It is simply a BUG level existence.

Therefore, after knowing who Jehovah was, the God of Light suddenly had a calculation in his mind.

Since this guy has established such a huge sect in the mortal world before.

So what's not possible in the wilderness?

Therefore, the God of Light looked at Jehovah in front of him with burning eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Buzz! ! !

Suddenly, everything around him was blocked, and only two people, the God of Light and the Demon, and Jehovah were left in the entire world.


The God of Light looked like a true god, looking at Jehovah below indifferently, and said slowly.

Jehovah's soul shook violently, and then he looked at the God of Light in disbelief.


"My name is Guangming. What you have cultivated is the Great Way of Guangming. Why don't you recognize me now?"

The God of Light and Demon said with a mysterious and noble temperament.

Obviously, He wanted to convince Jehovah through this temperament.

Jehovah's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and then the existence of gods and demons of light appeared!

It turns out that the being in front of me is actually light itself!

It was actually born from Guangming Dao! ! !

Such an existence was truly something he had never seen before!

This is the legendary Avenue of Light itself!

It’s the Great Dao God and Demon! !

Such a majestic existence actually exists in the world!

Even the Great Dao is conceived by life, so shouldn't all non-Dao creatures like them surrender to the Dao creatures? !

This is also a matter of course!

No wonder the other party's body is actually pregnant with such a strong aura of the Bright Way!

It turns out that the opponent is light itself! ! !

Time flies like a shuttle, time flies like an arrow.

In just an instant, Jehovah felt that all the previous time had been spent feeding the dog.

Today I know who I am.

Immediately, he knelt on the ground and said with a pious face towards the God of Light: "Lord of Light!!! I am your slave..."

Seeing the other party's appearance, the God of Light and Demon immediately felt a burst of joy in his heart.


"You are not a slave of light. Light is an existence that brings hope to the world. How can it enslave all living beings?"

"You are just one of thousands of believers in light..."

The God of Light pretended to be a magician, with a smile on his face.

If you want to establish a supreme sect, you don't necessarily need to personally recruit many powerful believers.

All you need to do is recruit a very devout and powerful believer.

If this is achieved, the whole thing can be left to the other party.

Therefore, the gods and demons of light want to plant deep seeds in the heart of Jehovah.

Let it take root and sprout, and even become a strong and powerful tree in the sky.

If this is achieved, then even if this sect does not develop to an extremely large scale, it will not be far behind!

After convincing Jehovah, he suddenly...

Jehovah said again with great piety: "Today I know that the existence of the Venerable is a loss to Jehovah..."

"Jehovah, today the people of the world only know that there are heaven, hell and human courts, but they don't know my light, so I want you to be the leader of the Light Church and spread light to the whole world!!!"

"Let the people of the world come out from the high pressure between heaven, hell and human courts, and become believers of light!!"

"Light is immortal, and I will live forever!!!"

The God and Demon of Light spread his hands and laughed.

Indeed, if the light is not extinguished, then He will live forever.

But even if the light is extinguished, He may not be unable to live.

All this depends on whether this light refers to the most ordinary light or the road of light.

If the light is gone, then the God and Demon of Light will naturally be fine.

But if the road of light is gone, then the God and Demon of Light will naturally disappear...

All this is just because of one point.

Tao is the source of everything.

If there is no Dao, there will naturally be no God and Demon, and there will be no corresponding affairs in the world.

In other words, if the Avenue of Light is annihilated.

Then not only will the God and Demon of Light disappear, but even everything related to light will disappear!

Whether it is the sun, the bright moon, or the stars in the sky, they will all lose their light in an instant! ! !


"Jehovah accepts the order and thanks you!!!"

Jehovah knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the God and Demon of Light with great piety, and shouted.

In his heart, the God and Demon of Light is the supreme existence.

Even if he is an extremely despicable person, he is extremely great and glorious when facing the light.


The God and Demon of Light laughed loudly when he heard the words.

This is the side that he wants to see.

Nothing can resist the believers of light!!!


In the mortal world.

Since Jehovah and Satan left.

Except for those ignorant people in the West who still insisted that God and the devil still existed, no one believed in the existence of the so-called Jehovah and Satan again.

Especially in the Central Plains, many things happened.

Soon, there were five emperors, Zhuanxu, Diku, Yao, Shun, and Yu.

The five of them did not dare to call themselves human emperors, because the human emperor existed in the human race in the prehistoric times.

But they lowered their status and called themselves emperors, under the emperor.

Therefore, these were called human emperors, also known as great emperors.

There are only five great emperors of the human race.

Because these five were all abdicated, and they became great emperors because of their great wisdom and various reasons.

After Dayu, Qi forcibly seized the throne by force!

And because Qi established the first human country Xia in the mortal world, he was called Xia Qi!

When Xia Qi appeared, the selfish desires of the human race skyrocketed even more crazily!

This is because many years have passed in the prehistoric times, and no human envoys have come to manage.

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