Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 459 The Great War Begins! Human Race vs. Heaven!

This also indirectly led to the reason why Xia Qigan rebelled against the rebel forces and seized power!

It's because you won't be punished by cutting ties with the outside world.

In addition, he was really unwilling to watch the throne fall to others, so he directly seized power with force!

A new country was even established among the originally scattered tribes!

Xia Dynasty!

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, Xia Qi enslaved others to a large extent.

Any human race that is unwilling to surrender to him will be demoted as a slave by him.

In addition, some foreigners were also captured by them and used as slaves.

Not to mention those human races in the West.

To facilitate governance.

Xia Qi ordered the slaves over there to build various teleportation arrays that would facilitate the instant teleportation of human soldiers!

And that kind of transmission array is like a golden letter on the receiving side.

Therefore, this teleportation array is also called a pyramid.

At this time, the people of the Xia Kingdom also became masters, and began to enjoy the benefits brought by a powerful country.

And a lot of foreign races around are descendants of the same Chinese clan, and they are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

But they all looked down upon Xia Qi's actions, which led to a large number of splits.

However, Xia Qi obviously didn't care about this. He didn't come to cause trouble with him anyway, and the other party was indeed strong. Otherwise, the other party wouldn't have been able to do this.

So, just let it go.

Gradually, these people migrated more and more towards the West, and their relationship with the land of China became increasingly weak.


The Xia Dynasty, the first slavery dynasty, soon came to its end.

It's not because Xia Qi is really dead, but because this guy has been sitting on the throne of the Great Emperor for too long, and the previous Five Emperors came together and took him away alive.

It can be said that if he had not followed the rules of the game, Xia Qi would have been killed by the Five Emperors when he rebelled for the first time.

In the Xia Dynasty, which lost Xia Qi, its cohesion naturally dropped significantly.

Gradually, civil strife among the human race occurred frequently.

Those in power are becoming more and more foolish and useless...

Even if the country is restored after being destroyed, it will not escape the fate of being annihilated in the end.

This is the story of Xia Kingdom.

The last monarch was named Xia Jie.

Destroyed by Shang Tang.

SenseTime represents the interests of the broad masses of the people...

At least those of the upper class.

As times change, classes are gradually solidifying.

Shang Tang was also called a saint because he overthrew the tyrannical Xia Dynasty.

The so-called soup of Yao, Shun and Yu refers to these four sage kings! ! !

However, no monarch in the Xia Dynasty took office.

It was because the Xia Dynasty's country was snatched away alive that Xia Qi was stigmatized. If Xia Qi had been abdicated and succeeded to the throne, then he would not have been in this situation, that is, Yao, Shun, and Yu Started.

This is the gap, a gap that cannot be changed or bridged.

While the human race in the mortal world is developing rapidly, the human race in the ancient world has not stopped.

In these years, the human race has been preparing for war, fearing that something might happen.

Therefore, this time, they are extremely well prepared and can cope with any natural disaster at any time. They will definitely be able to defeat heaven and hell in one fell swoop! ! !

This is a battle between the human world and the heaven and earth!

Of the three powers of heaven, earth and man, it stands to reason that the greatest one should be heaven.

But actually the biggest ones are people!

The human world has never only contained the human race, but also many races other than the human race! ! !

Of these races, the dragon race is the most important!

The power of the Sea Clan is even more majestic! ! !

There are also countless races that belong to the human race!

It's just that there are many races that belong to heaven and hell.

If all races in the human world are really willing to belong to the human race, then this battle will simply be a loser.

After all, whether it is heaven or hell, the actual intermediate forces all come from the human world.

Very few of them come from the heaven or the underworld.

not to mention……

How big of a place is the underworld...

Therefore, many things are not as simple as what can be seen on the surface.

In any matter, you can only see what others let you see.

In heaven.

"I have reached a bottleneck. Unless those guys in Dao Fruit break through and I break through, otherwise, I can only rely on my own cultivation to break through..."

Emperor Jun's eyes flashed with light.

After lurking for so long, he finally reached the peak and perfection of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

There is really only one last step left before you can step into the realm of the Supreme Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal! ! !

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!!"

"Your Majesty is so powerful that he can overwhelm everyone in the world!!!"

"Your Majesty is so wise and powerful that he is about to break through..."

"I have just entered the realm of Hunyuan, and your majesty is actually about to break through! You are worthy of your majesty!!!"

Suddenly, words of praise for Emperor Jun were heard from everywhere in the heaven.

It can be said that Di Jun's existence is nothing less than a reassurance. As long as Di Jun is alive, they have nothing to fear from anyone!

Any creature that dares to attack heaven must be prepared to stay and be buried! ! !

It can be said that this sentence is extremely domineering.

And the author of this sentence was Di Jun who said it!

"We can't delay any longer. We should take the initiative to find an excuse to instigate the human race to attack us!"

Di Jun's eyes were as bright as fire and he spoke word by word.

In his opinion, his move was simply great.

Besides, he has already reached his peak. If he doesn't take advantage of this battle to break through, it will be a waste of time.

Wasn't it that I had been waiting for Xuanyuan to grow up?

However, the opponent actually remained silent and did not take the initiative to attack.

Di Jun didn't take it seriously before, since his cultivation level hadn't reached its peak yet.

But now, his cultivation has reached its peak.

Xuanyuan is strong enough to fight him, this is the best time! ! !

Therefore, Di Jun did not want to miss this opportunity! ! !

If this opportunity is lost and Xuanyuan's cultivation completely surpasses his own, it will be almost impossible to save him! ! !

Regarding this point, Di Jun would naturally not miss it.

"Your Majesty!!! What more excuses are there? Just order all the troops and horses. The last general will be the vanguard!!!"

As soon as they heard that Di Jun said that there was going to be a war, all these people were inexplicably excited, and they wished they could immediately mobilize their troops and charge for a fight!

And this person is the handsome Jiuying! ! !

There is no doubt that it is the level of the most important existence in heaven.

"That's right! Your Majesty, we should quickly gather our troops and horses, and then rush into the killing clan, so that the clan will know who is the real greatest force in the ancient world!!!"

Another demon commander, Fei Lian, said.

"Your Majesty!!! The last general invites you to fight!!!"

Immediately, the ghost car also came out.

"Your Majesty! The last general is willing to be a pioneer!!!"

"Your Majesty! The general is also willing to fight bloody battles!!!"

Suddenly, except for Bai Ze, all the top ten demon commanders came towards Di Jun to challenge him.

This guy Bai Ze has a lot of trouble in his heart. He is still obedient in front of the majesty in front of him.

You can do whatever the other party asks you to do. As long as you do well, there will be no reward, at least there will be no punishment.

In addition to the top ten demon commanders, there are still many, almost densely packed groups of people asking for battle!

It can be said that there are very few people standing...


Suddenly, Di Jun scolded and shouted: "Why wait for the other party to invade the heaven? Instead of giving the other party an excuse, and then allowing the other party to confidently fight against the heaven! Fight with me!!!"

This is Di Jun’s true purpose! ! !

As soon as these words came out, all these people suddenly became speechless.

Everyone is staring at each other, how can a battle cause so much trouble...

Isn't it okay to just shake someone and fuck the special girl?

However, they did not dare to refute Di Jun. This was his absolute prestige.

As long as Di Jun says one word, nothing new will happen.

Looking at the calm scene in front of him, a trace of satisfaction flashed in Di Jun's eyes, and then he said again: "When the time comes, I want to take a good look and see how powerful this legendary Xuanyuan is!!! "

Nanhuang, the capital of the human race, in the human court of Luoyang Imperial City.

Xuanyuan frowned, looking at the news reported by his subordinates, he immediately frowned and shouted:

"Gentlemen!!! Now the time has come!!!"

"Follow me to attack the heaven! Kill the Emperor of Heaven!!"




Suddenly, bursts of roaring sounds surrounded him.

The entire court, the entire Forbidden City, and even the entire Luoyang started roaring!

The time has come!

Defeat the Heavenly Execution Emperor! ! !

Boom! ! !

Deafening sounds came from the human courtyard.


These are just some signs, and there is no real announcement yet.

"The heaven has been at peace for a long time, and cholera has been breeding. Now the emperor is so stupid and unkind that he actually kills my descendants of the human race, arousing the hatred between the human race and the heaven.

I want to conquer the sky! ! ! Kill the Emperor! ! !

Please also ask all the gods in the sky to witness it! ! ! "

"Today, the human race will ascend to heaven!!!"

As Xuanyuan's crusade edict was issued, the emotions of the human race were immediately aroused to the extreme.

And all the creatures in the ancient world have heard this edict, which means that the human race is really going to attack the sky! ! !

There are thousands of races and countless creatures in the ancient world.

At this moment, everyone is sending their spiritual thoughts across infinite time and space, directly to Mount Buzhou.

The reason is to witness all this happening in person!

Yes, even if it is such an unprecedented decisive battle with the four major forces of the human race, the demon race, the wizard race, and the dragon race as the main body, and there are endless subsidiary races participating in the war as a supplement!

There are still many creatures watching from the side! ! !

This can also explain how huge the prehistoric era is today!

It is so huge that all four forces including the human race, dragon race, heaven, and underworld have races that cannot be controlled!

It can be said that as long as these people want to hide in the corner, it will be difficult for them to find the existence of those guys no matter what.

Because the present-day prehistoric world is so huge...

Of course, these things are just a small episode in the end.

As the declaration of war of the human race spread throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

Suddenly, the declaration of war that the dragon race had already prepared also followed.

"The underworld is unkind! The witch race is unrighteous!!!"

"In the past, the dragon race protected all races without fighting or robbing, and the witch race never thought of their kindness. Now, I will personally lead the dragon army to crush the witch race and destroy the underworld!!!"


The ancestor dragon roared to the sky, his words full of endless resentment and indignation.

Let everyone who heard it feel the other party's resentment and resentment!

"The dragon clan is really against the witch clan..."

"But can the dragon clan beat them?"

"That's the dragon clan! The dragon clan has been strong since ancient times!!!"

"So what? Didn't they get defeated by the human clan before? Besides, the witch clan is obviously stronger!"

"It's really hard to tell the outcome between the human clan and the heavenly court..."

"What's so hard to tell? Although the human clan is powerful, the heavenly court is no worse! In addition, the heavenly court has Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Dijun, who are more powerful than each other, and the emperor is at the top. How can the emperor Xuanyuan be compared with him?"

"The emperor is powerful, but the emperor is not bad either! In the journey of the emperor, which battle is not a second to the heaven and earth?"

Suddenly, the divine thoughts above kept colliding.

There were also creatures from all over the world, who were also discussing this matter.

About the battle between the emperor and the emperor, about the battle between the human clan and the heavenly court.

After all, the Dragon Clan and the Witch Clan are the second battlefield, and not many people are willing to pay attention to them.

Most people are looking at the Heavenly Court and the Human Clan.

After all, the Dragon Clan was defeated by the Human Clan, and the Witch Clan was defeated by the Demon Clan. These are indisputable facts.

The only ones who are expected to reach the top of the prehistoric world are the Human Clan and the Heavenly Court.

If the Human Clan wins, from then on, the Human Court will replace the authority of the Heavenly Court. The Human Court will be the existence in charge of everything, and everything in the human world will be truly controlled by the Human Clan.

Although the Heavenly Court may still exist, the Emperor of Heaven may be replaced...

Of course, the Human Emperor may also directly replace the Heavenly Court and move the Human Court team directly to the Heavenly Court.

This is also possible.

If the human race loses, the final result will be even more terrifying. The human race may be wiped out by the Heavenly Court...

"I have been diligent and hardworking since I ascended the throne. I dare not be negligent in the slightest. Only then can the prehistoric world be strong until now.

Now, the human emperor has rebelled and the dragon race has betrayed me. I will lead the Heavenly Court army to clear all obstacles and make the human race unable to turn over forever!!!"

At this time, the words of the Emperor of Heaven also came from the sky.

The punishment has been spoken in the words of Emperor Jun.

That is to suppress the human race and make the human race under the control of the Heavenly Court. In this way, it will be impossible to turn over forever!!!

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