Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 460: Confrontation at Mount Buzhou

"Finally, the human race and the heaven are going to have a big war…"

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at the changes in the wind and clouds below, his heart was obviously a little fluctuating.

At this time, this war is bigger than all the previous catastrophes!

Whether in terms of scale or power, it is far beyond any previous catastrophe! !

Even the great catastrophe of the beasts of the opening of the sky is the same!

In the great catastrophe of the beasts, all the creatures in the prehistoric world joined in, without missing a single one.

But at that time, the prehistoric world was relatively small, and now, in the war between heaven and man, although not all races or even all creatures have joined the battle.

But this time, because the prehistoric world has developed for so many years, and the prehistoric world is now vast and boundless.

So, in fact, this catastrophe is far greater than the great catastrophe of the beasts in terms of scale and combat power level!

So, in fact, this time, it is a more severe situation for the creatures.

This is not to say that you can avoid it if you can.

This requires super strong combat power and extremely high level to be able to escape from this catastrophe.

Between the prehistoric world, a dark cloud covered the sun.

The infinite sky flickered, and one piece of catastrophe aura after another condensed and transformed above the nine heavens, immersing the original white clouds in black.

The aura of the catastrophe was extremely strong and transformed into endless catastrophe clouds.

This is the heavenly catastrophe this time.

The heavenly catastrophe, with the heaven and the human race as the main body, affected the entire prehistoric catastrophe.

In fact, if other races can accept the human race becoming the strongest, they don’t have to be affected by this.

Of course, it doesn’t matter.

It’s not that they must help the human race become the strongest force in the world.

In that case, they need to help.

And this help is actually involved in the right and wrong, that is, forced to be involved in the prehistoric catastrophe.

These things are all voluntary choices.

Of course, except for the human race and the Heavenly Court, these two are bound to conflict.

Because the human race wants to overthrow the rule of the Heavenly Court!

South of the Southern Wilderness, the Southern Heavenly Palace.

The eyes of the human race emperor Suiren were extremely turbid.

At this time, he fell into a state of self-doubt.

Once upon a time, Suiren made a promise to the Emperor of Heaven, Dijun.

As long as Dijun was the Emperor of Heaven in the Heavenly Court, as long as Nuwa was still in the Heavenly Court, the human race would never rebel against the Heavenly Court.

But I didn't expect that they would rebel against the Heavenly Court now.

In this way, Suiren was actually trapped in injustice and Nuwa was in a dilemma.

For Suiren, the words he had promised in person at the beginning were now regarded as farts by the other party, and they directly attacked the Heavenly Court.

Although the Emperor of Heaven did not find him to blame, he still felt a sense of blame in his heart.

He felt very guilty, and on the one hand he wanted to stop Xuanyuan from attacking the sky.

Because Xuanyuan's move was undoubtedly a betrayal of the promise that Suiren had made.

At the beginning, it was because of his promise that the human race was able to completely become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, obtain the prehistoric human emperor, and take charge of all human affairs.

But now, this situation still occurred.

On the one hand, he did not want to stop Xuanyuan, because this was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the human race to reach the top.

If this opportunity is missed, it is unknown how many years it will take for the next opportunity to come.

For this reason, Suiren's hair turned white overnight.

It was the real kind of white hair.

The previous image was just to make it more in line with the image of a retired human emperor, so he made an image of an old man.

But now, the original body has become an old man...

Moreover, his Tao is still collapsing.

This is because he fell into a strong state of self-denial.

He denied himself in all aspects, so that his Tao fell into a strong self-doubt and collapsed...

No one knows about all this.

At this time, the human race was all committed to the battle between the human race and the heavenly court. Even the previous emperor of heaven and earth, Shennong, also participated in the battle.

Shennong's Herbal Classic, in the avenue of life, Shennong was also a leader.

"Why, why!!!"

Suiren kept roaring in a low voice, and the Dao rhyme in his body gradually dissipated and collapsed.


Demon realm outside the domain.


The demon ancestor Luohou looked at everything that happened in the prehistoric world, and his face suddenly became ecstatic.

He had already strongly sensed everything that happened in the prehistoric world.

The battle between the heavenly court and the human race.

"Such a wonderful moment, how can I be missing..."

Luohou grinned, and then waved his hand fiercely, taking away countless people from the demon sect.


In the Purple Sky Palace.

A trace of hatred flashed in Hongjun's eyes, and he laughed briskly: "Heaven, Heaven..."

"This time, let's see how you can escape..."

He thought of the past when he was suppressed by Dijun in the boundless chaos, and immediately snorted coldly, and then said: "All disciples of the immortal sect should unconditionally support the human race and help the human race win this battle!!!"

Buzz! ! !

This word was instantly transmitted to the minds of all the disciples of the immortal sect through supreme means.

Of course, among these disciples of the immortal sect, the vast majority are creatures of the human race, and only a very small number are creatures of other races.

Therefore, there are very few disciples who did not actually participate in the war.

And now, these people are also rushing to the battlefield, intending to participate in the battle between heaven and man.

At the same time, there is also the Buddhist sect, which is also the same.

Under Mount Buzhou, the three sects of human, Chan, and Jie stood together, waiting for the arrival of the human race.

As long as the human race arrives, they will directly join the human race and help the human race.

Not long after.

The human army arrived, and it was led by the human emperor Xuanyuan himself.

The human army was divided into two parts.

Most of the armies came to the foot of Mount Buzhou just to attack the heaven.

A small number of troops went to the East Wasteland to help the Dragon Clan hold back the East Wasteland Monster Clan, and at the same time, to help themselves avoid being directly stolen from the side by Donghuang Taiyi.

That army was led by Shi Hao, one of the seventeen ancient wise kings of the human race.

Shi Hao wanted to fight Donghuang Taiyi in this battle!

To compete for the title of the first war god in the prehistoric world! !

Previously it was Donghuang Taiyi!

But after this battle, it is hard to say!

Shi Hao's combat power must not be underestimated. If anyone dares to underestimate this guy in front of him, he will definitely suffer a great loss! ! !

The four seas dragon clans also divided their troops into four groups, and began to encircle the witch clan and the underworld from all over the place.

Their goal is very clear and close to their position.

That is to attack the underworld and the witch clan at the same time.

Of course, the dragon clan also knows that they are not the main force, but are only used to share the pressure of the human race.

The real main force is still the human race fighting against the Heavenly Court at Mount Buzhou.

In the Heavenly Court.

“Your Majesty, the Heavenly Court has counted the troops and is ready to fight at any time.”

The ten demon generals in charge of the Heavenly Court’s troops all came out and bowed to Emperor Jun above.

This time, Emperor Jun personally sat in charge of the Heavenly Court.

And Donghuang Taiyi ran to the East Wasteland, commanding the East Wasteland Demon Kingdom to fight a decisive battle with the human race!

The land of the East Wasteland must not be lost.

Once lost, if the human race divides its troops and attacks the underworld with the dragon race, then the Heavenly Court will be more passive.

The human race is now the most powerful.

It’s just that there is still some unknown gap in peak combat power with the Heavenly Court.

“Go! Go outside the South Heavenly Gate, on the top of Mount Buzhou, and wipe out the human race rebels!!!”

The power of Emperor Di Jun is irresistible, and the boundless imperial power rolls down, like a monstrous power, wanting to destroy everything in the world.

"I will obey your majesty's orders!!!"

Soon, all ten demon commanders smiled.

Finally, we can kill the human rebels!!!

At this time, almost all the immortals in the heavens were delighted.

The human race has been bullying for more than a day or two.

Only Fuxi and Nuwa looked embarrassed.

Nuwa was hesitant, not knowing whether she should help the human race or the demon race.

Or, should she not help either side...

But in this scenario, if she didn't help either side, it would basically mean offending two people.

As for Fuxi, it was because of Nuwa's matter, so he was also a little uncomfortable for Nuwa.

Emperor Dijun of Heaven spotted Nuwa and Fuxi standing in the front row at a glance, and immediately said: "Nuwa, Fuxi, if you two don't want to, then you don't have to participate in this battle, just take a good rest."

Nuwa heard this, and a look of relief appeared on her face. She immediately smiled, bowed to Dijun, and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

But Fuxi turned around and said with determination: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go!"

Since Nuwa has solved this worry, he can fight for the Heavenly Court with peace of mind.

He is different from Nuwa, and the human race is not created by him.

In fact, the protection of the human race was also for Nuwa, and now it is also because of Nuwa that it is erratic.

So, when Nuwa's problem was solved, this matter became simple.

Emperor Dijun of Heaven showed a touch of appreciation in his eyes, nodded, and smiled: "In this case, let's fight together again!"

Nuwa and Fuxi had never planned to let them participate in this battle.

And now, Fuxi actually participated in this battle, which was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

Buzhou Mountain.

“Fellow Taoists, let’s not talk nonsense. In this battle, we will also help the human race.” Laozi smiled slightly and said to the Human Emperor Xuanyuan.

At this time, Tongtian and Yuanshi also stood on both sides of him, nodded to each other, indicating that what Laozi said was correct.

This scene fell into the eyes of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan and the Heavenly Emperor Dijun.

“Thank you three fellow Taoists.”

Xuanyuan nodded to the Three Pure Ones and smiled slightly.

He was not surprised by Laozi’s help.

Because the interests of the human race and Laozi are connected, Laozi will definitely help the human race.

This is beyond doubt.

However, he did not expect that Yuanshi and Tongtian would come to help him.

"Taishang, Tongtian, Yuanshi."

Suddenly, Dijun appeared on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

He looked coldly at the three Taoist friends who had helped each other along the way.

Now, they stood on the opposite side of him in the face of interests. This must be said to be a great irony.

Taishang did not change his expression, bowed his head slightly, and said, "Your Majesty."

He had a clear conscience, and today's matter must be from the perspective of the human race.

"Your Majesty."

Tongtian also bowed his head and bowed.

Tongtian felt a little ashamed in his heart, as if he could not see anyone.

This was some guilt for the care of Emperor Dijun before.


Yuanshi snorted coldly and said nothing.

This damn Dijun, until now, actually called Tongtian first and ignored him!

This point is undoubtedly unacceptable to Yuanshi.

From the beginning, Dijun has always looked down on him and thought that Tongtian was stronger than him.

So, when he had the opportunity to retaliate today, he immediately turned his face.

Facing the reaction of the Three Pure Ones, Dijun nodded slightly and showed a smile on his face.

He had guessed all the reactions of the Three Pure Ones, but he still thought that Yuanshi would not be so outrageous.

But he did not expect that Yuanshi would completely tear off the face between them.

In this case, there is no more face to say.

At this time.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect also rushed over.

A wisp of immortal breath floated down, and it was the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun who appeared in front of everyone.


The moment they saw Hongjun, all the Hunyuan in the Heavenly Court suddenly changed their faces.

"Hongjun! You dare to appear in front of us!!!"

Fuxi could not stand it directly, and walked over and scolded directly.

As soon as he got the order, he immediately attacked and wiped out Hongjun!!!

Although he might not be able to kill Hongjun, was there anyone among these people who could kill Hongjun? !

No matter how strong Hongjun was, he could not defeat so many strong men here!!!

Therefore, Fuxi was not afraid of Hongjun at all.

"Why should I explain my actions to you juniors?" Hongjun glanced at Fuxi with disdain, not taking him seriously at all.

To him, the guy in front of him was just a junior, and he was not strong enough to cause any big waves.

"Human Emperor, I will help you."

Hongjun then turned to look at the Human Emperor Xuanyuan, smiled slightly, and said indifferently.


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