Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 461: The Battle between Heaven and Man! (I)

Fuxi was furious when he heard this, and then snorted coldly, saying: "I'll teach you a lesson later!"


Hongjun sneered and said nothing more.

The next moment.


A strong momentum rose to the sky, and boundless power fell madly.


It was like an almighty emperor was angry, and the extremely terrifying momentum washed all the creatures present unscrupulously.

Everyone looked over, but saw that it was Dijun with a face full of anger.

As the saying goes, when a man is angry, blood splatters three feet.

When the emperor is angry, millions of corpses are buried!

And when the emperor is angry, who knows how many people will die!!!


"What a terrifying aura!!!"

"The Emperor of Heaven has improved his cultivation a lot!!!"

"We are dead now. The Emperor of Man is definitely not as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven. Aren't we all going to die here today?!"

Suddenly, the faces of these people changed wildly, and the endless aura washed over scene after scene.

It formed a sharp contrast.

The power of the Emperor of Heaven is so terrifying!!!

"Your Majesty's cultivation is the best in the prehistoric world. How dare the small human race rebel! It's simply courting death!!!"

"Haha, the human race is dead now!!!"

"The human race will completely submit to the Heavenly Court today!"

And these people in the Heavenly Court were all very happy in their hearts.

This is the advantage that a powerful cultivation can bring to them.

Knowing that the Emperor of Heaven is so powerful that no one can reach it, this incomparable strength will instantly turn into a huge confidence that fills the hearts of every immortal god in the Heavenly Court!

And these are the effects that Di Jun wants to achieve!

The next moment.

Emperor Jun's face was indifferent, and his aura was released instantly. His voice full of majesty resounded throughout the world.

"Exterminate the human race rebels and return the prehistoric world to peace!!!"

"Exterminate the rebels!!!!"

"Exterminate the rebels!!!!"

Countless immortals shouted in unison, their hearts filled with waves of extremely strong killing intent.

The human coalition army, facing the immortals above, was undoubtedly at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Coupled with the deviation brought about by this geographical location, it was even weaker.

Seeing this, Emperor Xuanyuan roared.

"Human men, follow me to destroy the Heavenly Court, destroy the Heaven and return the government!!!"

Xuanyuan roared, resounding throughout the human army.

"Destroy the Heaven!"

"Destroy the Heaven!!"

"Destroy the Heaven!!!"

The human race's strong men were more and more powerful, and waves of strong voices shook the sky.

They seemed to be competing with those high and mighty immortals.

And the next second.

Boom!! !


In both camps, all of them burst out with their own powerful cultivation!!!

Waves of terrifying Dao rhymes alternated and collided from top to bottom!

There were waves of strong collisions!!!

This was a collision that was almost real!

This was a powerful aura created by the real collision of momentum!!!


The next moment.

A burst of brilliant light broke out between the whole world!

Those kinds of extremely powerful magical powers were madly shooting at each other.

Countless kinds of Dao rhymes competed to shine, showing their powerful light to the world!!!


This wave of direct and hard-hitting Dao rhyme and magical power blasted apart the entire sky!

The Nantian Gate in the Heavenly Palace on Mount Buzhou was completely blasted open, and the thirty-six layers of heaven in the sky were even faintly shaking and tilting.

From this, we can see how terrible the damage of this mutual wave is! ! !

Endless breath, madly emerging.

In the ancient starry sky, starlight fell one after another.

It enveloped the entire side of Mount Buzhou and completely enveloped this battlefield.

And among the heavenly court and the human race, just this wave of confrontation has killed countless Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

There is no doubt that all of this is a terrifying thing.

"Go to hell!!!"

"You damned human beings!!!"

"In the past, we didn't attack you, and even His Majesty personally stopped the gods in the sky to prevent the human race from being swallowed and divided by other gods!

However, now we have a white-eyed wolf-like human race!!!"

"The human race really deserves to die, white-eyed wolves!!! Wolf-hearted and dog-hearted!!!"

"You damned monkey, the human race deserves to die, you curse my wolf race?!"

"That's right! You actually cursed my dog ​​race!!!"

The immortals and gods in the heavenly court, while fighting with the human race, were also madly cursing, hoping to make the human race feel guilty through this means.

However, these human beings have long been influenced by Xuanyuan, and they are all warmongers, so they all want to kill the heavenly court and ascend to the throne of the heavenly court!

After all, compared with the so-called conscience and kindness, it is obvious that it is most important for the human race to stand at the highest point!

Nothing is more important than letting the human race stand at the top of the prehistoric world!

Although the human race does owe Di Jun a favor...

But so what?

Even if we are condemned by thousands of people, we must ascend to the highest position and let the human race be respected in the prehistoric world from now on!

As for Di Jun?

Anyway, they won't be able to completely kill each other. After this battle, they will confess to Emperor Jun!

Perhaps that doesn't matter, because after this battle, they can't reconcile with each other. They are real enemies of life and death.

After all, in the eyes of the Heavenly Court, the human race is betraying and ungrateful.

It's not like the Wu clan in the past, discussing a battle to decide the outcome.

These are two different things.

The latter can still treat each other with courtesy, but the former can only fight back with fists.

Boom! ! ! !

This time, it was Xuanyuan holding the Human Emperor Sword, who swung out with a sword, and countless Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians avoided it and dared not take it head-on.

In the end, the sword slashed on Mount Buzhou.

There was a shocking sound that shook the sky!

This time, the sword pierced through the Buzhou Mountain that rose up and went straight into the sky.


It penetrated Mount Buzhou! ! !

The huge Buzhou Mountain was cut open by the sword of Emperor Xuanyuan in that instant.

But fortunately, the speed was extremely fast, so the pillar supporting the heaven and earth was fine.

It was just that it was obviously more fragile than the previous whole.

However, no one cared about this, they only cared about one thing.

That is, the victory or defeat of this war!!!

"Not bad, but not enough..."

The corners of Emperor Jun's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile, and then shook his head gently.

"Far from enough!!!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and a sword of the Emperor appeared in his hand.


The might of the Emperor Sword suddenly broke through, untying all the shackles.

A strong and terrifying aura appeared in front of everyone.

Xuanyuan was happy to see the prey, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he laughed and greeted him: "Hahahaha..."

Since the Emperor of Heaven can also play with swords, let him see what the real swordsmanship is!!!

In addition to the fierce battle at Mount Buzhou, there are still three large battlefields and countless small battlefields in the prehistoric world.

The entire prehistoric world is full of battlefields filled with gunpowder smoke!

Endless creatures in the prehistoric world, with cultivation as high as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and as low as Jinxian, all participated in the war at this moment! ! !

The resentment in countless dead souls was released at this moment! ! !

One after another, the calamity clouds rose out of thin air, thickening the endless calamity clouds above the prehistoric world.

The South Pole.

“Damn it, are we going to be locked here and unable to do anything?!”

An unwilling phoenix stood up and asked.

“Otherwise, what else can we do?”

Another phoenix asked back.

The only two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians of the current phoenix clan were also killed by the human race before.


He committed suicide.

He was also forced to death.

But what about now?

They only have some tribesmen who are not even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian left.

They also have to face the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians guarding here in the sky...

It can be said that this is to prevent the human race from using some conspiracy to rescue Jin Peng and Kong Xuan, or they are not dead at all.

From the beginning, the human race has made the worst plan, so they let these two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians sit here.

Once there is any abnormal situation, they will directly destroy the Phoenix clan.

"That's right, what can we do now!?"

"Everyone, practice well!"

"As long as the strength is enough, everything will be available!!!"

A group of Phoenix clansmen talked at once.

Anyway, they don't think the Phoenix clan can pose any threat to the human race.

After all, they really can't afford to gamble.

Once they rashly gamble, they will only ruin the lives of the Phoenix clan!

"What are you thinking about!?"

The guy from the Phoenix tribe looked at the other party with a surprised face.

"Don't you want to do something to the human race?!"

"That's right, we are just following your words!"

Immediately, a Phoenix tribe member looked at the other party in confusion and said angrily.

"Why do we have to let the Phoenix tribe go?"

The Phoenix tribe member smiled slightly and asked softly.

Then, in everyone's surprised eyes, he said: "There is still a top existence in this Antarctic..."


"Are you talking about the Vermillion Bird among the Four Spirits of Heaven?!"

"The Vermillion Bird Sacred Beast?! That is a sacred beast! How can it listen to our orders!!"

Immediately, these words exploded in the hearts of the Phoenix tribe members like a pot of boiling water.

Want to let the Vermillion Bird serve them?

Is this guy crazy! ! !

If the Phoenix tribe had this ability, how could it have fallen to this point today! ! !

The two leaders of their Phoenix clan were actually forced to death in their own territory! ! !

This is simply unimaginable! ! !

However, this incident happened so unbelievably! ! !

This is simply a great shame for the Phoenix clan!

No! For all races, this is a great shame!

However, this happened to the Phoenix clan!

Ultimately, it's because they are too weak now!

The Phoenix clan is so weak, but they still want to control Suzaku? !

Those are the Four Spirits of Heaven! ! !

Immortal, extremely powerful, and one of the top four spirits in the world! ! !


"It's Suzaku!!!"

This guy affirmed again, then raised the corner of his mouth in a weird arc, smiled weirdly, and said: "Leave this matter to me!"




"Why are you?!"

These people all sneered at the brazen boy in front of them.

Think there's no way this guy can do this.

"If you don't believe me, then forget it and let's not mention this matter. You can just watch the human race live in peace. When the time comes, they will come back after fighting this war and destroy us."

A look of disdain flashed in the man's eyes and he said lightly.

He originally thought that these Phoenix clan members were unwilling to do so.

But I didn't expect these guys to be as timid as rats.

It seems that since the death of the elite of the Phoenix clan, they have not yet come out of the blow of that battle!

At least, so far, these people are not very powerful.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Phoenix clan was stunned on the spot.

Yes, before the expedition, the human race came here specifically to force their Hunyuan warriors to death.

They were left leaderless, like a pile of loose sand, unable to do anything they wanted to do.

But if those people on the other side really come back and wipe out all the Phoenix clan...

Then the consequences...

"But if you can really instruct Suzaku to kill the human race, will the human race find out that it was us afterward?!"

So, these people asked about a topic that they were most concerned about.

"Of course not. Otherwise, how could we ask Suzaku to do this?"

The Phoenix tribesman said with a smile on his face.

He knew that this matter had basically been successful! ! !

"Okay! If it really doesn't happen, I agree with this point of view!"

"I agree too!!!"

"I agree too!!!"

Suddenly, all the Phoenix clan members expressed their stance.

The person who proposed this plan had a ecstatic smile in his eyes!

"However, the condition for using this premise is that I need the blood of all the living members of the clan!!!"

"The more clan members we can provide, the better!!!"

Finally, this guy revealed his purpose.

And he is actually not a real member of the Phoenix tribe.


Demon Ancestor Rahu! ! !

He used his superb disguise ability to successfully penetrate into the Phoenix clan.

At the same time, such a plan was launched!

But now, he is getting closer and closer to what he wants! ! !

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