Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 462: The Battle between Heaven and Man! (Part 2)


When Luohou got the blood of all the Phoenix clan members, his eyes showed a look of great surprise.

Immediately, he turned into a rainbow light and disappeared in front of the Phoenix clan.

However, these people did not know that Luohou was not really trying to instruct the Phoenix clan to take revenge on the human race.

He simply wanted to get their blood.

So as to further control them!

This blood is not ordinary blood, but the blood of the Phoenix clan!

The amount of blood is extremely rare. With this kind of thing, the Demon Ancestor Luohou has a way to pull all the Phoenix clan members who are not in the mixed Yuan into the magic way.

After Luohou disappeared here.

These guys of the Phoenix clan were still immersed in the pleasure of being able to take revenge on the human race.

One by one, they were looking forward to the appearance of Suzaku and the revenge on the human race.

But, they may never wait for this day to come.


The easternmost land of the prehistoric world.

The Netherworld, which should have belonged to the Wu Clan, was surrounded by dense dragons.

The entire Netherworld was full of dragons.

Whether in the sky, around, or even in the entire Guixu land, it was full of dragons.

These dragons were not only the true dragons, but also many sub-dragons and a large number of sea creatures!

The sea creatures were endless.

However, the number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that could be born was pitifully small!

Therefore, the actual number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was not as good as that of the dragons!

However, this time, the sea clan sent a lot of clansmen to participate in the war!

It was to deal with those people in the Netherworld with low cultivation!

In the Netherworld, there were not only those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but also more people below the Hunyuan realm.

After all, in these years, although many guys had breakthroughs in cultivation, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was always a minority.

"Zulong, why did you invade my underworld today!!!"

Hou Tu looked at the mighty Zulong in front of her with her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help shouting.

Behind her were Fengdu Emperor Chiyou, Tu Bo, the Ten Kings of Hell, and tens of thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Those below Hunyuan, go to the ghost cave!!!"

Zulong shouted loudly, and his voice spread throughout the dragon clan.

"Follow your majesty's orders!!!"

Immediately, these people shouted back.

Then, these people of the sea clan began to rush into the underworld.

Seeing this, Hou Tu did not order to stop them.

For them, what really matters is the group of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in front of them.

As long as they are dealt with, the rest of the things will be easy to deal with!

Even if the underworld is cleared out, she can restore these damaged places in an instant.

But if this battle is lost, there will be nothing to talk about.

So, now the extreme, the dragon clan must be dealt with.

Zulong then looked at Houtu, smiled slightly, and said: "The fight has also started in the Heavenly Court, so there is no need to say anything more here, just fight!!!"




All of a sudden, the clansmen behind Zulong shouted loudly.

Waves of roars came wildly, shaking the entire underworld with a deafening sound.

"How dare you!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

"A mere dragon clan dare to be so presumptuous in the underworld!!!"

All of a sudden, these people stood up and roared.


Waves of strong aura were released, and the endless Dao rhyme rushed straight to the dragon clan.



Seeing this, the dragon clan quickly released their own strong avenue.

Waves of extremely terrifying and tyrannical avenues appeared, shocking the guys in the underworld, one by one with horror on their faces.

The dragon clan actually condensed the entire dragon clan into one avenue!

The Great Dao of Dragons!!!

Although it is a great Dao that existed in the beginning, at this moment, they have undoubtedly become a whole!

"It's just what I want."

Hou Tu nodded and said nothing more.

The next moment.



Magical powers flew all over the sky, and Dao rhymes rose to the sky.

The next moment, they fought together.

This time, it was all a melee, no longer the kind of soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and kings against kings as before.

Although they still fought each other, in fact, these guys still fought against the guys they wanted to fight, but in addition to them, there were other guys fighting madly.


"I don't know if these guys will destroy the land of reincarnation..."

The gods and demons of reincarnation looked at the people of the underworld and the guys of the dragon clan who were fighting in the land of Guixu not far away with a worried look on their faces.

The strong fluctuations that erupted in the Guixu Land completely affected the underworld.

The entire underworld was shaking constantly, and I was really afraid that it might be directly dispersed by the aftermath.

This is a war between the dragon clan and the underworld! ! !

"Why are you so worried, fellow Taoist, this is not like you..."

The Demon God and Demon looked at each other with a smile, smiled slightly, and said.

In his opinion, this is just a small matter.

Besides, even if the reincarnation land was blown up, the core of the underworld reincarnation, the six reincarnations, would not be damaged so easily.

And as long as the six reincarnations were not damaged, in fact, the others could be restored by raising a finger.

He did not believe that these Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level battles could damage the six reincarnations under the blessing of the prehistoric world!

In the final analysis, it was still the prehistoric world that was too strong, so the strength of the six reincarnations was also greatly enhanced.

Although the reincarnation gods and demons also knew about this, they were still a little worried about it at this moment.

It was really that the power of these guys was too great.

Even the six reincarnations were trembling slightly.

This matter was something that the people in the underworld could detect.


The reincarnation gods and demons sighed helplessly.

If it weren't for the bet with the God of Demons, he would have to show up.

But it is precisely because of this bet that it is difficult to take action now.

Otherwise, if it affects the overall situation, it will make him look like he can't afford to cheat.

As for the fact that the underworld will suffer greater damage because of this?

So what?

In the entire underworld, only Hou Tu can make the God of Reincarnation pay some attention.

And except for Hou Tu, the rest of the guys will die.

What's more, they are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they will not die so easily.

As for Hou Tu, let alone, she will not die at all.

As long as the reincarnation is immortal, Hou Tu will not die.

Moreover, even if the reincarnation is destroyed, Hou Tu will have a chance to come back again!

This is the power of Hou Tu!

"Why are you sighing like that? Whether it's a victory or a defeat, it's just a passing cloud for us. What does it matter whether we win or lose?" The Demon God and Demon looked at the Reincarnation God and Demon with a chuckle.

He thought that the other party was troubled by the outcome of this war.

In fact, the Reincarnation God and Demon were not worried about this matter.

Instead, they were worried about the safety of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"Daoyou don't understand..."

The Reincarnation God and Demon shook his head, and then protected the Six Paths of Reincarnation with a worried look on his face.


"Finally, the war started, but then again, these guys seem to be a little bit wrong..."

Ye Xuan was in the sky, leaning over and looking at the guys below, frowning and said.


The Heavenly Court and the Human Race, the Dragon Race and the Underworld, fought together.

These four major forces fought madly from all aspects.

Four major battlefields and countless small battlefields were opened up.

The calamity clouds of the entire prehistoric world are growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and not only that, but even countless powerful saints have begun to take sides.

Some joined the prehistoric human race, and some joined the heavenly court.

This is taking sides, choosing a force that you think is likely to win and joining it.

In fact, it is also to obtain more resources after winning.

Many innate saints who have friendly exchanges with the human race have also begun to join the human race.

And Ye Xuan kept scanning these forces in the prehistoric world, always feeling that some guys did not show up.


"Luo Hou!!!"

Suddenly, Ye Xuan set his sights on the demon ancestor Luo Hou again.

How could there be no figure of Luo Hou in such a scene of a great battle? !

This is simply not normal!

As expected.


In the outer demon domain.



Luo Hou laughed wildly.

This time he went to the prehistoric world, not only to spread the strong men of the demon clan throughout the prehistoric world, but also to the Phoenix clan, and took back all the blood in the bodies of those guys of the Phoenix clan.


"It's your turn to see what's to come..."

Luo Hou's mouth slightly raised.

Then, the blood in his body surged, and bursts of blood light burst out.

Those streaks of blood light soared into the sky.

They intertwined in the sky, forming a huge word "demon"! ! !

At this moment, Luo Hou's breath instantly became weird.

This was learned from the hands of the blood ancestor Minghe!

The ancestor Minghe, on the blood road in the prehistoric world, is a unique existence.

It is the existence that countless strong men desire.

It is the creator of the Asura clan! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The drops of blood essence of the Phoenix clan rushed up into the air crazily and merged together. The originally uneven blood essence condensed into a large ball of blood in an instant.

The ball of blood floated in the air, under the control of the great way of blood practiced by Luohou.


"This sword is called Destroying the Sky!!!"

Xuanyuan swung his sword fiercely.


A huge sword energy that suppressed the world quickly went towards the Emperor Di Jun at lightning speed.

A trace of fear flashed in Di Jun's eyes, and then the Emperor Sword in his hand went towards the sword energy fiercely.


The two powerful sword energy bombarded together, causing a huge sound wave to impact all around.

Buzz! ! !

Each of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was severely impacted by these two extremely powerful sword energies.

In an instant, these people flew away like crazy.

next moment.

"Get out of here quickly and stay away from the fight between the two of them!!!"

Suddenly, Bai Ze roared crazily.

"Disperse quickly!!!"

At this moment, they also realized that the strength of these two strong men had far exceeded their expectations.

Even the aftermath of the battle between two people is no longer something ordinary people can resist! ! !

Not only are the heavens scattered everywhere, but countless members of the human race are also frantically escaping from here.

"The human race rebels against the party!!!"

Di Jun roared angrily, and Hetu Luoshu suddenly appeared above his head behind him.

Continuously circling.

The streams of light kept hanging down, wrapping them together.

The next moment.

Buzz! ! !

An unparalleled and domineering aura suddenly jumped out.

This time, he controlled the dominance of the sun.

boom! ! !

The infinite Tao Yun behind him turned into a fiery sun.

The great sun hung high in the sky.

Buzz! ! !

The boundless scorching sun suddenly jumped out in an instant, shining on the entire sky.

"Father Emperor Daoyun has transformed into a golden crow!"

When the eldest prince Jinwu saw this, his eyes suddenly widened and he shouted.

"Brother, why don't we also learn..."

Immediately, the second prince of Jinwu also said.

"What the second brother said is absolutely true!!!"

"What the second brother said is absolutely true!!!"

One by one, the Golden Crow princes who were fighting fiercely shouted loudly.


After hearing the answers from many brothers, the Golden Crow Crown Prince nodded and roared.

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Rounds of great suns rose from behind these Golden Crow princes.

The big sun behind these Golden Crows appeared in the sky.

boom! ! !

Waves of scorching sun appeared from the sky.

The endless true fire of the great sun covers the sky! ! !


"So hot!!!"

"I'm going to be burned to death!!!"

“These are the damn big days!!!”

"Why are there so many suns!!!"

Suddenly, countless human beings were paralyzed by the eleven rounds of the sun.

There were many human beings approaching and they were immediately burned to ashes! ! !

This is the power of these guys! ! !

However, this is not the end yet.

Those big suns hanging high in the sky are still burning the human soldiers.

"This can't go on like this."

Su Mingshi's eyes flashed as he looked at the eleven great suns hanging high in the sky.

Immediately, I had my own idea in my mind.

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