Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 463: The Battle between Heaven and Man! (Part 3)



Shi Hao looked at Donghuang Taiyi opposite with a fighting spirit and shouted.

Tai looked indifferent, looked at the guy in front of him, and said lightly: "Shi Hao's family?"

"Everyone says you are the human god of war, but I don't know if it's true or not..."

Boom! ! !

The fighting spirit broke out instantly! ! !

Let the figure between them become a bit majestic! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Taiyi's figure appeared in mid-air and suddenly became blurry.

call! ! !

Gusts of strong wind appeared along the sky.


In the eyes of the demon clan full of reverence.

Taiyi's figure becomes more and more majestic! ! !

boom! ! !

A figure appeared, and a big sun appeared from behind him, and the three-legged golden crow appeared in the sun.

Suddenly, it all turned into ashes! ! !

Boom! ! !

"Shi Hao's family!!! Let's fight!!!"


"I think so too!!!!"

Shi Hao looked up to the sky and roared angrily, a light flashing in his eyes.

The next moment.

Time reversal!

Space changes!

The breath of the five elements circulates! !

The Great Way of Reincarnation manifests into the world! ! !

An endless fighting spirit appeared from behind him and soared into the sky! ! !


Taiyi shouted in surprise, he felt the majestic power in Shi Hao's body! !

It is a super fighting power just like his own! !

That is the cultivation level of the late Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal! ! !

That's an overwhelming fighting spirit! ! !

An invincible aura suddenly appeared from Shi Hao's body.

next moment.

A pagoda appeared on his right hand.

That is the Xiantian Lingbao Desolate Tower! ! !

As soon as the desolate tower appeared, an extremely desolate atmosphere suddenly appeared.

It was an aura that was arbitrary and eternal! ! !

It is an unparalleled feeling of loneliness! !

Buzz! ! !

The next moment, Huangta's body began to tremble slightly.

It seemed like he was getting excited after meeting a super strong opponent! ! !

"Is this the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space?!!"

"How can this be?!!!"

"Why can the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space appear in the same person?!!"

"In the midst of chaos, there is no way out. Time is revered and space is king!!! And Shi Hao actually controls the avenue of time and the avenue of space!!!"

"This is simply unbelievable!!! How is this possible?!!!"

"No! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

At this moment, all the creatures in the Demon Clan Heavenly Court looked at Shi Hao in disbelief!

Since the creation of the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space, there has never been a single person who can master them all! ! !

What a terrifying thing this is! ! !

Something that was absolutely impossible to happen actually happened! ! !

If the avenue of time and the avenue of space are combined with each other, a super powerful avenue can be born, which can rival the five supreme avenues! ! !

Although it is actually still not as good as the Five Supremes, it is already the most terrifying avenue among the Five Supremes! ! !

This is simply unimaginable!

If the Avenue of Time and Space is controlled by one person, then that person's future combat power...

Suddenly, when these acquired beings and innate saints looked at Shi Hao again, their eyes were full of fear.

"It's the breath of time!!!"

A long river appeared in the sky, which instantly attracted the man's attention and made him shout uncontrollably.


"Has his time path reached this level!?"

"No, this person must die here!!!"

Those powerful Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals are all filled with murderous intentions towards the Shi Hao clan!

And these murderous intentions actually stem from the fear of Shi Hao! ! !


The Golden Crow Avenue is endlessly brilliant.

The extremely hot true fire of the sun and the majesty of the great sun exploded instantly.

Let the time and space around Shi Hao's clan be completely distorted.

Even the long river of time in the sky was evaporated in an instant! ! !

This terrifying avenue can actually evaporate the long river of time! ! !

You must know that the long river of time is not water! ! !

That's a concept! !

There are countless water droplets inside, and each water droplet contains a part of the world and a part of time and space! ! !


Shi Hao's figure flashed and quickly came to Taiyi.

boom! ! !

A palm suddenly carried supreme power and headed towards Taiyi.

Taiyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiled disdainfully, raised his left hand slightly, and the Donghuang Bell appeared completely in his hand.

when! ! !

A bell rang.

Boundless power is rolling towards all directions! ! !

In an instant, Shi Hao was thrown away! ! !

"go to hell!!!"

The next moment.

Countless Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals rushed towards Shi Hao, hoping to take the opportunity to kill Shi Hao here.

However, the next moment.


"Everyone stop it!!!"

Taiyi roared to the sky, and an infinite magical power hit those magical powers.

Boom! ! !

When the sound of an explosion resounded through the world, it caused a wave in the entire battlefield.

"Your Majesty Donghuang!!!"

"Your Majesty Donghuang!!! If this boy is not eliminated, he will be a disaster in the future!!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this guy actually controls the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space!!! This is unprecedented!!!"

"Your Majesty, we should take the opportunity to kill him, so that we can ensure our advantage!!!"

Some innate sacreds heard the words and immediately looked at Taiyi.

"Despicable and shameless demons!!! How dare they take advantage of the chaos to attack Lord Shi Hao!!!"

"Damn demons!!!"

"Go to hell!!! Demons!!!"

"Damn stuff!!!"

At this time, those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians of the human race also rushed towards these demons!


A war was triggered.

Shi Hao looked up at Taiyi in the sky with admiration and said with a smile: "You are worthy of being His Majesty Donghuang! In this battle, I want to prove that I am the strongest war god in the prehistoric world!!!"

When Taiyi heard this, his eyes showed a touch of admiration.

Then, he nodded slightly and said: "Then come on!!!"


Buzhou Mountain.

"Brother, if this goes on, I'm afraid this Buzhou Mountain will not be able to bear it..."

Tongtian looked at Taishang with a worried look and frowned.

This is simply too terrifying.

Buzhou Mountain is their dojo!!!

But now, hundreds of thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian launched a world-shaking battle here!

In this battle, both sides did not think of avoiding the heaven and earth at all, and they all fought directly in the prehistoric world!!!

If they ran out together and went to fight in the chaos, it would be easier!

But if that's the case, then those who are not in the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who are left in the prehistoric world, it will take them years to attack the other side! ! !

So, just follow these Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and kill them.

In order to reduce unnecessary losses, these guys have clear division of labor.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will almost never attack the other side's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

"No problem, this battle is time and fate..."

"Buzhou Mountain, it is destined to collapse..."

Tai Shang shook his head slightly and sighed.

In the infinite time and space, Buzhou Mountain in almost every world is destroyed!

Even if Buzhou Mountain in this world is really destroyed, it is not a bad thing.

On the contrary, because of the survival of Buzhou Mountain, the pressure left by Pangu between heaven and earth has become more and more intense, which is also an obstacle to the development of heaven and earth.

Some people who want to go to the Heavenly Palace do not have enough cultivation. In addition, the pressure of Mount Buzhou has become more and more serious. Therefore, if you want to enter the Heavenly Palace through the South Gate of Heaven, the minimum cultivation level required is getting higher and higher...

Nowadays, Mount Buzhou is inaccessible to anyone other than the Golden Immortal of Daluo!

No one other than the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan can enter the Heavenly Palace through Mount Buzhou independently! ! !

This is the harm brought by Mount Buzhou!

Of course, the benefits of Mount Buzhou are naturally countless!


Tongtian sighed when he heard this.

Although the two were communicating, they were always against the enemy and were not taken advantage of by the other party at all.

Seeing this situation.

Suddenly, the two used all their strength and had no more strength left! ! !

A sword may cross the sky and the earth.

A sword may cut through the starry sky.

A sword may sink into the grass and trees.

Tongtian waved sword after sword frantically towards the battle.


A surge of demonic energy appeared.

It attracted the attention of many people who were fighting.


Su Ming held the innate treasure book of life in his hand, and his whole body was emitting a fierce light!

He used the Great Dao of Destiny as a pen!!!

He used the Great Dao of Demon as ink!!!

He wrote one stroke after another on the innate treasure book of life!!!

As the strokes fell one after another.

The eleven suns hanging high in the sky gradually dimmed at this moment.

"Not good! He is stirring up the fate in the dark!!!"

The eldest prince of Jinwu, Bo Yu, suddenly showed a look of fear on his face and shouted.



Suddenly, the Jinwu princes roared to the sky.

The whole body exuded the Dao rhyme!

The sun in the sky stopped dimming at this moment, and gradually returned to the bright and scorching light at the beginning!!!

"Damn it!!!"

Seeing that the ten golden crows were fine, Su Ming's face suddenly changed.


His white hair suddenly shot up into the sky.


In the dark, a mysterious aura appeared in the invisible.

And disappeared in the invisible...


Western Wilderness.

The dragon clan and the witch clan fought in the boundless wilderness!


Everywhere is desolate!!!


It was made desolate by the battle between the witch clan and the dragon clan!!!

The originally prosperous Western Wasteland was instantly turned into a barren land of millions of miles! ! !

The boundless spiritual roots were destroyed by this battle! ! !

The spiritual roots and veins of the Western Wasteland are like this. They are extremely shallow everywhere. While they can bring a lot of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, they are also relatively easy to be destroyed! ! !

A great witch holding a divine bow stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the Taoist Zhunti in front of him, his eyes full of hatred.

Taoist Zhunti, this guy has killed countless great witches! ! !

"Damn Zhunti!!!"

"Take my arrow!!!"


Houyi's muscles swelled up, and he shot an arrow at Zhunti in the distance.


Zhunti, who was fighting with the Thunder Ancestor Wu Qiangliang, felt a sudden jump in his heart.

It was as if he was stared at by a tiger, and it seemed that he might die at any time! ! !

The next moment.

The piercing fear disappeared.

Zhunti glanced at Houyi and understood something instantly, but another doubt came to his mind.


Where is the arrow? !

Forget it, never mind, let's focus on dealing with the guy in front of us first! ! !

On the other side.

"How is this possible? ! ! Where is my arrow! ! ! "

Houyi looked at the scene in front of him with horror.

He clearly shot an arrow!

It was a full-strength arrow! ! !

That was the special wood he collected from the icebergs of the North Sea. That wood was hidden in the icebergs all year round, wrapped in ice, extremely cold, and it was the arrow he made specifically for the Ten Golden Crows.

It was to be able to shoot the Golden Crows in the future battles!

But later, when he faced the demon clan, he never had the opportunity to fight against the Ten Golden Crows, so he didn't attack them.

This time, he was also dealing with the dragon clan, so he wanted to shoot the dragon.

And Zhunti was in too great a danger, so he shot at the other party.

The next moment.

"Forget it, you are lucky. This time, I must kill you!!!"

Hou Yi's arms were filled with infinite power, and he jumped suddenly.

Holding the divine bow, his muscles expanded crazily.


The bowstring of the divine bow was shaking constantly, and the Beiming Ice Arrow on it was placed straight on it.


This arrow, carrying the coldest and strongest ice soul power, shot towards Zhunti again!

"Not good!"

That feeling surged into Zhunti's heart again, making him jump subconsciously.

He looked up again and looked into the distance.


"What's going on..."

I saw Hou Yi shooting arrows at me, but there were no arrows...

"Don't go too far! Zhunti!!! You are fighting with me!!!"

Qiang Liang's face suddenly changed, and he seized the opportunity and slapped Zhunti with his palm.


Zhunti was hit by the opponent in the end because he was distracted many times.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But it was not a serious injury.

"How is this possible?!!!"

"Today, I don't believe it!!!"

"I still don't believe that I can't shoot you to death!!!"

Houyi looked at Zhunti in the distance with horror.

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