Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 464: The Battle between Heaven and Man! (IV)

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Hou Yi suddenly drew his bow three times in succession, and three Beiming ice arrows suddenly shot towards Zhunti.

But this time, the three arrows reached midway and suddenly disappeared! ! !

Zhunti's heart was even more furious.

Countless heartbeats were constantly changing, and this frightening level made him very uncomfortable.

"Hou Yi!!!"

Zhunti looked up to the sky and roared, his heart extremely furious.

This damn thing was good and bad at the same time, which was a little hard for him to accept!

And that's not all.

There were still countless strong men staring at him.

The most uncomfortable thing was undoubtedly Hou Yi's bow and arrow, which instantly filled him with endless fear.

The next moment.

The feeling of fear disappeared.

Time flew by and it didn’t take long.

"Damn Zhunti, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Hou Yi looked up to the sky and roared angrily. He pulled out the remaining five Beiming Ice Arrows from his back and placed them on the bow.

The next moment.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Five North Ming Ice Arrows shot out from Hou Yi's hand, and endless terror erupted in the next moment.

Strong fighting intent entwined around these five North Ming Ice Arrows, and shot towards the distance.

Buzz! ! !

A strong sense of warning came, making Zhunti feel fear in his heart.

He looked at Hou Yi sharply again.

But Hou Yi did nothing...



boom! ! !

Qiang Liang punched Zhunti hard again.

The immortal golden body of Buddhism was directly broken by this move!

The next moment.

boom! ! !

Endless shock waves rushed towards the entire battlefield! ! !

Countless earth fission! !

Hou Yi's expression changed even more.

"What on earth is this for?!!!"

He didn't know what the scene in front of him was for.

The next moment.

Buzhou Mountain.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"It's just Su Ming who still wants to extinguish the Tao Yun of our ten brothers?!"

"The little humans are so ridiculous!!!"

"No matter how strong the human race is, they can't compare to our immortal gods!!!"

"How can our sacred body be compared to that of other humans like you!!!"

The top ten princes of the Golden Crow had wild smiles on their faces.

While constantly releasing the big sun, it is also constantly releasing all kinds of scorching sun downwards! ! !

For a time, an endless feeling of heat spread throughout the sky!

"It's just a golden crow, I'll kill him today!!!"

A smile appeared on Su Mingshi's face, and that smile looked extremely evil.

However, in the eyes of the Golden Crows at this moment, it is just the roar of an incompetent person! ! !

In addition, these guys are actually roaring towards the sky!

That round of the sun became even hotter.

The entire Buzhou Mountain seemed like a baked cliff at the moment.

The entire mountain peak was filled with flames!

The extremely hot sun is really hot!

Like a blaze of stars, the entire Buzhou Mountain was burned to a red ground! ! !

The fire is still spreading.

Even the Sanqing Dojo in Buzhou Mountain has been burned to the ground and reduced to ashes.

As for the disciples who have not yet become Hunyuan, they have already gone to seek refuge in their respective ethnic groups and have not stayed in Buzhou Mountain.

As powerful as the Sanqing Dojo, the restrictions left behind are unable to withstand the extremely hot true fire of the sun.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother of the West in the Kunlun Mountains quickly used her Taoist and magical powers to stop the terrifying and rapidly spreading fire.

However, it cannot stop all of this from happening!

“Mother, what should we do?!”

"We'd better run away quickly!!! If we don't run away, I'm afraid we will die here!!!"

A group of Xuanyuns looked at the Queen Mother of the West in the sky who was eager to stop the spread of the fire, and quickly persuaded her.

Even the Nine Heavens Xuannv, the leader of this group of Xuannv, looked anxious at this time and shouted quickly: "Empress, retreat quickly!!!"



All the mysterious ladies shouted one after another.

But Queen Mother Xi had a look of unbearability on her face, and finally sighed and said: "I don't know how many living beings will suffer in this battle..."

After saying that, just when she wanted to leave.

Suddenly, an extremely cold arrow passed by her side at an extremely fast speed.

Buzz! ! !

But when the arrow passed by, the cold force left behind actually caused a ray of ice to appear in the originally extremely hot air.

Although the ice crystal only flashed away, you can still see the cold power of this arrow! ! !

The next moment.

There were arrows one after another, a total of nine arrows passed by her! ! !


"No need to leave here?!"

Queen Mother Xi's beautiful eyes trembled, and this idea came to her subconsciously.

When he looked back at the battlefield.

But he saw that the ten arrows were like the scythes of the death god and demon, streaking across the sky extremely quickly.

Head straight towards the ten golden crows hanging high in the sky! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The eldest prince of the Golden Crow, Boyuan, suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, and he felt that a great terror was coming!

The next moment.

Poof! ! !

An arrow shot directly into his chest, and a thick stream of blood spat out from his mouth with a loud sound.

His eyes were full of horror, however.

The light in his eyes was gradually disappearing.

Getting bleaker.




When the other nine Golden Crows saw this scene, they roared crazily and furiously.

However, there was no time for them to grieve too much.

Then he heard the sound of arrows piercing the air.

It was as if the arrow could not be avoided. No matter how they ran away, the arrow was always directed at them.

Plop! ! !

Plop! ! !

One arrow after another pierced their chests and shot them down one by one.


Another golden crow fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

Of the eleven great suns in the sky, only one is left at this moment.

That is the supreme Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun! ! !

Even the original sun has been covered up and cannot be seen in the world! ! !


"Your Highness the Crown Prince!!!"


When the divine beings in heaven saw this scene happening, their eyes widened suddenly and they looked at the human race below with splitting eyes.

"Who shot this arrow!!!"

"I want him to pay with blood!!!!"

Tianhou Xihe looked around with eyes full of hatred. She knew that those arrows were not shot from this battlefield.

Although Di Jun's expression changed in the sky, he didn't pay too much attention.

There was nothing worth distracting him at this stage.

What's more, even if the Golden Crows die, they can always be resurrected and come back.

Therefore, even if the Golden Crow falls now, it is actually not a big deal!

At least, it's not a big deal compared to killing Xuanyuan in front of him! ! !

"It's just a golden crow, why bother!"

A smile appeared on Su Mingshi's face, smiled slightly, and said softly.

From the beginning of the Lich War, Su Ming had noticed the bow and arrow in Hou Yi's hand.

And that is a good thing to kill the Golden Crow.

In addition, under the cover of the Avenue of Fate he possessed and the blessing of the Book of Fate, he used the Avenue of Demons as ink to successfully guide Hou Yi's arrows.

Those arrows were controlled by him and shot towards the golden crows hanging in the sky! ! !

"court death!!!"

After Xihe heard Su Mingshi's words, a burst of anger suddenly surged into his heart.

He used his great avenue and headed towards the Su Ming clan.

boom! ! !

"not good!!!"

Su Ming said something bad secretly, and quickly shouted to a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian beside him: "Come and help me!!!"

During the melee between the two sides.

Hongjun looked at the scene in front of him, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Damn Emperor Jun, I want to see how you can escape this time..."

He looked at the battle between Di Jun and Xuanyuan and knew in his heart that this was far from the time for him to intervene.

Only when Di Jun was defeated or when Xuanyuan was about to die would he take action against Di Jun.

If he kills him now, he will undoubtedly suffer a double blow from Xuanyuan and Di Jun.

Both Xuanyuan and Di Jun obviously regarded this battle as an opportunity for their own breakthrough.

In other words, they use each other as a stepping stone.


Suddenly, an obscure and terrifying Tao Yun full of death and chilling energy appeared beside Hongjun.

"Death God?!!"

Hongjun's expression changed and he suddenly said in horror.

The God of Death controls death, and every appearance will be accompanied by death!

And this time, it is obvious that it is in this war.

And this guy actually dared to appear here so openly and openly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Death is like the wind, always with me..."

The Death God and Demon chanted verses, with an indescribable look on his face.

He has been in charge of death for an unknown number of years, and now, he is here just to see the fall of the human emperor or the emperor of heaven with his own eyes.

Someone is going to die after all! ! !

No matter what, these people must die here.

The more these people die, the stronger He becomes! ! !

Therefore, in fact, in His eyes, these guys should all die here! ! !

"What do you want to do?!"

Hongjun looked at the death demon in front of him with fear.

The Gods and Demons of Death and the Gods and Demons of Immortality had signed a contract in the Zixiao Palace in the past to become allies.

So, in theory, the two of them are now common allies.

Everything in the heavens is the manifestation of the law, that is, the manifestation of the Tao.

Nothing in the world can escape the shadow of Tao.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Death God and Demon let out a loud laugh, then his eyes flashed and he laughed.

"I am the God of Death, and I am in charge of the Avenue of Death. There is a war here, why can't I come here?"

"Stop doing this!!! Death God and Demon!!!"

Hongjun said coldly, and then said: "How about joining forces with me and sending the Emperor to heaven together?!"

After saying these words, the Death God Demon's eyes flashed with light.

Then he nodded slightly, laughed and said, "This is what I came here for!!"

After saying that, the vast aura of death on his body began to spurt out continuously, and endless energy poured out crazily.

Buzz! ! !

Waves of death breath rushed towards the entire battlefield crazily.

boom! ! !


"It's the breath of death..."

"The God of Death actually joined this war!!!"

"Who is he helping?"

"Damn!!! This damn death!!!"

When the breath of death rushed over, these people were all frightened and panicked.

He ran frantically towards the battlefield, fearing that he would be enveloped by the aura of death, so he evaded crazily.

Time passed quickly, and countless death auras enveloped the entire sky.

The entire battlefield was filled with the aura of death, shrouding everything.

Time is constantly changing, and the endless breath of death permeates the entire battlefield!

"Do you want to drag everyone here into the war?!"

Hongjun's expression changed and he shouted quickly.

This is almost against the whole world! ! !

Obviously, it is impossible for Hongjun to do such stupid things again! ! !

You know, if this continues, sooner or later, you will be hated by these guys again.

If this continues, is it okay?

Anyway, Hongjun doesn't want to be criticized by thousands of people anymore.

However, the Death God and Demon obviously don't care about these things. This guy is not afraid of falling into this situation at all.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You despicable ants!!! You should surrender to the feet of death!!!"

The figure of the death god and demon appeared in the sky, and the avenue of death on his body turned into infinite magical powers and fired crazily downwards! ! !

The next moment, those powerful death powers rushed towards the soldiers of Heaven like crazy! ! !

Boom! ! !


“What a disgusting smell!!!”

"Go to hell!! The God of Death!!"

"Damn guy, do you actually think you can withstand the army of heaven?!!"

Countless heavenly creatures roared downwards.

Time after time, time after time.

The next moment.

Countless heavenly beings used their extremely powerful magical powers to vent their dissatisfaction towards the extremely arrogant Death God and Demon in the sky! ! !

How dare that damn Death God and Demon be so arrogant!

Boom! ! !

The colorful magical powers burst out with endless light and rushed towards the death god and demon in the sky.


"not good!!!"

Look at the magical power rolling towards you like a river below.

The god of death was so frightened that you turned around, hid in the aura of death, and disappeared.

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