Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 465: The Battle between Heaven and Man! (V)


"It's so dangerous..."

The figure of the Death God and Demon appeared in the boundless starry sky. Looking at the colorful magical light erupting below, he looked frightened.

It seems that this kind of thing cannot be called too much.

At least you can't be so reckless...

If you continue to act recklessly, you may really have to stay there!

When he thought of this, the face of the Death God Demon couldn't help but darken a little.

"If my great body is still there, these magical powers will definitely not be able to harm me!!!"

The Death God and Demon snorted coldly and said with a proud face.


The next moment.

Buzz! ! !

The stars in the sky shine brightly!

Those stars seemed to have come alive, and their whole bodies were filled with the charm of the Avenue of Stars!


Suddenly, a voice came from the boundless starry sky.

Rays of light from stars shot out and gathered together to form a figure.

That is the ancestor of the stars! ! !

That is the ancestor of this boundless starry sky! ! !

This is the ancestor of Xingchen! ! !

When the Star Ancestor appeared here, the expression of the Death God Demon suddenly changed.

"You're a pickled ant, how dare you act so recklessly!!!"

Buzz! ! !

The boundless breath of death appears!

It's as if this beautiful starry sky is being dragged into the realm of death!

In the vast starry sky, infinite starlight shines on those endless auras of death, constantly canceling each other out! ! !

Damn guy!

How could a random person be able to fight with Him? !

"If you want to escape from this starry sky, you have to ask me!!!"

Ancestor Xingchen looked at the gloomy Death God Demon in front of him with a big smile, and his heart was full of pride and ambition!

He hasn't shown his skills for countless years!

And now is a good time to release it! !

As long as he can hold back the God of Death, he will be doing a great favor to the Emperor of Heaven, Dijun!

With the strength of the Death God Demon, he can bring some trouble to Di Jun!

Although this is nothing in front of the massive heavenly army, those people still have to deal with those humans!

What's more, there are more humans than them...

Therefore, if you can single-handedly hold back the God of Death alive, that is a good thing!

"An ant like you is just a thought of a god and demon. How can you compare with a majestic god and demon like me!!!" The death god and demon roared with sarcasm on his face.

"All three thousand avenues can lead to enlightenment. Whether they are born on the avenue itself or the creatures that appear the day after tomorrow, they are just a living being on the vast road to transcendence.

At least, I am now at the same level as your cultivation realm, right? "

Ancestor Xingchen had a look of disdain on his face and counterattacked lightly.

While the two were fighting, they verbally attacked and slandered each other!


These words of the Xingchen Ancestor deeply hurt the soul of the Death God and Demon!

Yes, damn, everyone is obviously born into a completely different class!

Why is this guy in front of me able to catch up with him! ! !

Although you can clearly feel that the opponent's strength is not as good as yours, if you want to completely defeat the opponent, it will not be a short time.

"court death!!!"

"Even if it is the same now, one day, I will have the body of the Great Dao again!!! By then, you and other incarnated beings will be just a joke!!!"

The eyes of the Death God and Demon were full of anger, and he said angrily.

"Three Thousand Avenues, there are high and low levels! What's more, it is compared to you and other innate beings!!!"

“Just like Pangu, who is in charge of the avenue of power and stands above the five supreme gods and demons!

And the five supreme gods and demons are standing firmly above us! ! ! "

"And I die!!! I am also one of the top gods and demons!!!"

"Even if you don't have the body of the Great Dao, it is not a majestic existence that you and other inborn creatures can surpass!!!"

"Although the world opened up by Pangu actually contains the existence of three thousand avenues, any of them can be proved!"

"It's easier for you to wait for these congenital creatures..."

"It will undoubtedly allow us, the great gods and demons, to fully display their true combat power!!!"


"The power of death!!!!"

Buzz! ! !


The unavoidable breath of death is drawn from all directions.

All the dead in the world seemed to have come back to life from this moment, devoting all their strength to the god and demon of death.

The next moment.

The body of the Death God Demon became extremely huge! ! !

That incomparably majestic body stands in the boundless starry sky. With a single finger of his hand, he can shatter a whole world! ! !

Boom! ! !

The God of Death punched in front of the Star Ancestor, knocking him away.

Click! ! !

The stars in that space are constantly shattering.

The smell of death is everywhere~

The breath of death instantly washed into those space cracks, and then continued to spread.

Soon, all the stars in this starry sky gradually dimmed.

It was as if he was dragged into death by the God of Death...


"No matter what it is, all the causes, all the results..."

"No matter it is the God of Destruction, or Pangu..."

"In the end, they will all be under my feet!!!"

The face of the God of Death was extremely arrogant, and he laughed loudly.

In his opinion, sooner or later he would be able to replace the position of the God of Destruction, and even replace the position of Pangu, and become the most powerful God of Chaos! !

And it would not be just that at that time, he would also surpass that figure in white clothes! ! !

Become the most majestic existence in this world! ! !

Completely control this world! ! !


That white clothes is like snow, full of loneliness.

As Ye Xuan stayed in this world for a long time, his age was actually gradually increasing.

Although his physical age did not change, his soul age had passed countless years.

And as time changed, he felt more and more that he had a kind of idea that it was lonely at the top.


"After staying in this world for a long time, I always feel like I have become an old man..."

After Ye Xuan felt the psychological changes, his heart was full of helpless expressions.

As strong as he is now, he can't erase this objective existence at all.

The fifth-level creation god is just a divine power.

That is, the strength of combat power.

And it will not improve with the psychological aspect.

This is a danger of the creation god system.

Often, although these guys have lived for an unknown number of years, because the power comes too fast, it often causes these creation gods to be unable to keep up psychologically.

As a result, many disputes have arisen.

In theory, if they are placed in the prehistoric world, who is not a cunning old fox who plays with everything?

The fifth-level creation god! ! !

That is equivalent to the realm of heaven! ! !

The Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, the existence of the peak of prehistoric combat power! ! !

However, Ye Xuan's current psychological conspiracies may not be a match for the prehistoric creatures.

He relies on his own combat power for everything!

And as the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills...

So, even if he can't beat those prehistoric creatures with his mind, he can still control them!

This is the unique power of the God of Creation!

So, in fact, as long as the God of Creation is not so stupid that he has reached a certain level, he will never be successfully backstabbed by the creatures in his own world! ! !

"Death God and Demon..."

"You have such great ambitions..."

After hearing the words of the Death God and Demon, Ye Xuan's face was full of ironic smiles.

The other party said that he wanted to surpass the Destruction God and Demon and even Pangu.

So what is the hidden words?

Obviously, that is to surpass himself! ! !

There is no one else who can be more powerful than Pangu except himself! ! !

"It's just a pity that this matter has been doomed to fail from the beginning." Ye Xuan shook his head gently and muttered to himself.

Honghuang, Nanhuang human race, in the mortal world.

“We cultivators, why should we be afraid of a fight!!!”

“Emperor Xin is unjust, I should replace him!!!”

When Xibo Hou Jichang stood on it and raised his arms and shouted.

“Crush Emperor Xin!!!”

“Emperor Xin is unjust, everyone can kill him!!!”

Many princes responded one after another!!

These princes, one by one, all followed Jichang and marched towards the capital of King Zhou of Shang!


At this time, King Zhou of Shang was still living a life of drunkenness and dreaming with Su Daji, the daughter of Su Hu.

He didn’t want to care about anything, just wanted to be with Su Daji every day, and ignored the government for a long time, which naturally led to chaos in the world.

This time, there was no so-called Qingqiu fox girl pretending to be Su Daji to cause chaos in the world, and there were no other guys intervening in this matter.

This time, Emperor Xin was a real tyrant, and Su Daji was also a real witch.

These two guys colluded with each other, and soon the world began to become chaotic.

After the world was in chaos, many princes were also eager to move towards the position of Emperor Xin of the Shang Dynasty.

So, when Ji Chang met Jiang Ziya, he raised his arms and called on the nearby princes to start heading towards Chaoge, the capital of the Shang Dynasty! ! !

Just like when the Shang Dynasty monarch Tang attacked Xia Jie, this time the target of the attack became his descendant Emperor Xin...

Soon, these guys got entangled with each other, and started a series of battles, just like the battle between the human race and the heavenly court in the upper part.

In fact, it was only more than 600 years away from the battle between the human race and the heavenly court.

More than 600 years, the battle between heaven and man in the prehistoric world has not yet reached its final end.

Even, it has begun to stalemate.

More than 600 years, it is not long, but it is not short either.

At least for a war, it is relatively long.

However, a war of this scale is not too long.

While the human race and the heavens were fighting, the dragon race and the underworld were also fighting fiercely.

In the mortal world, the human race also began to fight among themselves.

Heaven and Hell were not idle either.

The human race was having a civil war in the Central Plains, while those guys were having a war in the West.

With the highest combat power on both sides gone, Heaven and Hell also became organizations with various meeting systems.

Heaven established the Heaven Religion, which is mainly based on the belief in God, that is, the belief in Jehovah, although Jehovah is no longer there...

Of course, the matter of God is only in the mortal world. If it were in the prehistoric world, it would definitely suffer a great degree of backlash.

After all, the word God is an offense to the Emperor of Heaven! ! !

A blasphemy against the absolute authority of Emperor Jun! ! !

In Hell, the Earth Religion was created.

They believe that this dirty world will eventually be destroyed, so they want to destroy it all! ! !

Then, they will build a world of absolute fairness, justice and kindness! ! !

That's right, this is what the guys in Hell are preaching! ! !

This doctrine is really more upright than Heaven! ! !

This is also the doctrine passed down by Satan...

Although he is no longer in this world, he has also had a great impact on hell.

In the end, it was the faction of fallen angels that gained the final say, otherwise, this doctrine would not have appeared.

Of course, no matter how rampant these two forces are, they are in the West.

So, the human race created by Jehovah in the West is very unlucky.

After all, for them, this is a real disaster.

Every time there is a battle between heaven and hell, they will definitely be the unlucky ones in the end...

These scenes filled their hearts with dissatisfaction...

Therefore, they are also very envious of the human race in the Central Plains.

They want to join the human race in the Central Plains, but...

How can the human race in the Central Plains look down on these human races.

In their view, these humans created by Jehovah are just barbarians! ! !

And in the Central Plains, there is a strong prohibition, that is, it is forbidden to intermarry with barbarians! ! !

Any human who intermarries with the barbarians will be expelled from the human race!!!

The human race absolutely does not need the existence of such a guy who taints the human bloodline!!!

At the beginning, the marriage with the witch clan was also more for political reasons!

But after all, it is also the witch clan, one of the top races in the prehistoric world!!!

And now, intermarrying with those barbarians?

Wouldn't that taint the human bloodline? !

So, at most, taking those countries as vassal states is the top.

And even the people in the countries taken as vassal states by the human race will no longer be persecuted by the forces of heaven and hell!

This is the strength of the human race in the Central Plains!!!

However, it is not so easy to become a vassal state of the human race in the Central Plains...

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