Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 466 The Shadow of the Great Emperor!

The most basic thing is to be close to the Central Plains!

This is the most basic condition for becoming a vassal state of the human race!

The second is to have a certain strength!

After all, the human race is not a charity, and will recruit all garbage.

Even if the human race wants to recruit, it wants to recruit powerful countries!

In that case, you can still contribute to yourself!

Even if this contribution is not great, you can still contribute.

It's better than not contributing at all!

But there are always some Western countries that can't see this clearly...

Always think that the Central Plains is a junk collector, and is willing to collect all garbage.

So, in fact, these things can still explain something!

Just like Ye Xuan's previous life, there are always some people who think that if they are in other countries, they can do this and that and become the best.

In fact, all countries do not collect garbage.

Everyone wants to recruit elite personnel, even if it is to seduce spies, it is useful to seduce, not to find those garbage...

Of course, in today's prehistoric world, even in the mortal world.

These human beings are all at the top of the world!

It is also an existence that cannot be compared with those Western races created by Jehovah!

This is an innate suppression! ! !

This is blood suppression! ! !

There is no way, who made Jehovah's ability not as good as Nuwa!

Moreover, the prehistoric human race was not only created by Nuwa, but also helped by Ye Xuan, the god of creation!

Ye Xuan's strength is the real strength that far exceeds all creatures! ! !

What's more, he used two top-level materials to shape such a human race!

And from the dark, with the help of countless human talents, such a perfect human race was created! ! !

However, with the continuation of the bloodline, there are fewer and fewer perfect people in the human race...

This is also helpless...

After all, this kind of thing is completely unavoidable.

And if you want to completely avoid this kind of thing from happening, you can only let the entire prehistoric world transcend!

After the prehistoric world transcends, everyone is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Compared to today, isn't it a perfect human race!

By then, not only will the human race become perfect, but other races will also become perfect!

Of course, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to achieve this.


West of the prehistoric world.


"So what about Buddha? How can the Buddhist sect compare to our witch tribe!!!"

Qiangliang's disdainful laughter came.

In an instant.

The many Buddhas of the Buddhist sect, who were originally suppressed and beaten, shone with golden light!

Rays of golden light emanated from their bodies.

It was as if they were filled with endless anger after hearing the laughter of Qiangliang's ancestor witch.

Beside him, there were countless golden lights of Buddhism!

The most dazzling one was Zhunti!!!

The extremely powerful golden light was entangled with bursts of Buddhist aura, which erupted unscrupulously on Zhunti's body.

At this moment, Zhunti, who had been suppressed and fell into fear, also erupted completely!

Every inch of his body contained infinite power!

His eyebrows were full of self-confidence!

Buddhism should be invincible!!!

As Zhunti exploded, the luck of the entire Buddhism exploded and gathered instantly.

Many Buddhas of Buddhism were ravaging the great witches around them in an almost tyrannical state!!!

At this moment.

It seemed that the Buddhas of Buddhism could completely defeat the witches with just the strength of their physical bodies!!!

As Zhunti emerged with the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao.

A restriction that originally shackled him also broke apart.


"Today, I know who I am!"

Zhunti showed a smile in his eyes, and his cultivation level suddenly improved!

Even a golden light appeared in his eyes.

Qiangliang's face changed.

The Dao rhyme around him was no longer restrained and exploded instantly!


The boundless thunder domain filled the entire sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were thunderous sounds everywhere.

Along with the thunderous sounds, the boundless thunder and lightning of Xizi, the ancestor of lightning, resounded throughout the sky.

There were thunderous sounds and electric currents everywhere.



Continuous screams were heard, and countless dragon disciples were electrocuted by these electric currents, becoming very paralyzed.

After these guys became paralyzed, they were soon attacked fiercely by the great witches in front of them.

One by one, they screamed.

Even more people died tragically on the spot.

It must be said that the attacks formed by these thunder and lightning on a large range of enemies are very powerful.

It can even interfere with many enemies one by one.

And then...

On the battlefield.

There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds coming...

Accompanied by a fierce hurricane, mixed in the sound of those exploding thunder and lightning.

Waves of strange Buddha light appeared, covering up all the light of those lightning.

Even space began to ripple slightly.

All Buddhas took refuge and called for mercy.

Zhunti's figure appeared high in the sky over the entire battlefield, transforming into a sacred and inviolable Buddhist golden body.

For a moment, it seemed as if he wanted to save all heavens and make all beings convert to Buddhism.

Waves of compassion came from the supreme golden body.


"Infinite Life Buddha!"

Many Buddhas spoke of Amitabha and chanted the Supreme Sutra.

"The evil ways of the witch clan may bring disaster to the ancient world!!"

"The prehistoric era must not be chaotic! Buddhism must eliminate witches!" There was a sense of compassion in Zhunti's eyes.

However, the murderous intent in his words was difficult to conceal.


He gently raised his palm.

The Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows, and the King Kong eyes are angry!

When the Buddha was angry, the Buddhist kingdom suppressed witches! ! !

I saw a terrifying golden palm that spanned endless years and covered all the heavens and worlds appeared. It appeared from the end of time and space, and then suddenly fell.

Boom! ! !

When the Buddha Kingdom appears in the palm of your hand.

Wherever the huge golden hand passes...

In an instant.

Time and space are being annihilated...

The entire thunder field and the space filled with current collapsed instantly! ! !

Hundreds of great witches from the witch clan were completely enveloped by this terrifying hand! ! !

The Buddha's palm, which seemed to be wiping out everything, fell slowly.

That incomparably terrifying Dao Yun suppressed and obliterated everything beneath him unscrupulously!

This is the power of Buddha!

This is the power of Zhunti! !

Wherever the Buddhist kingdom passes in the palm of your hand, the power of faith of Buddhist sentient beings explodes instantly.

Boom! ! !

this moment.

The power of faith is like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens, continuous and endless.

Overwhelm the heavens! ! !

Wherever faith passes, everything is assimilated into the Buddha Land.

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds followed...

And at this moment.

These shamans, who were transformed from Pangu's bloodline, looked so small in this huge Buddha Kingdom in the palm of their hand!

Looks so fragile!

It was as if this palm could wipe them all out!

At the moment when hundreds of millions of Buddhas fall from the palm of this palm.

The great witches below all clasped their hands together, and there was actually a bit of yearning and longing in their eyes!

This is not a palm that will wipe out everything!

This is the palm of the great witches! !

Although the great witches who are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not really die!

But it can be saved by Buddhism!

This is also Zhunti's idea. After converting all these guys, naturally there is no need to worry about anything anymore! After all, they can continue to convert the witch clan and strengthen the power of Buddhism!

Maybe after this battle, Buddhism will usher in a great opportunity for prosperity! ! !

However, just when those great witches were about to be converted by Buddhism.

"court death!!!"

A loud shout sounded, and boundless violence swept across the entire battlefield in an instant!

Wow! ! !

A flame filled the entire battlefield!

Set everything on fire! ! !

These flames are filled with extremely violent emotions!

It seems like nothing can stop these flames from burning!

Boom! ! !

There is also a violent and monstrous flood, which is also coming towards this direction at this moment.

The Avenue of Fire!

The Avenue of Water!

After the manifestation of the two avenues, the boundless water and fire gathered together. These two things that were originally incompatible actually came together at this moment, heading towards the boundless Buddha's light! ! !

And under the heat and cold of the two heavens of ice and fire, the great witches who had been trapped in the bursts of Sanskrit sounds instantly woke up.

One by one, they looked at the guys opposite who were shining with golden light with anger on their faces.

"Damn ants!!!"

This situation of being manipulated and brainwashed is something that no living being can endure!

Therefore, when they regained their consciousness, they immediately used their Tao Yun magical powers to kill each other.

Powerful witches emerge one after another!

The powerful witches who were supposed to be admitted into Buddhism intertwined in the sky with extremely powerful Taoist rhymes.

Buzz! ! !

Tao Yun collision!

The avenue screams!

"Converting to Buddhism is the supreme blessing!!!" Zhunti shouted in a deep voice with a look of pain and compassion on his face.

However, when the great wizards heard this, they sneered.




"You guys are so hypocritical!!!"

Zu Wu Zhurong shouted loudly, and the supreme fire ring appeared in his hand.

between words.

The ring of fire turned into a red bird!

The sacred beast of the south, the Suzaku, was brought to life by the flame.

"A mere firefly dares to compete with us!!!"

Zhunti said in a cold and disdainful voice.

Although he has just entered the realm of the late Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

But that's not something Zhu Rong can be hostile to!

Not to mention Suzaku who is just a small flame incarnation!

Unless the real Suzaku comes, don't try to scare him away!

Then, his eyes jumped suddenly.

Buzz! ! !

Click! ! !

Boom! ! !

I saw that the huge Buddha palm that existed before suddenly changed its direction.

In an instant.

He slapped the Vermilion Bird that was transformed from flames with a fierce palm.

Puff! ! !

With a sound, the Vermilion Bird was instantly slapped away and dissipated.

A ball of extremely hot Nanming Lihuo spread out in all directions.

Buzz! ! !

Boom! ! !

Zhurong punched Zhunti fiercely.

"You are just a small Taoist, how dare you be so presumptuous!!!"

Zhunti did not dodge, and punched Zhurong fiercely with a golden light.

Zhurong was covered in golden light and flames.

Boom! ! !

The collision of flames and golden light!

However, the ball of flame was directly broken!!!


Zhurong, the ancestor witch, was actually punched out by Zhunti.

"If you enter Buddhism, you can live!!!"

Zhunti's face was filled with a trace of terrifying murderous intent.

At this moment, he completely tore off the compassion he had in the past.

With that terrifying and indifferent tone, he made a kind of judgment on the witches in front of him!


Gonggong on the side snorted coldly, and then punched Zhunti's golden body fiercely.

These people instantly fought together.

The next moment.

Golden light and magical powers flew everywhere.


On the other side.

The battle between the human race and the heavenly court also reached a fever pitch.

Rumble! ! !

"Hu... Hu..."

Xuanyuan kept panting, and there were some scars on his body at this moment.

Those were the traces left by the battle with Di Jun.

There was still some difference in his combat power with Di Jun.

"Sure enough, there is still some gap between you and me..."

Xuanyuan looked at Di Jun opposite and couldn't help but sighed.

I have been preparing for so long, but now it is the time to do it, but I am still a little behind the opponent...

"You are already very strong, strong enough. It is not easy to defeat you." Di Jun's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but say.

He also had a lot of scars on his body at this moment.

These were all from Xuanyuan's sword wounds.

Although the number was not as many as Xuanyuan's, it was not something that ordinary people could bear.

In the world, the number of people who can withstand Xuanyuan's sword is already counted.

And there are only a handful of people who can withstand so many swords and still be vigorous.

"Except for me, you are the strongest in the prehistoric world."

"But unfortunately, you met me!"

Di Jun's mouth was filled with a smile, which was full of domineering look.

That was absolute confidence in himself!

Boom! ! !

"The world is united!!!"

As Di Jun waved his hand, a terrifying Dao rhyme slowly rose.

The emperor's robe was surging around him, and vaguely, the supreme divine power could be seen!

In all the years and time, there is a majestic image of the Great Sun Emperor!!!

That is the Emperor of Heaven!!!

He is the supreme Emperor of Heaven who can decide the affairs of the universe with a single word!!!

That majestic figure stands on the long flow of time and space! It seems to be on par with the entire world!

"Not good!"

Xuanyuan saw this and his face changed suddenly.

Then he released all the Dao rhyme!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

More than 2,000 innate Daos are blooming at this moment!

In an instant.

Dao light is manifested in the sky!!!

There are also countless acquired Daos, all of which are displayed at this moment!

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