Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 467 I have a sword, I want to ask the Emperor of Heaven!

In the sword path, they all bloomed together! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

A supreme emperor's phantom also appeared from the long flow of time and space behind Xuanyuan!

That was a great king who came out of the human race!

That was a peerless and great emperor of the human race! ! !

That was the emperor Xuanyuan! ! !

Who said that there is no emperor in the human race? ? ?

Buzz! ! !

Not far away, Shennong received a trace of resonance from the dark.

The next moment...

Buzz! ! ! !

Boom! ! !

The extremely powerful and benevolent monarch also appeared behind him at this moment.

That king, just looking from a distance, could feel the great existence in the other party's body! ! !


At this moment!

Even the kind emperor of humanity turned into an angry emperor! ! !

Buddha can be transformed into a furious Vajra, and the emperor of man can be transformed into a furious emperor! ! !

No one is truly without temper!

And obviously, now with Xuanyuan's explosion, Shennong also began to explode! ! !

When two unparalleled emperors of the human race appeared on the battlefield, all the momentum was instantly pushed towards the human race!

The luck of the human race suddenly grew, and the momentum of the human race became magnificent!

"The strongest human race?"

There was a trace of disbelief in Emperor Jun's eyes!

He just saw a scene of the future through the supreme luck.

That is the world where the human race dominates the heavens!

That is the world where the human race dominates the prehistoric world!

This world seems to be destined to be trampled under the feet of the human race!

He even saw the emperor who was unprecedented and invincible in the world!

That is a true emperor!

That is an emperor that none of the emperors of the human race can compare with!

That is an emperor that even he himself may not be as good as in a certain sense! ! !

That was the sun at the hour of the night that he was most worried about!

That was the most powerful emperor among the human race, who illuminated everything in the past, present and future! ! !

"No! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

"I will not let this happen!"

"This is definitely not the fate that the human race should have!!!"

Emperor Jun frowned tightly.

He looked at Xuanyuan again with a look of tyranny.

At this moment, his heart of Taoism was in chaos.

And Xuanyuan's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"The time has come!"

"This is your flaw!!!"

Xuanyuan gently stroked the Human Emperor Sword in his hand, and a touch of tenderness appeared in his eyes.

"I have a sword."

"I want to ask the Emperor of Heaven!!!"

The next second.


The extremely bright light burst out with boundless sword aura!

That pure sword intent did not carry any Tao rhyme!

This sword.

It's just swordsmanship!

And this sword, pure to the extreme, also has an extreme edge! ! !

The end of the sharp edge is the destruction that annihilates everything!

Buzz! ! !

This sword cuts off the past and present.

This sword shatters the infinite space.

One sword falls.

And all things wither!

Xuanyuan's sword went straight to Di Jun, who had a flaw in his heart!

In an instant.

This sword pierced Di Jun's body.

It penetrated all defenses.

At this moment, the Emperor's robe and the River Map and Luoshu seemed to have become something like paper, and were penetrated in an instant.

Di Jun's body was constantly trembling.

It was shaky and dim.


Facing all this happening.

Di Jun's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an incredible but everything is under control smile.

"This sword is a bit interesting..."


"Not enough!!!"

Di Jun's body shattered instantly.


The next moment.

Boom! ! !

The extremely bright light appeared again!

Wrapped Xuanyuan and the Human Emperor Sword.


An endless golden light burst out from the broken land.

The vast sky was now filled with golden light!

At the same time.

A figure who controlled the world and seemed to be able to control the sky appeared slowly.


"How is this possible?!!!"

"No!!! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

Xuanyuan looked at this scene with gritted teeth and roared.

At this moment, his body was shaking constantly.

The style of that sword.

It was already the most powerful magical power he could show!

He obviously stabbed Di Jun!


Di Jun had no scars at all, but condensed again!

And Di Jun at this moment was undoubtedly more powerful than the previous Di Jun!

All these changes came too fast.

Even shocked everyone.

All the creatures present stopped fighting and looked in disbelief at the direction of the battle between Xuanyuan and Dijun.

"Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty is alive again?!!"

"How is this possible?!"

"I said that Your Majesty would never die! Look, this is the true greatness of Your Majesty!!!"

"I have never seen an existence as powerful as Your Majesty!"

The morale of the creatures in the heavens suddenly increased.

They counterattacked the human race again.

For a moment, the fortune of the human race, which had been rising continuously, gradually became somewhat exhausted at this moment.

At this time.

Di Jun's aura became more powerful, and a golden light emanated from his whole body.

Di Jun was one of the three-legged golden crows transformed by Pangu's charm, and he was the boss among the three golden crows.

This made him have all the temperaments of a natural emperor.

Not only did he become innately powerful and become one of the top innate sacred beings, but he also had a mind far beyond others!

In fact, he is the top innate sacred being.

It can be said that there is no other.

The so-called Lich Age is actually the era of Di Jun!

This entire era is occupied by Di Jun!

This era is called Di Jun! ! !

It is such a majestic existence that has managed the entire prehistoric world in an orderly manner!

For the Heavenly Dao, Di Jun is a meritorious existence.

And it is a huge merit.

And this, over time, has earned him a huge amount of merit!

All these merits were gathered together and made into a golden body by Di Jun.

That is the form he manifests now.

This golden body became one of his trump cards.

Merit Golden Body!!!

This is many times more powerful than the Buddhist golden body!!!

It can be said that this is the third body after the body of the Great Dao God and the body of the Heavenly Dao!

Although it is not as good as the Heavenly Dao body condensed by Hongjun, it is also the best physique in the entire prehistoric world.

Even the body of the ancestor witch is much worse than this body.

Just now, Di Jun's mentality was broken, and his invincible state of mind was no longer there. In an instant, Xuanyuan found this opportunity and defeated him normally.

Thus forcing out this trump card!

This is not a trump card that ordinary people can have. It requires a huge amount of merit to condense the merit golden body!

"Your sword is good, and the sword move just now was also very good."

Di Jun couldn't help but praise him. At this moment, his mentality had long been restored, and his state of mind was also perfect.

"But, like the sword move just now, can you still use it?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his face was filled with a confident smile.

"Damn it!"

Xuanyuan couldn't help but shout in a low voice.

Like the sword move just now, he naturally couldn't use it whenever he wanted.

Otherwise, he would have used it at the beginning.

How could it be delayed until now...

And it's not just that.

The sword just now has consumed the sharp energy he has accumulated for hundreds of years of fighting.

If he wants to use that sword again, not to mention the consumption of his own Dao Yun, just the sharp energy accumulated in the battle alone is a point that he can't bear.

And he feels that he can't support it for long in Di Jun's form.

It can be said that in Di Jun's previous state, he feels that it is not a problem for him to persist for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

But in this state, I can only hold on for a few hundred years!

No matter how extraordinary his performance is, it is impossible to break through the number of one thousand years.

Within a thousand years, he will definitely be defeated!

And by then, if he loses, the human race will probably fall into a state of extinction...


Di Jun gave up the Emperor Sword in his hand and punched fiercely.

The terrifying power directly blasted Xuanyuan away!

And Xuanyuan tried to withstand this terrifying power and wanted to draw his sword again.

However, he was immediately pressed down by Di Jun and beaten.

Every time he was about to draw his sword, Di Jun would always seize the opportunity to interrupt his spellcasting and his attack.

At this moment, Di Jun.

Almost reached a certain realm.

In just a short moment.

The energy in Xuanyuan's body continued to surge, and the injuries on his body were also increasing rapidly.

It can be said that Xuanyuan in front of him is no longer Di Jun's opponent!

Now Xuanyuan can only passively take a beating!

"I overestimated myself. In this state, I may not be able to support even a hundred years..."

Xuanyuan's face changed, and he forced himself to suppress the urge to vomit blood.

"No! I absolutely cannot admit defeat!!!"

"I can lose this battle, but the human race cannot lose!!!"

Then, suddenly the Dao light appeared all over his body.

Boom! ! !

Endless light enveloped Xuanyuan's entire body.

At this moment.

Xuanyuan seemed to have comprehended some very special Dao.

That was the Guardian Dao named Guardian.

The Guardian Dao was just one of the ordinary Daos among the three thousand Daos in normal times.

But under some very special circumstances, it can burst out with extremely terrifying power.

And at this moment, Xuanyuan seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

Became extremely powerful.

He who guarded for the human race, now, has completely been recognized by the Guardian Dao, so that he can master super power!

This bit of power just happened to strengthen Xuanyuan!

In addition, the current Di Jun is no longer as violent as he was at the beginning!

The aura of Di Jun has now completely stabilized, and the time of the explosion has disappeared.

That is the powerful improvement brought by his transformation.

At this moment, the two sides are constantly colliding.

The figures between the two people are constantly alternating.

And the avenue between the two people is also constantly improving!

The avenue that was a little obscure at the beginning is now suddenly clear and constantly improving!

The realms of the two people seem to have some subtle improvements!

This improvement is extremely weak and cannot be detected by ordinary people!

But it is indeed an improvement in all aspects!

This is a real improvement!


In the reincarnation of the underworld.

At this moment, although the outside world is noisy and the battle is endless.

But in the deepest part, there are two gods and demons playing hand-to-hand.

"These two people are really lucky. They can slowly improve their realm from the battle..." The eyes of the reincarnation gods and demons can't help but show a touch of admiration.

This is not a low-level realm, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a breakthrough.

This is the most top realm besides Pangu!

These two people are also the best in the prehistoric world!


Not just the best!

It can even be said to be the peak! !

The Demon God and Demon also smiled, nodded, and said: "These are the two most outstanding little guys among the innate sacred and acquired creatures."

The representative of the innate sacred is naturally Di Jun, no one can surpass him.

The representative of the acquired creatures is Xuanyuan, who is also beyond the reach of others.

These two guys represent the collision between the innate and the acquired, and also represent the peak showdown between the human race and the heaven!

"Haha, this is just a moment, I am more looking forward to the last three days..."

The God and Demon of Reincarnation waved slightly, and Qingtian's true spirit appeared in the center of the chessboard.

The Demon God and Demon looked at Qingtian curiously, and then raised his mouth slightly, saying: "It seems that this guy will enter the reincarnation soon..."

"Yes, it's just around the corner..."

The God and Demon of Reincarnation also nodded with a smile on his face.

The three-day people are all the top existences.

Now, they are also the existence that stirs up the wind and clouds.

These three guys play a vital role in the human race.

Suirenshi opened the glorious chapter of the human race, and Santian led the human race to the supreme existence!

If the human race is a piece of music, then Suirenshi is the opening chapter, and Santian is the climax of the gradual level! ! !

If the blue sky is the beginning of the climax, it is the link between the previous and the next.

Then Huangtian is undoubtedly the most gorgeous piece of music!

And Qingtian is the final climax of this piece of music, and it is also the most majestic existence! ! !

The terminator of this piece of music may not be him, but after this, there will be no one like him! ! !

This is Santian!

"I really want to see the prehistoric world after Qingtian enters reincarnation..."

There was a touch of yearning in the eyes of the demon god.

Although He can fully step into the infinite river of time and read countless subsequent possibilities.

But that is just a possibility after all!

The future is changing at any time!

In every moment, countless possible worlds will be born!

It will also annihilate the infinite world!

It has not yet reached the last moment.

No one knows how the final movement will be composed...

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