"Qingtian entered the reincarnation cycle in just a blink of an eye, just a few hundred years." The God of Reincarnation shook his head slightly.

He controls the Great Dao of Reincarnation, so he can naturally know the specific time of reincarnation of a soul, a spirit, or even a true spirit.

In theory, if Tiantian had not been waiting for the opportunity arranged by the Heavenly Dao, he could have been reincarnated long ago.

But the Heavenly Dao intended to make Tiantian the emperor of the human race, enjoying the treatment he did not enjoy in his previous life.

This made the God of Reincarnation somewhat helpless.

Except for this kind of Heavenly Dao's designation, the rest of the reincarnation can actually be changed.

No matter what race you are reincarnated into, or when you are reincarnated.

In fact, it is all a matter of a word from the God of Reincarnation...

"You are not allowed to disrupt Qingtian's coming to the world. This guy might be the last straw that breaks the camel's back for the Emperor of Heaven!" The God of Demon said hurriedly.

He looked as if he was afraid that he would be hidden by the God of Reincarnation.

He felt more and more that Qingtian was the one who would end this war.

Otherwise, Qingtian would not have been born in a few hundred years.

A few hundred years is not enough for this war to end.

So, in his opinion, Qingtian is the new emperor of the human race who came to end it all.

"Of course, how could I do such a thing?" The God of Reincarnation rolled his eyes at the God of Demon.

With his pride, how could he do such a dirty thing?

Hiding because of fear of losing?

This cannot be the behavior of the God of Reincarnation. He would rather lose this bet than lose his dignity and pride.

The Great Dao God of Demon is the most proud and pinnacle existence in the world.

Every Great Dao God of Demon has his own pride!

And it is the kind of extreme pride!

While being proud and naturally arrogant, he is also extremely arrogant.

Many things that only acquired creatures can do, they are completely disdainful to do.

Even the conspiracy and trickery are sneered at by some Great Dao God of Demon. They believe in their own strength more and hope to get everything with strength!

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills. If they are facing acquired creatures, this trick of theirs is often useful.

But now, the body of the Great Dao God and Demon is gone.

These Great Dao God and Demons who have lost their bodies are actually just top-level innate sacred beings.

After all, they don’t even have a soul, just a consciousness.

When they have a body and then breed a soul, the Great Dao God and Demon at that time will be the real Great Dao God and Demon!

However, it is still unknown how long it will take for the body of the Great Dao God and Demon to be conceived.

It is conceivable that no matter which Great Dao God and Demon first has his own Great Dao body, it will change the entire pattern of the prehistoric world!

Even change the entire chaos!

By that time, even Pangu doesn’t know if he is the opponent of the Great Dao God and Demon of the same realm...

Not to mention those acquired creatures.

What they can do is to quickly improve their own cultivation realm before the Great Dao God and Demon get their own bodies, and leave those Great Dao God and Demon far behind!

Only in this way can we have a chance to resist in the future.

It's a pity that those who can do this are undoubtedly the best among the acquired creatures.

Counting the entire prehistoric world, I'm afraid we can't find the number of hands.

After all, it's not an easy thing to surpass those great gods and demons in terms of realm.

It can even be said to be extremely difficult.

At the same time, deep in the years.

The gods and demons of time and space sat cross-legged, constantly communicating and discussing.

They confirmed their own great ways.

Even, they mastered each other's great ways, so as to further thoroughly master the legendary great way of time and space!

Once they mastered the great way of time and space, although they might not be stronger than the five supreme gods and demons, they undoubtedly surpassed other great gods and demons!

Even the gods and demons of reincarnation, the gods and demons of Guixu, and the gods and demons of demons could not match them!

They are constantly improving the foundation of the great way and constantly perfecting each other's great ways.

"The destiny of the human race seems to be like a golden dragon..." The God of Time frowned, and suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes.

That ray of light cut through the infinite time barrier and reached the end of time!

In his eyes, there was a constant flow of future scenes.

"The human race and the dragon race are combined, and it is normal for the destiny of the human race to appear as a golden dragon. Don't worry too much." The God of Space did not realize the meaning of the words of the God of Time, but said lightly, and then fell into the comprehension of the avenue again.

"No, I'm not talking about the dragons entering the human race. Even if the dragons enter the human race, the human race will not have golden dragons in their destiny. This golden dragon is a symbol.

After all, the human race now regards the dragons as a symbol, especially as a symbol of imperial power.

Therefore, this golden dragon, I feel that another great emperor will appear in the human race..."

The Time God and Demon's expression did not improve, but became more confused.

Aren't these human races too blessed?

You know, the human race has produced many great emperors.

Each one of them brought the human race's strength to a higher level, and their status naturally followed suit.

This is not a good thing for Dao gods and demons like them.

The two of them are used to hiding at the end of time and space, discussing the avenues with each other.

He is not good at forming cliques and does not bother to do so.

Therefore, they cannot deal with humans.

If the power of the human race becomes stronger and stronger, then their interests will naturally decline.

This is not in their interests.

This is also the reason why the Time God Demon's expression is a bit unsightly.

In the final analysis, it is because your rights and interests have been violated.

If it weren't for this, He wouldn't be able to pay attention to these things.

"Another great emperor?"

The expressions of the Space God and Demon also changed accordingly.

This happens too often, right?

Although I know that in this world, the master prefers the human race, but is this preference too much?

Looking at the entire prehistoric world, only the great emperors of the human race are coming one after another.

Like the dragon clan, there is only one ancestral dragon from beginning to end.

The Witch Clan seems to have twelve ancestral witches, but in fact, none of them have the most top-notch combat power. Even Hou Tu in the underworld can barely be regarded as one.

No matter how powerful the Heavenly Court is, there is only one Heavenly Emperor and one Eastern Emperor, and these two can be called great emperors.

And what about the human race?

First there was the Suiren family, who led the human race, endured their savings, and became the protagonist of the world.

There was also the Shennong clan, who built high walls, accumulated food, and slowly became king, making the human race actually the strongest.

Xuanyuan is now there. Climb high and call out, and fight frequently. First, you will accept the Dragon Clan, and then fight against the Heavenly Court!

The talents and talents of these three people are the best in the entire prehistoric era!

Although only Xuanyuan can be called the Great Emperor in terms of combat power, in terms of talent, these three are undoubtedly Great Emperors!

Another great emperor is coming out. What is he going to do? !

Let's just leave all the prehistoric times to the human race. Why don't they just hide? !

"Then, do we want to take action and kill the next great emperor?" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the space god and demon. At this moment, he exposed his thoughts completely.

"It doesn't matter, it's not just us who want to take action, the holiness of the heavens, and even the gods and demons will never see another great emperor appear in the human race..."

"Let them take action. We can just wait here and watch all this happen quietly."

The corners of the Time God Demon's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

His tone was so firm that the space gods and demons were stunned.

"They will take action? Then why do they want to help the human race overthrow the heaven?"

The space gods and demons were completely puzzled.

His face was full of confusion.

It seems that I don't understand what these guys are thinking.

Just like the Death God and Demon, it is clear that the purpose of helping the human race is to overthrow the heaven.

"They want to overthrow the Heavenly Court because the Heavenly Emperor is too terrifying. Such a terrifying existence cannot be allowed to occupy the position of the Heavenly Emperor again. Otherwise, when they really return in the future, they may not be able to deal with this ancient peer. Today’s Emperor.”

There was an inexplicable tone in the words of the Time God Demon.

I couldn't tell for a moment whether it was a pity or a joy.

His expression was also a little confused.

In terms of personal interests, naturally one does not want to see such an enemy appear.

But from a neutral perspective, it may be a pity not to see such a peerless emperor reach the top.

"I understand. Fellow Taoist is saying that these guys don't want to see the Emperor of Heaven being too strong, nor do they want to see the human race being too strong, right?" Although the space gods and demons had a questioning tone, it was obvious that he It was already very certain in his words.

"Yes, that's right."

"Although it is difficult for humans to have existences like the Emperor of Heaven, once there are more of them, it is not necessarily a good thing for them..."

The Time God Demon shook his head slightly, feeling a little disappointed.

When will this era end?

When will the era of gods and demons come?

He can't wait for the age of gods and demons to come! ! !

That will be the most brilliant era! ! !

It will also be the most shining era for all eternity! ! !

That is the era they, the gods and demons, really want! ! !

The southern wasteland.


"There is such a powerful disciple hidden in Buddhism?!"

"Who is this? How can a mere Arhat have power that rivals Hunyuan?!!"

"No! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

Countless creatures in the battlefield all looked at the arhat who shone in great surprise.

That is the lowest level of attainment in Buddhism.

Above the Arhat is the Bodhisattva, and above the Bodhisattva is the Buddha.

Those who want to realize Arhat must first cultivate to the Supreme Arhat!

Those who want to realize Bodhisattva must first cultivate to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

Those who want to attain Buddhahood must first cultivate to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

In Buddhism, each fruition position actually corresponds to a realm!

Of course, this is also the most common correspondence.

It is also the epitome of many people who do not really want to practice Buddhism and just want to seek refuge in Buddhism.

In fact, Buddhism only has rigid requirements for strength, and the rest is completely up to one's will.

Just like some people's actual state of mind has long corresponded to the real Buddha realm in Buddhism, but because of insufficient strength, they cannot become a real Buddha!

And the vast majority of so-called Buddhas, in fact, have not reached the state of mind in Buddhism at all! They don't even have the realm of a Bodhisattva, and even worse, they may not even have an Arhat...

One is based on the great way of Buddha, that is, the realm of Dharma.

The other is divided by the realm of cultivation!

If Buddhism wants to grow, it must naturally be divided according to the latter, otherwise there will be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian shouting Buddha to a guy who may only be a Daluo Jinxian...

And that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may only be a small Arhat...

This is obviously inconsistent with the prehistoric world!

The prehistoric world emphasizes strength first.

Of course, there are also some people who have clearly reached the strength, but refuse to be promoted to Bodhisattva or Buddha because their state of mind and Dharma cultivation are not enough.

Although these people are ridiculed by other Buddhist disciples, they are undoubtedly the real Buddhist disciples.

And Kinnara is undoubtedly such a Buddhist disciple.

When he appeared on the battlefield.

Not only the dragons, witches and other creatures were surprised, even the Buddhist disciples were also surprised.

Is there really such an outstanding person in their Buddhist sect?

Only Zhunti's face suddenly changed.

"This guy has actually reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?!"

Zhunti's face changed.

Of course he knew who this was. This was the disciple of the old ancestor Shichen, and one of the few strong men with a firm mind in Buddhism.

After the old ancestor Yangmei, the old ancestor Shichen, and the old ancestor Yinyang lost their power, this guy just came out of the paradise and became an arhat.

Kinnara also knew that there was no way to save those worlds.

Those were all ignorant people among the countless living beings. Those guys never thought about how strong they could become. They just wanted to live a carefree life there.

For the rest of the things, nothing else.

For them, practicing is very tiring and painful, and definitely not a blissful thing.

So, Kinnara understood that these guys who voluntarily entered the three Buddha kingdoms were all possessed by some kind of desire in their hearts, and they could not be awakened at all.

Perhaps, someone did not want them to wake up.

And that person was undoubtedly the master of those Buddha kingdoms.

Kinnara, who saw through this, went to the real prehistoric world to act as an ascetic monk and traveled all over the world.

Finally, in a certain realm in the infinitesimal world, he encountered the saint Hongyun who traveled all over the world.

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