Kinnara was enlightened by him and became enlightened immediately.

He became a powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although in Hongyun's view, Kinnara at this time can already be called a Buddha.

He is a real Buddha, comparable to a saint.

But this guy insists on saying that he is very far away from Buddha.

I would rather carry the status of an Arhat and go on like this without becoming a Bodhisattva or a Buddha.

Kinnara walks across the heavens, with one foot touching the earth.

Every step you take will be accompanied by a strong shock of the Taoist rhyme!

That is a kind of avenue similar to Hongyun's Saint's Avenue!

That is……

The true path of Buddha! ! !

That is the person who has walked the farthest on the Buddha's path in the entire prehistoric era!

A terrifying existence second only to the gods and demons of Buddha!

This is how a Buddhist genius should be!

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Zu Wu Pingshou in front of him.

Put your hands together and smile slightly.

The Buddha's light all over his body suddenly surged out.

The next moment.

His figure disappeared from the spot, and the avenue full of mercy and mercy instantly enveloped Ling Shou's body.

"Ancestral Witch of Jin, you and I will fight today!!!"

"Haha, where does the bald donkey come from and dares to talk nonsense here!!!"

Wu Ping, the ancestor of Jin, waved away the dragon in front of him, and then rushed towards Kinnara!

Kinnara's expression remained unchanged, and he slightly struck Ling with his palm.

His expression was extremely indifferent, and he became extremely relaxed as he waved his hands.

Buzz! ! !

An endless golden light shot out from his body and headed towards Ling Shuo in front of him!

Kinnara, as a disciple of Buddhism, is most full of Buddhist connections.

At this moment, he has far surpassed other Buddhist disciples!

In fact, even the three ancient ancestors of Buddhism, and even the two ancestors of Buddhism today, are actually far inferior to Kinnara!

It can be said that among the entire Buddhist sect, perhaps only Kinnara has truly walked towards the path of Buddha! ! !

"Your understanding is good, and this palm is also very good, but it's too far behind..."

Piao's expression changed slightly, and then he shook his head contemptuously.

The Kinnara in front of me is really a Buddhist genius, but now, it is still difficult to match him!

At least, now he thinks that the other party is far inferior to himself! ! !

The underworld.

"Buddhism really has a good disciple..." There was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the reincarnation god and demon.

"Yes, but this one will soon fall into the devil's path..." The corners of the Demon God's mouth raised slightly.

How could he not see that the depths of Kinnara's soul had been completely eroded by Rahu's magical power.

Even Kinnara himself didn't notice this!

Let alone other existences!

Only Rahu who performs this and the Demon Gods and Demons who are in charge of the Demonic Way know this!

And the eroding magical power did not directly erode the opponent's true soul like before.

On the contrary, it makes Kinnara’s Buddha-nature become purer!

But as the saying goes, things must be reversed when they reach their extremes!

It's like the gods and demons of light have mastered the avenue of darkness!

All it takes is an opportunity for Kinnara, who is filled with Buddha nature, to instantly turn into a demon Buddha with monstrous thoughts! ! !

And this opportunity, I don’t know when it will appear, but it is also a hidden danger!


The Samsara God and Demon was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the Demon God and Demon in disbelief.

Could it be said that these guys have become so rampant?


The gods and demons of demons would not use that method!


That is the demon ancestor Rahu! ! !

Only Luo Hu has such means! !

Moreover, maybe only Rahu would play such tricks all day long! ! !

Apart from Luo Hu, there is probably no one else...

"Is it Rahu?"

The Samsara God and Demon immediately frowned and asked.

"Yes, this kid still has some abilities. Although he is a bit evil, he still has some tricks in this regard." The Demon God and Demon also said with some praise.

Not to mention anything else, but from this aspect, Luo Hu is still very good.

At least, not even as good as Buddhism!

Buddhism's transformation can only transform those whose combat power is very different.

And the boy Luo Hu of the Demon Gate was actually able to be transformed along with his realm! ! !

This is what Rahu is capable of!


The reincarnation gods and demons didn't know what to say for a while, so they could only silently mourn for Buddhism.

Buddhism is really miserable, it’s hard to find such a person.

It was actually booked in advance by Momen!

He could imagine what the expressions of the Buddha, God and Demon would be like when the Buddha saw that the Demon Gate had snatched Kinnara away.


You have to find the devil and the devil to fight for your life...

Or, go directly to Luo Hu...

After all, the gods and demons of demons are not something that the gods and demons of Buddha can deal with.

Anyway, no matter what, the gods and demons of Buddha will definitely be angry to death.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The thought of making the Buddha, the God and the Demon feel uncomfortable, made the Demon and the God of the Demon laugh endlessly.

My mood suddenly improved a lot.

For Him, as long as the gods and demons of immortals and Buddhas are uncomfortable, then He will be very happy!

As for whether to kill these two, He would not run over to kill them directly.

If the other party does not give Him a reasonable excuse, He will not easily do it.

This is the pride of the Great Dao God and Demon!

This is no longer the past in the chaos, where they could fight over a disagreement.

They are now facing those creatures, which are serious and authentic noble beings.

Since they are noble beings, they naturally have their own pride.

It is too cheap to fight for the so-called disagreement.

It must be said that when the Demon God and Demon entered the prehistoric world, they had unconsciously restrained themselves a lot.

Perhaps, it was the dignity of the God and Demon that made Him become like this.

After all, it would be too unmannerly to play with some little guys.

And playing with those Great Dao Gods and Demons?

He had played with them countless times in the chaos.

These guys have long been on guard against Him, and it is not an easy thing to play with them!

Not only that, he also has a deeper thought.


"In the prehistoric world, is there really such an outstanding disciple?"

The corner of Buddha's God and Demon's mouth slightly raised, looking at Kinnara below.

He did nothing at this moment, just staring at Kinnara below all the time.

As long as Kinnara is in danger, he will not hesitate to rescue him!

He did not think of directly participating in this battle, after all, he did not see any gods and demons from the Wu clan.

As the pride of the Great Dao God and Demon, he is not willing to take action against these juniors.

As long as these juniors do not hurt the people he likes, he will not take action.

"This boy should be the future Buddha!"

The corner of Buddha's God and Demon's mouth slightly raised.

Compared with Jie Yin and Zhunti, he admired Kinnara in front of him more.

After all, Kinnara is the legitimate successor of Buddha's Great Dao!

Whether it is Jie Yin or Zhunti, they are all guys who sell dog meat under the guise of sheep!

These guys really deserve to die.

They actually made his Buddhism into what it is now!

How can the Buddha Gods and Demons deal with this?

How can the Buddha Gods and Demons be willing to accept this!

If even he couldn't easily give the position of Buddha to Kinnara now, he would have given it to Kinnara long ago.

Instead of leaving it in Zhunti's hands!

Of course, whether it is the ancient Buddha, the present Buddha, or the future Buddha, they are all controlled by the Buddha Gods and Demons.

It's just because the way the ancient Buddha and the present Buddha took the throne was too outrageous. They used the fragments of the Heavenly Dao and directly embedded the Buddhist philosophy into the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, the positions of the ancient Buddha and the present Buddha were out of control of the Buddha Gods and Demons.

In other words, the position that the Buddha Gods and Demons can actually control is only the position of the future Buddha.

It was originally left by Jie Yin and Zhunti to their disciples.

Now, it has been directly appointed by the Buddha Gods and Demons.

And facing this fact, they actually have no way.

After all, it would be good if the other party could not remove them directly.

Giving the position of the future Buddha to Kinnara is also a good choice.

But Kinnara, this guy, would not easily accept this position.

After all, in his opinion, he is just a small Arhat now.

He can't even achieve the fruit position of a Bodhisattva, let alone a Buddha...

Oh, this is the future Buddha!

Not just an ordinary Buddha...

However, regarding this point, the Buddha's God and Demon will personally persuade the other party after the battle.

And when the Buddha's God and Demon finished speaking.

The luck of Buddhism suddenly changed!

The luck of the entire Buddhism became a little inexplicable at this moment!

It seems to have grown, and it seems to have expanded!

And it seems to have shrunk a little!

This change made Jie Yin and Zhunti, who were fighting, instantly understand this matter!

"Is the position of the future Buddha changed?!"

Suddenly, Zhunti discovered this matter.

His eyes were full of anger, but he was helpless.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake.

And the Buddha's gods and demons are not only strong dragons, but also local snakes...

"Future Buddha?!"

Jie Yin also discovered this matter instantly, and his face changed immediately.

However, the two people were helpless about this, so they had to put all their energy into the battle.

Let's talk about this future Buddha later!


In the prehistoric world, the turmoil has reached a peak and an extreme.

There are countless creatures fighting all the time!

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly moved his consciousness to the outside world.

Moreover, he also adjusted the time in the prehistoric world to a one-to-one degree with the reality.

This kind of reverse time adjustment can only be done by the existence of the master of the time avenue!

And for other creators who have not mastered the time avenue, they can't do this at all! At the very least, they have to bear the time flow rate of one day equal to one year! !

At this moment, Ye Xuan has come to the virtual communication platform.

"Brother, come and fight me. You have reached the level of the fifth-order Creation God. Although I have already reached the level of the fifth-order Creation God, I will not bully you. Personal battle, God's kingdom battle, or potential battle, you can choose whatever you want!"

A handsome young man in front of him said with a smile as he looked at Ye Xuan in front of him.

In his opinion, although Ye Xuan, who had just entered the fifth-order Creation God realm, was powerful, he could not beat him, an old guy who had already reached the fifth-order Creation God perfection!

"Potential battle?"

Ye Xuan frowned and looked at the young man in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, potential battle, the product that appeared after the update of the virtual communication platform this time, I don't know what it is, but I heard that it is based on the potential between our two God's kingdoms..."

The young man smiled slightly and said confidently.

Since he could say that he would let Ye Xuan choose, he must be full of confidence in himself.

In fact, he is also a peerless genius.

Otherwise, he would not have such confidence.

"Is that so? Well, I choose the potential battle!"

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised.

Perhaps he may have encountered a genius among geniuses in the fifth level and it is a little difficult to win.

But if it is a comparison of potential, then he can definitely win.

"What is the bet?"

Ye Xuan continued.

"Source! How many do you want to bet? Or how many do you have to bet?" The corners of the boy's mouth slightly raised, full of evil smile.

"How about betting five?" Ye Xuan was also afraid that he would ask for too much at once and scare the other party away directly.

Originally, this source was to gather ten to strengthen the foundation of the world and improve the foundation of the world, so that he could become a true fifth-level creator god.

But Pangu opened up another world in himself. This alternative approach really allowed him to ignore the limitations of the chaos of the prehistoric world and successfully break through to the fifth level!

In fact, as long as the foundation of the chaotic world is upgraded to the fifth level, the creatures in the prehistoric world will have many more ways to break through the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, which is relatively easier!

Although Pangu's method is feasible, it is too talent-intensive.

This is not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course, after the breakthrough, it will be relatively stronger!

Therefore, the foundation of Honghuang still needs to be strengthened, otherwise, his development will be greatly restricted.

"Five? Do you have so many sources?" The boy frowned and looked at Ye Xuan.

He really doubted that Ye Xuan had so many sources?

"Don't worry about this. Even if you don't have it, if I lose, are you still afraid that I won't return it?" Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at the boy in front of him.

"Okay, you are sure to eat me!"

The boy's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at Ye Xuan with a sneer.

However, he continued: "Well, I want to see what you should do after you lose!"

Then, he challenged Ye Xuan.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan quickly nodded his agreement.

"The other party only has two sources, do you still agree to the bet?"

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