When Ye Xuan's source bet was only two, the platform system immediately alerted the young man.

And Ye Xuan also knew at this time that this young man's name was Ye Tian.

Ye Tian is a peerless genius who has lived in Dayexuan for tens of thousands of years.

That era was also an era ruled by Ye Tian.

Just like Ye Xuan today, he has suppressed the entire era and suppressed countless creatures.

The opponents of players like him are often not people of the same era, but players far ahead of this era.

In other words, a peerless genius like Ye Tian who dominates an era is the opponent of someone like Ye Xuan.


Ye Tian was not afraid at all that Ye Xuan would do anything to renege on his debt.

People like him know that the other party will never default on their debt.

Although there are many three sources, enough for 99% of the people in this world to cheat, in fact some people don't have to do this.

At least, it won't be like this here at Ye Xuan.

[Confirm duel. 】

[Direction of duel: Compete against the potential of the Kingdom of God, and the potential of both sides will be assessed by the platform rules. 】

【The duel begins! 】

[Start to measure the potential of both sides! 】

As the duel prompt sounded, the duel between the two was also uploaded to the big screen.

This competition between peerless geniuses versus peerless geniuses is particularly eye-catching!

On the square.

There were many people around, all gathered around, just wanting to see what the final result of this battle would be.

When they saw Ye Xuan, many of them were extremely jealous in their hearts, but they also admired him very much.

When they saw Ye Tian again, there were traces of contempt on all these people's faces.

Although Ye Tian is a peerless genius, his rating is actually not very good.

And that's not all. I don't know how many people have been tricked.

"Tell me, between Ye Tian and Ye Xuan, who will win?"

"I do not know……"

"These two guys are more powerful than the other. One is a peerless genius from the past era, and the other is a peerless genius now. I don't understand who is the stronger one among these two."

"I guess Ye Tian is even more powerful. No matter how strong Ye Xuan is, he is just a newcomer who has just entered the fifth level of the Creation God.

And that guy Ye Tian has proven his strength with countless battles. This guy is obviously stronger than many people. At least I think Ye Tian will win this one! "

"I also think Ye Tian will win. After all, that guy Ye Tian has fought many times."

"Everyone, from the perspective of combat, there is no doubt that Ye Tian will win, but now it is not a battle, now it is a competition for the potential of the Kingdom of God!!!

The potential of this Kingdom of God is not only the potential of living beings, but also has many aspects!

I think Ye Xuan has a higher chance of winning! "

"Yes, I also think Ye Xuan will win. After all, this boy Ye Xuan has reached the fifth level of Creation God in just two years!!!"

"Two years and a fifth-level Creation God, you can imagine how huge the other party's potential is!!!"

"That's right, this is a competition for the potential of the Kingdom of God! It's not a competition for the combat power of the Kingdom of God! I will definitely think Ye Tian wins in the battle strength comparison, but in terms of potential, I still think Ye Xuan is the strongest."

"Every one of his divine creatures seems to be a legendary mythical creature!!! So, I think Ye Xuan is bound to win!"

The guys next to them began to discuss with each other one by one.

Everyone has someone they like, and that's not all.

What's more, they even shouted directly.

"Brothers, the perimeter is open!"

"Open the perimeter?!"

"There's a perimeter again?!"

Suddenly, a group of people gathered around him.

These guys ran over one by one and surrounded the person who shouted earlier.

Not everyone can open something like peripherals.

Moreover, not all battles can be open to the outside.

After all, if you want to open up the periphery, you need three conditions.

First, some people have a huge capital pool and can afford those people's bets.

Secondly, you must have a strong reputation so that everyone can trust you in order to be useful.

Thirdly, there is not much difference in strength between the two sides in this duel.

Only if it meets three points can the perimeter be opened.

"Me!!! I want to bet!!!"

"I want to place a bet!!!"

"I want another source!!! Bet Ye Tiansheng wins!!!"

Suddenly, a group of people were placing bets wildly.

Most people are Xia Ye Tian.

Only a few people fell in love with Ye Xuan!

And every time a bet is placed, the odds will change up and down.

Anyway, the banker will never make a big loss.

Of course, it is a bit difficult to avoid losing money at all.

After all, he couldn't keep the odds too low.

And after the competition between Ye Xuan and Ye Tian began, the outside world was also decided and no more bets were accepted.

"Hahahaha, junior, you really shot yourself in the foot this time!!!"

"Senior, this time, let's teach you to remember! Let you know what the dangers of society are!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Tian laughed wildly, obviously very happy at this moment.

For him, this time it was a waste of money!

This source is a good thing!

You get five sources at once! ! !

Five sources, that is more than 500 million divine sources of resources! ! !

Although this resource is not something difficult for Ye Tian to obtain, it is not something that ordinary people can obtain.

At least, this is a very good resource for Ye Tian.

"I'm going to suffer a little loss and do the evaluation first!"

Ye Tian laughed and walked to the side.

Buzz! ! !

A golden ray of light rose into the sky and fell endlessly from the sky!

The evaluation light belonging to the virtual communication platform instantly enveloped Ye Tian's figure!

Buzz! ! !

The extremely powerful technological runes are constantly circulating!

That is the ability that belongs to the avenue of science and technology! ! !

This is also the most shining existence of Science and Technology Avenue! ! !

when! ! !

A mighty and distant bell came from the square!

That is the bell that belongs to Ye Tian!

Every sound of a bell represents the level of the Creation God that Ye Tian can reach!

when! ! !

when! ! !

when! ! !

when! ! !

There is no doubt that these first five things are known to everyone!

After all, Ye Tian now possesses the realm of the late fifth-order creation god!

Therefore, these five bells are known to everyone!


when! ! !

"Sure enough, Ye Tian is a person with sixth level potential!!!"

"What nonsense? He can reach the late stage of the fifth-level Creator God at such a young age. That's for sure the sixth-level! Not to mention the sixth-level, it's natural for him to reach the realm of the seventh-level Creator God!"

"That's right, I'm not surprised that the seventh-level Creation God is here!"

when! ! !

Seventh level potential! ! !


"It is indeed Ye Tiantian!!"

"As expected of Ye Tian!! The seventh-level Creation God is so strong!!!"

"Good guy, you can indeed reach the seventh level of the Creation God!!!"

when! ! !

boom! ! !

A dazzling light appeared in the entire square, announcing Ye Tian's potential to everyone on the platform! ! !


"The potential of the eighth-level creation god!!! He is indeed the peerless genius Ye Tiantian!!!"

"Ye Tian is too strong, isn't he?! He actually has the potential of the eighth-level Creation God!!!"


"This is such a fucking history!!!"

"At least this is the highest potential in direct testing!!!"


A row of evaluation data slowly appeared.

[Type of Kingdom of God: Soul World. 】

[Living potential: eighth level. 】

"Eighth level!!!"

The bystanders around looked at this scene and gasped in fear.

Although this eighth-level potential does not mean that this person will definitely become an eighth-level creation god.

But you must know that these guys may also become eighth-level creation gods! ! !

Eighth-level Creation God, what is that concept?

That is the most top creation god in the world! ! !

As long as it reaches the eighth level of the Creation God, then the Great Xia Kingdom will be able to completely stand above the other countries! ! !

At least, it can make the guys around you crazy about it! ! !

"The potential of the eighth-level creation god!!!"

"Oh my god!!!"

"What the hell is this guy!!!"

"Damn it, the eighth-level Creation God!!! That is a legendary existence!!! There is only one from each of the five major countries!!!"

"If Ye Tian became the eighth-level creation god, how powerful would he be!!!"

"That's the legendary eighth-level Creation God!!!"

"Hey, calm down, that's just the potential of the eighth-level Creator God. There should be some people with this kind of potential, but over the years, besides those Creator Gods, who else is there?"

"Yes, potential is just potential after all, not real cultivation and realm!!!"

"Good guy..."

When Ye Tian's potential was that of an eighth-level Creation God, it immediately shocked everyone on the entire platform. Everyone was shocked by his terrifying potential!

This is no joke!

You know, this is the eighth-level Creation God! ! !

That's not all.

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

In the sky above, five seventh-level creation gods suddenly appeared!

These five are no one else, they are the top people in charge of the Daxia Guowen Road! ! !

The pinnacle existence of the seventh-level creation god! ! !

In other words, the deans of the five major colleges! ! !

"Ye Tian..." Zhu Yuanzhang murmured in a low voice.

"I remember that he seemed to be a kid who was very outstanding recently..." Liu Bang said with a frown.

"Well, yes, the potential of the eighth-level creation god is worth cultivating." Ying Ji nodded and said with a smile on his face.

Obviously, he was quite optimistic about Ye Tian in front of him.

When they set up this potential competition, it was actually to evaluate those guys.

And now, it’s time to harvest!

"Yes, not everyone has this kind of potential. Even after so many years, it is rarely seen." Li Yuan also nodded with interest and looked at Ye Tian in front of him.

"How about incorporating him into the Supernova Project so that he can develop quickly and hope that he can become a sixth-level creation god..." Ji Chang nodded and suggested.





In an instant, these people all said in agreement.

Then, the five people signed all the corresponding matters.

The relevant procedures have been completed, just wait for the other party to appear quickly, and that's it.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"It's the dean!!!"

"He is the dean of the five major colleges!!!"

"The deans are here!!!"

"Has Ye Tian's talent actually alarmed the deans of the five major colleges?!"


in the virtual communication platform.

"The potential of the eighth-level creation god? Very good..."

Ye Xuan, who was still in the middle of the competition, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at Ye Tian, ​​who was already extremely arrogant in front of him, and smiled contemptuously.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ye Xuan, you don't think that since you have reached the fifth level of Creation God in a short time, your future achievements will be higher than mine, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"The eighth-level creation god!!!"

"Do you know what this means?"

"This means that in the future, I will become the most magnificent existence in the world!!!"

Ye Tian's face looked a little sick, and he yelled at Ye Xuan frantically.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he laughed endlessly and said: "Now, do you understand the gap between you and a real genius?!"

"You're just an eighth-level creation god. You seem to think you're unique..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and said disdainfully.

You know, once his prehistoric world is reviewed, he will definitely become a breakthrough eighth-level creation god!

At least, that is also the existence of the ninth-level Creation God! ! !

He is full of confidence in the primitive and chaotic world! ! !

"I want to see how much potential you can reach!" Ye Tian said with a mocking look on his face.

Buzz! ! !

As Ye Xuan walked into the evaluation time.

boom! ! !

Boundless golden light enveloped Ye Xuan.

when! ! !

when! ! !

when! ! !

when! ! !

when! ! !

Suddenly, five bells suddenly enveloped the place.

The next moment.

Everyone outside was also attracted by Ye Xuan's evaluation.

when! ! !

"Sure enough, it's the potential of the sixth-level Creation God!!!"

"What level is Ye Xuan's potential? Seventh level or eighth level?!"

"Seventh level, after all, how can it be so easy at eighth level..."

"Eighth level! At least an eighth level existence!!!"

"Yes, at least an eighth-level existence!!! This guy has reached the fifth level in just two years!!!"

when! ! !

"Level 7!!!"

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