Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 471 The bell rang ten times, and the whole world was shocked!

"He actually has the potential of a seventh-level creation god!!! Is this guy so strong?!"

"As expected of a peerless genius, he actually has the potential of the seventh level! Do you think it is possible for Ye Xuan to be an eighth-level Creation God like Ye Tian?!"

"Tell me, can Ye Xuan surpass Ye Tian?"

"I guess it will work!"

Suddenly, the guys in the surrounding square all started discussing with each other.

Ye Tian looked at Ye Xuan, who was smiling in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he could see the moment when the other person was slapped in the face.

He knew in his heart that the seventh-level Creation God was already the limit of the boy in front of him.

After all, there are really few eighth-level creation gods in this world.

Everyone who can enter this platform is a genius. At least, they are the ones who have reached the fourth level of Creation God!

From a certain level, everyone who can reach the fourth level of Creation God actually surpasses the vast majority of people and can be regarded as a genius.

However, what is most indispensable in this world is this so-called genius.

A peerless genius on an ordinary planet is just an ordinary person if you look at the entire star field.

And a peerless genius in the Star Territory, if you look at the entire Daxia Kingdom, he is just an ordinary person.

This is the limitation of the world.

As the saying goes, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the mountains.

That's the truth.

Therefore, this is why Ye Xuan has a very high self-esteem now and thinks that he is extremely talented!

But in Ye Tian's eyes, this is nothing.

After all, he is now a super genius with the potential of the eighth-level Creation God!

That is a serious genius!

He is no ordinary genius!

Moreover, what Ye Tian likes most is watching those guys who were called geniuses in his own place in the past, and then being beaten to pieces in front of him!

Especially when the whole world in front of him said that he was a peerless genius, that peerless genius was destroyed by him in front of him!

The kind of self-confidence that destroys a peerless genius!

He enjoyed that look very much!

Over the years, he has done this kind of thing!

Every year, there are many guys who claim to be peerless geniuses. These people are among the strongest in their generation. However, when facing Ye Tian, ​​they will eventually collapse!

This is his favorite picture!

In the past, those times were just defeats in terms of strength, and those people would have the ability to comfort themselves.

They all think about thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Now Ye Tian is powerful, but it is only because Ye Tian has practiced early.

Although many people know that the difference between them is only thousands, hundreds or even decades.

But they still have their own excuses.

And at those times, you may be able to catch up with the so-called time aspect.

And when the current potential system comes out, this is the time when it can truly destroy a person's self-confidence!

Let the other person know that his potential in this life is only limited to a certain level!

"Feel the despair, Ye Xuan!" Ye Tian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Ye Xuan in front of him, and couldn't help but sneered.

In his opinion, Ye Xuan in front of him was just a deceitful person.

As long as you are taught a harsh lesson by him, it will be completely broken.


The next moment.

when! ! !

The bell rings again!

And this also means that Ye Xuan's potential is the same as his, reaching the level of the eighth-level Creation God! ! !

This made Ye Tian's face instantly stiffen and become extremely embarrassed.

I was slapped in the face by the other party!

The person I have always looked down on can actually achieve the same potential as myself!

The eighth-level creation god!

Even in this virtual communication platform, it is probably difficult to find another guy with the potential of an eighth-level Creator God!


He was so desperate that he just hit Ye Xuan! ! !

And Ye Xuan is one of the few people who has the potential to become an eighth-level creation god!

"How is it? Keep talking!"

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of sarcasm as he looked at the other party.

on the square.


"How can this be?!"

"A tie?!"

"What is this?"

"Eighth-level Creation God!!! The two proud men of our Daxia Kingdom are both named Ye!!!"

"too strong!"

the other side.

The five deans high in the sky also nodded to each other with smiles on their faces.

Even Liu Bang, who had always been unhappy with Ye Xuan, didn't say much at this time, but smiled.

"You guys said, how far can Ye Xuan's potential reach?" Ji Chang said with a smile.

"According to what I said, his potential is at least a ninth-level Creation God!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said without hesitation.

"Yes, it will definitely be the ninth-level Creation God!" At this moment, Ying Ji also looked at Ye Xuan who was competing in the subspace with a hopeful look on his face.

If the other party really has the potential of a ninth-level Creation God, he will definitely be able to fulfill his talent and become a ninth-level Creation God in the future.

But as long as nothing happens in the future, it will be absolutely fine to become an eighth-level Creation God!

In this world, potential is potential, and strength is strength.

Not everyone can truly realize their talents perfectly!

But there are many people who are one level below their potential.

As long as nothing really happens and causes the potential to drop, it will definitely be able to reach the previous state of peak potential.

In other words, Ye Tian, ​​who has the potential of the eighth-level Creation God, will definitely be able to become the seventh-level Creation God as long as nothing happens in the future!

As for the eighth-level Creation God, it depends on whether the other party can cross that hurdle.

As for the deans of the five colleges, everyone actually has the potential to become an eighth-level creation god.


None of them has truly reached the realm of the eighth-level creation god.

"He will not stop at the eighth-level Creator God. His potential is higher than that of anyone in this world, because the world he created is a world of chaos!"

Liu Bang also said with complexity and emotion.

It would be great if such a person were myself.


"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Ye Tian began to fall into self-doubt. He would never allow himself to have the same talent as Ye Xuan!


Ye Xuan possesses the potential of the eighth-level Creation God!

He looked at Ye Xuan tremblingly.

But he happened to meet Ye Xuan's eyes full of sarcasm and ridicule!

when! ! !

The ninth bell suddenly rang!

This time, Ye Tian instantly fell into the boundless abyss!

He was completely called, what is despair!

this moment.

He experienced the pain of those students who were humiliated and shocked by him in the past!

Nine bells ring, ninth level capital! ! !

The moment this sound sounded, it was as if the whole world had stopped! ! !

It wasn't until a student accidentally exclaimed that the silence was completely broken...

"Nine bells ring! Supreme gift!!!"

"He actually has the qualifications of a ninth-level creation god!! Does this man really want to become the only ninth-level creation god in this world?!"


When the bell rang nine times, the whole world began to go crazy!

The sound of the bells ringing has actually passed through endless time and space!

It penetrated these obstructive time and space and spread directly to the sky above the entire Creation Continent! ! !

"This is?"

"Why is there a sudden ringing of bells in the sky?"

"What happened?!"

Only the territory of Daxia Kingdom.

He fell into sluggishness for a moment, and then fell into endless revelry and horror.

Even those in charge of power in the Great Xia government who have reached the seventh level of the Creation God are very horrified at this moment!

I don’t know how many years have passed since the era of the ninth-level creation god. Is it really going to usher in a peerless god at this moment? !

The meeting of the Five Elders was held in advance.

The Five Old Stars are the most powerful people in the Daxia government.

That is, the five former deans who were promoted from the five major colleges!

They hold all the power!

A meeting of five people is called a meeting of five elders!

These five people were in charge of the five major forces at the beginning, and later they were in charge of the national context, and then they directly became the representatives of the highest power.

Five old stars, one sun.

This sun is the eighth-level creation god, and it is also the foundation of the Great Xia Kingdom!

On weekdays, Wulaoxing takes charge of things.

Only when the life and death crisis of Great Xia comes, will the sun appear...

"Everyone, the nine bells are ringing now, which means that there is a peerless talent. No matter who this person is, they must be protected and not allowed to be murdered by other countries!" The father-in-law scanned the entire venue with his sharp eyes. .

He is the founder of the Zhou Dynasty!

It is also recognized as the first of the five old stars!

Because he has the oldest qualifications and the highest level!

The seventh-level creation god's peak Dzogchen realm is only half a step away from entering the supreme eighth level!

At this point, it is not the so-called talent that limits him.

In fact, everyone here has the potential of the eighth-level creation god.

If you just want to become an eighth-level Creation God, how can it be so easy?

Then, Qin Feizi, the founder of the Great Qin Dynasty, nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, let alone whether this person can become a ninth-level creation god, even if he is only an eighth-level creation god, then from now on, our country, Daxia, will That is also the most powerful existence!”

His words were loud and full of murderous aura.

Apart from Gong Danfu, the most powerful one is undoubtedly Qin Feizi.

His realm is a little worse than Gongdanfu, but it is still the realm of the small perfection of the peak of the seventh-level creation god. He is only one step away from entering the eighth-level creation god.

The remaining three are Liu Xuan, the founder of the Han Dynasty, Li Hu, the founder of the Tang Dynasty, and Zhu Chuyi, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

Of these three, the one with the highest level is Li Hu. Like Qin Feizi, he is also at the level of the seventh-order Creation God Peak Small Perfection.

Next is Liu Xuan, the founder of the Han Dynasty, who has reached the peak level of the seventh-level Creator God.

The one who is slightly worse is Zhu Chuyi, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, who only has the realm of the late seventh-level Creator God.

There is no way, Zhu Chuyi's talent and qualifications are a little inferior to those of the others.

But he didn't care too much about these.

No matter what happens in the future, at least for now, they are still in the same realm.

However, precisely because his strength is low, he has less say.

"This is a great thing to say!"

"That's right!"

"That's how it should be!"

The other three also said in agreement.

Regardless of whether the appearance of such a person is good or bad for them, at least when the other person appears, they absolutely cannot object and must agree!

And you have to act like you're willing to protect the other person!

As for what Xiao Jiujiu is thinking about in his heart, that's just a secret thing.

the other side.

"He is truly a genius!!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed when he saw this and said ecstatically.

He was the most optimistic about Ye Xuan, and now, Ye Xuan has lived up to expectations.

"Although the calculation method of this ninth level is not accurate and is calculated, it also represents the potential that far exceeds the eighth level creation god! Moreover, it is very likely that the ninth level creation god really has potential!

This guy can definitely be regarded as a true peerless genius! "

Ji Chang on the side saw this, nodded, and said with approval.

In fact, this method of calculating potential is only calculated from the first to the eighth level based on existing data, so these are accurate.

But at the ninth level...

Because no one has reached it yet, this is just a guess by the big guys.

It is said to be a guess, but it is also the result of repeated deductions over a large amount of time.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, Ye Xuan is the potential of the ninth-level creation god.

Of course, if someone is critical, they will indeed be refuted.

"Why isn't it over yet? Could it be broken?"

Ye Xuan frowned and said when he saw that the bell hadn't rang for a long time and the evaluation report hadn't appeared yet.

Apart from this, he really couldn't think of any other possibilities.


The next moment, a situation occurred that was enough to shock the Five Old Stars.

I saw the bell that had gone through many tests ringing again!

when! ! !

A deafening sound of doomsday bell sounded that almost destroyed this platform!

A potential that even those scientific creator gods had just baselessly deduced has emerged!

This is the tenth ring! ! !

There are still traces of the ninth-level Creation God, but there are no traces of the tenth-level Creation God at all!


In fact, this is just an evaluation method that exists in their imagination!

This also represents a huge inaccuracy!


It was such a bell that might never be used, but it suddenly started ringing!

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