The entire virtual communication platform was trembling slightly at this moment. When the tenth bell rang, all the geniuses on the virtual communication platform heard a crisp and delicious chirping sound.

That voice was different from ordinary voices. It was full of arrogance!

It was as if he was a peerless talent who looked down on all the geniuses in the world!



In an instant.

A shadow appeared behind Ye Xuan.

A golden dragon entangled from his back and hovered in it.

Infinite golden light wrapped it, and a phoenix flew noble and brilliantly above his head.

The dragon and the phoenix were roaring constantly.

This unprecedented talent phenomenon shocked Ye Tian on the opposite side and couldn't extricate himself.

And Ye Xuan standing there seemed to be a god above the nine heavens, looking down at all this with cold eyes.

Talent competition may cause strange phenomena.

This kind of vision mostly appears in people who are strong and win.

And now, even Ye Tian, ​​who has the potential to be an eighth-level creator god, does not have this vision at this moment.

But Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan has a vision that he has never had before!

This vision is the sound of dragons and phoenixes!

It is the highest vision among all the visions!

Only a peerless genius with the potential to reach the ninth-level creator god can have such a terrifying vision!

Not only that.

In the next moment.

On Ye Xuan's forehead, another colorful halo appeared.

The colorful halo kept circling, and the golden dragon and phoenix followed the rotating trajectory and began to rotate.

Rumble! ! !

The golden dragon and the sturdy phoenix actually collided with each other!

The next moment.

The two merged with each other.

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The strong momentum formed a hurricane of a large road.

The wind blew on Ye Tian, ​​who was kneeling on the ground in front of Ye Xuan in disbelief, and threw him away fiercely.

At this moment, Ye Tian's face was extremely pale, and there was some unspeakable despair in his eyes!

This time, he lost more than five sources!

That is equivalent to 500 million divine sources!

Although it was very painful to lose the source, he would be able to earn it back sooner or later, so he didn't feel despair from the bottom of his heart.

What really made him despair was Ye Xuan's potential level!

Level 10!!!

This is a level that has never appeared even in legends!

The ninth-level creation god is already a legend in this world!

No one has seen the ninth-level creation god with their own eyes...

People only know that this creation continent that will never be destroyed was created by the ninth-level creation god!

Ye Tian didn't know what kind of secrets were behind this.

He just knew that the potential of this tenth-level creation god had never been seen before!

Even the current eighth-order Creation God, most likely does not have the potential of a tenth-order Creation God!

And what kind of majestic existence is the tenth-order Creation God, Ye Tian can't imagine at all.

He only knows that even the potential of the eighth-order Creation God has destined Ye Xuan to stand at the top of this world.

And he is the potential of the eighth-order Creation God.

If there is no Ye Xuan, then his future is promising.

This era will also belong to him!


He has the potential of the supreme eighth-order Creation God!


Now, Ye Xuan actually has the potential of the tenth-order Creation God! ! !

This point makes Ye Tian fall into real despair!

He knows that no matter how hard he tries, he is destined to be shrouded by Ye Xuan's glory!

For the rest of his life, perhaps he can only be inferior to Ye Xuan!

Even if he really reached the realm of the eighth-order Creation God, what can he do...

Isn't he still ruled by Ye Xuan...

When he thought of this, Ye Tian felt that his whole life was already dark.

Over the years, he has harmed countless geniuses!

It's not harming...

But it's also a blow!

Every time he wins, he will ruthlessly mock the opponent and destroy all the opponent's self-esteem and confidence!

He hopes to see those so-called geniuses crawling under him, and those pairs of eyes full of disbelief and despair are what he is most proud of.


Now, the situation has changed.

This time, it's his turn to become like this.

Ye Xuan looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Just wanted to say something more to mock the other party.

Afterwards, I thought, maybe ignoring the other party is the biggest blow!

Thinking of this, he smiled contemptuously and left the battle space without looking back.

However, his vision just now was intercepted and blocked by the five deans in the sky, and it was no longer displayed.

He did not think there was anything wrong with this.

It was nothing more than some pretentious visions.

"This time, I see that my potential is at least at the level of the tenth-level Creation God."

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan frowned.

This world is obviously at most the ninth-level Creation God...

There has never been a legend about the tenth-level Creation God.

And this so-called test potential may not be correct for the ninth level and above. After all, even the ninth-level Creation God has never been born here. This potential system can only guarantee the accuracy of the eighth level and below.

"In other words, there are two possibilities. Either my potential is at the ninth level..."

"Or my potential is beyond the ninth level, beyond all existence..."

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and his eyes became clearer and clearer.

"I think the latter is more likely!"

"Chaos is the most powerful world!"

"I really want to see the scene after this world reaches its peak..."


"Sure enough, no one in this era will be more brilliant than him!"

Shui Yan muttered to himself.

Looking at the news about Ye Xuan in the Tongtianbang forum, Shui Yan smiled bitterly.

Once upon a time, he could still see Ye Xuan's back.

But now, he doesn't know where to catch up.

"He is the brightest star of this era!"

Liu Yong on the side also said with emotion.


"He is the sun of this era! The only sun!!!"

Suddenly, Liu Yong said again.

"Yes, in the era of the sun, all the stars are destined to be obscured by its light and become dim and invisible..." Shui Yan's eyes flashed with a touch of loss.


"What a terrifying monster..."

"Is this guy a human..."

Lin Lan looked at the news in disbelief.

In the forum, the news about Ye Xuan had already shocked the entire forum.

Almost everyone on the Tongtian Ranking knew about this.

Ye Xuan's potential realm is actually the realm of the tenth-order creator god...


On the square.

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, obviously looking very happy, and slowly walked down.

"Ye Xuan!!!"

"Is this the peerless genius?!"

"Today I finally saw the real person!!!"

When Ye Xuan walked towards these people, a strong storm instantly arose.

All the geniuses on this platform looked at Ye Xuan.

The square, which usually gathers people in twos and threes, is now surrounded by people.

"Ye Shen!!! How did you create a recognized wasteland?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd.

The voice was extremely sharp. Although it was not very loud, it was very penetrating.

When this question came up.

Everyone stopped shouting and looked at Ye Xuan, expecting Ye Xuan's answer.

Ye Xuan looked at these people looking at him with a bit of desire. When he got interested, he laughed and said, "It's very simple. You just need to do one thing."

? ! !

Suddenly, everyone dared not breathe, and they all held their breath and stared at Ye Xuan intently.

"It's very simple. As long as you are the destined person, that's it."

Ye Xuan showed a chuckle in his eyes.

These people, it's not like they don't know how they opened up.

Isn't it just in the chaotic world, stirring up the mysterious induction in the avenue, so as to give birth to the gods and demons of the avenue.

This kind of thing, as he said, is destined.

Perhaps no one has tried this kind of creature created by the Great Dao before him.

But after him, some people have tried it.

Even those top creation gods have tried it in the Chaos Wasteland.

But they can't do it.

Ye Xuan guessed there were two reasons.

Either he is really the son of destiny.

Or it is because the Great Dao gods and demons are unique and are the manifestation of the source of the Great Dao.

So, when three thousand Great Dao gods and demons appeared in Ye Xuan's world, it was destined that they would never appear in other chaotic worlds again.

Or, it was both of these reasons...



"Don't say it if you don't want to!"

"That's right, what is destined by heaven? I've never seen such a shameless person!"

Suddenly, someone said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't say it, he is really destined by heaven. Look at him. He has the potential of a tenth-level creation god. Is this something that ordinary people can have?!"

Immediately, someone said on the side.

"That's right, the potential of a 10th-order Creation God! Can you believe it?"

"10th order? Haha... the so-called 10th order is just a test by Daxia! It's not the real 10th order!!!"

"That's right, this is just an official potential test! So far, only an 8th-order Creation God has been produced. In other words, the 9th and 10th orders are just a guess and deduction, and cannot be regarded as the real thing!"

"In that case, Ye Xuan actually has the potential of an 8th-order Creation God!"

"Yes! This kid is only an 8th-order, why is he so proud?"

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, all these people seemed to be humiliated, and they madly complained about Ye Xuan one by one.

There was no way, because what Ye Xuan said hit their hearts.

Who wouldn't be jealous when seeing Ye Xuan has such high potential...

Under their jealousy, they naturally followed the abuse and attack on Ye Xuan.

However, facing all this, Ye Xuan just chuckled and said with disdain: "A group of lowly ants..."

After saying that, he left here with a look of disdain.

After Ye Xuan left.

Those guys cursed at Ye Xuan crazily.

"Damn thing, dare to talk to us like this!!!"

"That's right, who is he! Barking like a dog!!!"

"This damn thing, I will kill him sooner or later!"

"You kill him? How?"

"That's right, a little fifth-level creator god dares to say he wants to kill Ye Xuan? Do you know that Ye Xuan has been invincible in the same level all the way?"

"Some people, seeing others become stronger, are jealous..."

"Oh, so shameless, this guy..."


When the group of people cursed at Ye Xuan crazily, Ye Xuan ran to the prehistoric world.

He no longer cares about the right and wrong of the outside world as much as when he first came in.

In the prehistoric world

The war between heaven and man was not over, but was still going on in full swing.

However, there was still a crucial person of the human race who did not choose to join the war.

He stayed in the Nantian Palace, and the Dao rhyme on his body continued to collapse and disintegrate.

Ye Xuan's eyes fell on him, and his brows frowned slightly.

This guy, it would be fine if he didn't go to the war, but he was still here because of the oath he promised in the past and he has been decadent to this point.



Ye Xuan couldn't help but sigh.


"Suiren, do you really want to rise and fall here?"

Ye Xuan's figure suddenly appeared in the Nantian Palace, looking at Suiren in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

His eyes, which had always been calm, now had a little more regret.

This ancient emperor, who should have been galloping on the battlefield, has now become an almost crazy old man.

Suiren covered his head with his hands. He was originally crazy, but his face changed after hearing this.

"Who is it?!"

His eyes regained clarity, and his expression seemed to be vaguely sane.

The Dao Yun, which had already collapsed, actually slowed down at this moment. Then he smiled and looked at Ye Xuan, bowed and said: "Thank you, Dao Zun!"

"No problem..."

Ye Xuan waved slightly, indicating that the other party did not need to be so polite.

Then, he said: "Now the human race and the heaven are fighting, you are the former emperor of the human race and the current emperor of the heaven, how can you not help the battle?"


Hearing this, Suiren sighed.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I made a vow before that as long as the Emperor of Heaven is in power and the Holy Mother is still in Heaven, the human race will not attack Heaven."

"And now..."

"For the sake of the oath, I naturally can't help the human race."

After all, Emperor Jun really helped the human race back then.

Let him turn around and attack Heaven again...

What's more, he promised it himself.

"If that's the case, then don't help, why are you like this?"

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