Ye Xuan came here not to let the Suiren family help the human race.

He just doesn't want to see Suiren destroy himself in self-doubt...

So it doesn't matter whether the other party helps the human race or not.

The important thing is to stop Suiren's heart from collapsing.

It is easy to stop the other party's Tao Yun from collapsing, but it is difficult to stop the other party's heart.

Only if the heart of the Tao does not collapse, the charm of the Tao will not collapse.

When they reach this state, nothing is more important than having a Taoist mind!

Tao heart is the root of everything!

Everyone has their own different understanding of the Dao, so as long as the heart of the Dao does not collapse, then naturally the others will not collapse!

If the Taoist heart does not collapse, the Taoist rhyme will naturally not collapse.

This is the importance of Tao Xin.

The so-called Taoist heart is actually what I think is the Taoist heart, or in other words, the Taoist heart is the original heart.

But now, Suiren's problem is his original intention.

Ye Xuan doesn't care whether he helps the human race or not, because it is his own choice.

In addition, only the human race owed him, not what he owed the human race.

It can be said that the most important thing for the human race to have the capital to fight against the heavens today is the Suiren clan.

Without the Suiren clan, the human race would never have become the true protagonist of the world, nor would it have developed to this day.

Of course, if you include Ye Xuan, the most important thing is Ye Xuan himself. After all, no matter how you say it, Ye Xuan has always been involved in the human race from the beginning to the end.

From the creation of the human race to the present, it can be said that Ye Xuan has carried it out from beginning to end.

Among them, the ones who implemented Ye Xuan's wishes were Suiren, Shennong and Xuanyuan. These three were the ones who directly implemented Ye Xuan's wishes.

Ye Xuan's intention is very simple, that is, to make the human race the most powerful racial force in the world!

Now, if Xuanyuan defeats the Emperor of Heaven, and if the human race defeats the Heavenly Court, then they will become the most powerful race and force! ! !

"Tao Zun..."

When Suiren heard this, he realized that this was indeed what he meant, and knew that he should not be in the current situation.

But if he doesn't help the human race, he will suffer in his heart!

If the human race was defeated because he did not participate in the war, then he would undoubtedly find it even more difficult to accept it!

Perhaps, he will never forgive himself again in this life.

And if he joins the war, he will break the promise he made to Di Jun back then!

The emperor of the human race breaks his word?

The human race has already violated the oath he made back then, and he cannot violate it again!

For the world, this is undoubtedly a blow to the prestige of the human race.

After all, if the Human Emperor’s words don’t count, then who will listen to the Human Emperor?

Who dares to cooperate with the human race?

Aren’t you afraid that next you will be Heaven…

After all, it can still be explained now, because Suiren is no longer the Human Emperor after all, so if you quibble from this aspect, there is still some quibble.

If you just make such quibbles, you will still lose credibility.

But it's much better than the one above.

Of course, these things are ultimately just Suiren's thoughts.

If Suiren made it clear that he didn't care about this, no one would be able to do anything to him.

Therefore, in fact, it is still the entanglement in my heart...

It’s just something you can’t get over in your heart.

If the Suiren clan can be reconciled with him, then this crisis will be resolved.

It can be said that now is the most critical time.

Ye Xuan looked at Suiren in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "Suiren, why can't you just sit here and wait for the clouds to relax?"

"What do you mean, Tao Zun?"

Suirenshi frowned and asked quickly.

At this time, where does he have the interest to play and wait for the clouds to roll and relax...

It is not easy to sit here with peace of mind.

"What I mean is, if the human race is defeated and all the powerful Hunyuan realm warriors of the human race are dead, what should we do then?"

Ye Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Suiren in front of him with a smile and asked.

"I feel like I have taken a back seat and can't curl up..."

Suirenshi frowned and replied.

The next moment, he understood.

A smile immediately appeared on his face.


He is the last legacy of the human race!

It’s the human race’s last trump card!

If the human race is defeated, it is understandable that other big forces will come up to take a share of the pie. Who allowed themselves to be defeated?

But if those small tribes come over with the help of the Hunyuan strongman, if the human race does not have the Hunyuan strongman by then, won't they be allowed to be plundered by the other side?

Although it is said that he will return in the future, but the real situation, who knows when he will return?

By the time you return, they may have reached a higher level!

At this time, what can you do?

There was nothing I could do. I could only look at him and do nothing.

Because the opponent's combat power is higher than yours!

Ye Xuan saw that the knot in Suiren's heart in front of him had been resolved, a smile appeared on his face, and he left here.

"Thank you, Tao Zun!!!"

"Congratulations to the Taoist Master!!!"

Seeing this, Suiren quickly bowed and shouted loudly.

At this moment, his eyes were full of clarity and gratitude.

The Dao rhyme that had dissipated and collapsed in his body was gradually re-condensing...


Buzhou Mountain.

Xuanyuan and Di Jun were fighting here.

At this time, all other creatures tried their best to leave the top of Buzhou Mountain.

They began to spread far away.

Soon, these guys covered the entire Kunlun Mountains.

Anyway, the closer to Buzhou Mountain, the stronger the cultivation!

Because the battles of those powerful beings will spread some battle aftermath.

And it is these battle aftermaths that even make some creatures with low realms unable to resist.

It is very likely that they will die directly in the battle aftermath! ! !

This is their strength!

At this moment, Di Jun no longer has the mercy of being the Emperor of Heaven.

His eyes are full of tyranny and terror! ! !

The haze of death began to appear behind him, but he didn't care about all this!

Yes, he didn't care!

Even if the Death God and Demon were always watching his back, he didn't care!

The Death God and Demon were waiting, waiting for a perfect opportunity!


Kill Di Jun ruthlessly! ! !

This was what the Death God and Demon thought! ! !

Not only that, in addition to the Death God and Demon, there were some guys watching him in secret!

Although the Death God and Demon were held back by the Star Ancestor in the infinite universe, he still had the energy to pay attention to Di Jun's affairs!

Because he knew that he couldn't kill the Star Ancestor in a short time, and if he killed the Star Ancestor, it would be difficult to find a place to stay.

So, he directly fought with the Star Ancestor here, waiting for the opportunity to kill the Emperor Di Jun with one blow! ! !

As the master of death, how could the head of the Emperor be given to others? !

At this moment.

Zheng! ! !

A cold light flashed in Xuanyuan's eyes.

On the golden Human Emperor Sword.

A touch of brilliance suddenly appeared! ! !


The meaning of the sword, bloomed to the fullest! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Swoosh! ! !

"This sword destroys the sky!!!"

Xuanyuan whispered.

It was as if an infinite abyss rose up!!!

It attracted the sun hanging high in the sky.

Boom! ! !

The extremely majestic sword slashed towards Di Jun in an instant!!!

"This aura!!!"

"What a terrifying sword!!!"

"Unpredictable!!! Unable to watch in advance!!!"


Suddenly, the gods who were watching this battle all looked extremely shocked.

Xuanyuan's sword was really too terrifying!!!

"This sword surpassed me..."

Tongtian shook his head and said in shock.

His lifelong swordsmanship seemed like a joke in front of Xuanyuan!

His sword is a sword of preaching, a sword of tolerance, and a sharp sword.

And Xuanyuan's sword is the sword of the king, the sword of dominance, and the sword of bearing!

This sword technique is completely different from his sword technique.

They take two different paths.

There is no doubt that Xuanyuan's swordsmanship is more magnificent, because he has the blessing of more than 2,000 innate avenues, plus countless acquired avenues!

It can be said that Xuanyuan can fight back and forth with Di Jun, completely relying on the countless avenues carried by this swordsmanship!

If it weren't for the blessing of these avenues, Xuanyuan would not be able to deal with Di Jun in front of him.

Because Di Jun is too majestic!


Even if Xuanyuan has the blessing of these avenues, he still can't defeat Di Jun!

Because Di Jun is really a supreme existence!

The first combat power in the prehistoric world, the combat power is comparable to gods and demons! ! !

This is Di Jun! ! !

At this time, Emperor Jun was not only on par with the gods and demons, but even surpassed them!!!

It can be said that no one in the prehistoric world could surpass Emperor Jun's power!

Of course, after all, Xuanyuan's great ways were carried by the sword. If they were not carried by the sword, if he really learned these great ways, then the improvement would be terrifying.

At that time, Emperor Jun would definitely not be his opponent.

It was almost impossible to do this in a short period of time.


Emperor Jun suddenly shouted, and his whole body was shining with golden light.


That terrifying sword magic power seemed to have stopped at this moment!

It stopped in front of Emperor Jun and did not move! ! !

At this moment.

Xuanyuan was completely shocked.

What kind of magic power is this? ! !

Why can it make his magic power prohibited? ! !

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, and my words are as good as gold!!!"

Emperor Jun looked at the shock in front of Xuanyuan and said with a smile.

This is a magical power that only the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian can control!!!

This is also the iconic magical power of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Those who have reached the Heavenly Dao Realm can control the magical power of saying and making the law come true! ! !

And now, Di Jun actually relied on his status as the Emperor of Heaven to control this terrifying magical power in advance! ! !

Of course, there are limitations!

Every time he speaks, his own cultivation realm will lose one point forever!

And it can only be said once at most in a short period of time! ! !

Just now, it was Xuanyuan's most terrifying magical power.

In order to stop the opponent, Di Jun also sacrificed a point of his own cultivation realm.

He knew clearly that if the sword just now hit him, his combat effectiveness would definitely drop significantly.

He can lose a part of his cultivation realm, and he can still cultivate it back later!

It is equivalent to re-cultivating once.

For many people, it is difficult to accept the fall of their cultivation realm, but Di Jun is not very resistant to such things.

At least, he is not very resistant now.

Because he knows clearly that after winning this battle, he is very likely to break through the last shackles, obtain destiny, and be promoted to Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian! ! !


"Too scary! He actually has the ability to make his words come true?!!"

"Is this the Emperor of Heaven?!!"

"Your Majesty is too powerful!!!"


"Your Majesty actually has such a terrifying magical power!!!"

Just when these people who were watching the battle discovered this scene, Di Jun gently wiped out all the things in front of him.

Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with despair!

How could he have any hope of winning against such a terrifying Di Jun!!!

Every time he wanted to kill Di Jun, Di Jun would show a trump card!

The opponent's trump cards seemed endless, and he could never break through the opponent's defense and kill him!

This scene was not only difficult for Xuanyuan to accept.

It even made the will of the entire human race a little depressed!!!

The reason was very simple, that is, when these people saw the extremely powerful Di Jun, they suddenly felt a little desperate.

There was nothing they could do about this situation.

Who made these guys not strong enough!!!

The level was not good enough!!! !

This is the most basic thing, and also the most important thing! ! !


In the mortal world.

At this time, the Zhou Dynasty has already begun to exist in name only.

The world has entered the Spring and Autumn Period.

There are many small countries, and the orders of the Zhou emperor have been less and less respected by people.

Not many people are willing to obey the orders of the Zhou emperor.

But if the Zhou emperor really has an order, they have no choice but to obey it.

This is their dilemma.

But those powerful countries do not have to obey the orders of the Zhou emperor.

All countries have begun to conquer...

and fight each other.

Because they all know that rituals and music have collapsed, and no one is willing to listen to those Zhou rituals.

They only know how to use the military power in their hands to get what they want! ! !

It can be said that military power is the most important power among these powers! ! !

As long as there is military power and as long as the army is strong, the country can expand!

The country can be expanded! ! !

Countries were fighting each other, some countries were destroyed, some countries were expanded, and some countries that had already been destroyed were restored again.

Time, at this moment, has become extremely fast.

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