Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 475: Changes in the world, Qin Shi Huang appears!

Time keeps passing.

In the mortal world, five hegemons gradually emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the emperor declined and the princes rose: the Zhou royal family was weak and no longer had authority, and it could no longer effectively control the princes of the world.

In order to fight for the world, some powerful vassal states started fierce wars for hegemony, forming alliances and conquering each other, and several princes became hegemons in turn.

The so-called Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period are actually the leaders of the princes, that is, the most powerful among all the countries except the Zhou emperor.

Among these five hegemons, the only ones are Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin, who are also well-deserved hegemons.

They replaced the Zhou emperor to carry out the emperor's kingly way.

The achievements of these two are far beyond other princes, and they are real hegemons.

Whether in terms of origin or strength, they are well-deserved.

Of course, the most important thing is to have absolute strength.

Although the Zhou emperor had fallen, these two held the emperor hostage to command the princes and became the actual Zhou emperor.

They were only nominally ministers of the Zhou emperor. After all, although the rituals and music had collapsed, the influence of the Zhou emperor could not be erased so quickly in this era.

None of them dared to really launch a war of annexation, and could only use their own strength to help themselves satisfy their desire to be kings.

In addition to these two recognized overlords, there are two others, Duke Mu of Qin and King Zhuang of Chu.

However, these two were born in a bad family after all. One was a small border country in the Western Rong, and the other was the Chu State in the southern wilderness.

But then again, these two were also recognized by all countries. After all, both of them were very remarkable in terms of their achievements and talents.

Therefore, these two were also recognized as one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Then, it was Duke Xiang of Song.

If the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period were divided into three levels, Duke Xiang of Song was undoubtedly the worst one, and many people even thought that he was completely unworthy of the reputation of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Because the most important thing is that this guy does not have absolute strength, and he is still talking about so-called benevolence and righteousness.

Even as a hegemon, he was defeated in the Battle of Hongshui.

Therefore, many people actually look down on Duke Xiang of Song.

But Duke Xiang of Song was really benevolent and righteous, and the King of Chu who defeated Song was also despised by the princes of the Central Plains...

In addition to these five, there are actually several hegemons.

They are just not counted in the reputation of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

The most prosperous one among them is Jin, because Jin is not only dominated by Duke Wen of Jin, but also Duke Xiang of Jin, Duke Jing of Jin, Duke Dao of Jin, and Duke Ding of Jin. It can be said that they have dominated for hundreds of years.

There are also Duke Zhuang of Zheng, King Helu of Wu, King Fuchai of Wu, and King Goujian of Yue, who are also considered great hegemons.

From the beginning, Duke Huan of Qi, the head of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, who respected the king and expelled the barbarians.

To the later Duke Wen of Jin, who met the world.

Then to Duke Mu of Qin, who dominated the Western Rong.

King Zhuang of Chu, who aspired to dominate the Central Plains.

Duke Xiang of Song, the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period.

These are the common five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

In fact, there are also real hegemons for a period of time.

Duke Zhuang of Zheng—the four directions are the support.

Duke Xiang of Jin—rule with ease.

Duke Jing of Jin—continued to dominate the Central Plains.

Duke Dao of Jin—dominated the Central Plains alone.

King Helu of Wu—traversed the Yangtze and Huai Rivers.

Duke Ding of Jin—was the chief of Huangchi.

King Fuchai of Wu—fought for hegemony in the Central Plains.

King Goujian of Yue—dominated the southeast.

These princes are the powerful hegemons that appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period.

In fact, at the time of King Fuchai of Wu and King Goujian of Yue, they were no longer considered the real hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, because this time was already the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, and it was a war of annexation, which was also the Warring States Period.

The main reason for the hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period was that they could not annex other countries, and could only replace the Zhou emperor to become a hegemon of a generation, and command other princes.

And King Goujian of Yue, like him, began to destroy the country.

So, the Warring States Period began.

After the Warring States Period began, the world could no longer see the so-called benevolence, justice and Zhou Li of the past.

In the early Spring and Autumn Period, the world still needed to line up in front of the battle array and inform each other before starting to fight.

If the opponent was not ready, you could not even attack.

Only when everyone was ready, then you could start to charge head-on.

This is a dignified army. Only after winning can you win the hearts of the people and the respect of the princes of the world.

At that time, fighting was like this, not to mention sneak attacks.

If anyone dared to sneak attack, it would be a great disapproval of the world, and the consequences would be extremely serious.

It is different now. Now it is enough to win, no matter what you do!

Still waiting for you to be ready?

I am lucky that I did not sneak attack and use all kinds of conspiracies!

In the Warring States Period, wars were frequent, and the strong became stronger and the weak perished!

There were still thousands of vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period, and now they have been baptized by the Warring States Period.

A hundred years later, there were only more than 20 vassal states left out of the hundreds.

After decades of fighting, these more than 20 states eventually withered away, and only seven major powers remained.

They are Qin, Chu, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qi, and Yan.

These seven states are also known as the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

In addition to these seven states, there are still some small states.

For example, Lu, Yue, Wei, Song, Zhongshan, Ba, Shu...

These states can no longer compete with the other seven states.

After a while, these small countries also began to be annexed one after another.

Until later, wars broke out between countries.

Time passed.

Soon, the Qin State rose and had defeated the six eastern countries. It continued to defeat the other side, and the six countries wanted to surrender, but this great monarch refused.

Because he did not want to make the six countries surrender, but to destroy the six countries and unify the entire Great Zhou! ! !

The Great Zhou also came to an end in this era.

It was destroyed by him.

This great monarch was called King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

After all, the Human Emperor was still alive, so none of them could become the Human Emperor, and if they wanted to become the Human Emperor, they had to be recognized by the prehistoric human race and the previous Human Emperor.

People like them who lived in the mortal world were first called the Great Emperor.

After the Five Emperors, no one was worthy of being called the Emperor, so they were demoted to the Son of Heaven.

The emperor has gone through the three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou, and now the Zhou Dynasty has reached its last term.

Because King Zhaoxiang of Qin destroyed the Zhou Dynasty...

This scene made all the princes in the world silent.

The old King of Qin had a dream when he was old.

In the dream, a young man told him that there would be a crown bigger than his in the future!

This scene made King Zhaoxiang of Qin full of smiles and joy in his heart.

Later, it was learned that a hostage in Zhao State was that size, and the hostage was immediately exchanged back.

The hostage's surname was Ying and his name was Zheng. He was the son of Yiren Zichu, who was a hostage in Zhao that year. Zichu was unable to bring this child back when he returned to the country.

In this era, there is no such thing as clans.

After the Spring and Autumn Period, the clan was combined with the surname.

After taking Zichu back that year, King Zhaoxiang of Qin was overjoyed and named Yiren Zichu as the heir of An Guojun.

An Guojun is also Prince Ying Zhu, which means that Yiren Zichu is also the prince of the prince.

After that, King Zhaoxiang of Qin died of illness, and the crown prince Ying Zhu ascended the throne, known in history as King Xiaowen of Qin.

But he died of illness just three days after he ascended the throne.

The crown prince Zichu ascended the throne, known in history as King Zhuangxiang of Qin.

But he died of illness again just three years after he ascended the throne...

The above two seemed to be making room for Ying Zheng...

Then Ying Zheng was made King of Qin. Because he was only thirteen years old, the government was managed by Queen Mother Zhao Ji and Prime Minister Lu Buwei.

Eight years passed in a flash. Ying Zheng was twenty-one years old at the time, and he should have been in power long ago.

But he still couldn't rule the country.

At this time, the king's younger brother, Chang'an Jun Chengjiao, led a large army to attack the State of Zhao, rebelled in the middle of the journey, and was suppressed.

Another year passed, and King Zheng of Qin held a ceremony of capping in the Qinian Palace in Yongcheng, intending to rule the country himself. Lao Ai used the King of Qin's imperial seal and the Queen Mother's seal to launch a rebellion, which was suppressed.

Another year later, Qin Wang Zheng dismissed Lu Buwei from his position as prime minister and exiled him to Bashu.

At this time, the 23-year-old Qin Wang Zheng really began to rule the country!

The young Qin Wang Zheng had great ambitions. At the beginning of his succession, he valued wise men, worked hard to govern, and began to attack the six countries!

Ten years passed.

The six countries that had survived for hundreds of years were completely destroyed by Qin Wang Zheng in just ten years!

So far, except for Weiguo, all places in China were taken by Qin Wang Zheng.

Weiguo did not directly collapse because of commemorating Shang Yang, but directly accepted the other party's surrender, and did not remove the country, but just became a vassal state of Qin.

Just like the Qin and other countries were all ministers of the Great Zhou in the past.

And the new era has completely arrived.

After Qin Wang Zheng unified the six countries, he abolished all the fiefdoms and replaced them with the county system.

The court adopted a centralized system.

The same weights and measures, the same track for vehicles, the same writing system, the same ethics, and the same currency system.

This completely unified the country that had been divided for hundreds of years.

This time, it was a cultural unification that saved a country from division.

This was also the most important move of Qin Wang Zheng.

Finally, it was to discuss the title of honor.

Qin had been a king for many years, but in front of Qin Wang Zheng, who now unified the world, the word "king" was no longer enough to highlight his greatness.

Later, someone proposed to be an emperor.

In ancient times, there were great sages, all of whom were called great emperors.

However, Qin Wang Zheng still thought that this was not enough to highlight his respect.

So he ordered the ministers to discuss the title.

After some discussion, Prime Minister Wang Wan, Imperial Censor Feng Jie, Court Justice Li Si and others believed that Qin Wang Zheng "raised righteous troops, punished the remnants, and pacified the world", and his achievements "had never been seen since ancient times, and the Five Emperors could not match them".

They cited the traditional honorific title, saying "In ancient times, there were Heavenly Emperors, Earthly Emperors, and Thai Emperors, and Thai Emperors were the most noble", and suggested that Qin Wang Zheng adopt the title of "Tai Emperor".

The Emperor of Heaven is Suiren in the prehistoric times, the Emperor of Earth is Shennong, and the Emperor of Thailand is Xuanyuan, the Emperor of Man today.

After all, whether it is Suiren or Shennong, they are the previous Emperors of Man. Even if they are named Emperor of Heaven and Emperor of Earth, in terms of true status, the most honorable one is Xuanyuan, the Emperor of Man.

And because the ancient existence knew that the title of the Emperor of Man could not be called, they named the Emperor of Man the Emperor of Thailand.

After all, whether it is Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth or Emperor of Man, it is obvious that they cannot be called.

Because these titles are held by people, they will form a great cause and effect in the dark.

That's why he replaced the Human Emperor with the Thai Emperor, and said that the Thai Emperor was the most expensive, so that Qin Wangzheng would choose the title of Thai Emperor, so that nothing would happen.

However, Qin Wangzheng was not satisfied with this. He only used the word "Emperor" from the Three Emperors, and because the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" were still circulating in the world, he added the word "Emperor" below it to create the title of "Emperor".

Emperor Zheng also wanted the Great Qin Empire to last forever, so he called himself Qin Shihuang.

Once the title of Emperor was introduced, there was suddenly one more avenue in the whole world.

Auspicious signs fell from the sky, highlighting the achievements of Qin Shihuang.

At this moment, Qin Shihuang's original mortal body instantly soared to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, only Qin Shihuang had cultivation.

And this time, it was something that was obtained by establishing a country and unifying the world to completely change the world.

The previous policy that cultivators could not be monarchs and could not interfere with monarchs had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But now, it has changed.

At this moment, the entire mortal world is different, and it is extremely sublimated.

All the court officials have already had cultivation, but at this moment, their cultivation is skyrocketing according to their achievements! ! !

Above the prehistoric world.

"Finally, the six kingdoms are unified..."

"Qin Shi Huang..."

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised.

In this era, some people enter the Tao with swords, and some enter the Tao with medicine.

But now, Qin Shi Huang enters the Tao with the king! Enter the Tao with the country! Enter the Tao with the dynasty!

When the dynasty is prosperous, Qin Shi Huang's strength is strong!

When the dynasty is weak, Qin Shi Huang's strength is weak!

And Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng went from a mortal to the peak of the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one day, which also shocked the entire mortal world.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, their mouths opened as if they could swallow an egg.

There is no way, this kind of case has never appeared before.

If Shennong is a demon, then Xuanyuan is the demon among demons, and it is no longer something that can be understood with common sense.

And the current Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, that is directly using external plug-ins! ! !

Yes, using external plug-ins! ! !

Who can achieve the peak of the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one day?

The treatment of these three brothers is also more outrageous than one another.

Mortal world, Xianyang, Qin Palace.

“I understand everything…”

Ying Zheng’s eyes are full of wisdom and domineering.

At this moment, he knows everything and all the ins and outs.

He is the reincarnation of Qingtian, one of the three heavens in the ancient times.

But this is not the most important thing.

The important thing is that the human race is in trouble today, and as an emperor, he cannot refuse.

However, he knows that his time is not yet right.

Only when the era of the human race reaches its peak can he really help.

"The human race is in trouble now. As human beings in the mortal world, we should do our part."

"From now on, you will follow me to conquer the three thousand worlds. When the Great Qin is at its peak, it will be time to help the human race in the wild world!"

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