Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 477 The Battle between Heaven and Man (VI)


Qin Shihuang frowned slightly, looked at Prime Minister Li Si in front of him, and asked with some confusion.

He was a little confused about the question raised by Li Si, so he asked Li Si in front of him.

Li Si took his time and saluted Qin Shihuang first, and then replied: "Your Majesty, although the world is at peace and there is no more war, there is actually the possibility of instability."

"If all the warriors of Great Qin leave here, I'm afraid these people will take the opportunity to rebel, and then they will be out of control again..."

"And Da Qin may not be able to suppress their rebellion..."

After all, according to Qin Shihuang's temperament, he would probably take away all the string control people in the world.

Once this happens, there will probably be many situations in this world.

At that time, it will not be easy to deal with.

Therefore, in fact, we still need to take it slow first.

When Qin Shihuang heard this, his face suddenly showed a look of thoughtfulness. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Li Si, what can you do?"

"I have a plan!"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I wonder if Your Majesty would like to hear it?"

"Come and listen!" Qin Shihuang nodded.

Li Si smiled slightly and said: "This matter is of great importance. Your Majesty, please move to the side hall, and Rong Chen will discuss it with you in detail!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Qin Shihuang waved his hand and asked Li Si to go down and make arrangements.

After Li Si went down, Qin Shihuang stood up and walked towards the side hall.

In the side hall, there were only two people, Li Si and Qin Shihuang.

At this moment, Li Si was pouring wine for Qin Shihuang.

"I remember, Li Si said last time that your children have grown up. Why, they are not married yet?"

Qin Shihuang took a sip of the wine in his glass and asked Li Si.

"Yes, I have a daughter and a son who are not yet married. Your Majesty, I would like to ask for a marriage from Your Majesty!"

Li Si looked at Qin Shihuang solemnly, and then knelt down towards Qin Shihuang.

After hearing Li Si's words, Qin Shihuang was slightly stunned.

grant marriage

This guy actually took the opportunity to propose a marriage to me?

Isn't his calculation too shrewd?

But that's okay, he can think about it.

Qin Shihuang's thoughts flickered, but the expression on his face did not show it at all. Instead, he looked at Li Si in front of him calmly, and then asked: "Li Si, your daughter and son are not young, right?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. My daughter is seventeen years old and not yet married, while my son is twenty-six years old!"

Li Si replied quickly.

"Oh? You haven't married a wife at the age of twenty-six?"

Hearing Li Si's words, Qin Shihuang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He didn't think Li Si would deceive him.

Moreover, Li Si's daughter and son have not yet left the government, so it is not difficult for him to get them married.

After all, Li Si was of great help to him in unifying the world.

However, he also needs to consider this matter carefully.

"Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, these two children have always liked to travel around the world, and they have never returned to the capital yet!"

After Li Si finished speaking, a look of distress appeared on his face.

"Travel around."

After listening to Li Si's words, Qin Shihuang couldn't help but fall into silence, with some thoughts in his eyes. After a long time, he asked: "Where do they like to go?"


Li Si hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The places that my two children love to go most are the Western Regions and Tubo. Not only that, they also went to Beihai and have not come back all these years. I don't dare to do it rashly." decision!"


"The Western Regions, Tubo, and the North Sea?" Qin Shihuang was slightly startled.

"Yes, it is precisely because of these things that my two children have been reluctant to return to the palace and have not yet gotten married." Li Si explained.

"Okay, I promise you this."

Qin Shihuang pondered slightly, then nodded: "I will give you a marriage right now."

Li Si was delighted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, let's leave the marriage as it is."

Qin Shihuang waved his hand and then said: "The plan you mentioned before?"

"I have a plan, but it requires your Majesty's cooperation to carry it out!" Li Si had a mysterious smile on his face.

"Oh? Tell me!" Qin Shihuang looked at Li Si.

"If all the troops in our country of Great Qin leave, then the world will definitely be in turmoil, and then the country of Great Qin will also be unstable." Li Si sighed slightly.

Qin Shihuang couldn't help but show a solemn look on his face. He nodded and said, "Li Si, continue!"

Li Si took a deep breath: "Your Majesty, our Great Qin has a powerful army called the Iron-Blooded Legion!"

"This legion was formed by His Majesty himself, and every soldier is an elite soldier who crawled out from the pile of dead bodies."

"Whether it's combat effectiveness or morale, it's far beyond that of ordinary soldiers!"

When he said this, List paused for a moment, and then continued: "This Iron-Blooded Legion was trained by His Majesty himself."

"Oh, are you talking about this Iron-Blooded Legion?"

When Qin Shihuang heard this, his face suddenly showed interest: "Li Si, please tell me."


Li Si quickly spoke up and said, "Why don't we guard these people in various places in Daqin, so that we can ensure the stability of this world!"

"Guard various places."

After listening to Li Si's words, Qin Shihuang couldn't help but ponder slightly.

If he really acts according to Li Si's plan, this is indeed a good way.

However, Qin Shihuang always feels that this method seems to lack something.

"No, although the Iron Blood Corps has a large number of people, it is still too few compared to the whole world."

After thinking about it, Qin Shihuang shook his head.

The current world is so strong that it cannot be described in words.

And the people here are gathering more and more.

In such a situation, if you want to ensure the peace of this world, it is obviously necessary to have a larger army to maintain it.

"Is that so? Then I will think of other ways." Li Si said.

Qin Shihuang nodded, and then said, "Okay, this matter is settled for the time being, you can leave."

Li Si listened, nodded, and then stood up and said goodbye.

After Li Si left, Qin Shi Huang fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Then, he looked out the window.

"In this case, let's listen to Li Si, expand the army, and temporarily hand over this world to Fusu. When I come back with some soldiers, I believe this place will be very prosperous..."

When he thought of Fusu, Qin Shi Huang's face darkened again.

Those Confucian scholars really led Fusu astray one by one.

As his son, he didn't have any domineering spirit at all, he was weak and incompetent, and had no blood!

Back then, he was full of blood and heroism when he was a teenager!

Not to mention that Fusu is now in his twenties, but he is still so stupid!

Yes, stupid!

This is stupid in Qin Shi Huang's eyes! ! !

It's simply stupid to the extreme! ! !

If every prince is like this, what's the point of playing!!!

The reality is that, except Fusu, no prince can take up the responsibility.

Although Fusu is not capable of taking up the responsibility in his opinion, there is only one guy like Fusu left.

After all, the others have no ability at all.

Therefore, this position can only be done by Fusu, but Fusu is too weak and incompetent. If he is really allowed to take up the responsibility, I am afraid that there will be treacherous ministers and chaos, or Confucian scholars will ruin the country.

Those Confucian scholars, how can they understand the way to govern the country?

It's okay to talk big, but if they really take office, they will just talk on paper!

The reason is very simple, because these guys only know what Confucius said. Can Confucius compare with the current situation?

In addition, there are so many people in this world, how can they be moved by a word of truth?

Legalism is the real use of governing the country.

A country can be without Confucianism, but it can never be without Legalism.

In the prehistoric world.

The chaos among the gods is simply the twilight of the gods! ! !

Countless gods fell, countless Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fell!

This battle was fought to the point of heaven and earth breaking apart, this battle was fought to the point of the sea drying up and rocks crumbling.

This battle was fought to the point of the sky changing color, and the earth splitting apart.

The prehistoric creatures were living in misery, and their hearts were full of hatred, and their hearts were full of grief and indignation.

Countless creatures at this moment, hatred rose up against the human race.

The originally peaceful and tranquil prehistoric world did not want it, but had to come here to make this scene!

Is the position of the emperor not noble enough?

Or is the status of the human race not respected enough? !

From their point of view, the human race is a despicable race that is ungrateful, without a king or a father!

At the beginning, if it were not for the Emperor of Heaven who took action, how could there be the human race today?

Nowadays, the Emperor of Heaven has not wronged the human race, and the Heavenly Court has not wronged the human race.

But the human race, for their own selfish desires, wants to conquer the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven!

This is simply unforgivable in the eyes of those prehistoric spirits!

There is no race in the prehistoric spirits that has not received the favor of the Emperor of Heaven!

It can be said that if it were not for the tolerance of the Emperor of Heaven, they would have become slaves of the Heavenly Court and the demon race for generations, and how could they have the current situation?

Even the human race has received the favor of the Heavenly Court to have today.

But the human race has a good life, but they have to run out and rebel against the Heaven!

This rebellion has caused the whole prehistoric world to fall into a war! ! !

It also forced those originally peace-loving races to be involved in the war of the prehistoric world and forced to fall into this war vortex! ! !

From their perspective, the human race is absolutely the big bad guy! ! !

But from the perspective of the human race, they are determined to make progress and keep moving forward.

Only in this way can the prehistoric creatures have a sense of crisis and the wheel of history can roll forward!

Otherwise, it will only be a continuous lag and continuous stagnation.

Moreover, if a race does not even have this little bit of enterprising spirit, how can it develop quickly?

Yes, the human race has good talents.

But no matter how good his talent is, if he doesn't have a goal and doesn't work hard, then at most he will be more successful than most people.

But he can't be the top person at all! ! !

Just like a top student, no matter how good his talent is, if he doesn't work hard, he can't become Einstein, he can only be an ordinary physicist at most.

Although becoming a physicist has already left most people behind, you have to know that his talent can make him one of the greatest physicists in history!

And today's human race is like Einstein to the physics world.

If the human race doesn't work hard, then although it is still one of the four major races in the prehistoric world, it can't surpass the demon race and become the top race in the prehistoric world! ! !

As the saying goes, talent determines the lower limit, and hard work determines the upper limit!

Hard work may not allow you to surpass those people with extremely high talents, but it will definitely allow you to surpass those who are not much more talented than you but don't work hard!

This is the meaning of hard work! ! !

Talent is innate, and no one can change it.

But hard work can be reversed through acquired efforts!

Not only did the lives of all the spirits in the ancient world suffer, but there were also a large area of ​​land with countless casualties.

After a long war, a large number of cannon fodder, elite troops, and even the most powerful ones died!

There are so many broken walls and ruins in the Kunlun Mountains!

The countless towering peaks were flattened by a sword!

The rivers that were originally rolling forward stopped flowing!

The Kunlun Mountains, which were originally a fairyland, are now full of the impact of the war.

And the Buzhou Mountain, which is the center of the battlefield, is not much better at this moment!

The Buzhou Mountain is full of traces of the raging sun's true fire!

Large areas of burns appeared on the Buzhou Mountain, causing a red area.

The original fairyland, together with the sacred mountain between heaven and earth, was destroyed at this moment.

In other words, it still stands in the world.

This is because the pressure here is extremely strong, otherwise, it would have been broken long ago...

This is the impact of this war.

Not only were countless lives lost, but the environment was also damaged beyond repair!!!

If anyone had said before the war that the scene was Mount Buzhou or the Kunlun Mountains, no one would have believed it.

At this time, the Queen Mother of the West was simply gritting her teeth in hatred.

But she had no other options.

The same was true for the Three Pure Ones and the disciples of the Three Sects, but similarly, this was something they were powerless to reverse.

Even for the powerful Three Pure Ones, this was still the case.

For this confrontation between the two most powerful forces in the world, the Three Pure Ones alone could not contend.

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