Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 478: Decisive Battle in Eastern Wasteland!

So, although the Three Pure Ones were very dissatisfied, they had no other options at this moment.

Because their strength was completely unable to stop the war from coming.

From the beginning, the only people who could stop the war were Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Dijun.

Apart from these two people, no one else could stop the war from coming.

There was no other way, this was the scene of the powerlessness of being a casual cultivator.

If the power of the Three Pure Ones spread throughout the prehistoric world, becoming a real prehistoric sect, or even having the strength comparable to that of the prehistoric world and the heavenly court, then perhaps they could stop the war from coming.

It was a pity that they could not stop the war from coming.

Let's get back to the point.

It was because their strength was too weak.

There was no other way, this was the sadness of casual cultivators in this era.

Of course, the Three Pure Ones also knew this, so they would vigorously develop their own sect.

But after all, compared to those races that were blessed by nature, there were still some disadvantages.

There is no other way. Whether it is the dragon race, the human race, or the two races of witches and liches, they have all received the bonus of heaven's luck, which is why they are so terrifying now.

Otherwise, they would not be so terrifying now.

This is why we have to fight for luck!

The bonus of luck is extremely terrifying!

It is not something that ordinary people can control.

Luck, speeding up the cultivation speed is the most direct manifestation of luck, which is also the most important manifestation for everyone.

Of course, with these bonuses, they have become so powerful.

If there were no such bonuses, the strength of all living beings in the prehistoric world would have decreased by many times.

If you follow the way of heaven, you can get the favor of heaven, that is, the love of luck.

These people can turn danger into safety, big danger into small, small danger into nothing, and finally survive the disasters again and again without any danger under the effect of luck.

Those who do not follow the Way of Heaven and those who are bent on going against the Way of Heaven will naturally be hated and abandoned by the Way of Heaven, so they will be extremely unlucky.

This is the importance of following the Way of Heaven.

Of course, the Way of Heaven is emotionless, so in fact, following the Way of Heaven and resisting the Way of Heaven are both based on the will operation route set by the Way of Heaven. Whoever follows this route will naturally get a bonus of luck.

But if anyone goes against this path, then he will naturally get disgusted.

The so-called luck, to put it bluntly, is the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth.

I think you are very good, so I want to make your journey smoother.

I think you are very annoying, so I want to make it harder for you to go.

This me is the will of Heaven.

Although there is no so-called emotion, there is also a certain will.

This will is generated based on the most basic rules.

Without one's own consciousness, there is no so-called emotion, everything is set according to the way of the road.

The so-called Heavenly Dao is actually something created by Pangu to manage the prehistoric world.

The purpose is to make the prehistoric beings stronger and stronger, until they step by step move towards transcendence.

This is Pangu's idea, and also Ye Xuan's idea.

So the Heavenly Dao is a good thing in most cases, at least it can make the prehistoric beings go a step further.

If there is no spur of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, there will be no so-called great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Those things like the quantitative catastrophe will never happen.

Just like in the chaos of the past, countless amounts of time have passed, and no so-called great catastrophe has occurred.

The only great catastrophe is actually the fear of the three thousand great Dao gods and demons that will affect their great Dao after the creation of the world, so they went out.

This can be avoided, and if they don't want to participate, they can choose not to participate.

The prehistoric world quantitative catastrophe is inevitable, it is destined to happen, and it is not based on personal will.

In other words, there is no great catastrophe in the chaos because the great Dao has not set the so-called great catastrophe.

The reason why these catastrophes are not set is ultimately because of the specialness of the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

They are too special, so special that they are part of the Great Dao, a branch, and these guys together are the real Great Dao.

Just like Pangu.

In fact, if the three thousand gods and demons of the Great Dao correspond to the three thousand Great Daos.

Then Pangu is more like the Great Dao itself that directly corresponds.

This correspondence is as if Pangu himself is the Great Dao, or it can be said that Pangu is the son of the Great Dao.

The Pangu that Ye Xuan condensed with the three thousand Great Daos naturally could not appear out of thin air.

It is because Pangu really has a corresponding Great Dao.

This so-called Great Dao of Power is just a concept, which is actually the unity of the three thousand Great Daos, and if the three thousand Great Daos are united, then isn’t that the final Great Dao...

So, the final Great Dao is ‘power’.

This is the embodiment of ‘power’.

No matter what Great Dao it is, it can’t escape the word ‘power’ in the end!

The power of time...

The power of space...

The power of destiny...

The power of destruction...

The power of creation...

The power of the abyss...

The power of infinity...

The power of chaos...

The power of light...

The power of darkness...

The power of reincarnation...

The power of immortals...

The power of demons...

The power of gold...

The power of water...

Wait, the three thousand great ways also means that there are three thousand powers!

Of course, the most important reason why Pangu is not really the great way itself is because the great way encompasses all great ways.

Whether it is the innate great way or the acquired great way, they actually belong to the great way!

And Pangu only has the three thousand great ways of the innate great way, and ignores the acquired great way!

That is to say, Pangu only occupies the innate part of the great way, but lacks the acquired part.

Of course, this is also the shortcoming of all living beings. After all, if a living being is really exactly the same as the great way, then can this great way still be called the great way?

Doesn't this mean that this living being is the great way itself?

How could such a thing happen! ! !

So, no matter what, this situation will not happen.

That is to say, Pangu is actually the closest to the great way.

Whether it is from the essence or from the cultivation, it is the closest to the great way itself.

On Mount Buzhou.

Xuanyuan glared, and the Human Emperor Sword in his hand continued to exude a sacred and inviolable aura.

One after another, the supreme sword energy was swung out, and each blow seemed to be able to tear Di Jun apart.

However, each blow was resolved by Di Jun one by one.

Di Jun's face was extremely relaxed, and every attack was meaningful. The attack again and again was not to make Xuanyuan lose, but to make Xuanyuan more passive, so as to further reveal a bigger flaw, and then the last blow came.

This blow often caused Xuanyuan to suffer some damage.

This is Di Jun's operation.

He deeply understood that it was almost impossible to injure Xuanyuan directly with one blow, and it was very difficult to do.

Just like every time Xuanyuan swung the sword at him, those sword energies, no matter how sharp, could not directly touch him after all.

This is the so-called operation.

The purpose of the operation is not to kill the opponent with one blow, but to be able to play an effective killing power.

This is the play of these highest combat power.

Of course, if they were to face other people, it would not be a matter of operation, it would be a complete kill.

Just like the Emperor Jun who killed the newly revived dark gods and demons in one move, this is the level suppression.

It can be said that no matter who Xuanyuan and Emperor Jun are, if they face other prehistoric creatures except each other, they can kill each other in one move.

The stronger the strength, the more outrageous their combat power will be!

Later, if they are not two guys with exactly the same combat power, they will be like the current Emperor Jun who kills the others in one move.

This is the huge gap brought by strength.

Of course, if the strength is the same, then it will be prolonged to decide the winner.

Just like the current battle between the Human Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor, these two guys have actually fought from the beginning to now.

Although Xuanyuan's defeat is becoming more and more obvious, if you really want to defeat Xuanyuan, you don't know how much time it will take.

Originally, according to Emperor Jun's idea, Xuanyuan should be defeated during this period of time.

Who knew that Xuanyuan would burst out again in the middle of the battle, and his cultivation level would be slightly improved, and he and Dijun would be completely evenly matched.

This delayed the time for an unknown period of time.

"Xuanyuan, in this battle, I must defeat you wholeheartedly!!!"

Di Jun vaguely felt that the strength in his body had actually improved a little, and he shouted excitedly.

It seemed that his previously reduced cultivation level had been restored again, which was the benefit of fighting!

Breakthroughs in battle are not common, but they are not too rare.

Because battle itself is a kind of communication of the Great Dao, and it is an extremely intense communication!

This kind of collision in the same realm can best stimulate the ability to understand the Great Dao!

Therefore, not only Xuanyuan has some breakthroughs, but Dijun now also has some breakthroughs!

And if Dijun goes one step further, it will be the legendary realm!

That is the realm that only Pangu has reached!

If he can also step into it, it means that he is still the one who walks in the forefront of the prehistoric beings!

Therefore, this step is extremely critical and must not go wrong! ! !

"Stop talking nonsense, this world is destined to be the top of the human race!!!"

Xuanyuan's mouth corners slightly raised, he felt that a new emperor from the mortal world was rising!

That person is the emperor he chose for the prehistoric world!

That person is also the peerless human race who can truly serve as the emperor!

Although the other party will not become the emperor of man, but the other party will become the emperor of heaven!

A heavenly emperor belonging to the human race!

This prehistoric world will sooner or later usher in this scene!

He knew that this scene would definitely come!

However, now that Di Jun's cultivation has risen again, it will be even more difficult for him to resist the other party.


Above the East Wilderness.

Countless gods fell, and countless monsters fell.

In the end, only some powerful gods were still fighting.

At this moment, the battle between Donghuang Taiyi and Shi Hao is also coming to an end.

These two people have been fighting fiercely from the beginning to now.

Both of them are already full of injuries all over their bodies! ! !

It can be said that it is not just this.

Both of them are full of scars from their bodies to their souls.

If one is not careful, it is very likely that they will be reduced to ashes in the next moment.

"Shi Hao, you have made rapid progress in these years!!!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the guy in front of him with admiration in his eyes.

At the beginning, he knew that Shi Hao had an extraordinary reputation, but he was also full of confidence in himself, thinking that no matter how strong the other party was, he just hadn't met him.

If he met him, he would definitely defeat him!

But after a fight, Donghuang Taiyi gave up his arrogant idea.

Because he found that the other party's combat power was indeed not cheap, it was extremely powerful.

And until now, he has not been able to defeat the other party.

He possessed the innate treasure, the Chaos Bell. Although the other party did not possess such a powerful treasure as his own, he had countless secret techniques.

Some ordinary people might not be able to learn a secret technique in their lifetime, but in front of this guy, he knew it like a treasure, and could easily display it completely.

"You are not bad either, you are worthy of being the recognized God of War in the Great Desolation!!!"

Shi Hao looked at Donghuang Taiyi with admiration.

He thought that his accumulation was enough to defeat the other party.

Until now, he was still slightly inferior.

These two people are no longer fighting for family and country hatred, but for mutual sympathy!

"After this battle, no matter what the result is, after recovery in the future, you and I should learn a lot."

Donghuang Taiyi stopped bombarding Shi Hao, but let him take a breath, deliberately pulled away, and said lightly on the top of the mountain, looking at Shi Hao in front of him.

After who knows how many years, there are finally people who can fight so fiercely!!!

If there is no such battle, he still does not know that such a younger generation has appeared in the prehistoric world!!!

For the warlike Donghuang Taiyi, it is naturally very happy.

At least, he does not think that it is a difficult thing to have a guy who can fight with him.

On the contrary, it is still very exciting to him!

If it were not for such excitement, he would not be able to say such words!

"Hahahaha, it should be so!!!"

Shi Hao laughed up to the sky, showing the heroic feelings in his heart to the fullest.

In this battle, he also fought heartily.

He was also full of excitement.

"Then, one move will determine the winner..."

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