After Shi Hao and Donghuang Taiyi died, the war in the entire East Wasteland had also come to an end.

Countless lives died in the war, and many more were involved in this war, and there were also many innocent people who died tragically.

Time passed quickly.

After the East Wasteland War came to an end with both sides suffering losses, the east of the East Wasteland, the East Extreme.

The war between the Dragon Clan and the Underworld has also gradually come to an end.

Although the Underworld holds the power of the undead in the world, it is still not as strong as the elite dragon army in terms of combat power.

Although the top few are almost equal in battle, the Ancestral Dragon defeated Hou Tu.

Hou Tu, although immortal, relies on the land of reincarnation and exists forever.

It is said that if reincarnation is not destroyed, Hou Tu will not be destroyed.

It can be said that Hou Tu's reputation is the greatest among the entire prehistoric world.

Not only that, you should know that Hou Tu's combat power is also among the best in the prehistoric world.

But after all, she is a woman. Although she is from the witch clan and her realm is far superior to others, she is still no match for the top ones.

In the prehistoric world, except for the gods and demons who are asexual, most of the others have genders of yin and yang.

This point is also classified as yin and yang.

Men are yang and women are yin.

Although there is no rule that women cannot beat men in a fight, in fact, in the prehistoric world, most of the top powerful supernatural powers are men.

The powerful female characters are only the Queen of Earth, Xihe, the Emperor of Heaven, Nuwa, the Queen Mother of the West in the Kunlun Mountains, Wangshu and Changxi, the Demon Emperors on the Moon, and the two Guixu Goddesses born in the Guixu Land.

These eight are the best women in the prehistoric world.

Theoretically, the Guixu Goddess is the most likely to become the most powerful existence!

But the premise is that the two of them must be combined into one and become the real Guixu Goddess.

Instead of the two Guixu Goddesses today, the difference is huge.

After all, the goddess of Guixu who is the combination of the two is the real goddess of Guixu.

The goddess born from such an existence is probably not worse than Zulong.

But among these people, the most powerful one is undoubtedly the Queen of Earth.

But no matter how strong Houtu is, she is still far behind Zulong who has been in the wild since ancient times.

This is the gap.

But even so, Houtu is an extremely rare existence in this era, and can even be called peerless.

As long as she is given some more time, she may be able to compete with Zulong and even kill him.

But now it seems that she has no chance to kill Zulong.

Because she is suppressed now, she can't get out of Zulong's control at all.

This made the Queen of Earth feel powerless, and her face was a little pale.

"Houtu, you are not as good as me after all!" Zulong sneered and said, "Today I will send you to hell!"

When Zulong's words fell, the aura on his body burst out instantly.

Golden light appeared all over his body.

Under the reflection of these lights, he seemed to have turned into a golden god of war.

Zulong exuded a strong dragon power, and his eyes shot out a faint brilliance.

Then it suddenly exploded!

A burst of golden light!!!

The huge golden dragon claw grabbed Hou Tu's head fiercely.



The whole Hou Tu was crushed by this blow.




After seeing this scene in the distance, Chi You was furious and looked at Zulong with hatred in his eyes. At this moment, he wished to kill Zulong immediately!!!

This damn Zulong, it's all his fault!!!

Not only Chiyou, but also Tubo and so on...

All the gods who still exist in the underworld are looking at Zulong with hatred at this moment.

Although they all know that Houtu will not really fall, when Houtu really falls, their hearts are still full of reluctance and anger! ! !

No one respects Houtu Niangniang more than them, because Houtu Niangniang is the god standing in their hearts!

That is the real god, the god who cannot resist!

It is the immortal god!

It is the master of everything!

It is the real ruler of the underworld!

Even if the underworld belongs to the heaven, it actually belongs to the witch clan, to Houtu!

The only difference between the underworld and the witch clan may be that the underworld not only has the warriors of the witch clan, but also some innate creatures and some acquired creatures.

Although the main body is the people of the witch clan, there are also many foreign creatures.

This may be the difference between the witch clan and the underworld, just like the demon clan and the heaven!

The only difference is that the majority of the demons are in the Heavenly Palace, while the majority of the witches are in the Western Wilds!

They are far away from the underworld and are not in the same place at all!

But even so, it is not very important.

Because for the powerful Hunyuan, this little distance and time are just a little bit on the long road of life.

In their long and ancient lives, even if the time spent on the journey is tens of thousands of years, it is just a drop in the ocean.

All in all, this is a trivial matter not worth mentioning.

But I didn't expect that the underworld is about to fall because of this small distance.

When Hou Tuyi died, the real peak fighting power in the underworld was instantly lost.

Then, the strongest ancestral dragon can be seen appearing.

When Zulong freed up his hands, the first one to deal with was the Lord of Jiuyou Huangquan... Tu Bo!

Tu Bo is innately divine, the most powerful god!

It is the supreme existence and the eternal spirit.

The Nine Netherworld is immortal, Tu Bo is immortal!

This is the extremely special characteristic brought by the underworld.

But as the Lord of Heaven, there is no other choice but to surrender to the Heavenly Court.

Tiangong is also a god on the same level as Tu Bo, but his status is much inferior to that of Tu Bo.

Because although this guy is known as the Lord of Heaven, he actually does not control the heaven. Even in the thirty-sixth heaven, he does not have his own territory.

Instead, he was given a position by Di Jun and sent out.

There is no way, who makes heaven itself have no shortage of warriors?

In addition, God's strength is not demonstrated in this aspect, but in various aspects, especially in divination, which is even more original and unique.

It can be said that God is the most talented person in the world in terms of calculation.

But it's the next best thing.

After all, he is not the only one in this world who can calculate.

Moreover, no one can be absolutely accurate in this kind of thing. It just means that in terms of general trends, it is an advantage to get some information before others and make plans early.

Apart from that, there are no other advantages.

When Zu Long freed up his hands to join the battle, Tu Bo quickly fell under the attack of Zu Long and the East China Sea Dragon King...

Next, the advantages snowballed and amplified rapidly.

Just after the underworld was on the verge of defeat, the advantage of the Witch Clan in the Western Wilderness became increasingly obvious.

Even though Buddhism is constantly helping the Dragon Clan, it still gradually begins to lose in the face of the huge Wu Clan system.

There is no other reason but strength.

Time passed quickly. During this time, the dragon clan suffered heavy casualties, and the witch clan was not much better.

In this battle, all the living groups in the entire prehistoric world were seriously injured.

Buddhism also lost many disciples, which made Jie Yin and Zhunti feel heartbroken.

It can be said that these two guys are really overwhelmed by each other.

If they had not come to support the Dragon Clan and help the Human Race, they, the Buddhists, could have completely avoided participating in this battle.

But for the future prosperity of Buddhism, this sacrifice is necessary.

And after sacrificing, he can also show his determination to the human race.

After all, most of the Buddhist disciples who died had not entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

When a disciple who has not entered the Golden Immortal Realm of Hunyuan Daluo dies, he is truly dead.

If the soul is still there, you can turn into a ghost and practice. Although this practice is slower, the memory is still there.

Of course, you can also directly choose to enter reincarnation and replenish your physical body. After reaching the Golden Immortal realm, your memory will still be revived.

It's just that after reincarnation, he is no longer the same self after all.

Even if he is himself from the perspective of soul to true spirit, he is still the same person in essence, but in terms of personality and conduct, he is completely different.

More or less, there will be some gaps and discrepancies. There are no two people who are the same in an absolute sense.

What's more, the physical body is also different.

It was like three days, and only the true spirit remained. It was almost impossible to save the true spirit.

But now that they have returned from reincarnation, no one really thinks that they are three days in the previous life, even if they all have this life because of the karma planted in the past three days.

But after reincarnation, after all, it is not the same three days as before.

This is the aftermath of reincarnation.

In other words, no one can truly be resurrected in a complete sense.

Except for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and above realms.

Those strong people are the ones who have truly transcended reincarnation, are not among the Five Elements, and have jumped out of the Three Realms.

Except for these powerful people, there is no way for anyone else to be resurrected.

Of course, some powerful Hunyuan masters of the Dao of Life may have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

In short, when many Buddhist disciples died, although Zhunti was heartbroken, he also felt a sense of joy.

As long as they are not blind, their contribution to Buddhism can be seen.

The twelve ancestral witches of the witch clan also defeated their opponents one after another at this moment.

Even if he is as strong as Zhunti, he can't help but retreat while fighting at this moment.

He even knocked down an ancestral witch. An ancestral witch fell under his attack, and the damn great witch Houyi was also destroyed by him.

It can be said that Zhunti's combat power has exceeded that of most people.

Even the ancestral witches of the witch clan are mostly no match for Zhunti.

But no matter what, the ancestral witches of the witch clan gathered together to deal with him.

Soon, Zhunti had no choice but to retreat.

Because if you don't leave here, you will be killed here.

In Buddhism during this period, Zhunti cannot die.

If he dies, then only Jie Yin can stand up.

And Jie Yin is not as good as Zhunti in terms of management.

It can be said that Zhunti is the real backbone of Buddhism.

Buddhism can do without Jie Yin, but it can never do without Zhunti.

If there is no Zhunti, the development speed will definitely drop countless times, which means that the real center of Buddhism is Zhunti.

When Zhunti, the master of Buddhism, began to retreat, those guys also retreated madly.

After the Buddhist disciples withdrew, the people of the dragon clan began to gradually lose their support.

Soon, the two dragon kings and the four dragon commanders were all killed.

Countless dragon generals and dragon soldiers fell.

The sky was full of dragon soldiers who kept falling.

This is the effect of pushing the snowball successfully.

In this battle, there is no so-called victory, but to completely beat the opponent to lose the ability to fight.

Even if the dragon clan surrenders, they have to continue to fight.

Beat the opponent to completely lose the ability to resist, then they can stop and return to help.

In this way, these guys can't stab them in the back again.

If they do, then their previous advantage will be in vain.

So, as long as they beat the opponent so that he can't even resist, then it can be considered a great success.

In this way, it should be considered a real success!

Only after this point can it be considered a real success.

Otherwise, it is not a real success.

One family is happy and the other is sad. The two battles between the Dragon Clan and the Witch Clan have been won by one and lost by the other.

In general, it is a draw.

When Zulong conquered the underworld, he did not carry out any massacres in the underworld, because this is related to the operation of the entire prehistoric netherworld reincarnation.

It is very important, so all those people were temporarily incorporated by him, and he just killed all the other Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Others, they didn't move much.

After doing this, it means that there is no more threat from the underworld, and then Zulong led his troops to Buzhou Mountain.

At this time, he already knew that the Wu Clan had won, because he knew from the fate of the dragon clan that the two dragon kings had all fallen...

The dragon clan over there was almost dead or wounded, and even those who did not enter the mixed origin did not know how many died.

Time passed in a flash, and it kept changing.

The Wu Clan also began to head towards Buzhou Mountain.

The battle between the human race and the heavenly court ended in a mutual destruction. In the East Wilderness, both sides were injured. After the leaders died, the backbone forces were almost dead, and these remnants also gathered towards Buzhou Mountain.

It can be said that at least on the surface, they are still evenly matched.

It depends on the remaining combat power of the dragon clan and the witch clan.

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