The underworld, in the cycle of reincarnation.

"Now, in the battle of the East Wilderness, both the human race and the Heavenly Court were defeated, and all the high-level officials died. Only some remnants fled to Mount Buzhou to rely on the main body."

"And the Ancestral Dragon destroyed the underworld, and the Ancestral Witch destroyed the two sea dragons. From this point of view, the power struggle between the two sides is actually a draw..."

"This battle between heaven and man in Mount Buzhou seems to be lost by Emperor Xuanyuan, but in the heavens and myriad worlds, the so-called emperor Qin Shihuang is also rapidly accumulating power..."

"If we wait until this force breaks out, I am afraid that the Heavenly Court will be in danger of falling..."

The God of Demon said with emotion.

At the beginning, He could not have thought that the two forces would fight so hard.

"Demon, do you think Qin Shihuang will take the opportunity to seize the power of the Heavenly Court?"

At this time, the God of Reincarnation asked in a low voice.

"Are you stupid?" The Demon God rolled his eyes: "This Heaven is the head of the nine heavens and ten earths, how could Qin Shihuang give up?"

"However, if a fight really breaks out, this Heaven will probably be completely destroyed..."

The Reincarnation God sighed.

The majesty of the Heaven Palace is known to the entire Three Realms.

Although the Heaven Palace has been damaged beyond recognition, the power contained in it is still extremely amazing.

It can easily crush the stars.

At this time, the Demon God suddenly looked up.

I saw that the originally clear void was covered with dark clouds, as if the world was about to end!


Thunder flashed, and heavy rain poured down!

At this moment, a Yellow Spring Road leading to the netherworld appeared in the sight of all living beings.

"Let's go, it's time to find him!"

Then, the Demon God took the lead in stepping onto the Yellow Spring Road...

The Netherworld Blood Pool.

The environment here is extremely harsh, with blood and water emitting a rotten smell everywhere, which is disgusting!

Moreover, there are countless wronged souls and evil spirits lurking here, and ordinary people can hardly get close to it!

Even the gods are no exception.

Therefore, this place is regarded as a taboo place!

Only those who are extremely vicious or die with their eyes open will come here to be punished.

Not long after, miserable cries came from the depths of the netherworld, making this place even more gloomy and terrifying.


The sound of blood rippling came, followed by footsteps and laughter.

"Huh? Isn't this the judge of Yama Palace? Why are you here today..."

"Haha, isn't this the King of Hell from the Eighteen Layers of Hell? How dare you come here today..."

Along with the conversation, a man in a black robe slowly walked out.

And next to him was another man in a red robe!

"Meet King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang!"

The judge and the King of Hell saluted the burly and ugly man.

"Well, I summoned you today to give you a good job, go do it!"

King Qin Guang nodded slightly, then said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The judge and the King of Hell bowed respectfully at the same time.

Then, the two retreated and left the Netherworld Blood Pool...


After the judge and the other left, King Qin Guang sighed, with a bit of misery on his face.

This time, he sent the judge to arrest the evildoer.

But he never thought that he would be blocked halfway and even almost encountered danger. In the end, he had to use secret methods to summon King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang from the Yama Palace to help.

"Oh, brother, we haven't seen each other for many years. You are so stern when you meet. Do you think we are in the way?"

King Qin Guang had just sat down, and King Chu Jiang also sat down, looking at him with a playful smile and said.


King Qin Guang snorted coldly and ignored him.

This guy has a volatile personality, likes to make trouble, and loves to cause trouble. I have long been used to it.

But this time, it is really troublesome...

"Hehe, brother, don't be angry, we haven't seen each other for a long time, just chat!"

King Chujiang still chattered, but King Qin Guang was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"By the way, brother, what did that evil creature do that made you go through so much trouble?"

King Chujiang asked, after all, the goal this time was very important. If there was a slight mistake, it would not only implicate the judge.

King Qin Guang was silent, and after a moment he slowly said: "He colluded with outsiders and wanted to murder me!"


King Qin Guang's words immediately made King Chujiang take a breath. He never thought that it would involve the struggle in the world. This matter is getting more and more difficult!

"Brother, leave this matter to me. I promise to bring this evil creature back!"

King Chujiang said, patting his chest.

Although he loves to play and make trouble, he is very loyal. He is absolutely loyal to his friends!

"Okay, I'll trouble you with this matter."

King Qin Guang breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he has a close relationship with King Chujiang. If the other party is unwilling to help, he will be helpless.

But at this moment, King Chujiang suddenly showed a sly smile, then leaned close to King Qin Guang's ear and whispered:

"Brother, I have good news to tell you!"

Hearing this, King Qin Guang frowned slightly: "What is it?"

King Chujiang stretched out his right finger, erected it to the left of his mouth, and whispered: "Brother, you can't make it public!"

Looking at the mysterious look of King Chujiang, King Qin Guang became more confused:

"Hurry up and tell me!"

Seeing King Qin Guang urging him, King Chu Jiang slowly said:

"Brother, I just got the news that the evil creature seems to have a lover in the world of the living!"


This was like a bombshell that exploded directly in King Qin Guang's head.

He lost his composure instantly and stood up suddenly.

"Is this true?"

"Absolutely true, I spent a lot of money to find out this news!"

King Chu Jiang said confidently, while King Qin Guang fell into deep thought...

After a long time, he slowly said: "Since this evil creature has a lover in the world of the living, we don't need his life..."

As soon as these words came out, King Chu Jiang was stunned: "Brother, no matter what, you still want to kill him?"

"Yes, no matter whether this news is true or false, he must die!"

After King Qin Guang finished speaking, King Chu Jiang immediately understood that he knew that this matter was not simple.

Otherwise, King Qin Guang would not come down to the world in person, and he was so urgent.

"Well, brother, wait for me for half an incense stick of time, and I will tell you his whereabouts after half an incense stick of time."

As he said this, King Chujiang turned and walked away, ready to leave...


Beside the Netherworld Blood Pool.

The judge was waiting, and above the blood pool, a scroll appeared.

In the scroll was the face of King Qin Guang.

"Your Majesty, have you really decided? The lover of that evil beast in the human world is not simple!"

The judge said with a worried face, after all, all this is too risky.

"Of course I know!"

King Qin Guang's eyes showed a trace of solemnity:

"If it were normal days, I would certainly not want to wade into this muddy water, but now that evil beast is colluding with outsiders and trying to rebel against the court, I will definitely not let him go!"

Hearing this, the judge also nodded.

After all, if the evil beast is not eradicated, the court will lose face.

Moreover, King Qin Guang has a deep hatred for that person, and this time he can use this matter to repay the other party.


Just at this moment, a vast pressure permeated the entire Netherworld City, shocking everyone.

"What happened!"

This sudden change shocked everyone.


At the same time, the scroll hanging in the void suddenly shrank, turned into a jade pendant, and flew directly into a towering palace!

At the same time, in the palace, a middle-aged man in a yellow dragon robe was lying quietly on a soft couch!

He had a handsome face, gray hair, and a faint majesty between his eyebrows, which was daunting.

However, his face was slightly pale at this time, as if he had experienced a fierce battle.

His injuries were extremely serious. Even with his cultivation, he felt difficult to recover at this moment, and most of the spiritual power in his body was also consumed.

This man was the emperor of the Great Qin Empire - Qin Shihuang Yingzheng!

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, because he remembered that he should have been seriously injured and unconscious, but why was he so energetic at this moment?

And he also vaguely remembered that someone seemed to have attacked him last night and injured him.


Ying Zheng's eyes swept around and finally stopped at the scroll. His brows slightly frowned and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Hehe... I didn't expect you to wake up!"

At this time, a wisp of green smoke floated out of the scroll, with a strange shape.

"It turned out to be you!"

Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed:

"You saved me!"

Although he was seriously injured, he was not unfamiliar with the breath of the attacker. At this moment, he recognized that it was King Qin Guang, and he couldn't help but secretly angry!

"Hehe... you guessed right!"

King Qin Guang's words were filled with murderous intent, and then he said:

"But don't worry, I'm not here to kill you, I just have a deal with you!"


Ying Zheng was stunned. He really couldn't figure out what King Qin Guang was up to.

But he didn't refuse. After all, for him, King Qin Guang's existence was also a strong support!


Ying Zheng's eyes were uncertain, and he couldn't see through his thoughts.

And King Qin Guang continued:

"I want you to find a few things in the world. I hope you can find them for me. If you find them all, we'll be even, and you can choose not to do it."

These words made Ying Zheng frown more and more: "What is it!"

King Qin Guang's face gradually became ferocious: "Nine Cauldrons!"


When Ying Zheng heard this, his heart twitched fiercely. These Nine Cauldrons were the treasures that suppressed the nine states and eight wastelands, and they were the treasures of the ancient Chinese civilization!

"What do you want the Nine Cauldrons for?" Ying Zheng's voice was cold and stern.

"You don't need to ask so many questions. Just tell me whether you can find them or not!"

The words of King Qin Guang were chilling and chilling, and Ying Zheng finally understood that King Qin Guang was not a good person!

"The Nine Cauldrons are the sacred objects of China. You can't just take them whenever you want. Why should I find the Nine Cauldrons for you!" Ying Zheng's eyes were as sharp as a blade, as if they could cut the space into pieces!

"Hehe... Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

The words of King Qin Guang were full of strong murderous aura, which seemed to be ready to erupt at any time!

However, Ying Zheng's face remained calm:

"I want to see what you are capable of!"


The confrontation between the two top masters immediately caused the howling of wind and thunder.

Especially King Qin Guang, his momentum was overwhelming at this moment, sweeping across the city like a giant wave, making all the ghosts tremble!

And just when the two were about to fight, a long and long sigh sounded:


These words shocked both Ying Zheng and King Qin Guang.


Ying Zheng had a solemn look on his face, his eyes moved sideways to the source of the sound, and he saw an old man appearing there.

The old man was dressed simply and walked slowly forward with a cane.

"who I am?"

The old man chuckled and said:

"I am the God and Demon of Samsara. I control the six paths of reincarnation and the cycle of life and death. Who do you think I am!"

As the old man spoke, he raised his head and looked at Ying Zheng, as if he was interested.

"Are you the god and demon of reincarnation? The legendary master of reincarnation who controls the fate of all living beings in the three realms!"

Ying Zheng's face was full of vigilance and fear.

As the leader of the Great Qin Empire, he naturally knows the horror of reincarnation!

Samsara gods and demons are legendary existences. They can control thousands of souls and control the cycle of life and death!

"Oh? It seems that the little guy is quite knowledgeable!"

The reincarnation god and demon chuckled:

"I am here to tell you today that the Land of Reincarnation has been invaded by the Dragon Clan, and this is also considered a land of your allies. You can stay here with confidence and boldness, of course, you can also return to the heavens to continue the conquest."

After saying that, the reincarnation gods and demons disappeared from the painting, leaving only Ying Zheng sitting alone in the main hall.

After a while, Ying Zheng slowly closed his eyes, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

"Dragon clan?"

"No wonder there is a familiar feeling in my soul, it turns out it is them!"

Thinking of that former friend, a bitter smile appeared on Ying Zheng's lips.

When he left the mortal world and went to fight in the heavens, he finally met a young dragon named Long Aotian.

The two cherished each other and became good friends!

Then during an exploration of a secret realm, Long Aotian's cultivation level greatly increased, and he even obtained the bloodline of the ancestral dragon!

He has been practicing in that secret realm for hundreds of years, and his cultivation level has exceeded the level of martial arts.

The peak of Hunyuan Golden Immortal has set foot on the legendary Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

But then he realized that he didn't belong to this world at all!

In that mysterious world, his father, the Lord of the Dragon Clan, had long since died, and his mother had also died, leaving him alone to survive!

Those were miserable years, which also made Long Aotian full of longing for the outside world!

He wants to go out and experience the brilliance of this world!

So, he walked out of the dragon's nest and entered the vast wilderness!

There, Long Aotian met a woman, her name was Chang'e!

She is a beautiful and kind girl, gentle and considerate, and has kindness towards everyone!

In that bright world, Long Aotian encountered many strange sights!

He has seen the sun rising from the west, the Milky Way flowing past the north, and even the stars in the sky are real!

He also saw the alternation of day and night, the transformation of mountains and rivers, the withering of vegetation, the reverse flow of rivers, and the collapse of heaven and earth!

That is a new world, a world full of infinite vitality!

There are flowers, birds, fish, insects, birds, animals, and all kinds of people there!

Long Aotian stayed in that world for a long time, until he was tired of the life there and wanted to return to his own world!

However, at this moment, a catastrophe struck!

Floods raged, fires spread throughout the world, corpses littered the fields, and screams shook the sky!

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