This is a disaster that will destroy the world!

In this disaster, countless lives turned into ashes, millions of lives perished, and even the huge mountains that were thousands of feet high were razed to the ground!

This disaster lasted for a long time, and it took seven hundred years for the prehistoric world to return to peace!

Long Aotian survived the disaster, but he was also wounded and his cultivation fell.

Moreover, at that time, Long Aotian's wife Chang'e also disappeared, leaving him alone to live!

In this way, more than 20 years later, Long Aotian suddenly heard a bell ringing!


It was the sound of a bell, as if it penetrated the void and shook the universe!

And when the bell rang, the entire prehistoric world shook violently, as if the end of the world was coming!

"What happened?"

Long Aotian's face suddenly became gloomy, because this abnormality meant that something major had happened!

He immediately stood up and rushed out of the palace gate!

Sure enough, just after walking a few steps, Long Aotian saw smoke and dust rolling in, covering half of the sky!

Countless figures were vaguely revealed in the smoke and dust, like dark clouds pressing down on the city, covering the sky and the earth, dense and endless!

And when he saw the appearance of those figures clearly, Long Aotian was stunned!

"What... is that!"

Long Aotian looked at the distance with astonishment!

Because the figures emerging in the smoke and dust were huge palaces and pavilions one after another, like giant fortresses!

Those fortresses were pitch black, covered with rune formations, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life, which was awe-inspiring!

They were suspended in the air, like a city made of steel, suppressing the world!

"No! That's not a city!"

After seeing it clearly, Long Aotian's pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw that those black buildings were actually coffins!

Those coffins were tall and majestic, and each coffin could carry everything, very solid!

At a glance, there were as many as ninety-nine coffins, densely arranged in the air!

"Could these be..."

Long Aotian suddenly remembered some memory and trembled all over!

At this time, he remembered that in the world he was in, there was a legend about this terrifying existence!

It is said that in the distant ancient times, ninety-nine dragons were buried together!

Each one was invincible and powerful, with the power to destroy the world!

These dragons were buried together to form a huge coffin, known as the Dragon Tomb!

It is said that there are ninety-nine giant dragons buried in the Dragon Tomb. The strength of these giant dragons is unfathomable, and even the innate saints may not be their opponents!

And the owner of these dragon tombs is called... Dragon Emperor!

Although Long Aotian has never seen it, he has heard of it!

After all, in that world, the Dragon Emperor is the king who rules all dragons, with unparalleled majesty, and no one dares to provoke!

"How come there are ninety-nine dragon coffins here?"

Long Aotian was extremely puzzled!

It stands to reason that the dragon race has a long life span and has gone through countless epochs. They should not all be buried here!

"Could it be that... the dragon race suffered a great disaster?"

"But who can kill these giant dragons?"

Thinking of this, Long Aotian became more and more frightened!

"No, I absolutely cannot stay here!"

After thinking about it, he turned around and ran!

However, he just turned around a few steps and suddenly stopped, showing hesitation and struggle.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the group of dragon coffins!

Because deep in his heart, there was a voice telling him that this was his only chance to leave that world!

Otherwise, when the ninety-nine dragon tombs closed, he would be trapped here forever and would never be able to get out!


Just when Long Aotian was about to approach the ninety-nine giant dragon coffins, those giant dragon coffins suddenly glowed and released a terrifying and monstrous wave!

The fluctuation was too terrifying, sweeping in all directions like a tsunami, causing the entire world to shake!


Long Aotian roared, trying his best to dodge, but it was too late!

In an instant, Long Aotian was submerged!

Under the energy fluctuations bursting out from the ninety-nine giant dragon coffins, Long Aotian's body exploded, his soul was shattered, and he died completely!

Long Aotian died just like that, turning into a ball of blood mist that floated out and filled the world!

And his true spirit escaped from his body at the last moment and rushed to the sky!

"Ah, save me!"

Long Aotian's soul cried out miserably!

He wanted to ask for help!

Unfortunately, the surrounding space was distorted, and a mysterious and majestic force enveloped the world, wrapped him, dragged him away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Not long after Long Aotian disappeared, the world returned to peace!

Everything returned to silence again!

Long Aotian's body was still lying there, already shrunken, without any life, and had been dead for a long time!

After an unknown amount of time, the sky and the earth suddenly became bright!

On this day, the sun rose, and the warm sunlight shone on Long Aotian's shrunken body!

At the same time, the dragon ball also slowly glowed, emitting a faint fluorescence!


A light sound was heard, and skin and hair gradually grew on Long Aotian's shrunken body, gradually becoming full!

As time passed, a handsome young man climbed up from the dried body!

There was a strong murderous aura in his brows, his eyes were cold, and his whole body was filled with icy coldness!

"Hahaha... I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect I was still alive!"

Long Aotian laughed up to the sky, full of excitement and joy. He felt as if he had been reborn and reborn again!

All this was due to the dragon ball. His true spirit was attracted into the dragon ball and merged into the dragon ball, which made him come back to life!

"What a strange dragon ball, what kind of treasure is this dragon ball that can save me!"

Long Aotian carefully looked at the dragon ball in his palm, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He knew that he was a dragon emperor in his previous life, and this dragon ball was made by him personally, containing powerful dragon vein power!

But soon, he frowned: "But why do I have no memory, and there is no dragon vein breath on my body?"

This made Long Aotian puzzled. It was obviously the dragon ball that saved him, but he forgot everything. This was too weird!

At this moment, a hazy picture suddenly appeared in Long Aotian's mind, as if it was a picture, emerging in his sea of ​​consciousness, causing a storm in his heart!

He saw that in that picture, in a vast starry sky, ninety-nine giant dragons stretched across the void, entrenched in the sky and earth, covering the sky and the sun!

And above their heads, there was a young man in white standing with his hands behind his back!

His back was tall and straight, his face was heroic, and his long silver-white hair was flying in the wind, giving people a sense of transcendence, as if he was a banished immortal, transcendent!

What was even more bizarre was that above his head, there was a long sword slowly rotating, releasing a wisp of sharp sword intent, cutting through the void and shocking the eight wastelands!

When he saw this scene, Long Aotian couldn't help but take a breath, widened his eyes, and was stunned!

"Hiss... Where did this freak come from? How could he be so arrogant?"

"A group of giant dragons stretched across the sky, and he stood on top of the dragons, with his hands behind his back, so domineering!"

"Who is this guy? How could he be so amazing? Could he be a peerless genius cultivated by some hidden force?"

Long Aotian was horrified. According to the description of the picture, this young man in white was definitely not an ordinary person. He was very likely a peerless genius cultivated by a hidden force!

But, they slaughtered the dragon clan so recklessly, aren't they afraid of the dragon clan's wrath?

This place is not far from the dragon clan's territory. If the dragon clan knew about it, they would definitely send a large army to wipe out this young man in white, right?

However, Long Aotian quickly gathered all his thoughts, because the young man in white in the picture did not stay after slaughtering the dragon clan, but turned around and left, disappearing without a trace!


"Where is this? Who is this guy? Why did he want to slaughter the dragon clan? Isn't this courting death?"

Long Aotian was shocked, because he found that he had come to an ancient ruins!

This relic is very old, thousands of feet high, majestic, and full of traces of the vicissitudes of time, like an ancient mausoleum!

"Is it the burial place of a certain dragon emperor?"

Long Aotian guessed, and then he raised his leg and stepped into it!

There were countless skeletons in the relic, densely packed, not even a puppy!

Although these skeletons were dilapidated and decayed, they still exuded a strong breath, showing how powerful they were before they were born!

"These dragon skeletons are the skeletons of our ancestors?!"

Long Aotian was shocked and looked at these skeletons in disbelief!

He never expected that he would meet so many dragon ancestors here, and they were at the ancestor level!

"This is the Dragon Burial Valley. It used to be the habitat of the dragon clan, but it was destroyed later!"

"However, the majesty of the dragon clan is still vaguely preserved here. It should be the burial place of a certain dragon emperor. I must find him and take him out!"

Long Aotian whispered, and then stepped forward, looking for the remains of the dragon emperor!

This Dragon Burial Valley is full of the smell of decay, with dead branches and leaves everywhere, and many broken walls, as if it were a ruin!

However, Long Aotian didn't mind. Anyway, he practiced the Dragon Art and could absorb the power of the dragon veins. Besides, he had a dragon ball that could absorb the corpses of the dragon clan!

He walked in the ruins, observing the situation here while looking for the remains of the dragon emperor!

"Well? This seems to be..."

Finally, he stopped and looked at a stone door in front of him.

There was a dark and heavy stone door, carved with a hideous and terrifying dragon pattern, lifelike and fierce!

"Is this the gate of the Demon Dragon Palace?"

Long Aotian was surprised and excited. He recognized that this was the gate of the Demon Dragon Palace. There was the inheritance of the Demon Dragon inside, and this was exactly what Long Aotian needed!

Thinking of this, Long Aotian pushed open the stone door without hesitation and entered it!


As the stone door was pushed open, a gloomy and evil breath came over, giving Long Aotian goose bumps all over his body!

He looked around and found that the entire Demon Dragon Palace was gray, the walls were mottled, full of traces of time, and all kinds of broken limbs were piled on the floor!

The bloody and murderous breath was pervasive, which was disgusting!

And this place was full of resentment, with gusts of cold wind, ghosts crying and wolves howling, which was terrifying!


Just then, a deafening roar sounded, followed by a scream!

Long Aotian was startled and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a huge monster lurking in the deepest part of the Demon Dragon Palace!

It was a giant python-like existence, hundreds of feet long, covered with black scales, each scale flashing with a cold luster, exuding a chilling murderous intent!

Especially, there were two horns on his head, like scimitars, flashing with cold light!

This was a dragon, powerful, comparable to the existence of the God Realm, but now it was dying, seriously injured, lying on the ground and gasping for breath!

A huge wound appeared on its abdomen, blood was flowing, shocking!

"What a terrifying dragon!"

Long Aotian was palpitating. This dragon was dying and seemed to be dying at any time, but even so, his breath was extremely terrifying, which made Long Aotian shudder and feel a suffocating oppression!

"Although this dragon was seriously injured and dying, it was still very powerful. If I was hit, I would probably be crushed to pieces!" Long Aotian was alert.

Not only that, around the dragon, there were actually several equally terrifying creatures crawling. These creatures were also dragons, but their breath was not weaker than this dragon!

"It's really terrifying. These creatures are all Hunyuan-level existences. They are absolutely terrifying when they unite!"

"But now, they are all sealed and become slaves of this dragon!"

The more Long Aotian looked at it, the more shocked he was. He felt that this dragon was too terrifying and terrible!

This is a world-class overlord!

"Hmm? That is..." Suddenly, Long Aotian's pupils shrank!

On the dragon's spine, he saw several pieces of broken dragon scales, which were exactly the same in shape as the dragon scales on Long Aotian's wrist!

"I understand!"

Long Aotian suddenly realized that these dragon scales were the dragon scales of these dragons!

The reason why he came here was also because of the guidance of these dragon scales!

At this time, the seriously injured dragon seemed to sense Long Aotian's arrival, opened his scarlet eyes, and stared at him coldly!


The dragon rushed out suddenly, at a very fast speed, and instantly came in front of Long Aotian, opened his bloody mouth, and bit towards Long Aotian's neck!


The dragon's teeth were extremely sharp, easily piercing Long Aotian's throat, almost tearing Long Aotian apart!


Long Aotian wailed in pain, his face was extremely pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat!

He never thought that this dragon was so fierce and wanted to eat him without saying a word!


The dragon roared, a fierce cold light burst out of its eyes, and it opened its fangs and claws, grabbing Long Aotian's body and tearing it apart!


At the critical moment, Long Aotian sacrificed his dragon ball and hit the dragon!


The dragon howled miserably, let go of Long Aotian, and its body trembled violently, no longer as violent as before!

Its eyes were fearful and full of intense fear. Obviously, the dragon ball that Long Aotian sacrificed just now caused it great damage, causing it to be frightened!

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