"Hoo ho ho!"

Long Aotian gasped, staring at the dragon with a fierce expression!

This dragon was so ferocious that it almost swallowed him!

"This is the palace of the demon dragon. Is there any inheritance left by the demon dragon in it?"

Long Aotian's eyes are fiery and his mind is extremely active!

"Humph! Since you are so cruel, no wonder I destroyed the flower with such ruthless hands!"

"When I seize the Demon Dragon inheritance, I will definitely be able to conquer the Northern Wilderness Territory, and even the Kyushu Continent!"

Long Aotian sneered again and again, staring straight at the dragon, his mind was quick, and he had already paid attention to the inheritance of the magic dragon!


Suddenly, the dragon roared, its body turned into a golden light, and fled into the distance!

Long Aotian was dumbfounded and froze on the spot. He didn't expect that the dragon actually escaped from the battle!

"Hahaha... It is exactly as I imagined, the inheritance of the magic dragon is hidden in this palace!" Long Aotian was extremely excited.

This time, he was more sure of his guess and immediately rushed towards the dragon's palace!

However, when Long Aotian rushed to the door of the palace, he encountered an invisible barrier blocking the outside!

This barrier is very strong, wrapping the demon dragon's palace inside and blocking out the outside world!

This made Long Aotian's face darken, and he secretly cursed bad luck!

"No matter what, let's break this barrier first!"

Long Aotian took out a copper dagger and prepared to attack. However, as soon as he swung the dagger, it was bounced away by a transparent barrier!

"Damn! What kind of barrier is this? It's so strong that even my copper dagger can't break it!"

Long Aotian frowned, and doubts arose in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong!

"Eh? There is a strange aura coming out of this palace. Is it the inheritance of the magic dragon?"

At this moment, Long Aotian sensed wisps of strange aura coming from the Demon Dragon's palace. This aura was very strange. It was not a pure energy fluctuation, but contained inexplicable thoughts!

"Well, is it the obsession of the dragon?"

Long Aotian's mind was spinning and he immediately guessed something!

"No, we must break through the barrier as soon as possible and enter it!" Long Aotian decided to give up!

Because this demon dragon's palace is so weird, it can actually resist his dragon balls, and it can also block energy detection. It is simply unbelievable, and it makes him wonder if there are other treasures or forbidden areas here!

"Forget it, these are not important, what is important is to get the inheritance of the demon dragon!"

Long Aotian took a deep breath and finally made a decision!


The wings behind him flapped, soared into the air, and flew towards the dragon's palace!


In an instant, the entire demon dragon's palace shook, and the palace seemed to explode!


The dragon roared with such ferocious power that it caused mountains and rivers to collapse and rivers to roll back!

It raised its huge claws and slapped Long Aotian, causing violent winds and waves!


The void exploded, the strong wind raged, and the rocks here were crushed and turned into powder!

Long Aotian groaned, his chest sunken, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his body flew out and fell to the ground!

He was seriously injured!

"This dragon is so powerful!" Long Aotian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a gloomy look!

This dragon is so terrifying, its strength is astonishing, he is invincible!

Fortunately, I didn't continue to catch up just now, otherwise I would definitely encounter a crisis!


The dragon roared again, opened its mouth and spit out a bolt of lightning!


This bolt of lightning was extremely fast, piercing the sky and hitting Long Aotian's body, instantly making him blackened all over!

"This beast has a vicious mind. He knows that I want to snatch the inheritance of the demon dragon, so he deliberately lured me here and used the thunder tribulation to kill me!"

Long Aotian said angrily, if he hadn't escaped in time, he would have died here!

"No, we must find a defensive magic weapon, otherwise, I will most likely end up here today!"

Long Aotian gritted his teeth and said.


At this time, the surrounding mountains shook, dark clouds rolled in, thunder and thunder struck, as if something terrifying was about to come!

"It seems that I must leave! Otherwise, when the disaster comes, I will really die!"

Long Aotian didn't dare to stay and quickly retreated!


Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and a huge thunder ball condensed, exuding a breath of destruction, making Long Aotian feel cold all over his body!


After the thunderball was brewed, it crashed down violently, blasting a deep pit into the ground and splashing mud!


At the same time, the dragon looked up to the sky and let out a roar, its huge body flew away and got into the deep pit!


Immediately afterwards, a fierce collision occurred in the deep pit, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly, shaking the mountains!

After a while, the dust settled, and the inside of the pit was calm. Only the dragon's corpse was gone, and it had long since disappeared without a trace!

"This... was actually swallowed by the dragon!" Long Aotian was dumbfounded.


Suddenly, a dragon's roar came from the deep pit, which was deafening!

"Not good!" Long Aotian's face changed drastically, he hurriedly activated his flying sword and ran away like crazy!


The dragon roared again and sprang out from the deep pit, fully ten meters high. Its ferocious head was covered with dense scales, like steel needles, glowing with a sharp sheen!

Bang bang bang!

The dragon wandered around, and wherever it passed, mountains exploded and rock walls cracked!


The ground shook violently, and the dragon rushed towards Long Aotian!

"Damn! How did this guy regain his original appearance?"

Long Aotian's face turned pale, and he hurriedly used his martial arts skills to resist with all his strength!

"Xuanjie's top-grade spiritual technique - Qianjun Pendant!"

Long Aotian shouted loudly, and his body rose up, reaching more than ten meters in an instant. Like a giant, his fist was shining brightly, and it hit the dragon's head!


The two collided, and a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, causing the earth to tremble!

Deng Deng stared!

The dragon was in pain, and its huge body slid backwards for hundreds of meters before stopping!

It growled and seemed very angry!


It roared angrily, the scales on its body flashed with brilliance, and a tail swung over, lashing towards Long Aotian!

"Damn it, isn't it! This beast can actually use magical powers?"

Long Aotian was frightened. The moves and spiritual techniques performed by this dragon were all martial arts, not spiritual techniques!


The dragon's tail carried the power of Wanjun, and Long Aotian's skin was torn open and his blood was dripping with blood!


He spurted out a mouthful of old blood and fell to the ground!


Jiaolong roared, and his huge body rushed over. The sharp dragon claws grabbed Long Aotian and wanted to tear Long Aotian into pieces!

"Mader, this is too cruel!" Long Aotian cursed, and the hair on his body stood up. He quickly activated the secret method, and the wings behind him fluttered and flew into the distance!

"Want to run?"

Jiaolong sneered, his wings vibrated, his speed suddenly increased, he caught up with Long Aotian, and struck hard at him!


Long Aotian was hit by the dragon. Like a cannonball, it smashed through the mountain and created a huge canyon filled with smoke and dust!

Long Aotian was in great pain all over and coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth!

"Nah! This guy is too powerful. I am no match for it now!" Long Aotian said with palpitations, "I have to escape! Otherwise, I will be killed by it sooner or later!"


Long Aotian turned around and rushed towards the outside. As long as he left this desolate land, he would be safe!


Suddenly, the dragon opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, jumped up suddenly, and pounced on him. It was extremely fast and arrived at Long Aotian's side in the blink of an eye!


The dragon opened its mouth, revealing its white teeth, and stabbed Long Aotian fiercely!

"Not good!"

Long Aotian's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly took a step to the side, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow, but he was still half a minute too late, and his left arm was bitten, causing severe pain!

The dragon bit Long Aotian, and its huge snake body wrapped around Long Aotian, trying to strangle him to death!

Long Aotian's face turned livid and he struggled hard, trying to get rid of the dragon!


Jiaolong was furious and used all his strength to wrap Long Aotian around his waist and abdomen. Then he opened his mouth and spat out a smelly liquid, which corroded Long Aotian's skin and made him scream in agony!

"Made, it's so disgusting!" Long Aotian shouted, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart. This dragon was so vicious, so cruel, it wanted to strangle him alive!

Long Aotian tried his best to resist the dragon's attack, but the more he struggled, the more painful it became. He felt that all his blood was being sucked out!

"Mom sells batches, am I going to hang in this beast's belly?"

Long Aotian gritted his teeth and felt extremely depressed. This battle was simply frustrating.

the other side.

In the wilderness, the battle between Xuanyuan and Di Jun was coming to an end. The figures of both of them looked a little blurry in the sky. But the power it exuded made all living beings in the wild world feel frightened and frightened.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar came from Xuanyuan's mouth. His eyes were blood red, and his whole body was full of murderous intent: "Emperor Jun, even if you die today, you don't want to leave here alive!" After saying that, Xuanyuan held the Human Emperor Sword and slashed at Di Jun with all his strength. And with this attack, endless chaotic energy emerged crazily, condensing into a giant axe. This attack was ten times more powerful than the previous ones.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Emperor Jun's face showed no fear, but was filled with a smile: "Xuanyuan, are you really stubborn? I have already said that all this is fate, why do you need to do that desperate struggle? What? We have the same roots, so why bother killing each other?"

"Hmph! What nonsense fate!" Xuanyuan shouted coldly: "You only have the power you have now with the help of the power of fate. If you could really control fate, you wouldn't have forced me to a desperate situation, and you wouldn't even be able to connect yourself. You can throw away your own flesh and blood." As he spoke, Xuanyuan's expression became more ferocious: "Today, even if we fight to the death, I will drag you to the funeral."

After saying that, the Human Emperor Sword in his hand flashed with light, suddenly bursting out with dazzling golden light, turning into a golden holy dragon and soaring into the sky.


Along with a deafening thunder, Xuanyuan's body suddenly became huge. The body that was already ten thousand feet tall suddenly grew again. Finally, it transformed into a majestic existence standing tall on the sky and the earth, standing on the clouds, looking down on all directions.


Emperor Jun laughed loudly and said, "Xuanyuan, it's useless. Even if your strength increases several times, you still can't defeat me. I am the Lord of Heaven, holding the scepter of destiny and ruling many races in the prehistoric world. The fate of these races is closely related to me, so my power will never be exhausted. And you, sooner or later, will be exhausted by me. And when that time comes, it will be the time for you to perish."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan's heart sank.

Indeed, there are many races in the prehistoric world, among which there are countless demons, ghosts, immortals, and even Buddhas.

Now in the prehistoric world, except for the human race and a few races that are protected by heaven and earth, most races are in dire straits.

In this case, the stronger the ruling power of the heaven, the stronger the power of the heaven.

"Emperor Jun, if that's the case, let's decide the outcome with one move!" Xuanyuan slowly raised his head, his eyes bloodshot: "I know you are very powerful, not only you, but also the princes under your command are extremely powerful. Even Ao Bing, the third prince of Jiulong Island under your command, is also extremely powerful. Not only are they proficient in magic power, but they are also ruthless and decisive in killing. But I want to learn from them. See if you are really that powerful."


As he spoke, Xuanyuan's figure suddenly disappeared. Then he appeared in the air, then he raised his right hand and waved his arm slightly. In an instant, the entire sky trembled violently. Then endless black clouds appeared out of thin air, covering the sky and the sun.

Crack~ Crack~

A series of purple lightnings cut through the void, carrying destructive power.


Emperor Jun frowned slightly. Because he found that Xuanyuan's power seemed to have become much stronger, even vaguely beyond his expectations.

"What's going on?" Emperor Jun's face sank.


At this moment, a muffled sound was heard in the void. Immediately afterwards, an invisible and powerful force instantly swept across the entire prehistoric world.

"This..." Di Jun's face changed.

In the entire prehistoric world, every city, every river, every plant, every piece of soil, every drop of water...

Whether it was mountains, rivers, lakes, or seas, at this moment, they all collapsed.


Stars exploded, land sank, and cities collapsed.




Countless screams, wails, and cries resounded in the prehistoric world. How could those ordinary humans withstand such a disaster? They all died at this moment. Endless death spread across the prehistoric world.

"Not good!" Di Jun's face changed drastically: "This is the power of destiny. Xuanyuan, you dare to violate the rules of destiny. You deserve to die!"

As he spoke, a faint glow suddenly appeared around Di Jun, enveloping him tightly.

Bang, bang, bang~

However, those lightnings contained terrifying power. Those destructive forces struck the light shield, emitting waves of dazzling light. Then the light shield was seen cracking inch by inch, and cracks were densely covered. And the Emperor Jun in the light shield was also pale, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"Emperor Jun, give me your life!"

At this moment, only a golden light was seen cutting through the void, and then a huge claw grabbed him fiercely.

"Hmph!" Emperor Jun snorted coldly, took a step forward, and his body shook. He avoided Xuanyuan's fatal blow.


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