He knew the terrifying strength of Emperor Donghua. At first, Xuanyuan even wanted to kill Emperor Donghua. If he had not lost to Emperor Jun in the end, he would have killed Emperor Donghua by now.

Emperor Donghua's strength is definitely not weaker than Xuanyuan. In fact, he is slightly stronger than Xuanyuan. Otherwise, he would not have been easily suppressed by the Dragon Binding Rope just now.

At this moment, he slapped over with one palm. Thunder roared in the palm of his hand, and lightning flashed and thunder roared. A terrifying thunder force burst out, and the destructive force swept in all directions.

Xuanyuan's face changed slightly, and he went up with Xuanyuan Sword in hand.


The two sides collided, and Xuanyuan screamed and retreated more than ten meters. At the same time, Xuanyuan's tiger mouth broke, bleeding, and he almost couldn't hold Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

Xuanyuan's face became paler and paler, and he trembled all over. Obviously, his injury was more serious.

Emperor Donghua flipped his hand and grabbed Xuanyuan again.

"Donghua, don't go too far." Xuanyuan shouted and slashed with a sword.

"Looking for death!" Emperor Donghua was furious and slapped him.


The two of them fought again. Suddenly, the Xuanyuan Sword in Xuanyuan's hand trembled violently. Then, Xuanyuan couldn't help but scream. He felt sore all over and his arm was about to break.

"Damn it!" Xuanyuan was very angry.

At this moment, he had understood. He was not the opponent of Emperor Donghua. Moreover, even his magic weapon Xuanyuan Sword was about to be lost.

Emperor Donghua was too strong, much stronger than Emperor Jun at the beginning.

"Whatever means you have, just use it. However, you are destined to not escape my Five Finger Mountain." Emperor Donghua laughed loudly, with unparalleled arrogance.

Xuanyuan gritted his teeth and was about to use other means to resist desperately. Suddenly, a "whoosh" sound was heard. Then, Emperor Donghua groaned, and the whole person flew backwards as if struck by lightning.


He fell to the ground fiercely, his face pale, and his whole body trembling.

"How is this possible?" Emperor Donghua stared at the distance in amazement. In the distance, a man in a green shirt slowly walked over. The man in the green shirt had a gentle smile on his face, his hands behind his back, and he looked like a hermit. However, he kicked Emperor Donghua and made him spit blood.

He kicked Emperor Donghua and flew him out, and stepped on him.

Who is this person? How dare he be so rampant? He actually stepped on the dignified Emperor Donghua?

"You..." Emperor Donghua's face was extremely green. He is Emperor Donghua! In this small piece of land, except for Emperor Jun, he is the absolute overlord. Who dares to disobey him? However, the man in green in front of him actually stepped on him. This is simply a great shame.

"I am Emperor Donghua, who are you? Why do you interfere in our affairs? Let me go!" Emperor Donghua roared.

However, the man in green just glanced at him indifferently, ignored him, and just turned his head to look into the distance.

Seeing this, Emperor Donghua couldn't help but be stunned, and looked in the direction of the man in green with some doubts.

In the distance, thousands of miles away, there is a towering mountain. At this moment, a golden light is rising from that towering mountain. This light is rising into the sky and straight into the clouds.

"What happened there? Is there any treasure over there?" Emperor Donghua thought to himself.

At this time, Xuanyuan also looked at the place where the man in green was looking, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Could it be..."


Emperor Donghua thought, took a step, and disappeared in an instant.

"Donghua, you dare?" Xuanyuan was furious. However, Emperor Donghua had already left. At this moment, although Xuanyuan wanted to catch up, he was powerless and could only let Emperor Donghua leave.

"What on earth is that? It can actually trigger the power of the laws of this world?" The man in green had a calm face, but deep in his heart, a huge wave was set off. He had never encountered such a strange thing, so he was interested.

He planned to go and see!

So, he also flew into the distance.

This man in green was not someone else, but Qin Shihuang who had returned from the battle in the heavens.

At this moment, Emperor Jun, Emperor Donghua, Xuanyuan, and Qin Shihuang also started fighting, and a shocking melee broke out!


The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon lost their light!

Emperor Jun, Emperor Donghua, Xuanyuan, and Qin Shihuang all burst out with shocking murderous intent.

"Emperor Donghua! You, a piece of trash, dare to challenge me!" Xuanyuan was furious.

"I am a piece of trash, how can you be any better? Didn't you also get suppressed by me? You don't accept it? If you don't accept it, let's fight for another hundred years!" Emperor Donghua sneered.

"How dare you!" Xuanyuan was furious.

"In that case, I will fulfill your wish!"

While speaking, Di Jun stretched out his big hand to grab Qin Shihuang.

At the same time, Emperor Donghua also stretched out his big hand to meet him.

Bang! Bang!

The void continued to break, and the big hands of the two people kept bombarding each other. Every attack would cause a loud noise. And along with the loud noise caused by the confrontation between the two. The big formation here also shook violently.

"Emperor Donghua! Do you really want to die?" Xuanyuan was furious. At this moment, the power in his body was surging, running wildly, trying his best to resist Di Jun's attack.

"It's not that easy to kill me." Emperor Donghua laughed loudly, waved his big hand, and pieces of magical weapons flew out. The overwhelming bombardment attacked Xuanyuan and Qin Shihuang.

"A mere trick to trap us? It's just wishful thinking." Qin Shihuang sneered again and again. He knew that Emperor Donghua's intention was nothing more than to delay time and wait for reinforcements. However, is Xuanyuan easy to get along with?


Xuanyuan shook his right fist fiercely and punched out fiercely. At the same time, with a flick of his left hand, he took out the Xuanyuan Sword and slashed at the magical weapons that were strangled around him.

boom! boom! boom……

Xuanyuan holds the Xuanyuan Sword, which is extremely powerful. Every time the sword was struck, a divine weapon was thrown away.

When Emperor Donghua saw this, a sneer appeared on his face. But soon, the sneer on his face froze. Because he found that Xuanyuan Sword was too powerful. Even the various divine weapons he had practiced for tens of thousands of years could not do anything to the Xuanyuan Sword. In the end, he could only be sent flying by Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan's attack power is too strong. Especially the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand has terrifying power that can destroy the world.

"What is the origin of your divine sword?" Emperor Donghua looked at Xuanyuan with a gloomy expression. What if this magic weapon belongs to him? I'm afraid his combat power will increase several times, right?

However, even though this magic weapon did not belong to him, it still made him jealous.

"This Human Emperor Sword!" Xuanyuan said with a cold expression.

The Human Emperor Sword! The Xuanyuan Sword once used by the legendary Xuanyuan Huangdi!

Hearing this, Emperor Donghua's expression suddenly became uncertain.

"It is really this Human Emperor Sword! This is a supreme level magic weapon! There are even rumors that the Human Emperor Sword is a holy weapon! If that is true, it would be awesome. Even the innate spiritual treasure capital It may not be comparable to it!”

"This divine weapon must be captured, otherwise, this divine weapon will definitely fall into the hands of others." Emperor Donghua looked at Xuanyuan Sword, his eyes flashing with greed.

The Human Emperor Sword!

Even the Emperor Donghua is still very excited. After all, the value of this sword is too great. If he could control this divine sword, his strength would skyrocket several times!

However, Xuanyuan Sword is really terrifying. Even if he gives everything he has, he may not be a match for Xuanyuan Sword. If not, he would have rushed forward to snatch the Human Emperor Sword.

"Xuanyuan, your end has come! Today, I will send you on your way." Emperor Donghua came through the air, his figure flashing, and he rushed towards Xuanyuan very quickly.

On the other side, Qin Shi Huang and Di Jun fought. The battle between the two was earth-shattering and huge. Every move carries an incomparable terrifying aura. The entire sky was torn apart.

"Xuanyuan, suffer death!" Emperor Donghua shouted. Then he slapped him with his big hands. He slapped Xuanyuan with one palm after another.

"Humph, Emperor Jun, do you really think I can't do anything to you?" Qin Shihuang sneered. Immediately, his figure flickered and turned into a black mist. Immediately, black fog rolled in the sky, covering half of the sky. But he took the opportunity to enter the void and disappeared.

Emperor Donghua was shocked. Just when he was about to follow him, suddenly, a bolt of thunder exploded out of the air, and a bright sword light traveled across the void and struck directly at Emperor Donghua.

"court death!"

Emperor Donghua shouted violently and slapped him hard. At the same time, he used secret techniques to travel through the void, trying to escape.

"Are you able to leave?" Qin Shihuang's cold voice came.


A wisp of blood sprayed into the sky, and an arm dropped high.


Emperor Donghua fell to the ground.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh...

A fierce murderous intent came over. At the same time, divine arrows roared from all directions. They blocked Emperor Donghua from all directions and wanted to kill him.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The divine arrows hit Emperor Donghua, and blood immediately spattered out. Every defensive magic weapon exploded into pieces, unable to stop these terrifying divine arrow attacks.

In just an instant, Emperor Donghua was covered in blood and in a miserable state.

At this moment, Emperor Donghua's physical body was severely damaged and his combat power was greatly reduced.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh...

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared in the void. As soon as these three people appeared, they released extremely terrifying pressure. The suppressed space trembled violently, as if it couldn't bear it anymore and was about to collapse.

"Is it you?" Seeing this, Emperor Donghua's face changed slightly, and then his face turned ferocious: "You actually teamed up to deal with me?"

"What do you think?" One of the middle-aged men said calmly.

"You bastards, you actually ganged up to bully me?" Emperor Donghua cursed loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense and kill him." An old man in white said coldly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Immediately, the three of them jumped into the air and strangled Emperor Donghua directly.

"You three bastards!" Emperor Donghua was furious.

"Yes, you are right, we are bastards! Today, even if you have nine lives, you will never leave here alive." The old man in white sneered, strode forward, and punched the void.


Emperor Donghua was furious and took action again. Fighting with the old man in white.

Di Jun, on the other hand, watched the battle situation indifferently. Once Emperor Donghua was in any danger, he would immediately rescue him, even if it cost his own life.

"Emperor Jun, you dare to try!" At this moment, Qin Shihuang sneered, rushed over fiercely, and punched Emperor Jun fiercely.

"Since you are looking for death! Then I will satisfy you!" Emperor Jun sneered. He knew that in the current situation, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to kill Emperor Xuanyuan. But if he wanted to kill Qin Shihuang at the cost of his own death. With the latter's strength, it would definitely be difficult to compete. By then, even if Qin Shihuang could survive by chance. His cultivation would be greatly damaged, and he would no longer be qualified to be emperor. Therefore, Emperor Jun did not make a move.

But Qin Shihuang wanted to die on his own initiative, so how could he not fulfill his wish?


Between the sparks of electric stone, Qin Shihuang had already punched the void and hit Emperor Jun fiercely. Suddenly, Emperor Jun groaned, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he even retreated several steps before he stood firm.

"Haha, Qin Shi Huang, is this all your strength?" Di Jun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed wildly.

Qin Shi Huang sneered: "It is still unknown who will win or lose. Although you are strong, you are not my opponent after all. Don't you like being a widower? I will be a widower today."

While speaking, Qin Shi Huang's body suddenly swelled up, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant of a hundred feet.

The giant's skin was bronze, as if it was cast from copper liquid. It exuded a golden luster. At the same time, he was filled with a monstrous and fierce aura.

Cruelty, violence, evil and other auras escaped from the giant, filling the void. Looking from a distance, it was like a demon god descending to the world, shocking the heavens and the worlds.

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