Qin Shi Huang originally wanted to train his army in the myriad worlds, but he found that he had never encountered a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the myriad worlds.

In other words, his existence was not a good thing for the generals of the Qin Empire.

Moreover, he was attacked by a guy.

Until now, he has not found out who made the attack.

This means that the guy is either much stronger than him, or that the guy is doing his best to attack!

In addition, there is no more reason to prove it!

In order to make the Qin soldiers stronger, and to help the human race in advance.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang came to the prehistoric world in advance and went straight to the South Gate of Buzhou Mountain!

After arriving at Buzhou Mountain, he saw Di Jun and Donghua Emperor bullying Emperor Xuanyuan together. How could Qin Shi Huang bear it?

Immediately, he rescued them.

Emperor Donghua was the one who condensed the soul that should have dissipated between heaven and earth by Emperor Jun, and made it into an avatar with an independent personality!

After doing this, Emperor Jun did not tell anyone.

And he had always kept it as a trump card.

Until now, this trump card has been made public.

And the three figures that appeared now are not others, but the incarnations of the three days of resentment.

Because the three days gathered together, the three days of resentment also completely broke through the seal and came to this timeline to help them fight.

Therefore, when everyone temporarily stopped fighting.

Xuanyuan finally had time to look at Ying Zheng on the side.

Ying Zheng also looked at the emperor at this time.

Buzz! ! !

The luck of the human race suddenly collided with each other!

There cannot be two suns in the sky, and there cannot be two masters!

At this time, the human race really has two masters!

Not only Emperor Xuanyuan, but also Emperor Ying Zheng of the Mortal Realm!

Although Ying Zheng's status is not as high as Emperor Xuanyuan's, his power at this time is not much worse than Xuanyuan's!

When he saw Ying Zheng, Xuanyuan smiled and his eyes showed a sense of relief.

This is the person he wants to wait for!

This is also the person he wants to create to unify the prehistoric world!

Originally thought it was just his trump card, but he didn't expect it to be nurtured so early!

Originally, he left a fire for the human race, but he didn't expect that their war was not over yet, and this extremely weak fire had grown into a towering fire, which was already a blazing flame that could burn the heavens!

This kind of surprise was no longer something he could simply say in a few words.

"You are very good, very good..."

In the end, it just turned into this sentence.

After hearing this, Ying Zheng was obviously very happy. He looked at Xuanyuan in front of him with admiration, bowed his head slightly, and said: "Human Emperor."

This sentence acknowledged Xuanyuan's legitimacy.

Although there were not many words, they were enough.

That is to say, in Ying Zheng's heart, Xuanyuan was the well-deserved Human Emperor!

Since Xuanyuan was the well-deserved Human Emperor, then Ying Zheng was naturally inferior to Xuanyuan.

And the luck that wanted to split and collide in the sky calmed down at this time and merged together again, not wanting to split like before.

This is why Ying Zheng said this.

It is to avoid the split of the luck of the human race.

If the luck of the human race is split, then the human race will fall apart in an instant!

No matter how much luck Ying Zheng can occupy, it is always more than what he occupied before!

In this way, the luck of the prehistoric human race will be occupied. If the luck of the prehistoric human race is reduced, the mentality of the human race fighting bloody on the front line may collapse even more.

By that time, there may not be much time before the complete collapse.

Therefore, Ying Zheng chose to bow to the emperor without hesitation.

Of course, bowing is bowing, but this does not mean that he will always submit to the emperor.

He was born to be an emperor, born to be an emperor.

And the emperor also means a stronger existence than the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors!

The prehistoric human race only experienced the Three Emperors, but the human race in the mortal world also experienced the existence of the Five Emperors.

Therefore, there is the so-called Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

"Hey, you two, is that enough?"

Emperor Jun couldn't help but say to the two of them at this time.

These two guys are so sympathetic to each other as if there is no one else in the world.

You know, this is their battlefield now! ! !

On the battlefield, you should go all out! ! !

Immediately, Di Jun could no longer bear it, and his body turned into the sun, and endless flames appeared!

"Fight first, talk later!"

Ying Zheng said with a domineering look in his eyes.


Xuanyuan nodded, and laughed at Emperor Donghua!


In the underworld.

"Now, what should be calculated?" The reincarnation god and demon said lightly.

At the beginning, the two people bet on the victory or defeat between Xuanyuan and Di Jun.

Now, although there are obvious advantages and disadvantages between Xuanyuan and Di Jun, there is no winner after all!

They were betting on the outcome. Since there was no winner, how could it be considered a win or loss?

And now, they couldn't continue even if they wanted to.

Because from the beginning of one-on-one, it has now risen to two-on-two. If you add the three days of resentment, it will be five-on-two...

Of course, it can't be counted like this. After all, when Emperor Jun called out Emperor Donghua, it was also one-on-one.

After all, Emperor Donghua was a puppet-like existence controlled by Emperor Jun, so it should naturally be counted as part of Emperor Jun's strength.

And by the same token, the three days of resentment naturally belonged to the three days.

In other words, these three old men cannot be counted as human beings.

In addition, the strength of these three old men and Emperor Donghua is completely incomparable. It is good enough that these three old men can become stronger because of the powerful strength of the three days of reincarnation.

Even so, it is enough to be able to compete for a short period of time.

Not to mention really fighting with Emperor Jun or Emperor Donghua.

"How about we call it a draw?"

The Demon God and Demon didn't know how to settle the bet, so he sighed and said this.

After all, the bet between the two of them couldn't go on any longer.

So we had to call it a draw and stop calculating.

Otherwise, it would be a hassle, and He was too lazy to argue.

"No, since the bet has started, how can it be easily cancelled?"

When the God and Demon of Reincarnation heard that the bet was going to be cancelled, his eyes widened and he quickly refused.

He would rather lose than cancel it!

This is a matter of principle, and He didn't want to agree to it!

So, He refused directly.

"Oh? Then what do you say?"

The Demon God and Demon became interested and asked.

This guy, even after all this, still refused to call it a draw?

I don't have to count it as my win, it's just a draw, but this guy still wants to decide the winner...

"In my opinion, let's just divide it according to the race!"

The God of Reincarnation said coldly.

What he meant was to count it according to the victory or defeat of the human race and the heavenly court!

If the human race wins, then the God of Demon has won!

If the heavenly court wins, then the God of Reincarnation has won!

So, it's not impossible to divide it according to this!

So, when the God of Reincarnation said this, the God of Demon pondered for a moment, and smiled and said: "If you put it that way, it's not impossible!"

After all, in this case, he can't be considered a loss.

In fact, it can be said that he has made a profit.

Because at this point, the probability of the human race winning is a little higher.

Because Qin Shi Huang has already appeared on the battlefield, if Qin Shi Huang is stronger, he can join forces with Xuanyuan to defeat Di Jun and Emperor Donghua!

In that case, the human race will be sure to win, and it is a sure win!

In this case, no matter how powerful Di Jun and Emperor Donghua are, they can't escape the fate of defeat!

"Humph! Since you agreed, then say so!"

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation said coldly.

"You know, this doesn't necessarily mean you will win!"

Looking at the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation, a smile appeared on the face of the God and Demon of the Demon.

"Reincarnation, what you said, how can I not know this? But I have always believed that the human race will win!"

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation looked at the God and Demon of the Demon in front of him with some solemnity.

For some reason, after seeing the power of Qin Shi Huang, he always felt that Qin Shi Huang seemed to be more terrifying than other people!

This feeling of terror cannot be described in words at all.

It can only be said to be an instinctive reaction!

For example, now, the gods and demons of reincarnation have an inexplicable sense of crisis!

But the gods and demons of reincarnation can't find out where this sense of crisis comes from!

This is the result of living too long and practicing for too long. In such a long time, he has already developed a sense of vigilance!

Qin Shihuang is a person he has never seen before, and he will not see him in the future. This kind of person is different from the tolerance and illumination of Di Jun, and is also different from the sharpness of Xuanyuan.

This is an extremely complex person, and also a person full of great charm.

Perhaps, the combat power in the mortal world is far less than the tip of the iceberg of the prehistoric world.

However, the hidden conspiracy of the human race in the mortal world is incomparable to the prehistoric world.

This is the difference between the two worlds.

When the combat power can sweep everything, no one will care too much about the strategy, but choose to break through the realm.

When the combat power cannot sweep everything, there will be countless smart people going further and further in the strategy, and various strategies will emerge in an endless stream, because they can only achieve the final victory through this.

Therefore, when facing Qin Shihuang, the gods and demons of the reincarnation world will have a strong sense of crisis!

Because Qin Shihuang is too strong, so strong that he can't see through him!

It can even be said that Qin Shihuang doesn't look like a mortal at all, but like an ancient god!

At this moment, the gods and demons of the reincarnation world have an impulse.

They want to kill Qin Shihuang here.

Because this kind of enemy is really too oppressive.

It may even affect the entire prehistoric world, and even the entire chaos!

"No matter what, I have to try it!"

The God of Reincarnation said firmly in his heart.

Then, the look in his eyes changed and returned to the same look as before.

"Haha, in this case, I will also take action!"

The God of Demon said lightly.

He was also very unhappy to see this ending!

Not only that, he even hoped that the God of Reincarnation would fail, so that he would have the advantage!

This is his only chance of survival!


Then, the God of Reincarnation made a gesture of invitation, indicating that the other party should come first!

"Okay! Then you take my punch!"

The God of Demon said, and punched instantly!


A huge explosion sounded.

The battle between the God of Demon and the God of Reincarnation was also started again!

And this time, the two fought fiercely.

When facing the attack of the God of Demon, the God of Reincarnation still had the strength to counterattack the God of Demon.

Whether it was the God and Demon of Reincarnation or the God and Demon of Demon, they all understood that the other party was not simple.

Although the strength of the God and Demon of Demon was not inferior to that of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

However, the fighting skills of the God and Demon of Reincarnation were much more advanced than those of the God and Demon of Demon.

Under such circumstances, the God and Demon of Demon were naturally somewhat suppressed.

Of course, the God and Demon of Reincarnation did not get any advantage, but fell into a disadvantage.

"Damn demon!"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

It swore that if it was not afraid of the existence of the God and Demon of Demon, it would have used all its strength to defeat the God and Demon of Demon.

But now, it did not dare to do so.

Once it exerted its full strength, if it hurt its own body, it would be finished.

"Haha, if this goes on, you will definitely lose, Reincarnation!"

The eyes of the God and Demon of Demon looked at the God and Demon of Reincarnation with a teasing look, as if mocking the powerlessness of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

This made the God and Demon of Reincarnation extremely angry!

It knew that if it continued to delay, it would definitely lose!

"Demon God, you forced me to do this, I'm going to fight!"

The God of Reincarnation shouted, and the power of his whole body suddenly increased several times!

The originally suppressed aura also erupted violently at this time, shattering the surrounding space.

Then, the eyes of the God of Reincarnation burst into a blazing golden light, and the whole person was like a golden sculpture!

Obviously, this was due to the use of some secret technique!

However, the eyes of the God of Demon also burst out with brilliant black light, as if they had turned into two black holes!


The next moment, the two collided with each other, making a loud noise that shook the earth, destroying everything around!

As this scene happened, the creatures watching the battle were horrified one by one!

This kind of fluctuation was too strong. Even if they were far away, they were terrified, as if they could fall at any time!


The God of Reincarnation spat out blood and flew backwards.

And the corners of the mouth of the God of Demons also flowed with black blood!


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