Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 489: The Emperor and the Queen of Heaven Die

Emperor Jun's defeat was not due to his combat power.

But luck.

The five-clawed golden dragon is actually the embodiment of luck.

In terms of luck, he was completely defeated in this battle.

Totally no match for Ying Zheng.

However, in this world, it is not only luck that determines everything, but also more issues related to strength.

Therefore, when Di Jun lost, he did not give up completely.

Instead, he turned to attack Ying Zheng.

Buzz! ! !

"go to hell!!!"

Boom! ! !

The boundless flames followed and turned into rolling rhyme, manifesting into the world!

"I shall destroy everything on my own!"

Ying Zheng is holding the Astronomical Sword, and his whole body is now wrapped in incomparable luck!

That piece of luck turned into a five-clawed golden dragon!

When the five-clawed golden dragon appeared, his luck suddenly increased greatly!

At this time, the aura on Ying Zheng's body suddenly expanded in an instant!

What Ying Zheng built is the ancient and unparalleled emperor's road!

This is a national destiny road!

The more powerful the creatures in the country under your jurisdiction are, the more prosperous the country will be!

At this time, Ying Zheng will become stronger!

This is an unprecedented road, and it is also a road that has almost no successors.

Perhaps, in the future, someone will learn from him and take the road of emperor.

But after all, no one can be as great as him!

Because he is the First Emperor!

He is the emperor of the ages!

Even one emperor for eternity!

There has never been such a powerful emperor before!

In the future, there will never be such a powerful emperor!

The Emperor's Avenue is an avenue that is very similar to the King's Avenue and the Hegemon's Avenue.

However, they are not completely equivalent to these two avenues.

In other words, it is like the high-level avenue where the two avenues of the Emperor's Avenue and the Emperor's Avenue come together!

Among the three thousand avenues, there is no Emperor's Avenue, but there are the Emperor's Avenue and the Emperor's Avenue.

At this time, the Emperor's Avenue is the Emperor's Avenue and the superior of the Emperor's Avenue!

Although it is just an acquired avenue, it is actually an existence above the innate avenue!

This is the greatness of Qin Shihuang, who vividly created an existence that transcended the avenue of the emperor and the avenue of the emperor.

Although these four avenues of emperor, emperor, king, and hegemon seem to be very similar, they are actually different.

It seems that they are all superiors who control the living beings.

But in fact, the emperor is the highest level existence. He uses the method of doing nothing and governing with knots. There is no system and no punishment. People say "faith" and the people do not violate what he says. In the simplest and most easy way, people Connect with the spirit of heaven and earth.

As the saying goes, the emperor is wise.

The emperor does not need to rely on any powerful means to rule the world, nor does he need any severe torture methods. He only needs to rely on everything to follow the trend, which is enough.

In other words, all emperors are respected by those people.

What the hell! What the hell! As the four seasons move, all things come into being.

This is the best state of everything. All things are born according to nature, people grow according to nature, and people enjoy the feast of heaven in peace, serenity, and without desires.

The title of emperor is second only to the emperor.

The realm it has reached and the basis for managing the people are morality, taking the people as its sons, distinguishing people from all things, and not as lofty and vast as the emperor.

That is to convince people with virtue.

The emperor no longer governed by doing nothing like the emperor, but began to use some systems to rule the world.

Of course, the system at this time is just to better govern the world.

If the emperor is Tao, then the emperor is virtue.

As the saying goes, virtue comes after losing the Tao. The so-called losing the Tao means losing the way of heaven and adopting the new way of the saint.

This state is the best state after losing the way of heaven.

This Emperor's Avenue is actually much weaker than the Emperor's Avenue, and its realm pattern has been greatly weakened.

The human race was born in accordance with the way of heaven, so this change of throne is also in line with the way of heaven.

The first one was the Human Emperor, and after the Three Emperors, there were the Five Emperors.

And when the five emperors disappeared, it was the human king.

The emperors of Xia, Shang and Zhou all held the position of human king.

The king is also called the emperor.

At this time, the realm is no longer small.

The king is three horizontal and one vertical.

The three horizontal ones are heaven, earth, and humans.

And the one who understands it is the king.

In other words, the three horizontal lines in the character "王" represent the Way of Heaven, the Way of Earth, and the Way of Humanity respectively, and the vertical line in the middle represents the connection between the three. As a king, one must have a grasp of the laws of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.

Only in this way can we rule the world!

These are the differences.

Tyrant is even worse.

After all, the king can rule the world, although it requires the help of many factors.

But it’s stronger than Tyrant!

What is a tyrant?

A tyrant is actually a person who cannot rule the world. He pretends to be a king but actually dominates the world!

Relying on one's own strength to forcibly control all living beings, this is the overlord!

Of course, although the Avenue of Hegemony is the most crotch-stretching among the four avenues, it is also far superior to many avenues.

Today, Ying Zheng combined the Emperor's Avenue and the Emperor's Avenue to form the Emperor's Avenue.

This time, it far surpassed the so-called Emperor's Avenue and Emperor's Avenue.

And now, Emperor's Avenue is already the most powerful avenue to rule all living beings.

This Emperor's Avenue actually relies on national destiny. If the national destiny is strong, the emperor is strong, and if the national destiny is weak, the emperor is weak.

And the current Great Qin is the only one.

The Great Qin Iron Cavalry swept across the heavens, and everything in the heavens was subservient to the feet of the Great Qin.

In other words, the national destiny of the Great Qin is now extremely prosperous.

Hula la! ! !

Behind him, Ying Zheng's destiny was blessed, and the Emperor's Avenue emerged.

The five-clawed golden dragon that originally represented destiny turned into a black nine-clawed black dragon in an instant! ! !

When this nine-clawed black dragon appeared.

Suddenly, the evil spirit rose violently.

Endless evil spirit rolled in!

Nine claws are the image of the human emperor! ! !

A touch of scarlet appeared directly behind Di Jun.

Buzz! ! !

Ying Zheng waved his hand, boom! ! !

Evil spirit surged, blackening the sky at any moment!

It seemed as if everything would be wiped out, yin and yang would be reversed, and the world would also wail! !

"The peak of Hunyuan?!"

An incredible look flashed across Di Jun's face.

But soon, a look of shock and anger appeared on his face.

"The human race is stubborn!"

"Today, I will kill the traitors, quell the rebellion, and restore the bright world!!!"

Di Jun roared, and infinite imperial light appeared around him.

The shadow of the Great Sun Golden Crow emerged behind him.

Then, a thought of the Great Sun fell directly into his body.

In an instant.

Endless and majestic Dao rhyme illuminated the heavens, running from his body.

"The palm of life and death!!!"

Di Jun roared, and then his hands suddenly fell towards Ying Zheng.

In an instant, countless worlds were born and annihilated again from his palms...

It was at this time when countless worlds were destroyed and born that infinite power erupted.

He wanted to suppress Ying Zheng.

Boom! ! !

With the blessing of the three-legged golden crow and the sun, Di Jun's strength at this time has reached the peak limit.

Under this magical power, countless lives were destroyed along with those worlds.

Roar! ! !

The black dragon roared, and the Emperor's Avenue surged out!

The figure of Qin Shihuang was reflected on the long river of time, suppressing everything.

When he waved his hand, the two terrifying avenues entangled together.

Even the space was shattered.

"The trapped beast still fights!!!" Di Jun roared, and at this moment, the shadow of the three-legged golden crow became more solid.

It fell directly behind him.

At this moment, Di Jun's breath expanded again.

His aura became more majestic and vast, as if it was the root of everything in the heavens.

"My heart is the heart of heaven, and my thoughts are the thoughts of heaven!"

Emperor Jun said softly, with a flash of charm in his eyes.

The next moment.

A world appeared behind him, pushing infinite thoughts.

That was the world he created...

In that world, a strong man who had entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was about to be born!

With the blessing of this power, Emperor Jun gradually became stronger.

The next moment.

A majestic figure appeared in the time and space.

That majestic existence spoke softly: "The emperor destroys all living beings."

The palm of the Eternal Emperor slowly opened, turning into billions of supreme pressures.

Falling from the depths of time.

Coming across infinite time and space.

In an instant.

Bang! ! !

Countless human beings turned into a ball of blood mist and drifted away.

It seemed that from the depths of the soul, they were crushed to death by the pressure.

Ying Zheng's face suddenly changed.

The black dragon circled behind him, and the Dao fruit representing the emperor's avenue slowly appeared.

"The crime of slaughtering the human race should be punished!!!"

The voice was majestic and towering, and it was the words that appeared in the terrifying Dao fruit.

The emperor's authority.

It is built on infinite sentient beings.

If sentient beings are strong, I will be strong.

If sentient beings are destroyed, I will be destroyed.

At this moment.

The emperor was angry, and the sky changed color!

The emperor's authority, a word is the word of heaven!


A terrifying power erupted in an instant.

It was like some kind of established rule was presented.


The terrifying figure of Emperor Jun, the emperor of heaven, actually began to collapse and dissipate slowly.

Ying Zheng's words were like destiny!

Words come true!!!

The golden blood of the emperor of heaven fell on the heavens!

That majestic figure fell quietly...

"Your Majesty!!!"

The Queen of Heaven Xihe looked at this scene and shouted in shock and anger.

But just as she said it, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly appeared and broke out.


Behind her.

A terrifying scarlet Dao rhyme appeared.

The extremely tyrannical Dao rhyme turned into a strange and powerful aura.

Wherever the aura passed, even the pure and unselfish gods and Buddhas could not help but have many desires and distracting thoughts in their hearts.

It was like the God of Death with tyranny.

The Great Way of Slaughter was accompanied by the Great Way of Death, which was extremely rampant, triggering the tyranny in the hearts of countless creatures.

The God of Killing Bai Qi, with the Great Way of Slaughter as the guide, condensed the heart of the God of Killing, his whole body was scarlet and tyrannical, but there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.

Xihe looked terrified.

She is the Queen of Heaven, the mother of the world, saving all living beings, with great compassion.

But at this time, she actually met such a terrifying person!

What kind of existence is this?

He actually has such a pair of extremely fierce eyes! ! !

At this moment, on Mount Buzhou.

The black dragon hangs in the sky, and the emperor is oppressive.

Death is present, and the killing god is tyrannical.

Terrifying thoughts are constantly jumping.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, in the eyes of all living beings, these two people are just standing there motionless.


In the depths of time, in a realm that the weak cannot reach.

Countless forces are constantly colliding, and countless forces are born every moment, and countless forces annihilate each other.

Under these collisions, Xihe's breath is getting weaker and weaker, and Xihe's power is getting weaker and weaker.

But the power of the killing aura is filling the whole world.


Ying Zheng's black dragon robe moves in the wind, and the aura of the endless emperor's avenue surges.

A breath that dominates everything appears.

In the endless star field.

The Death God and Demon suddenly looked condensed, and he found that Di Jun's breath had disappeared.

Immediately, he looked down.


The Star Patriarch, who was still fighting with him, frowned when he saw this. Suddenly, he understood something and his face suddenly changed.

"How is this possible?!"

"How could he lose?!"

"He will never lose!!"

The Star Patriarch said with horror.

In this world, anyone can lose, but he thinks that the one who is least likely to lose in the prehistoric world is Di Jun!

Di Jun is so majestic, how could he lose here?

In fact, Ying Zheng did not really defeat Di Jun in a one-on-one battle.

But he defeated Di Jun together with Xuanyuan.

Although Emperor Donghua has another personality, he is actually a part of Di Jun.

Although it is not a part of Di Jun himself, it is also a part of Di Jun's combat power.

Moreover, even when dealing with Emperor Jun's body, Ying Zheng first weakened the opponent by using the battle of luck, and then successfully defeated Emperor Jun.

It must be said that even if Ying Zheng has a super strong luck bonus and an infinite national luck bonus, if he really fights Emperor Jun in his prime, he still can't beat him.

But now, Emperor Jun has been completely defeated.

This also announces that a new era is coming.

This is an era belonging to the human race!

This era will be ruled by the human race!

After thinking of this, the Star Ancestor no longer attacked the Death God and Demon.

He no longer had a reason to fight.

The defeat of the highest level has doomed the destruction of the Heavenly Court.

At least, there will be a major reshuffle.

And the Death God and Demon have no desire to make another move.

Because He found an excellent seedling.

That is Bai Qi!

Bai Qi, who cultivates the Way of Killing, also understands the Way of Death.

Cultivate death with killing!

This was the first time that the Death Devil saw the seed of his own avenue.

So, he was so excited that he didn't want to get entangled with the Star Ancestor anymore.



The Queen of Heaven Xihe died.

Suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this point, the Emperor of Heaven, the Queen of Heaven, and the Emperor of the East all died.

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